what excuses did you make for not losing weight.



  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I was awesome, and my boyfriend told/tells me I'm beautiful every day. Why mess with perfection? That was my cover for the "why," even though the real "why" was that it seemed too hard. Then I found MFP and wondered where it had been all my life.
  • cresyluna
    cresyluna Posts: 48 Member
    I didn't really think I could in a healthy way, I was pretty sure that the only option was going to be to only really tiny, vegan, low-carb, low-fat portions of food and go to the gym a ton (which was a way I'd lost weight in the past!) or just accept my weight. Until it kept going higher. And when I joined MFP I realized that I could eat foods I still really liked, just smaller portions, and still lose weight especially with SOME exercise to help it along.
  • jeannettemancini
    jeannettemancini Posts: 58 Member
    It's not working...
    !0 years ago I lost 45 lbs just by tracking calories and exercising.. I wasn't that exact about it all, but in just 6 months I was near my high school weight, and happy with it. Then I put back like 10 lbs, and then I had 3 kids in 4 years... and then I tried when I was done nursing.. try 1 failed. Try 2 failed. But truth is, I wasn't weighing my foods, and I was taking "just a bite" of this and that... this time it's for real and I'm down 27lbs this year!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    "I'd rather be fat than hungry" - so wrong on so many levels!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Mine was that I had a desk job. To be fair I did lose a good bit a weight when I went from a desk job to a more active one, but I still overlooked the fact that I just ate to much.

    Then I had two kids so post pregnancy weight was the excuse for about three years (they are 20 months apart). Finally, I just got with it and watch what I ate and make sure I get my exercise in. I used to think I was just not meant to be thin. I still have a bit to go but I know I can do it.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    First - I want to get pregnant soon any way
    Then- I want to have a 2nd baby soon any way
    Then - I'm too stressed and tired from having two kids
    And - most of my clothes hide the extra weight.
    And - I've fluctuated before. It will go down
    And - I never get any time or guilty pleasure all to myself. If my family is not in the room I need to indulge in something
    And - i already exercise. That should be enough
    And - I already eat clean most of the time, even if I'm probably eating way more than my height requires
    And - i deserve this food

    But then - I like what I see in the mirror but pictures look horrible
    - who is actually winning when I go on a bender? Not me!!
    - Other mommy friends manage to stay fit. I need to get my act together
    - I can try eating just a little less for a few days and see how it feels
    - I can make more adjustments and find more ways to sneak on exercise.
    - I can accept periodic setbacks and get back to it immediately
    - I can stick to the program even when the results are slow.
  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    All 50 year old women look this way., those who don't have exceptional genes, Selective memory of articles I read: I read an article that a certain actress has a trainer and works out 6 hours a day when not filming to keep her shape.....since no-one in real life can do that no point working out, If I'm served it then it's one portion even though I had a vague memory of reading that US restaurant and fast food portion sizes were waaay oversized, I should be able to eat just like everyone else consume a complete T-Bone steak, potatoes, veggies and a nice slice or two of pie for desert at dinner, it's a proven fact that I can't lose more than 5-10 pounds because the two/three weeks I tried Atkins that's all I could lose then nothing so no point continuing just eat normal.
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    More than probably 50 percent of my whole entire family is overweight. So I used to stay that I got it from my dad's side. a lot of them are very tall like me and seem to be big boned. so i used to say im big boned. When I was dating my ex last year I finally came to terms of someone accepting me for me - and I was for once in my like "okay" for being obese and I was ready to accept it. Then he cheated on me and left me for someone else. It's not the reason why i'm losing now - but, it did leave me scorned pretty badly.
  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    It's cool bro, I'm bulking.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I didn't have any excuses. I just love food and I didn't want to give up eating whatever I wanted. Thank god for MFP, because I found out I don't have to give up all the food I want. Weight loss seems so much easier now that I have control over it and don't just feel like I"m starving myself all the time.
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    I was too deeply depressed to really notice my weight gain. Then one day I realized my yoga pants were getting too tight, and that was it for me. Started working out, which helped my depression, which helped me get my eating under control, and now I'm on my way and committed to fitness being a way of life which will hopefully prevent me from ever gaining that much weight again.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Let's see, these were some of mine:

    - I've been working out a lot so the extra 7 inches on my hips are all muscle.
    - I've still got a defined waist so it's all good.
    - I was able to lose 20 lbs in a few months about a decade ago so if I really wanted to then I can just do that again. Easy!
    - I have to buy larger sizes because I'm not buying mainstream brands so the sizing is just different.
    - My old clothes don't fit because they shrunk. Or because I just prefer looser shirts than I did when I was younger so the style just isn't working with my new fashion preferences.
    - I'm getting older so obviously I'm going to gain a little weight over time.
    - I still get positive comments from others so it's not like I'm unattractive or have a problem.

    And so on.
  • darcelchoy
    darcelchoy Posts: 89 Member
    I had no time.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    I always heard how weight loss was mostly diet but i NEVER believed it. I used to say "but i barely eat now!" And i wasnt eating alot, but i was drinking 3 venti starbucks a day at ~4-500 cal each, then having small snacks or one meal. Plus, id eat a bunch of peanut butter cups. Or i would barely eat for a few days because life was busy and then id have pizza, chinese, etc.

    I honestly never believed i could lose weight from dieting/counting calories alone. I was so against the idea and hated when people would tell me how important food was.

    Now, Im down 38lbs since January, all from calorie counting (with about 1-2days of exercise a week thrown in), and it shocks me how little i knew and understood about weight loss. Its such a shame how we have to learn the hard way most of the time.

    And when i tell people how ive lost weight so far, they give me that same glazed over look i used to give.

    Guess we all gotta learn on our own.
  • Babykeys32
    Babykeys32 Posts: 36 Member
    "It doesnt matter because i dress well"
    "Im curvy and classically woman shape"
    "People should accept me for me...no matter how i look (or how ill i was making myself)"
    "Im too stressed/ depressed/ busy...i will lose weight but just not right now"
    "Life is too short to diet" - i mean seriously wtf was that about...life is too short to be miserable and overweight!

    Mainly though i just didn't care. I lost weight when i started to care.
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    "my kids don't sleep and I NEED carbs and sugar to get me through the day...."

    Except now I've cut calories and carbs and sugar down, I feel better, not worse. Newsflash: sugar and bread don't cure sleep deprivation!

    "I have no TIME to get to the gym"

    Well, that's not gonna change. I have to make time, make it a priority like it used to be.

    And it's not gonna get easier, y'know. May as well put the effort in now and lose the weight/gain the muscle while I'm youngish and don't have heaps to lose.... If I keep letting it creep for a decade or something, I'm gonna hate 2015-me so hard.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I've really thought about this and its hard to say I ha excuses. I'm not an excuse sort of person, perhaps laziness, bit I just didnt care enough and there were other more important things going on. My first diet and attempt at calorie counting and its been an interesting experience.
  • BuckyArden33
    BuckyArden33 Posts: 146 Member
    I wanted to have fun with my friends drinking untold amounts of alcohol and I was in a relationship and become very comfortable. Now single and changed everything about meself and feel amazing
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    1. That I had to overeat to compensate for my lack of sleep and stress from raising four little children
    2. That my weight must be my "natural/comfortable" weight because no matter what I did I hovered there (except I wasn't really doing anything for more than a day or two...)
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    I was in a secure relationship and DBF loved me even when I was obese. Why lose weight if he still loved me and found me attractive (even though I didn't).