Do you log every morsel?



  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member

    One thing I do with things I'm grazing on is to weigh the package at the start of the morning, write the grams on the package, and then weigh before I go to bed and then make sure my logging is accurate.

    Good idea!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yes, unless it's something I've already logged many times and am 100% sure is less than four calories. A paper-thin onion slice on a sandwich might not get logged. Grabbing a stray spinach leaf and popping it in my mouth won't get logged. A tiny splash of lemon juice in my water or tea doesn't get logged (unless I'm having several in a row, then I'll log 1-2Tbsp). Less than a tablespoon of fish sauce in a stir-fry may or may not get logged. I don't log bouillon cubes unless I'm eating at least half the recipe I've made with one (meaning if I use a buillon cube to make four servings of something I don't log ".25 cube," but will log ".5 cube" for a two-serving meal).

    I don't have one of these instances every day, and if I have more than one in a day I'll adjust my log (splash of lemon in tea followed by an extra onion slice on my sandwich = quick-add five or ten calories to my log). Otherwise, every single thing I eat gets logged as accurately as possible.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    edited April 2015
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    Do you guys log every single thing you put in your mouth? I cut up some watermelon earlier and ate a few pieces. I didn't log it. I grab an almond here and there. (we have them in a bowl on the counter). Etc...anyway, you get the idea.

    Almonds are a good source of fat, but that means they're quite calorie dense so you really should log them. You're probably okay with a small amount of watermelon though. Personally I don't log vegetables, spices (as long as I'm only using a pinch or two) or the squash I use to make my greens drink somewhat bearable. Everything else is logged though, you have to be careful those little nibbles here and there don't add up to being an extra meal you're not logging or realising you're consuming. At least if results don't go as you want, you'll know the likely reason why and can start logging those little things if they become a problem.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    Yes. If it has calories, or fat, or sodium, or carbs I log it. One almond, one marshmallow would get logged just like one Snickers bar. Oooh- Snickers.....
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    Nearly everything. All food, including low calorie things like lettuce, fruit, tea etc get jotted down. It can all add up very quickly. The only things I don't tend to log are herbs and spices.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I log 99% of everything I eat ...
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I log everything, but I'm not 100% accurate as I don't often use a scale and I am sometimes not the cook/preparer of my food. I'm still losing at the predicted rate, so my estimates must be close enough. Were I to stall, my first step would be to start weighing and ask for recipes.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited April 2015
    Everything except garlic,iceberg lettuce & herbal tea.I measure my homemade salad dressing, & just about everything else.
  • sapphire1166
    sapphire1166 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes and no. I'm only counting calories right now, not macros. I don't log my diet coke or black coffee. I don't log any salt or pepper I add to my food. I don't log if I sneak two blueberries while I'm preparing my daughter's snack (but I do if I "sneak" two blueberries 5 times that day).

    However when it comes to calorie-rich foods, I ballpark how much I might sneak. For example, if I eat all of a grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy's and also take 3 french fries from my husband's plate, I might log eating "1.1 servings" of the chicken sandwich. Not scientific by any means, but I don't do it often enough (like once very other day) to make me feel horrible and I figure I'm overestimating usually in the long run, so no harm no foul.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Not everything.

    If I taste test something, I don't log it.

    It never screwed me because I still lost and reached maintenance.

  • bewarethedog
    bewarethedog Posts: 42 Member
    Not everything. Occasionally I'll have a bite or two of something like chicken or watermelon while making my kids' lunch and not log it. I also don't log my diet coke or the one piece of lettuce on my salad. I also don't eat back most my exercise calories to account for this. So far I'm still losing weight, so I don't see the need to be any stricter with myself, but if I start to plateau I know the first thing to fix.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I log everything. It's in my nature. If I didn't I would worry. My brain would itch!
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    I log almost everything. I try to be really mindful about what I'm eating. Even if I have a day where I feel like I ate too much, I make sure to not only log it but to also hit the complete button so I can see the damage done. Oddly enough, I never eat above maintenance so even what I felt like was a bad day shows projected loss.
  • dirtyflirty30
    dirtyflirty30 Posts: 224 Member
    Yes - the small stuff adds up. There's a WW saying - BLT (Bites, Licks, Tastes) should all be logged. One thing I've carried with me from that program, lol.
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    Generally. I've missed things here and there, but on average the only think I don't log is 0-calories drinks (unsweetened tea, water, seltzer and so on)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Occasionally I'll allow myself a single bite of something without logging it. Otherwise, yes.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Yes. It ALL adds up, faster than you realize.
  • AndiDurall
    AndiDurall Posts: 17 Member
    I log everything except my iced tea. My husband makes it and it is just tea bags steeped in water, no sugar or anything like that. I weigh and measure everything on my food scale. It can be a pain. I have even started not trusting the serving sizes on recipes. I used to use measuring cups and followed what they said a serving size was...until I made a recipe and measured that way and ended up with half the amount of servings that they had said. So now I measure the container before I put the food in it to cook then measure it when it is done, subtract the weight of the container and then divide by servings so I know exactly how much I get. The first time I had to weigh out an actual serving of shredded cheese, I was very surprised. I was so much in the "it fits, it counts" school of thought before. I even tried to log a slice of apple that I ate one day while I was getting them for my kids. I couldn't find a serving of 1 apple slice though. Haha.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Those little bites here and there are exactly what will halt your progress. If you don't log everything you are wasting your time.