

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Hold on, I had to google it... I know them as Pim's. And I don't like them much, I don't really like the mix of fruit and chocolate.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Orange jelly? That doesn't sound appealing to me. Jaffa Cakes are not something I'm jealous over.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Thank you all re: my daughter and her eating and her doctor's appointment. She is very mad at me right now but I want her to be healthy long term. Tomorrow is the day.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Thank you all re: my daughter and her eating and her doctor's appointment. She is very mad at me right now but I want her to be healthy long term. Tomorrow is the day.
    Hope it goes well! Just my opinion but if the problem worsens you might want to get someone whose specialty is eating disorders involved. (Your doctor might recommend the same thing, not really sure.)
    I know when my mother told my pediatrician about my bulimia, he tried to be nice but said some very insensitive things and didn't really understand. Doctors who don't specialize in EDs can't always deal with them well. But from what you said he seems like a good person and if your daughter trusts him that's also a good sign, as well as the fact that her habits haven't escalated into anything (physically) worse. Good luck to both of you!
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    12pm: *me prelogging food for supper* "Ahh yes, this will be healthy, and lovely and in my goal... And prelogging will help ensure I stick to it!"

    6:30pm: *delete, delete, delete... Adds three beers in healthy meal's place*

    LOL I always end up changing what I pre logged too, cause I just dont want it anymore when dinner time comes around
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    12pm: *me prelogging food for supper* "Ahh yes, this will be healthy, and lovely and in my goal... And prelogging will help ensure I stick to it!"

    6:30pm: *delete, delete, delete... Adds three beers in healthy meal's place*

    LOL I always end up changing what I pre logged too, cause I just dont want it anymore when dinner time comes around

    Annnnd... I'll be amending further lol... Hey, my weekend started at 4:30!!!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    CONFESSION: I just found out how annoyed I am when people in the Introduction area post threads looking for a specific kind of person to be friends with. I may not be a Christian, you new person you, but I'm a damn good motivator!
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    My wife does Zumba in the living room in the evenings and even though she's been doing it for months I still get so distracted staring at her butt that I cannot concentrate on anything else for the hour she does it.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Do we know what happened to Tincanonastring? I've been wondering.
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Do we know what happened to Tincanonastring? I've been wondering.

    I believe that he said he was away for work for a month and wouldn't be able to get on the forums. Someone else probably knows more about it.
  • AlyssaTanner
    AlyssaTanner Posts: 1 Member
    I justified eating an Oreo with "no one saw me, so it doesn't count"
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited April 2015
    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SAFCMDO wrote: »
    I can eat 32 jaffa cakes in one go

    Jaffa cakes are one of those thy things I want to try someday, just so I get what people are talking about. Our import food section doesn't have them. Only problem is I'd be sick for a few days after.

    I want to try them, too. I've seen Digestives and Hobnobs in the import section of a local grocery store. I'm almost afraid to try them because if I like them, I'd probably down 32 of them in one go as well. :)
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!

    When I was taking the plastic off of my air conditioner the other day, a huge spider crawled out from somewhere in there. I considered pushing the air conditioner out of the wall and letting it smash on the ground. I'm still paranoid to sit on that side of the room.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    What have you guys done to me??? I bought some brown sugar and cinnamon poptarts last night.... AND TODAY I FINISHED OFF THE BOX. Six poptarts today!!! Holy crap, how many calories is that? Apparently 1260, over my calorie goal. Luckily I ate almost nothing else today. Should I hit the stationary bike? :confounded:

    And I was claiming to hate poptarts!

    Bwahaha! Sorry! I can't help but laugh. This will be me if I give in and buy some.
    I have to laugh at myself. ''Blegh, I hate poptarts. They taste like cardboard!!!"


    *proceeds to buy a box and devours all 8 in less than 24 hours*

    My boxes of pop tarts only come with six.....three two packs......
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Basically, PRO TIP if you're not eating the Ice Cream Shoppe flavors of Poptarts, broken up no top of real ice cream, you might be doing it wrong.

    I'm so glad I got groceries for this week already and hopefully I'll forget about this by the time I have to go again.


    OMG I may have to eat that.....tonight.....even though it will NOT fit into my calories for the day....thanks >:)

    Make sure to warm the poptart first...

    Geee thanks lol
    I bought strawberry pop tarts last weekend......I usually eat them untoasted, but will follow your instructions lol

    The thing that sucks about Poptarts is the serving is one, but why put two in a pack? They're such saboteurs.

    Since I have some bread that will go bad before long I think I'll make an ice cream sandwich with that after it's been toasted.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    What have you guys done to me??? I bought some brown sugar and cinnamon poptarts last night.... AND TODAY I FINISHED OFF THE BOX. Six poptarts today!!! Holy crap, how many calories is that? Apparently 1260, over my calorie goal. Luckily I ate almost nothing else today. Should I hit the stationary bike? :confounded:

    And I was claiming to hate poptarts!

    Bwahaha! Sorry! I can't help but laugh. This will be me if I give in and buy some.
    I have to laugh at myself. ''Blegh, I hate poptarts. They taste like cardboard!!!"


    *proceeds to buy a box and devours all 8 in less than 24 hours*

    I'm sure my butt will hate me again since I had around 3-4 protein bars the past few days & will more than likely become constipated again if I don't keep up with my water intake.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!

    That's beyond disgusting....
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!

    That's beyond disgusting....

    Yeah, it was pretty feral. I'd just started working there and the milkshake makers got cleaned daily, but I picked them up one day and noticed that the base came off and decided to give it a proper clean. Hello spiders, hello me completely freaking the **** out.

  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!

    When I was taking the plastic off of my air conditioner the other day, a huge spider crawled out from somewhere in there. I considered pushing the air conditioner out of the wall and letting it smash on the ground. I'm still paranoid to sit on that side of the room.

    Here's a spider story for you that a teacher once told me. A woman bought a cactus plant, and a few days later, it started pulsating. She called someone - a friend, maybe, I don't remember - and they told her to get out of the room right away. As soon as she did, there was a popping sound. The cactus had exploded, and there were baby tarantulas everywhere. Most likely, this is an urban legend...but I'm not taking any chances. No cacti for me.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!

    Ah, that just gave me the chills!