Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    bump... I get off for spring break and miss 12 pages. Wow! Catch up later. :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    hanging out at my niece's waiting for my grand-neice to wake up then i can go get her twin sisters from school and bring them to my house where the electricians are working to update everything to a safe level.
    before my niece left for work she offered me some home made cookies and left them on the counter!! but i have my water and am chewing my gum for all it is cookies will not get me!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Someone brought in several cakes this morning at work. I took a quick glance in the lunchroom, saw cakes, no fruit or anything mildly healthy and moved on. Wow... I am amazed at how much easier it has become to just walk away. I wasn't feeling so hot today, so cancelled my physio appointment. Part of it was wanting to get home early for a change, part of it was wanting to get some groceries and more cooking done, as well as do the fit test on my HRM, and part was not wanting to do cardio today. Well, mostly the last one, but I was truly not feeling well for a while with a bit of a tummy ache. I was debating whether to do some exercise at home but decided I would take the 100 calorie deficit from today's total instead. Tomorrow I plan to work out at home... I am even contemplating starting (or just trying out) the C25K. I see a lot of you here are running and I wonder if I could do it too. I know my cardio health/endurance has improved and I am curious to see if I could run for more than 20 seconds without wanting to puke and die.

    April goals:

    1. planks: 3/30 (30s)
    2. 150g protein: 3/26 on target!
    3. lose 5 lbs: (start Apr 1-- 219.2) lowest-- 217.6
    4. extra activity days: 1/2


    Sunday: hiking/geocaching DONE
    Monday: OFF
    Tues: physio... Cardio day NOT DONE
    Wed: home DVD
    Thurs: physio... strength circuits
    Friday: physio... strength circuits
    Sat: ?
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    HAVING DIFFICULT TIME TODAY. NOT HUNGRY JUST WANTING TO EAT. KNOW IT IS EMOTIONAL. TOOK SIS TO CANCER DR AND she explained why she could not get her kidney cancer taken care of. Got assigned a new Dr and he is out of town till the 22nd. Not many Dr's will take Medicaid and she has few alternatives. Very worried about her.

    will catch up on posts laters
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- I will need to remember step ups with a weight plate and suggest that option to my trainer instead of doing the plyometrics . Like you said those exercises are good for a few things and bad for the joints. I like that idea so much better than doing the jumps. :wink: At least my plan to avoid them will have me running over the weekends, which I need to do so I can get back into 5K shape.

    tlh- I prefer the step ups with or without weights. The trick is pushing up and engaging your glutes- give a new meaning to step ups since you are not using the momentum from pushing off the ground. The thought of jumping up more than 6 inches terrifies me so running will be my escape.:bigsmile:

    Susan- I hope you get to visit my area soon as well. I would love to show you around the town.

    Kaye- It is so great that your daughters want to celebrate your success, so I hope you do something really special. You deserve it.

    KarenL- Good job on avoiding those cookies.

    Today, I was talking to a co-worker who has been wanting to lose weight for several years. I inspired her several to try to lose. She started weight watchers but fell off the wagon. She is now back on and you can see a difference in her as I told her today. She admitted that exercise was the key to helping her lose the weight. I am very happy that she is now on the right track.

    I did manage to get a good swim in today. I went to the pool closer to where I work and swam for 30 minutes. During the swim I managed to swim a couple of 300's- meaning 12 lengths (6 laps) straight of freestyle and breast stroke. Eventually, I want to hit the 500 m mark. I end up swimming about a 1/2 mile each time I go and now it may be closer to 3/4 of a mile.

    The other accomplishment today besides finishing my grades was fitting my bike in the trunk of the car. Now, I can go bike riding after work tomorrow. I have a meeting at Kinder Park so I can ride around the park and be safe. The weather is suppose to be wonderful with highs in the 60's.

    Funny story- After the rock climbing trip on Sunday, I went out for pizza with the rest of the group. Well, the place requires you to show your drivers license when using a credit card. No problem, so one of the guys saw my picture (OLD Picture pre-weight loss). All he had to say was I like your new hair style now compared to the old (curly permed hair.) I guess he did not know what to say about the weight loss or how to express. Needless to say I was slightly disappointed but I still thought it was funny how they commented on my hair instead of my looks.

    To keep exercising this week.
    Eat more protein.

    Sunday- Belaying workout (good for arms) DOne
    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday-Gym strength/core no- Swim DONE
    Wednesday-Rest or bike at a park
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- water aerobics
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks for the supportive and encouraging words regarding my Sunday Share, everyone.

    Sounds like many of you are getting in some good fitness this week.

