Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~I know you’re overwhelmed with grading, I hope you are able to make a dent this week—so close to the end of the school year. :wink: Your niece was adorable, looks like she had a pretty fab birthday!

    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy)~Kudos to the exercise, it’s amazing in how short of time we can build our endurance. I hope the scale is kind to you.

    @Laurie~I was thinking about you, too, while watching on the riots in Baltimore on the news—its scary. I’m glad you are safe and hope even more that the police and/or military are able to return the city to peace soon. This seems to be an ongoing issue in many large cities lately, I understand the need to be heard but it can be done in a calm and organized demonstration too.

    @Tammy~Hi, it’s nice to see you check-in. You are so close to twoderville, I know you’ll lose that pesky 1# soon to get there! I need to clean out my garage BAD, Lord knows how many scaly critters are lurking in there—I get a lot of lizards/gecko’s in my area and Fred (the baby lizard I named a few years ago—he used to greet me in the mornings :wink:) may be a full-size lizard by now living underneath the shelving, I’m afraid to find out! :scream:

    @Susan~I was in NY for a couple of years when my parents relocated back to TX, we’re really close so it was hard until I made the move. We still live about 65-miles apart but visit as often as we can (they travel a lot now though). I’m sorry for the gain, try not to be too hard on yourself—you’ve been through a lot in the last six months with relocating and a new job. I’ve been where you are numerous times, this is not easy but then nothing worth doing in life comes easy. Right? I’m struggling right now too, the weight just isn’t coming off like it should—it’s frustrating because I used to be able to drop weight quick when I was young, now that I’m in the middle of all of these hormonal changes it doesn’t come off like it used to. As much as I don’t want to go I need to get to the GYN, too, my peri-menopausal symptoms are becoming more prevalent now—but I’m not an advocate for HRT. Oy! My next cruise is in 14-weeks (but hey, who’s counting? :wink:), I certainly hope I can pull off a 30# loss.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't know what's happening with this site this morning--my post double-posted. Ugh! :grimace:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Great Poetry Reading Day
    Today is Great Poetry Reading Day! This holiday celebrates all of the fantastic poetry and poets out there. Poems are words written to express an idea or emotion with imagery and metaphors. Poetry is believed to predate literacy, and all of the oldest written works are in poetry form.
    There are many different types of poetry, all unique in their own way. Four popular kinds of poems are ballad, free verse, haiku, and epic. A ballad is a narrative poem that explains a story, made up of four-line stanzas, in which the second and third lines rhyme. A free verse poem has no rhyme scheme and no specific length; it is a free-form poem to write as the poet wishes. A Haiku is a poem focusing on nature, with three lines- 5 syllables on the first and third lines and 7 syllables on the second line. Lastly, an epic is a long narrative poem that tells the story of a heroic journey.
    Poetry is an impressive and beautiful type of literary work. Celebrate today by reading some great poetry, throw a poetry reading party, or try writing a poem of your own!

    Don't major in minor things. ~Author Unknown


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom- In honor of Poetry day a haiku, a poem written by me in honor of Spring
    Spring coming slowly
    Temperatures warming daily
    Beautiful days come.
    By Laurie

    Karen- Good luck with the dentist. Are you grinding your teeth at night? That could also make them hurt and a night guard may help with that. Good luck with the grading.

    Kelley, Kaye and Susan- It is a shame that people think violence and looting is okay when they don't like what is happening. I am just glad that the TV coverage has finally stopped tonight.

    Susan- Wishing you the best, you are on the right track.

    Today's problem: Whether or not I want to do an open water triathlon at the end of May? The major question for me is will I be able to handle an open water swim without panicking during the swim. The other issue is that the water will be cold and I will need a wet suit. I don't want to purchase a wet suit but would prefer to rent one. The distance for the tri is a 750 yd swim, 15 mile bike and 5K run. Part of me wants to do this just because I can and it will help me to overcome my fear of open water. The swim is in a harbor instead of the bay or ocean so it is more protected.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys!
    A colleague wanted to go grade together after school, so I joined her. It was very productive and I finished the Yeats journals that I need to hand back tomorrow. On the down side, it was too late to walk gunner when I got home. He still got his exercise (with DH), but none for me.

    I also decided to change my grading goals to reflect only the papers I need to grade by next Wed.--meaning only those for the students who are taking the AP exam. This helps make the task a bit less daunting.

