What was the last straw?



  • LessofPenny
    LessofPenny Posts: 53 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Blood sugar and cholesterol spiraling out of control. It was no longer simply a matter of aesthetics.
    same for me....

  • ryokinai
    ryokinai Posts: 15 Member
    Well let's see...

    - Seeing that my metabolic age was 90 years old (I'm 26) and by the way, 90 was the cap, I could have been over 100 for all I know.
    - Learning about excitotoxins and realizing that I was basically eating drugs all throughout my childhood and teen years because these creepers are in about every packaged food item on every shelf in most stores. (homemade meals FTW)
    - Couldn't fit into my fat clothes and most of my rings wouldn't fit on my fingers.

    I went onto Nutrimost and I've lost nearly 26 pounds now. Clothes I haven't been able to wear in a couple years I can wear again... but now most of my rings are sliding off my fingers. (>.<)
  • PercieCat
    PercieCat Posts: 4 Member
    When I stopped taking showers and washing my hair because I felt so fat and ugly.
  • GottaJustKeepItMoving
    Tried so many times at losing weight, been up and down more than a hyper yo-yo...but just now, when I caught sight of myself in the wardrobe mirror, and I realised how ridiculous I look- I carry weight low down, and all I can think is I look like this:


    I have to wear Spanx to fit into my work clothes every day. I feel so uncomfortable in myself. I have no confidence. And I look like a bloody chicken with these thighs!!!

    This has got to be the last straw.
  • ccherself
    ccherself Posts: 2 Member
    I have not weighed myself in 30 years. I go strictly on how I look and how I feel. My clothes were getting tight. A good friend paid big bucks for a similar app and was so excited to also lose weight. I found this app and it has really made a difference. In six weeks, I have dropped a size! It felt really good to purchase a size smaller in jeans! When's sister visited me another ago, I mentioned how committed I was. In four weeks, she has dropped seven pounds. She is morbidly obese and can not see it yet but she says her clothes are not so tight. We are cheerleaders for each other. My friend? She did not stick to it and has not lost anything. As a matter of fact, might have gained a pound or two.

    I am a tech nut and keeping track of everything ony phone has really simplified it for me. I would like to drop another size but thatight be a little harder. I am over 60, am 5' 10 and am almost comfortably in a size 12!

    I feel significantly better and look better:).

    This app has helped me re-educate myself and I think twice before putting something iny mouth.

    My adult children who both live out-of-state are totally unaware of "project" and I can hardly wait to see the look on their faces:)
  • notfbam
    notfbam Posts: 45 Member
    astgte wrote: »
    Mine, well ive been a big lad since school, I remember leaving at 16 at 16 stone, balloooned up to 26 stone at one stage, always been known as big lad, fatso, fat **** etc etc, Most of the comments were like water off a ducks back, nothing really stuck although deep down a lot of them did hurt. I started cutting down and went down from 26 stone to 18 and stayed at that, moved on to new jobs and social gatherings and even though I knew id lost nearly 8 stone, to these new people I was once again big lad, fatso, fat **** etc etc, peoples first impressions stick. But I was semi happy, I could buy clothes even though they were in xxxl size, life just seemed to go on. That was until the middle of August last year, someone I had met recently, someone who is a very good friend now, well in conversation one evening we were having a laugh and she turned to me and said, its a pity, the only nice men I meet are ugly and can talk. She meant absolutely no harm, it was an innocent comment, said with the heart and not malicious at all, well I pulled her on it and we laughed for ages over it, and it just seemed to pass over me again. Well next morning, the night must have concentrated my mind, suddenly I realised she was right, I looked in the mirror and could see what she meant and then and there the mind was made up and I started that day on cutting down. Since the middle of august ive dropped from, 17 stone 11 pounds to 13stone 7 pounds, around 60 pounds. Its taking my mind a long time to catch up with how I look now, people comment and dont recognise me, say I look great, but I still have the old image of me in my mind, I suppose I lack confidence which is a cross that ive bore for many years. If I can get my mind to accept that im not the ugly guy who can talk it would be great, hopefully that will come in time too.

