Things that people just SHOULDN'T say!



  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    oh man, i can remember clearly two incidents when i got so angry (kept it inside, of course :tongue: ). they are both exactly the same but with different people - "are you on a diet?" why does someone assume that?

    the first was years ago, about 3. i was 16 or so and me and my friends were sitting in the school canteen. if i remember right, this was during one of my attempts to lose weight by barely eating. it failed, but anyway. we were sitting there and i wasnt having anything to eat for lunch. this girl, who i am still friends with, turned to me and said "Jade are you on a diet?". first of all, she just blurted it out loud at the table infront of everyone, and suddenly people were thinking about my weight. and second, why would she say it? just because a fat girl does not happen to be eating at any particular moment doesnt mean she is on a diet. i could have been feeling unwell. i may just have not been hungry. but no - with the fat girl, it was automatically a diet, because that is the ONLY reason i could possibly have stopped stuffing my face.

    the second was the following year i think. i was at work on a saturday afternoon. it was a cafe. at lunch i decided instead of crispy chilli chicken like i usually had, i would have a sandwich. this was not during a diet. my boss, who is a woman, asked me "Jade are you on a wee diet?" again, in the middle of work where im sure many people overheard. thanks for drawing all attention to my fat rolls. really, i appreciate it.
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    My mom once gave me a gift card for Christmas and I used it toward a ring I wanted. When I showed her she said "oh you didn't want to buy clothes with it because you got fat?" (I am a size 12 and my mom is a size 18).

    When I was doing the online dating thing a guy asked me if I was fat because I looked big in my picture. I thought I looked damn good in that pic and I was smaller than I am now!

    I started dating my boyfriend at my biggest weight so I figure it's all uphill from there and we agree on eating healthy even though we cheat once in a while.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    "you have such a pretty face"

    It's like Oh well, even though you're big and fat, at least you have an ok face

    The other thing that I never ever want to hear again is: "oh well just start exercising a little, like maybe walk around the block or park your car in the furthest spot"

    That rates right up there with "oh well if you give up soda, you'll lose 10 pounds like that"

    Um, yeah, so even when I'm not trying to lose weight I don't drink soda or juice or anything with sugar other than a single daily cup of coffee with 32 calories from sugar. I walk daily for health and I do most of my errands on foot even when I'm not making an extra effort at weight loss. I get sooooo annoyed by the assumption that I'm big and fat because I never leave my couch and drink soda all day and all I have to do is quit soda and walk around the block and I'll be thin.

    I was typing that one as you posted it...LOL

    *such a pretty face* HELLLOOO I have a body attached to the face too... grr
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    "You're boring now" when you don't want to go to get fish and chips!

    "You're mum and dad have always been big so inevitably you will always be prone to being overweight"....ruuuude!!!!

    "There'll be nothing of you. You shouldn't lose anymore" when I'm only 2lbs into a healthy bmi and only have 6lbs to go. Thanks I know you mean well but it's not that motivational!
  • BeastieGirl
    BeastieGirl Posts: 76
    Thank you so much for posting that. We all know how hard we work, wouldn't it be nice if the people around us gave us a little more encouragement, rather than a lot of backhanded compliments?

    I do think people say the things they do, because they feel bad about not making the effort themselves. I don't want to make them feel bad about that, I just want them to try and see, eventually, how rewarding it is. But, it's like most things in life, you only get out of it what you put in.

    For all those struggling with negative comments, just comtinue to believe in yourself. After all, you are the one doing all the hard work xxxxxx
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    My favorite actually happened over the weekend when a coworker tried to tell me that exercising all the time was a disease. Huhhh??? So I guess I have the exercising disease but I like it! lol.:laugh:
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    My mother in law ' ohh no you cant have that'..

    er yes I can but not the entire box of.

    My mother in law - it's not very low in cals sorry (not too bad a comment I guess)

    Thats ok I only want a small piece anyway.

    My father in law - how yer gastric-elastic band?? boing boing

    my mother in law - ^ shut up Roger! just shut up.

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I saw a lot of people at a conference recently that I hadn't seen for ages. The comments varied from:

    "Have you lost a lot of weight?" - which is fine. Straightforward and allowed me to say "yes, I've been eating better and exercising and it's paid off.


    "You're looking ........ really... um... good". Which doesn't sound bad, but knowing the person who saidit, I assumed it was code for "wow, you aren't half a fat as you used to be, are you?"


