Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    Parents who use baby talk to speak to their kids. Actually anybody who speaks to kids in a cartoon/baby voice makes me want to bash their head in.
    Parents who cannot discipline their kids in communal areas. No, it's not cute that your child just kicked me. Go away.
  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    The phrase 'first world problems' when it's applied to things that actually exist in the third world. My phone run out of battery is not a first world problem. People in the third world have phones too.
    Goes for most other stuff in the world as well. People don't live in trees over there!
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    logicman69 wrote: »
    Silverware not being sorted in the dishwasher... I have no idea why this pisses me off, but it does. It takes 1 second to put the forks with the forks and the spoons with the spoons. Plus it makes putting them away so much easier.

    The irrational part is that I am really not that OCD anywhere else in life, so I'm not sure why I get that angry over this.

    Haha :D I would drive you crazy because I intentionally mix up the silverware because I'm convinced it gets cleaner that way. Forks hanging out with forks is too risky because they fit together and might not get as clean. Spoons are even riskier because, well, spooning. :p I put one piece of silverware into the dishwasher at a time, distributing one piece per slot as I go. I will move stuff around if necessary.

    I mix up my silverware for the same reason. But am completely OCD about how my dishwasher is loaded. Drives me nuts when anyone else just throws in cups and plates haphazardly, and I find myself having to rearrange everything to maximize space.
  • onehappypickle
    onehappypickle Posts: 74 Member
    Rationally, or irrationally (for you to decide, haha) I get mad about these things:

    * When my husband stacks a plate in the sink and it still has food on it!
    * People that chew with their mouths open
    * People that drive by my house blaring their horrible music at ANY time of day
    * Thistles and general weeds growing in my garden (and having to pull every last one)
  • blookabaugh
    blookabaugh Posts: 73 Member
    People who are so busy talking on their cellphones in the grocery store that they pay no attention to their children.
  • HumboldtFred
    HumboldtFred Posts: 159 Member
    Women on dating sites who flip off the camera in the profile pics, wear a shirt that says “Boss *kitten*” and have neck tatoos of their ex's name, yet demand a “nice guy”

    Politicians who seek second terms

    Newscasters who refer to every musket as a “Fully automatic assault weapon.”

    Gang member who only get face tats so they will qualify for SSI as unemployable.

    People who insist that smoking a weed grown by an high school dropout with multiple pesticides and chemical fertilizers will cure cancer.

    People who put their non-rational religious views on me as a moral judgement ie. Vegans, anti-gmo freaks, cage free egg advocates, Prius owners...etc.
  • amipersin
    amipersin Posts: 8 Member
    I have OCD so a lot of things make me irrationally angry but here is a few:
    *People who are late all the time
    *Not putting things back where they are suppose to go
    *Smacking noises when people eat (especially my MIL)
    *Not taking your plate to the sink when your done eating, especially when your going right past it
    *Wearing shoes in the house
    *Tooth paste in sink and/or mirror
  • Niteraven918
    Niteraven918 Posts: 17 Member
    Arrogance, snobs and judgemental people.
  • Deltaoutlaw
    Deltaoutlaw Posts: 350 Member
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member

    ↑↑↑That hurt my brain. :#

  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    People who can't do no wrong! Can't take responsibility for it, or it wasn't their kid or them. That really Fuc&in pisses me off!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Children who can walk and talk sucking on a pacifier! I want to grab it out of their mouths and throw it away! I tell them, "You don't need that dirty thing in your mouth...". They stare, wide eyed, sucking away.
  • greco16
    greco16 Posts: 465 Member
    Emotional retards
  • ladykate26
    ladykate26 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Spaghetti hoops that are broken when they come out the tin
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    ilfaith wrote: »
    People who stop and stand at the bottom of an escalator.
    I have on occasion sent people flying when I push them out of the way. Can't say I care if they get pissed off, it's their own damn fault.

  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    Adults who can't spell/spell like children. It's TONIGHT....NOT tonite. Drives me insane!
  • BaconBae
    BaconBae Posts: 4,568 Member
    People who cut their nails in public places - that s**t is disgusting. Also, people who suck their teeth after eating to get the crap stuck in their teeth - EW!

    Those people really irk the crap out of me.
  • klriano
    klriano Posts: 24 Member
    Arrogance, snobs and judgemental people.

  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    Children who can walk and talk sucking on a pacifier! I want to grab it out of their mouths and throw it away! I tell them, "You don't need that dirty thing in your mouth...". They stare, wide eyed, sucking away.

    I couldn't stand it!!!!! My son could talk and still had that freaking pacifier! I told him constantly to take it out of his mouth if he wanted to talk to me. SO glad that thing is gone. WILL NOT do that again...

    People that don't use the turning lane, or only pull into half of it! >:)
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Lately, blatant stupidity has been setting me off like a firecracker.