    Ushkii- You are on a roll! I hope you and your wife keep it up! We had a budget theater near our house that we could walk to, but it went out of business recently. :frown: My husband and I are hoping the rumor of someone buying the place is true and that they start it up as another budget theater. It was a nice place to take the family or a cheap date night.

    Robin- Hope the CT went well.

    KarenLeona- Crush those cookies! Nicely done.

    Kaye- Awesome compliments! You ARE a biggest loser, but better because I think you're doing it the right way. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Laurie- So cool that you're inspiring others to lose weight, too! And then funny that the guy checking your id didn't know what else to say besides complimenting your hair!

    I always get such nice compliments from my coworker about how she can definitely see in my face and upper body that I've been losing. She and another coworker also encourage me in my running. They've got me thinking of signing up for a half-marathon in September. I just might be crazy enough....eek! For now, I know for certain that two of us are going to do a Chocoholic Frolic 5K in May. My husband may walk it, too.

    Tanya- Try running! There's chocolate! :laugh:

    In June, there's a 10K that I've walked twice before. I'm going to try running it this year. So, I've got some longer term fitness goals going on.

    This week, I've got three days set up to work out at the gym with my friend. We met tonight, then tomorrow and Thursday.

    Going to have a romantic weekend with my husband while the kids have a sleepover at my in-laws. We were talking about weekend plans tonight, and my 6 year old asks, "When are we going to Grandma and Grandpa's? Friday? And then we're coming home Palm Sunday?....Are we going to be sleeping there?" LOL! I just answered her, "No. You have to stay up for 48 hours." The look on her face! :laugh:

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 5/30
    2. Wall sit: 5/30, 50 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 5/30, 30 sec.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I'm almost all packed for our Representative Assembly over the next few days--just waiting for some clothes to finish drying and I think I will be done. Of course now I'm all wound up from running errands, grading, and packing, so I fear I may never fall asleep tonight. :ohwell:

    @laurie--that is funny that he commented on your hair instead of your weight. I bet he just didn't know how to comment in an unoffensive way. :wink:

    @katrena--so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope the 2nd opinion gives her some new options.

    @tanya--I started c25k when I weighed about 235, and it only took me about 6 weeks to get to running a full 5k. Of course it was at a very slow pace of about 5 mph. It's also taken me a long time to improve upon that pace. I can currently run a 5k in about 33-35 minutes depending on what kind of day I'm having. I say, go for it--you'll never know what you can do until you try! :flowerforyou:

    @karenleona--Mmm! Water and gum! :laugh: Good girl for resisting those cookies! :drinker:

    @tracy--I am the same exact way! I am tired but then I get a second wind in the evening and stay up until 12 or 1 am. Then the alarm goes off way too early. I'm actually looking forward to these next few days at my RA b/c I don't have to be on the assembly floor until 9 am Thurs-Sat. It will be nice to get some extra sleep. :yawn:

    @tammy--that's so funny that your pup wants your almonds. :laugh:

    @gulf--congrats on being down a size! :drinker: Great NSV!!

    @aimee--sorry you are having a rough week. :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I hope the CT scan went well and yields some positive options for treatment.

    Hi ushkii, kelley, nettie, susan, and L2T!

    Tuesday Goals:
    Almost finished with my main goal which was to get all of my errands done and get packed by a reasonable hour. Dryer just buzzed, so I should be finished soon. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 satirical cartoon analyses
    2. x/50 Declaration of Independence rhetorical analyses
    3. 8/70 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--not sure
    Thurs--not sure
    Fri--not sure
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Wall sit = 45 sec
    Forearm plank = 50 sec
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, have fun at your conference. Hope it is productive, too.
    Laurie, I'm excited about celebrating 100# gone, too, but first I have to quit making almond joy cookies, or I will never make it. I can't leave those things alone. I had to show my driver's license recently. They didn't say anything but definitely took a second look at me and the license.
    Katrina, so sorry about your sister.
    KarenL, I often use gum, too. I need to get some again. Maybe I could leave those evil cookies alone.
    Susan, I'm excited for you and your vacation. Good luck getting ready.
    Had a great walk with Nicole tonight. Anya loves the stroller ride every evening. We had highs above 70 today. Except for Saturday, I've managed to get enough exercise to be under my goal, but I'm not comfortable using that many of my exercise calories. My success has been not using them.
    Hang in there, everyone. The struggles are tough, but they will pass.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    No time to read, catch up or do personals. Today has become one of the VERY IMPORTANT DAYS in my life. The CAT Scan showed alot of destruction in the sphenoid,sinus, very persistant and progressive. He wants to do surgery right away (sometime this month) His assistant will call me in the next day or two with the surgery date.
    Unfortunately, since I was hospitalized so recently, there is a M'Care law that prevents me from an in-house stay, so I will only be admitted for 23 hours, then discharged home. I will need to line up friends to care for me or VNA for about 4-5 days afterwards.