    Good Luck for your continued success! It's not just what others see but how we see ourselves that we battle sometimes. BUT we can work on changing that too--it's our choices in how we think and how we accept ourselves that counts!
  • elizzabethmarie
    elizzabethmarie Posts: 18 Member
    My mom has spider and varicose veins all over her legs, and I started noticing little tiny ones on my ankles. I want to hold them off as long as possible! I'm down 16 already. Only another seventy to go!
  • questis
    questis Posts: 3 Member

    I went to my grandparents for dinner, had a great epic dinner, then came home and an hour later felt hungry. I was really disgusted with myself and vowed to lose the weight so I could feel better about myself and make healthy choices - my husband and I wanted children too.

    1 year later I was 20kg lighter, I had my son in 2013 and now I am a healthy weight and just looking to maintain and tone. It's largely due to MFP as I focused on what I was eating, particularly at first when I couldn't exercise much.
  • Dana_Renee59
    Dana_Renee59 Posts: 1 Member
    I got on the scale at home and I weighed more that what the scale would read!
  • oh_its_leesha
    oh_its_leesha Posts: 13 Member
    the last straw for me, i was to the point of feeling the most uncomfortable i ever felt in my life. my joints hurt. i could barely do anything. and my self- esteem was the lowest of the lows. even though i put up the biggest front. but almost 30lbs later i feel great. got 50 more lbs to lose, but this is the most motivated i have ever been to continue
  • hollie894
    hollie894 Posts: 60 Member
    edited April 2015

    My mum sent me this with the caption "Saw this and thought of you"

    Not that there's anything wrong with the woman in the picture, It was just a wake up call as to how she sees me...
  • MDGirlLovesFood
    MDGirlLovesFood Posts: 24 Member
    A maid of honor dress that made me look like a cow. That did it! I never really minded being fat until that damn dress came along. It showed every roll I had. Down 20 and still counting!
  • shaunjadon
    shaunjadon Posts: 56 Member
    I've always been the "fat" kid so being obese never bothered me....or so I let myself think. After obtaining a bachelors and moving on to obtaining a masters, I felt like that "sad" feeling would disappear. My mother was never the best at putting things lightly. When I graduated with my BSN and started looking for nursing jobs, her first words were "don't you think you need to lose some weight, nobody wants to hire a fat nurse." I think I learned to "love" my fat rolls being rebellious, but I never was truly happy. My final straw happened in Savannah, GA during the St. Patty's day celebration, I went with my younger cousin who is what we like to say "thick". She has a flat stomach with big hips and a butt. I felt like a blob beside her and all the attention she received kind of pointed out my imperfections. I was not jealous by any means, she's attractive and I feel attractive. BUT all I could think is I'm 25 and look like I'm 45 because I'm living in a 250lb+ body. That weekend I ran into an old coworker who added me as a friend on facebook. At the end of the weekend, he sent me a message which read "hook me up with your cousin". I was mortified, not because he was not trying to approach me. It was because I had not seen this person in so long and I thought maybe he would want to catch up on my life now versus when we did know each other years ago. Nope he was only using the "fat" cousin to get to the "fine" cousin. That was the last straw. I turn 26 in July and I refuse to spend the last four years of my 20s being the "fat" kid.
  • philreeduk
    philreeduk Posts: 51 Member
    I have been a type 1 diabetic for 23 years and my weight ballooned when I left for university. I didn't take care of my condition and as a consequence I became rather heavy. I went on a course to get better control for my diabetes last year and it finally made me take responsibility for my condition and realise that it wasn't too tough to get under control. The switching to a healthy diet, losing weight is just an extension of that. Living healthier makes the diabetic control easier and vice versa. I have started properly about three weeks about and have already lost quite a bit. Lets keep this going! :)
  • sassyjassy1222
    sassyjassy1222 Posts: 51 Member
    I was having chest pains when i ate. And i was out of breath easy. I also dreaded shopping for clothes because nothing fit. But most importantly... i was afraid id have a heart attack and die and leave my young daughter behind. That made me wanna lose the weight. Been 2 weeks so far. I got about 40lbs to lose. But i feel motivated more than ever to lose it
  • ashesstar14
    ashesstar14 Posts: 1 Member
    1. Pictures..any pictures. ('nuff said)
    2. Being friended on FBook by three people from high school, who didn't know me then, that wanted to ask me to join their weight loss sites/gimmicks. Clearly they just friended me to get another overweight sucker on board.
    3. Seeing myself in my wedding photos from last year and wanting to scream. There were a few pictures that made me happy but for the most part, I just remember worrying about whether my back fat was showing too much when I was walking around.

    Your #1 was it for me. I only took one picture with my daughter on holiday and I couldn't stand to look at it. I want pictures with my family to hang on my wall and to be proud. I'm now down 80lbs. 20 more to go!
  • rwcw89
    rwcw89 Posts: 143 Member
    Being 5'0 and almost the same weight as my fit husband who is 5"11 190 lbs, I was 170, and going into a store clearance and having to buy size 11/12 and only getting 1 pair because the rest were sold out / too small at 5/6 or under. I'm now 6 weeks in , I've lost approx 9lbs from eating better and t25, my pants don't fit because they are too big. I'm in a size large shirt and approaching 7/8 pants .
    Weight at delivery 200 give or take
    Weight post delivery 185 (last jan 2014)
    Weight starting this year jan 2015 167
    Weight 6weeks ago 159
    Current 150
    Goal 125-130 Ish
  • knt217
    knt217 Posts: 115 Member
    edited April 2015
    In October I found out I was pregnant. Huge shock as I went in to have hormone levels checked bc I had not had my period return for 1.5 years after my last depo shot, and I'd taken pregnancy test at home that were negative every month (just happened to have the app at the right time to find out- hcg was in the 400s, so still very very early). My OB told me I was in the "obese" category. I was shocked. I knew I was overweight, but I didn't think I was obese. I'd just crept over the threshold into that bmi though, and so I was told they didn't want me to gain anymore than 10# for the pregnancy. Again- shocking to me since my baby should have been about 7 of those pounds, let alone placenta and extra fluid... I was 207# and 5'6.5"...my heaviest. I'd planned to lose weight before we got pregnant again, but I just never made it a priority to actually do it.

    Fast forward to February when we went to what was supposed to be our exciting anatomy scan. I was 20 weeks, 3 days. We were having our third little boy, but something wasn't right. He was measuring two weeks behind (intra uterine growth restriction) and my fluid was very, very low. Five days later he died, and I delivered him, still, on my 30th birthday. Tests have all been inconclusive as to why this happened. He was perfect, just small. My reading has lead me to see that being overweight can be a a risk factor for IUGR. I'm not blaming myself completely for what happened. We'll never know exactly why it did, but I know that going forward- for myself, my two living children, and for any future children I may conceive- that I need to be healthy so that this isn't even a concern I need to consider.
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    @knt217 , that took some courage to put down on a public forum, kudos for that.
  • hollie894
    hollie894 Posts: 60 Member
    knt217 wrote: »
    In October I found out I was pregnant. Huge shock as I went in to have hormone levels checked bc I had not had my period return for 1.5 years after my last depo shot, and I'd taken pregnancy test at home that were negative every month (just happened to have the app at the right time to find out- hcg was in the 400s, so still very very early). My OB told me I was in the "obese" category. I was shocked. I knew I was overweight, but I didn't think I was obese. I'd just crept over the threshold into that bmi though, and so I was told they didn't want me to gain anymore than 10# for the pregnancy. Again- shocking to me since my baby should have been about 7 of those pounds, let alone placenta and extra fluid... I was 207# and 5'6.5"...my heaviest. I'd planned to lose weight before we got pregnant again, but I just never made it a priority to actually do it.

    Fast forward to February when we went to what was supposed to be our exciting anatomy scan. I was 20 weeks, 3 days. We were having our third little boy, but something wasn't right. He was measuring two weeks behind (intra uterine growth restriction) and my fluid was very, very low. Five days later he died, and I delivered him, still, on my 30th birthday. Tests have all been inconclusive as to why this happened. He was perfect, just small. My reading has lead me to see that being overweight can be a a risk factor for IUGR. I'm not blaming myself completely for what happened. We'll never know exactly why it did, but I know that going forward- for myself, my two living children, and for any future children I may conceive- that I need to be healthy so that this isn't even a concern I need to consider.

    Almost in tears reading this, my heart goes out to you. <3
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