    Sorry no personals tonight. Just a bit brain dead, but will catch up with all of you tomorrow. :smile:

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 5/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein ?/7 didn't keep track
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein 3/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 runs
    Week 3: 1/3 runs
    Week 4: 1/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/60 Junior research papers
    2. 64/64 Yeats journals DONE!!
    3. 8/51 Lit theory papers
    4. x/60 Hemingway annotations

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--dentist and podiatrist appts
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Lauriek70 - If you have time to prepare for the open water swim, and people to help train you, I say go for it. Push yourself to overcome that fear! But I'm proud of you just for considering it!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Well I so far am 6.2 pounds down. I know majority is water weight, but I am so stoked about I was about to grab a donut, but nah. I have yet to start exercising, so I certainly will take that.

    Have to run some errands, and try to get work done as I run around with a toddler all day long.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Wish Day
    It was the wish of seven-year-old Leukaemia sufferer Chris Greicius to become a police officer. When police heard about this they wanted to help and granted his wish. Young Chris was a police officer for one day on the 29th April 1980. Others heard about this and thought that granting wishes for sick children was a good idea. So, the Make-A-Wish Foundation was founded and became one of the best-known children’s charities in the world.
    This led to the birth of World Wish Day – the anniversary of the day the police granted Chris’ wish. There are now 48 countries involved in World Wish Day. People celebrate wish-granting across the globe by making dreams come true for sick children. Anyone who wants to get involved in this celebration can spread the word using social media sites, donate money to the charity or refer a child they know.

    Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us. ~Stephen Covey

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Having a good week, logging wise. My knee is getting better, actually it is great. it is my thigh that is still aching.
    Went to the movie last night and had popcorn which usually throws me way over but thanks to a Subway Turkey chopped salad it was all good.
    Garden looks to be taking except for one Red Bell Pepper which just fell over and gave up, I know the feeling.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good day to all!
    @skinnyjeanzbound - Good luck on the grading, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
    @Morgori - Thank you for the Wish Day, so nice it landed on Wednesday.
    @Lauriek70 - Thank you for the haiku, very well done.
    @susan2396 - Losers quit when they fail, winners fail until they succeed. ~ Robert Kiyosaki You have a winner inside you.

    I am finding it hard to breathe today.
    My oldest son's AODA assessment is tomorrow, I do not even know what to pray for on that one.
    My counseling sessions are getting pretty intense and I am feeling like I am treading water and not sure if I can stay up.
    Work is very busy and I am feeling overwhelmed there also. Sister and I are getting along very well and getting so much done. My sales skills are just a little better than my work pace so we never really catch up.

    My first race is coming up on Sunday. The Neenah Duathlon. Two mile run, 19 mile bike and a 2 mile run. I did a test race on Sunday and my times were my best ever. I did a 2.25 run, 12 mile bike and than went to do a second run but ended up walking instead. I will walk the last leg on Sunday if I have to.

    I am prepared for this race, I found a bike jersey on the clearance rack for $20.00, so I did not feel too guilty about spending the $64.00 on sunglasses. The glasses are for biking so they fit nicely under my helmet, they are shatter proof and I feel safer about not getting anything in my eyes if I wipe out.

    Weigh in this week was still 185. I am not stressing about it because it is race week and my first one. I will be back in the groove next week.

    My wish is that God leads my son on a path that will take him to a life free from his demons.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Hi all. I'm still here, but it's been a rough few days. Got hit with a cold last week that left me with juuuust enough brain power to hit some deadlines and conduct some interviews for other assignments. I spent the rest of the time in bed re-reading Harry Potter and drinking copious amounts of tea. Then, just as the cold was finally clearing off on Monday, I came down with a stomach bug. Erg. I'll spare you the details, but I'm at my lowest weight in years. :tongue:

    Still reading A Course in Weight Loss and am starting to notice changes in my thinking. For example, today, with my stomach still not completely back to normal but accepting food, I chose to get some fresh croissants and fruit spread for breakfast whereas I've been in the habit of getting biscuits and gravy. For lunch, I had one of the smoothie packs I made up a while ago and put in the freezer. I also have a pile of fresh fruit to turn into a fruit salad. I make it for the kids on Sissy Night frequently, but never felt like I deserved to have it in my fridge during the rest of the week. Silly, isn't it?