    Other information the doc told me was that my frontal sinuses were crushing down and folding in upon themselves. (Think cheeck area) There is very little passageway on my left sinus. There is a problem causing my eye sockets to enlarge downward in an egg shape.THey are really quite exaggerated when I saw them on the CT. It shocked me. I can actually feel them under my skin. This is just peripheral information that will come into play later. I asked if the surgery would cure my tongue problem and he said it would NOT. He went into an explanation of why. With the crushing of the frontal sinuses and change to the eye sockets, he thinks the tongue is the third thing in my face to be affected. He thinks its a progressive neurological disease that has to be explored after the surgery.
    This is very unwelcome news. I had seen signs of changes in my face over the past few years, I thought it was aging.
    He even showed me the swollen cranial nerves on the CT and they surround all these areas but do not go up to the sphenoid sinus. So, even though I am getting one solution , I have another problem to solve. I do thank God for the solution and maybe the other problem is a blessing in disguise! :heart:
  • christylhall
    I had a great day today. I had a routine doctor's appointment and everyone complimented me on my weight loss. I never thought I would get a confidence boost from going to the doctor.

    I really wanted a piece of my favorite Easter candy today. (I won't say what to avoid triggering any cravings!) Fortunately I had enough room leftover for extra calories in my menu today, so I went ahead and ate it. It's not cheating if I don't actually go over my calorie goal, right?! :tongue:

    Re: wishing you weighed what you weighed the first time you thought you were fat: The numbers on the scale and on clothes sure feel a lot better coming down than going up. :) I'm thrilled to be back in a size 28 and hoping to say hello to a lot of lower numbers before too long.

    @jtconst: I think tricking your brain with the 100 calorie pack is a great strategy; our brains are funny things sometimes.

    Hugs to everyone dealing with the medical and/or insurance system either yourself or through a loved one. Your positive attitudes are very inspiring.

    So far this week:

    Sunday: 30 min walk, 1484 calories
    Monday: Rest day, 1407 calories
    Tuesday: Rest day, 1488 calories

    Pretty good so far, but having two exercise rest days in a row is tricky. I had appointments that interfered with my usual exercise time. I hope I can maintain the motivation to work out all of the rest of the days this week. When I do it I feel so good, but putting that first foot on the treadmill is the tricky part. Maybe a new audiobook?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I'm going to try personals and throw this computer out the window if I lose them again.

    @skinnyjeanz - Yay for getting your taxes done and your packing. DH always laughs at me when I pack since I change my mind 3 times on what to take before I'm done.

    @kjefferies - Your yard and garden sound amazing and how sweet that your GS is willing to help.

    @ushkii - Great job last week and for inspiring your wife to join you!!!

    @kah - I love living in a TH. For us, it's the best of both worlds with a yard big enough to enjoy and dig in the dirt, but not so big that we spend all our time tending it. For us the extra bonus has been great neighbors who are either retired or at least empty nesters like us. What great friends we have made. And I'm with you on the fixing up the inside. I always have a project!

    @kaye - You're so right! It's sad we didn't recognize it when we were in the best shape (and lowest weight) of our adult lives. That's a great reminder to appreciate the NOW.

    @nettie - Your progress pics are fabulous! And yay for your scale cooperating.

    @susan - Hang in there. Vacation is almost here!!!

    @robin - Boo for having to have surgery, but it sounds like this doc knows his stuff and will be a great partner in solving the issue.

    AFM - Had a not so good weekend food wise, but didn't gain an ounce from it and am grateful for that. Going out of town for this weekend and will watch my intake like a hawk. I really want to get to 180 for my 1 year MFP anniversary. Today is my 300th day of logging. Where did the time go!

    It's going to be a fun weekend in Chapel Hill (most beautiful college campus in the country, but I am more than a little biased) with both kids and a boyfriend. We're going to the Carolina vs. Wake Forest baseball game on Saturday night and the weather should be perfect.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 6/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day NOT DONE (yard work)
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (Rest day)
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin, I'm glad they are finding some answers for you, but so sorry that you have all this to go through! I wish I was close enough to help. Know that prayers will be with you. You are the glue that keeps us together. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That your surgery (Robin) gets scheduled quickly and is successful. Then you can move on to the next issue and will be better in no time. sorry to hear about your sister. I think it's terrible the Medicaid regulations and that doctors can choose not to accept it. Hopefully she can find one that does and will be able to find a solution. glad you were able to inspire a co-worker. Glad you can fit your bike in your trunk (I can't quite picture that) but it opens up whole new possibilities, doesn't it? I think people always think that if they comment on weight loss that people will be offended. Little do they know that it would make our day!

    @Hansea ... enjoy your time away with your husband. I love that little ones take us on our word...they are going to have a blas with G'ma and G'pa.

    @Karen...enjoy your time away (and especially the sleeping in part)

    AFM...yesterday's work out was outside and it was great. It took me a bit to not feel self conscious because we were right outside the gym and everyone was coming and going. I couldn't decide if I wanted my butt facing the parking lot or the door. :embarassed: One little boy said "You can exercise outside??!!!" :heart: My upper body feels okay, but my lower body is hurting this morning. And I'm not quite sure what I did to my foot, but that is pretty sore today and as I type, I have ice on it. I can still walk normal so I think it's fine. Tonight I'm going to do water aerobics and then we have choir. For lunch I am going to make Hamburger Soup...filled with lots of veggies and comes to a little over 200 calories per serving.

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 7/30 (35 seconds)
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 5/30
    Calorie intake – 7/30

    This week’s activity goals:
    Monday – Cake Decorating class DONE
    Tuesday – Gym with Trainer DONE
    Wednesday – Water Aerobics
    Thursday – Cooking and Serving at The Banquet (I’ll be on my feet from 1-7:30 --- I think that’ll be enough)
    Friday – Gym with sister
    Saturday – Cantata practice, Jacob is at a music festival and then I’m helping with an Easter event at church…no time for a formal workout
    Sunday – gym with sister

    Well, I didn't get my vacuuming done yesterday, but was able to accomplish everything else.

    Goals for today:
    **Make hamburger soup
    **Organize my desk

    Have a super day everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @L2T~Congrats on your 300th day of logging! Mine reset during vacation, I was at 575. :frown: I don’t have a backyard/patio (garages are in the back) in my TH but I do have a front yard – we also have a great neighborhood pool that is just steps from my house. I know what you mean about the neighbors, we’ve got a pretty close knit group – all the dogs become yours too, since they’re all playmates. :laugh: They come to the door to visit with Zoe, who wishes I would let her outside to play with them.

    @Laurie~What a great swim! Funny about the DL photo, my guess is that he noticed but didn’t know how to broach the subject with sensitivity. I often get what I call back-sided compliments, people say the weirdest things regarding my weight loss sometimes. :huh: Enjoy your bike ride in the great weather – great temps for me are the 80s. :wink:

    @Robin~Yikes! I’m sorry for the surgery and yes M’care does have that rule – it’s weird. Honestly, it shouldn’t apply because you’re being hospitalized on an unrelated issue – but they make up their own rules, which change often, so I wouldn’t take my chances. I hope your surgery is scheduled soon and that you have a speedy recovery so you can move on to the next phase. :heart:

    @Karen~Hope your assembly goes well the next few days.

    @Hansea~Out of the mouths of babes – maybe its 6yo? My nephew did the same thing when I went to visit last year (he turned 6 during that visit) – he asked me if I was sleeping over. :laugh:

    @Katrena~I’m sorry to hear about your sister, thoughts and prayers headed your way.

    @Tanya~LOL, the c25k program is a great way to introduce yourself to running. I say try it, like Karen said you never know what you’re capable of until you try. There might be a runner deep in you somewhere begging to come out! :wink: I was a runner in high school, so running to me is second nature.

    @Tracy~I’ve been exercising outside a lot lately – have to take advantage of these cooler days before the dog days of intense heat hit!

    @Aimee~I’m sorry about the sunburn, I can relate all too well – I got a really bad one in Aruba on my neck and then my shoulders in Grand Cayman on vacation, I can never seem to remember to reapply sunscreen! :grumble: I hope your week ends better than it started.

    @Jeanette~Hooray for the scale cooperating with you lately! Gotta love that consistency. I think you surpassed me in steps yesterday, not by much and hopefully not for long! :wink:

    AFM~Had some running around to do yesterday so no formal workout, after I got home from the store I did go for a short walk but it didn’t amount to much. Tonight is training outdoors, going to be sunny and in the 80s so perfect weather for me! Tonight I’m making a raspberry almond coffee cake for someone’s birthday tomorrow – I’m doubling the recipe and making it into a bundt cake so hope it turns out well.

