What was the last straw?



  • jennlaw89
    jennlaw89 Posts: 160 Member
    Tired of avoiding pictures and my friends and family because I'm overweight. Tired of covering myself up with clothes ie wearing jeans and hoodies in the blazing hot summer. Tired of being tired and sluggish and essentially missing out on life. Im morbidly obese aiming for just plain old obese followed by overweight and then healthy weight! I'ts gonna be a long road but its necessary! I want my life back
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    I had a box of final straws. Not wanting to enter my senior years morbidly obese; not being able to go into normal stores to buy clothes; not being able to fit comfortably in booths at restaurants; not being able to walk or climb stairs without becoming winded; not wanting to follow in my Father's footsteps (he's been dealing with heart disease for over 20 years now); etc.
  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    My straw... the doctor's office scale. That thing was out to get me from the beginning. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I always said I would never reach this weight. Well, I have and it's disgusting. I'm newly married and we plan to have children one day. I want to improve my overall health and gain some confidence back. I have 1 pair of jeans that fit and if I gain anymore weight, they won't. I refuse to buy more clothes. This has to be it.
  • tsampson1951
    tsampson1951 Posts: 4 Member
    I can echo many of the same reasons that have already been mentioned, but the real gut wrencher was my moms funeral. It was held in another state and I didn't attend because I didn't want anyone to see how big I had gotten. The shame of weight gain outweighed the responsibility of of attending my moms funeral. That's a sad state of affairs right there.
  • samadhi99
    samadhi99 Posts: 1 Member
    When I first got serious about weightloss a few years ago (Slipped a bit since then but am now back on track) my motivation was my grandmother. My Nana is severely overweight and elderly. She had slipped in the tub and because she was so heavy she became wedged and couldn't help herself. No one found her for 3 days. When they were able to get her out of the tub she had been laying on her right side for so long that she is now paralyzed. It was essentially like having a stroke. I'm not as heavy as she is but I don't ever want to be in that type of situation.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    just got tired of hearing myself complain about gaining weight. AND, the evening I got a good feel of my back fat.
  • decotterell
    decotterell Posts: 47 Member
    For me, getting fit had more to do with my lab results after a doctor appointment early July 2014. Weight loss wasn't an original goal, but rather getting my labs in order. I was 47, 219.5 pounds, and as a Type 1 diabetic, had an A1C of almost 8.0, an LDL a little over 100. I was having wide swings in my glucose levels, and since I'm a paramedic, knew what risks this was causing in the long run. So, I checked out MFP. Weight loss has been an added benefit. I have been maintaining a weight of about 160 for a couple months now. My last check up had my A1C at 6.8 and my LDL at 57. I'm happier with my energy and have entered my first ever 5k scheduled for May 2nd.
  • rawk_fairy_666
    rawk_fairy_666 Posts: 103 Member
    I ate three takeaways in one week and didnt even enjoy them. I felt gross from all the fatty salty food and felt quite ashamed really. I hated what I saw in the mirror and hated feeling so unhealthy. something had to change.
  • The last straw for me was when I weighed as much as I did two years ago when I gave birth to my full-term baby boy. Granted, I only gained 12 pounds during my pregnancy because I was already overweight to begin with. After I had him I lost close to 50 pounds in 6 months and felt better than ever. Then I moved out of state and was in a happy relationship and the pounds came back ridiculously fast because I stopped my healthy lifestyle as life got busier. I came across an old picture of when I first moved and was the smallest I'd been since high school and it nearly made me sick to see how much weight I gained in such a short amount of time. My boyfriend started going to the gym and getting in really good shape and I just kept getting bigger. He basically told me that I needed to lose weight because he wasn't as attracted to me as he was a year ago. He wasn't saying it to be rude or hurtful, just being honest, and I agreed and am thankful for his honesty. So here I am, I've lost 7 pounds in about 2 weeks and am already feeling better. I'd love to lose about 50-60 more, or whenever I'm feeling great. 41 pounds away from being where I was before our big move. I'm doing it for myself so I can be around for a long time for my amazing high-energy little boy, and for my relationship.
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