    Right, gonna try to catch up with what y'all have been doing!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Another super busy day, but I’m getting things done. Today Cyrus is officially a teenager celebrating his 13th birthday. It’s so hard to believe how fast the years have flown by. To think I went in for day surgery to remove a tumor, which was luckily benign and they couldn’t get the tumor without delivering my baby boy. So 8 weeks early Cyrus was born premature, but still weighing 5 lbs 9 oz. We knew he was going to be a big baby so perhaps it was a blessing he came early and now I have this 6’ gentle giant. Either way I’m forever changed that God gave me this blessing in my life. I know my life will never be the same. We went to breakfast this morning at First Watch, which we love than I took him to school. No bus on your birthday. LOL!! I’m not sure what he wants for dinner, but we’ll enjoy our time together that’s for sure.




    @Laurie – I was so glad to read your post that you were not close to downtown Baltimore. Just sad to watch except the video of that mother pulling one of the potential looters realizing it was her son. Good for her to beat some sense into him!! Also, regarding the open swim, GO FOR IT!!! Like you said, being in the harbor is a good way to start open swimming versus jumping right into the ocean for the first open swim.

    @Karen – Thank you for the support. It really means a lot. Interesting to read about your feet stuff. Last night at Cyrus’ baseball game he was in tears and he could barely run. He said it’s growing pains, but I’m not sure. We have his 13-year annual check-up on Monday with the pediatrician so this will definitely be address. He’s flat footed too so that’s always been a struggle.

    @Kaye – Thanks Kaye. It’s reminders like yours and so many others that I’m not alone. We’ve all started over so many times, but it’s how we keep pushing ahead and keep learning from those mistakes.

    @Ushkii – Good job logging this week. We were at the movies this weekend and popcorn is always my downfall. I had some calories saved though so it was enjoyed.

    @cblue (Lori) – Loved the quote and your right, I’m a winner!! I can’t believe your race is already here. You’ve been working so hard and I know you’re going to rock it! Just remember HAVE FUN!! It’s just another part of your journey and you’ve earned it.

    @Melifornia – Oh no!! I’m sorry to hear you’re still under the weather. Kick that nasty stuff out of your system!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    HAPPY Birthday, Cyrus!! He is such a handsome lad! Susan, I'm so glad to see you posting again! Even though I don't post often, I lurk daily and keep up on what everyone is up to.

    Still kicking. I've had a ton of medical..crap hit me in the past few weeks. I'm updating ALL my doctor visits before I leave HP in January. My bi yearly kidney imaging showed an "anomaly" so they sent me in for a kidney biopsy. Turns out I had a massive infection but with the uncontrolled eating bringing back the diabetus (go Mr. Brimley!) I figured the extra bathroom trips were from that and the kidney pain I just assumed was back pain. @ 140 lbs overweight, backpain is a daily thing.

    So, off for 3 days of intravenous antibiotics for that. The side effects of that laid me on my butt for 4 days. I saw the eye Dr (to be sure the diabetus isn't hurting my eyes) and while they are OK... I need glasses for driving and reading. I also need a tooth pulled still, but I pushed it back mid May. I've had enough Drs for right now. It doesn't hurt, it can wait.

    I'm working on getting my sodium and carbs under control. As long as my calories are averaging below maintenance I'm happy for now.

    I AM finally getting in more walking at work. I've increased it from 1/2 mile a day to 1.5 miles a day at the office. On days where I have to travel the campus that jumps upwards of 5 miles. Next week a co worker is out on vacation so I'll be looking at 5+ miles daily for the week.
  • domaha28
    domaha28 Posts: 16 Member
    This is my first participation in here. I've hit a major stall and I'm a tad bit worried. I've lost little over 20lbs and my drive has hit a stop sign. I'm afraid I may start gaining but don't know how to get back on track. The last 2 weeks have been hell to say the least. Working long hour and friends husband passed away and I've been with her, so my routine is upside down. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get back on track? Feeling very discouraged :(
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Honesty Day
    Date When Celebrated : Always April 30th
    National Honesty Day encourages us to be honest today, and everyday. We honestly believe you try your best to be honest.
    Honesty is a great virtue. If we want people to believe us when its important, then we need to be open and honest all of the time. We all know about the boy who cried wolf. When a wolf actually appeared, no one believed him.
    Celebrate National Honesty Day in a completely open and honest way. There are few rules for this special day......just be honest.

    Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health. ~Author Unknown

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Thursday Truth ... checking in with April's challenge which for me was to eat less fruit and more vegetables. I was off-line for part of the month, so only have 3 weeks to report ...
    Week one ... 20 fruits and 24 veggies
    Week two ... 15 fruits and 24 veggies
    Week three ... 11 fruits and 15 veggies

    I didn't mean for the veggies to decrease, and can see that I am low in both this week.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @NK1212 - Awareness is a great part of success, now you know where to go from here.

    @susan2396 - Such a handsome boy, you are very fortunate to have such a good relationship.

    @domaha28 - Welcome, this is a great place to share and get support. Come back often so we get to know you better.

    AFM - Carl's AODA assessment went well today. He will be attending outpatient treatment. He still has to set this up but they are letting him go to the facility he wants. He does struggle with social anxiety so I think he will be willing to open up in a place he is somewhat familiar with. They do have one person on staff who specializes in social anxiety disorders.

    My counseling session went very well today. I got a few things straight in my head and am breathing so much easier now.

    Race is 2 days 12 hours away, I was supposed to run tonight but am just not up to it. I did a 5 mile bike ride. I am exhausted. So much emotional stuff wears me out. I will run 1 mile in the morning and then rest until the race on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be 70F and partly cloudy, no rain.

    Food is off today, I will be over the next couple of days as well. I will try to get in more water before bed.

    Thursday truth - I am so very grateful for this group. Thank you to all who share here. I get so very much from all of you.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Report of April goals: Exercise 29/30, including 89.7 miles walking, and 7 hours pedaling; logging calories 22/30; water 29/30.
    My weight has been all over the place. It's obvious where I fell short.
    Has anything been planned for May goals?
    I love all the pictures. @susan such a handsome boy. @Karen cute little niece. @laurie you looked great for your tri.
    Keep posting. We need each other.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lori-- good luck at your race on Sat!! I know you will do great. :smile:

    @nikki-- I also got off track with logging for April. I will be repeating my protein challenge.

    @tom-- is it coincidence that World Wish day fell on our Wednesday Wish and Honesty Day fell on our Thursday Truth. Or are you just making up "national" days now? LOL

    @domaha-- welcome! When I get off track, I just try to get right back to it all at once--if I don't succeed day one, I at least know it was better than yesterday.

    @kris (mow)-- sorry about all of your recent medical issues. :( But it's great that you are getting back to the walking. Is Mowmow greasing the wheels on his kitty stroller? ;)

    @susan-- Wow, you are officially the mama of a teenager! As someone who works with them everyday, all I can say is hang onto your hat! LOL

    @melissa-- hope you are 100% back to feeling good now and that the extra weight loss sticks and gives you a "silver lining" after that stomach bug.

    @ushkii-- sorry your leg is still in pain--has the doctor given you any explanation for the lingering pain? Also, your comment about the popcorn reminded me that I discovered Trader Joe's sells bacon flavored popcorn--it's very yummy and still really low in calories.

    @anna-- congrats on 6+ lbs lost and on passing up that donut!

    AFM-- This Sunday I need to pick up my race packet for the 8k I'm running on May 9th. I don't feel as prepared as I would like b/c the weather hasn't allowed as much outside running as I had hoped for. The forecast looks good for this weekend, so I plan to get outside for a 5k one of the days.

    I pared down my grading list to the bare minimum that I would like to finish by Wed. I promised all of my AP kids I would have the Lit Theory papers back before the exam. They will be taking quizzes tomorrow, so I can grade some more while they work. If I can also get through the essays they wrote today, that will be a bonus. Once I get those off my plate, I will worry about the juniors' research papers.

    Thursday Truth:
    I really lost my mojo with the April challenge. :( I plan to repeat it for May--I know I can do better. In one month I will be in Nashville, so my goal is just to get back to the low 180s again by then.

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 5/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein ?/7 didn't keep track
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein 3/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 runs
    Week 3: 1/3 runs
    Week 4: 2/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 20/51 Lit theory papers
    2. x/51 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--dentist and podiatrist appts
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym or run outside

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes