Any girls here that are trying to gain weight?



  • bedtime444 wrote: »
    Hi all, just wondering as the majority seem to be men trying to gain for lifting :) thanks x
  • I felt the struggle too. 5'7 and 122 lbs. even tho Ima guy. It was so hard to gain weight. But thanks to eating 3000 calories a day, and maybe with the the help of Equipoise and Test e 250(but we won't talk about those two) I'm already 133 in 2 weeks. Lol can't wait to see what week 8 brings me
  • janeybees
    janeybees Posts: 19 Member
    I'm trying to lose some body fat then gain some lean frustrating! Anyone looking for friends for support, feel free to add
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    janeybees wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose some body fat then gain some lean frustrating! Anyone looking for friends for support, feel free to add

    It's frustrating because it's not really a good way to do it.

    Pick one.
    Get stronger- lose body fat.

    Or bulk- put on actual size and some body fat.

    You won't be so frustrated if you pick a more concise goal.
  • FarajaChristina
    FarajaChristina Posts: 3 Member
  • emlou112
    emlou112 Posts: 9 Member
    Me!!! 5ft 6, 7 stone, want to be about 8.5/9 stone. Small apetite, picky eater meaning I pick/snack all day, I like pretty much everything but never a lot of anything! I'm looking for recommendations for high calorie bars or drinks.
  • RosellaAltman
    RosellaAltman Posts: 6 Member
    I'm glad to see I'm not alone as a female trying to gain weight. I'm 5'6" and I've been underweight most of my life. I was on a nutrition plan back in high school and college. I'd been maintaining between 109 and 114 for the past couple of years. Then, about a year ago, I started loosing weight. I'm down to about 100 and still dropping. It's been a stressful year and I'm exploring thyroid problems as well. It occurred to me the other day, that if I continue loosing weight or even just maintain, I won't be ready for pregnancy in two years as I was hoping. I've decided to see if I can get my weight up to a healthy 118 before my husband and I start trying for a baby.
  • I Crossfit 5-6 days a week, I used "myfitnesspal" with the help of a nutritionist. I'm 5'7 and I was under-weight at 124lbs, I've gained my 10lb goal weight. The nutritionist was great as he increased kcals and played around with my macros to fit my body needs. I was eating an average of 2900 kcals to get to my goal... And it took me 5 months to get to my goal! Now I'm maintaining my weight and eating around 2300kcals. I've never felt better and stronger than I do now
  • I'm 100 lbs trying to go to 110 I don't know how to gain weight healthily though
  • I'm on the fence. My husband and my Dr. Want me to gain at least five pounds but I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I want to do that. I'm 5'5 &116 lbs so not clinically underweight but I probably would be healthier with a little extra meat on my bones. Still old habits die hard and I would much rather gain muscle than fat and I'm really not sure how to go about that.
  • MissMary75044
    MissMary75044 Posts: 517 Member
    ampower83 wrote: »
    I Crossfit 5-6 days a week, I used "myfitnesspal" with the help of a nutritionist. I'm 5'7 and I was under-weight at 124lbs, I've gained my 10lb goal weight. The nutritionist was great as he increased kcals and played around with my macros to fit my body needs. I was eating an average of 2900 kcals to get to my goal... And it took me 5 months to get to my goal! Now I'm maintaining my weight and eating around 2300kcals. I've never felt better and stronger than I do now

    I was thinking of raising my intake to 3000 to gain. I tried 2300 and was gaining about a half pound a week, when at 2300 I should have been gaining a full pound a week.

  • acsweeney273
    acsweeney273 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I've recently decided that I want to gain some weight as well, and really what you want to do is eat foods with high nutrients, and high calories. Foods like salmon, eggs, protein - rich meats, avocados, pasta, whole wheat bread, soybeans, BROWN rice (white rice, while very common, has almost zero nutritional value), spinach salads, greek yogurt, bagels. An easy way to add a few extra calories to something is by adding cheese to it. Also you want to switch to healthy fats, shy away from the buffer every now and then and go for the coconut oil instead. You can add coconut oil to almost anything really and it's a good way to sneak in those extra fats.

    Also, an even easier way to put on a few lbs, is by switching to whole milk. It's actually really good for you.

    One of my super quick personal favorites....take a mini flour tortilla, spread peanut butter on one side & roll up a banana inside. 1 banana = 100 calories, this little snack is about 300.
    slp1024 wrote: »
    fitangel85 wrote: »
    I'm trying to gain weight and build lean muscle... I'm 5'2 and 114 lbs. Trying to gain at least 15-16 lbs by summer and tone up my core. It's a struggle. But I refuse to give up.
    Glad to see so many in the same situation as me!! Seems to be lots of help for women losing weight and less for us that are gaining! I'm underweight.. 46kg atm hoping to get to 65kg ultimately and then maintain that weight. Have struggled with my weight for 4 years and also have fibromyalgia and hypermobility syndrome so struggle with energy levels :\ increased my calories to 3000 per day and seen improvements :D any tips on what to eat? Feel free to add me as a friend :#<3
    Hi! I'm trying to gain weight, too. I'm finding it really hard though.
    Trying to gain muscle and tone up. I have always been petite and below 100lbs at 5ft and a half.

    I am trying this app out and keep track of my calories intake for next month or so. I don't run as much now ( lose too much weight ) but I have been rock climbing ( bouldering ) at my local gym about 2-3x a week. When it's nice out, I try climbing outdoors as well.

    It's nice to see there are others who want to gain weight too. Feel free to add me as a friend too! :)

  • emoonting
    emoonting Posts: 14 Member
    I am, I'm 5 ft 7 and 105 pounds at the moment, and I just feel so cold and weak all the time.
    I've been about 130 pounds before but it was from eating rubbish and doing zero exercise and I looked really 'skinnyfat' and just not good.

    I'd like to get to 120 pounds but not by eating junk or putting on just fat, if anyone has any tips I'd really appreciate them! Also anyone can add me if they like :smile:
  • mfortune89
    mfortune89 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I've recently decided that I want to gain some weight as well, and really what you want to do is eat foods with high nutrients, and high calories. Foods like salmon, eggs, protein - rich meats, avocados, pasta, whole wheat bread, soybeans, BROWN rice (white rice, while very common, has almost zero nutritional value), spinach salads, greek yogurt, bagels. An easy way to add a few extra calories to something is by adding cheese to it. Also you want to switch to healthy fats, shy away from the buffer every now and then and go for the coconut oil instead. You can add coconut oil to almost anything really and it's a good way to sneak in those extra fats.

    Also, an even easier way to put on a few lbs, is by switching to whole milk. It's actually really good for you.

    One of my super quick personal favorites....take a mini flour tortilla, spread peanut butter on one side & roll up a banana inside. 1 banana = 100 calories, this little snack is about 300.
    slp1024 wrote: »
    fitangel85 wrote: »
    I'm trying to gain weight and build lean muscle... I'm 5'2 and 114 lbs. Trying to gain at least 15-16 lbs by summer and tone up my core. It's a struggle. But I refuse to give up.
    Glad to see so many in the same situation as me!! Seems to be lots of help for women losing weight and less for us that are gaining! I'm underweight.. 46kg atm hoping to get to 65kg ultimately and then maintain that weight. Have struggled with my weight for 4 years and also have fibromyalgia and hypermobility syndrome so struggle with energy levels :\ increased my calories to 3000 per day and seen improvements :D any tips on what to eat? Feel free to add me as a friend :#<3
    Hi! I'm trying to gain weight, too. I'm finding it really hard though.
    Trying to gain muscle and tone up. I have always been petite and below 100lbs at 5ft and a half.

    I am trying this app out and keep track of my calories intake for next month or so. I don't run as much now ( lose too much weight ) but I have been rock climbing ( bouldering ) at my local gym about 2-3x a week. When it's nice out, I try climbing outdoors as well.

    It's nice to see there are others who want to gain weight too. Feel free to add me as a friend too! :)

    That was very helpful, thank you! I'm 5'6" and 113, I would like to be 125 ish or 130. I needed the food ideas because at this point I've been eating lower calorie foods or junk foods which isn't good.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member

    I am 5"6', 37y, and am trying really hard to bulk. I was 110lbs about 7m ago, now 120lbs, and it has kind of gone up and down along the way due to 'time of the months' and also panic when it shoots up, followed by mini-cut. Unfortunately I always have a big belly (and get asked 'when are you due' on a regular basis :-( ) with skinny arms & legs.

    My goal is strength, but would hope to look better too by the end of it. I lift 5x per week, and do have some cardio in there as well - to promote lean gains & also because it clears my head after a hard day. I eat 3,000kcal per day, previously I was on 2300-2600 per day. I could eat more, as I am constantly hungry anyway, but don't want to gain too fast and go into a panic cut.
  • KammiiKazzii
    KammiiKazzii Posts: 1 Member
    Im trying to gain weight!! Was really happy when I was at the gym and weighed 9 stone (5 ft 6) was really toned and had a 6pac on the go (im female) however due to stress etc just stopped eating and now weigh about 7 stone 10 and managed to go from having C cup bobs to like A/B, so I am trying to put on the weight now and when I get to 8 and a half stone I will start working out at the gym doing hardcore cardio and lifting weights again to make sure it is all toned but at the moment I am quite happy with the thought of getting a bit of 'fat' on my bones again!! Girls I totally totally recommend weight lifting, you wont bulk up like a body builder unless you work really hard at it and will in fact just look super toned and athletic! :)
  • hangglider1
    hangglider1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm also needing to gain weight. I'm about 5' & weigh 104 lbs. I have a small frame. I also want the gain to be muscle and not fat.
  • Hoshiko76
    Hoshiko76 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to gain weight, too. I'm finding it really hard though.

    Me too!
  • sdahir
    sdahir Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! Trying to gain weight from 51 kg to 65kg at 5'6. Let the gaining begin! Feel free to add me
  • julianeedsfood
    julianeedsfood Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to gain fat lol at least 10 lbs