    "aren't you looking better" - better than what?? Not sure what to think about this one.

    But, basically I decided that they probably all meant to be kind so I would take it as such.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Being told I don't need to lose weight will never, ever bother me. (I've never been told that, by the way.) It would give me a sense of freedom, knowing that I don't have to do something but I can if I want. I suppose it depends on how it's phrased and the attitude behind it.

    I don't like being told to "take a day off" during a food-centric family function. What people don't understand is that a day off for me can turn into weeks off, maybe even months. I have a problem with food. A day off can lead to disastrous consequences for someone like me.

    Of course, the above situation doesn't bother me half as bad as when amateurs critique my eating. "I thought you were on a diet," this while I'm eating a plate of healthy but hearty food. Because being on a diet means only eating carrots, celery, and an apple on occasion? Sorry, kiddo, but I don't do starvation diets. Only amateurs, the kind of people who crash diet for a month, give up, then gain it all back, work in that way.

    There's a reason why I've managed to keep off 50 lbs for the last 3 years.
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    How about - "You've had five kids.. What do you expect to look like?"

  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    On the flip side - who gives you the most support and encouragment? Who is it that says the nicest things?

    For me its the hubby and my eldest boy.

    Dean who is nearly 13 said the other week - wow mum I can really see your belly has shrunk! it used to be to here (meaures out with his hands) but its only to here now!! wow!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Well, I've had comments from both sides. None of which I've liked:

    'Good thing that dress is made of elastic fabric so you can keep on wearing it no matter how big you get'

    'Don't throw out the fat pants just yet. You never know'

    'You don't need to lose weight. You're so CUTE'

    'I love you just as you are' (and then get divorced having my weight one of his issues with me in the proceedings)

    A: 'How much weight have you lost so far?' B: 'About three kilos' A: 'Oh... have you considered trying Atkins?'

    I could go on and on and on. But you know what, I just don't take much notice anymore. It all slides right off and I must say that I have all my friends here on MFP who have really made the whole weigh loss thing a non-nightmare.:flowerforyou:
  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I've got a couple. My brother said, "Do you know you've put on weight this spring?"

    and, my mother said, "You're not fat. Look at your cousins."

    I also had a woman in a checkout line ask me when my child's sibling was due. I told her I wasn't pregnant, I was just fat. You've never seen anyone turn around more quickly. But, I'm hoping my comment saved another person the same comment.
  • mdgracia
    mdgracia Posts: 20
    "That diet (exercise, food or supplement) will kill you." So will the extra 100 pounds. Thanks for the thread. I too will be more careful of what I say. And for those people who are constantly discouraging me by these words....don't worry when I stop calling. I will send you a picture when I meet my goal.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I casually mentioned to my boss that I was training to run a marathon and he actually told me I wasn't in good enough shape to run a marathon. This was 10 weeks into my training with 6 weeks left to go. Of course with that marathon now completed and me being about 15 lbs lighter than I was then, my boss is singing a different tune!
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    For me these comments fall into to categories - genuinely supportive, like when my man says "I think you look sexy as you are" .or when my family asks "Can you eat that?" because they want to make sure that they make food I can enjoy guilt free.

    But the same comments from other people I would file under "Unsoliciated Advice." Because I know that when the girl I work with says "You don't need to lose weight," it's because she wants me to stay fatter than her. I know this because she's thinner than I am, but always complaining about her fat, going on diets, taking various supplements, etc. Same with people who want feel that, just because they're thinner than me, they're fitness experts and start lecturing me on the various things I should do (Go on the latest fad diet! Drink only lemon water! Stop drinking so much soda! What do you mean you don't drink soda? Don't try to lie to me, I mean, look at you!)

    With the first category, guininely supportive, I always thank them, and try to answer any questions they have with the best information I've got on hand. If they make suggestions I listen, even if I don't agree, because I know it's coming from a desire to help me.

    With the "unsolicited advice" group, I go with what Miss Manners once suggested to one of her readers, I just say "So kind of you to take an interest," in a polite but cold tone of voice. After a couple of repetitions they usually figure out to mind their own business.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    Oh, and "Your Goal Weight is very low". Yes, that's because I'm practically a midget and have small bones.

    This for me!
  • sadielane
    sadielane Posts: 83 Member
    A "friend" once told me "you're not THAT fat"!!! Really, is that supposed to make me feel better?!?!

    I've gotten the "are you pregnant" several times :frown: