Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Just for today April 27, 2015

    This is my first day back to living a healthy life. I have a commitment to keep. This thread will be a wonderful source of inspiration when I need a kick in the pants.

    Log every bite - no matter what.
    Make good choices

    Glad to have you join us!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :smiley: 13,283
    2. gentle swim--maybe not a whole mile :(
    3. under 100G carbs :( unplanned dinner out...I did OK, but not sure of my exact numbers

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. weight workout--lift heavy!
    3. under 100G carbs
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Just for Today:
    1. Walk 30 minutes
    2. Eat only whole foods. Nothing processed.
    3. Not allow myself to be dragged into the drama at work. (I'm just too old for that crap!)
    4. Be grateful for another beautiful brand new day!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    @bri170lb - that is very good way to look at it! I keep practicing. Much better than feeling like I should be able to just do it.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Enjoying this thread.
    Won't have time in morning to post. So for 4/27 I will:

    Do 10,000 steps
    Log all food
    Take spin class

    Check check and check. Great day! Spin class was awesome. Forgot how much I really love that class.
  • pamendrizzi178
    pamendrizzi178 Posts: 8 Member
    journal everything
    Drink 8 gls water
  • pamendrizzi178
    pamendrizzi178 Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2015
    Don't have posting figured out sorry posted same twice
  • ATVer
    ATVer Posts: 34 Member
    ATVer wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Well, my Hopper broke. So...
    Just for today:
    -Find ways to enjoy being Hopper FREE! (like move a little.) :/ Actually went for a walk! Yea!
    -Be the most positive person at work. - Hmmm, need to work on this more.
    -Log every bite. - DONE!

    Have an amazing Monday everyone!

    Just for tomorrow!
    -Take a 30 min walk.
    -Drink 74 oz of water.
    -Make wise food choices.
    -Focus on the positives at work.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,426 Member
    Just for today 4/21
    1. Stick to what I have logged for food :);)
    2. Protein drink :'(:'(
    3. NO NO late night snack :);)

    Just for today 4/22
    1. AGAIN no no late night snacking :)
    2. Buy HEALTHY snacks :)
    3. Try a NEW exercise! :(:(
    4. Don't let the scale influence your mood! :):)

    @Rudy enjoy the field trip, :)

    Just for today: 4/23
    1. Get a early run in :smile:
    2. Try again a new exercise :)
    3. Protein drink :)

    Just for today 4/24
    1. Protein drink :)
    2. Make time for myself today :)
    3. Stick to what I log / No late night snacking :)

    Just for today 4/25
    1. Make smart choices for lunch (going out to lunch with hubby) :):)
    2. Get a EARLY run in! :):)
    3. Protein drink :):)

    Just for today 4/26
    1. Get healthy dinners while doing grocery shopping :( decided not to go shopping today
    2. Plan next week workouts (I need to start training for my half) :)
    3. NO NO late night snacking :)

    Just for today 4/27
    1. Strength training video
    2. Protein drink
    3. Get my long run in EARLY w/ good pace

    It's been a long two days, hubby's been sick. Actually, just sneezing and coughing though! Just when he gets sick, I can't get anything done. :'(:'(

  • lifechanges2day
    lifechanges2day Posts: 417 Member
    Challenging day with lots of errands. I am proud to say I stuck to plan choosing a healthy salad at the local grocery instead of the unhealthy fast food I usually make an excuse for. I even called home and asked DH to start dinner for me so I wouldn't be tempted to stray.

    Today I..
    1. Logged all my food
    2. Drank all my water
    3. Completed all PT exercise
    4. Stayed true to plan
    5. Kept a positive attitude even through stressful moments
    6. Found an inspiring realistic goal photo from my victorias secret catalog and put it in my closet to keep me motivated each day
    7. Read through new posts in this thread......

    Thanks everyone for the motivation and inspiration you post each day.

    It was a very good day! :-):-):-)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Challenging day with lots of errands. I am proud to say I stuck to plan choosing a healthy salad at the local grocery instead of the unhealthy fast food I usually make an excuse for. I even called home and asked DH to start dinner for me so I wouldn't be tempted to stray.

    Today I..
    1. Logged all my food
    2. Drank all my water
    3. Completed all PT exercise
    4. Stayed true to plan
    5. Kept a positive attitude even through stressful moments
    6. Found an inspiring realistic goal photo from my victorias secret catalog and put it in my closet to keep me motivated each day
    7. Read through new posts in this thread......

    Thanks everyone for the motivation and inspiration you post each day.
    It was a very good day! :-):-):-)

    Thank you! I found your success today very inspiring!

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member


    Just for today ( Monday April 27 )
    1. 1 hour exercise :smile:
    2. 1200 calories :smile:

    Just for today ( Tuesday April 28)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack to work with me
    2. 1 hour exercise
    3. 1200 calories
    4. Work on moving studio ( Thursday is the last day of my lease so I have to get this done!)
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just for today 4/28

    Log all calories
    10,000 steps
    6 glasses water (have not been keeping up with this)

    Good luck everyone.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    JFT - Monday 1. walk at lunch plus one after I get home, :smiley: 2. sort and file insurance paperwork pile 3. keep positive about certain things

    well two and three need to be rolled over into today.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Just for today April 27, 2015

    This is my first day back to living a healthy life. I have a commitment to keep. This thread will be a wonderful source of inspiration when I need a kick in the pants.

    Log every bite - no matter what.
    Make good choices

    Hope someone has welcomed you and that you feel comfortable to keep coming back! It definately helps to break the larger goal into do-able bits! This thread is full of encouraging caring folks.

    Yesterday went well. My JFT 4/28 is the usual:
    1. Stick to cals
    2. 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30+ min

    Happy Tuesday all!

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Thank you kwfitgal-I'm definitely dusting off my knees! Bootcamp went well & I felt I was pushing myself but not to the point of injury. The trainer announced another group of sessions so I'm going to sign up. It seems after so many weeks have passed, our group has developed a camaraderie. We're joking & encouraging each other.

    My yearly physical is today & I feel pretty positive about it except for my weight.

    Today I will:
    Make healthy food choices & track.
    Fit in a 3 mile walk.
    Cheer for my daughter & all the awesome kids at Special Olympics today!

    Always try to put yourself on the list!! Have a great day.
  • SassyNewMe1993
    SassyNewMe1993 Posts: 5 Member
    Just for today 4-28-2015
    1. Log everything I bite
    2. Walk
    3. Just keep going forward.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 4/27
    1. Log every bite :(

    struggling with the whole logging thing. I do great at work, it's when I get home that it all goes away. I am trying to remind myself that all that I am doing is for me. I am choosing to eat healthy, eat less, move more; all because I care about myself and want to feel my best. I have proven to myself time and again that when I make the healthy choices I do feel better. I do not go to bed feeling nauseous. I do not go to bed feeling angry at myself. Eating healthy and logging my food is NOT a punishment. It is a sign of love.

    Just for Today 4/28
    1. log everything, even if I go above my calorie allotment
    2. spend time this evening preening myself, i deserve to look/feel good
    3. figure out that dang T-Tapp routine

    @GrandmaJackie - my sickness has just been a head cold. Feels silly for complaining so much, but it's been so long that I've been sick for more than a day or two; and with all this congestion I really am not myself. I know men are big babies when they're sick, but he might feel a bit worse than assumed. :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :smiley: 13,283
    2. gentle swim--maybe not a whole mile :(
    3. under 100G carbs :( unplanned dinner out...I did OK, but not sure of my exact numbers

    1. 12,000 steps :smiley: 15,448
    2. weight workout--lift heavy! :)
    3. under 100G carbs :smiley:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. swim or dance (or both!)
    3. 10 freggies
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    @losingrae I am so with you on that logging thing. I do the same thing, great logging even pre-logging at work and then I get home and start eating random food none of which gets recorded. Of course that only when I'm actually logging at all. I'm kind of in a "I'm losing weight slowly so clearly I'm doing something right" kick currently.