    April Renaissance:

    1. Planks 8/30 days (30s)
    2. Under Calories 7/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/agility drills outside DONE!
    Tuesday~ Cardio (hopefully) NOT DONE! I did take a short walk, but it didn’t amount to much.
    Thursday~ Cardio
    Friday~Rest Day
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning everyone. No bonus surprise from the scale this morning, but I didn't really expect another loss so I am ok with that. I am glad my new lowest weight is still sticking around. Nothing exciting to report since yesterday.

    Wednesday wish: That all of you have a successful week and weekend. :flowerforyou:

    ushkii - I like your idea of your number scale rating. I have to say I am really impressed with how great you have been doing lately. You should be really proud of yourself. Why did your wife have to get rid of cheese? Is she lactose intolerant or is cheese one of her trigger foods? I am a cheese addict. I have reduced my consumption of it but could not imagine giving it up completely. :wink:

    aimee - So sorry to hear your week is off to a bumpy ride. I hope the rest of the week gets better for you. (((hugs)))

    Gulf - I love Old Navy's workout pants and tees. I own quite a few of their things. I am going to check out the site in a bit. My current pants are starting to get a bit baggy. Thanks for the heads up!

    jtconst - Vanilla bean almonds? Did I read that correct? Oh please do tell more. They sound delicious.
    When we first bought the house I did my first garden and just winged it. I had a really good harvest. I used what I knew from all the times I helped my dad in the veggie garden and researched companion planting. I have had success each year except for last year. The first part of the season started off well but then my tomatoes had blight towards the end of the season and I lost all my plants. Part of it was my fault because when I first noticed it I did not take any proactive measures to treat it. This year I am going to keep an extra eye out on all my plants for any sudden outbreak of diseases.

    Tracy - Jacob's frustration story broke my heart as it hit home for me. I have had many crying fits when I was in grad school over my laundry list of things to do between school and working 2 jobs. I am glad you were able to help get him back on track and he was able to get his work done. LOL to you comment about working out outside. It must have been a good feeling though to get some fresh air!

    Karen - How are you feeling? We have to get our electrical panel in the garage replaced. It is in working condition but when we had an electrician come in he told us it was "a dinosaur of panels" and not up to code. He said we should not have a problem with it for the time being but should have it replaced. It is on our list of things to do for house updates.

    Tanya - Bravo for passing on the foods in the lunch room. I hope you are feeling better today. I bet you could do C25K. I was surprised that I was able to do as much of it as I did. I am taking this week off as well from it to make sure my knees are 100% before restarting. When I stopped I still couldn't do week 1 in its entirety but there was definitely an improvement from previous weeks.

    KJeffries - Sorry to hear about your sister. Hope things go well with the new dr.

    Laurie - That's interesting that he commented on your hair and looks, especially with the loss that you have had!

    Hansea - Hope you have a great time on your romantic weekend without the kids. Any special plans?

    Robin - So sorry to hear that you have to have surgery right away. But like you said, maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Maybe this will help with a lot of the issues you have been experiencing. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always.

    Christy - I allow myself treats if I am craving them as long as they fit into my budget for the day. If they don't then I get my tush up and moving so I have more calories. I don't considering it cheating as I don't restrict myself to any foods. In the process I have learned to eat what I want but in moderation.

    Lives - Thank you. It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Enjoy it!

    Kah - I just synced Fitbit and as of right now I am only roughly 500 steps ahead of you.I imagine you will pass me soon. I was bored so I decided to help John take off the moldings and remove nails. I got in a few steps and squats doing that. LOL It is another gorgeous day here. I am planning on taking the kids out to run around on the playground. Since we work on a lot of social skills, it's part of the job for me to run with them and get them to interact with one another. (Love that part about my job, it's so much fun and I get exercise too.) I am also planning on going for a nice long walk again tonight after work. I am hoping to get my steps much closer to Tayna today. After John leaves today I want to get in some strength training before I head out to work. Hopefully he leaves with enough time to get that done. LOL

    April Renaissance:

    Planks: 0/30 days - still a slacker :embarassed:
    Wall Sits: 0/30 days - still a slacker :embarassed:
    Protein Goal at least 80 grams: 6/30 days
    Exercise goal:7/25 days (Allowing 1 rest day a week)

    Exercise goal:
    Sunday: Gardening - 2 hours
    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: Walk with Brian (2.78 mi - 53 minutes) & 1 hour of cleaning construction h*ll
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wed Wish: A productive garden this year!

    Was able to do all my goals again yesterday! It is the weekends that are hard as there is no real schedule. I guess with eating better, lower cal, and appropriate serving sizes, I can cushion the occasional bad meal. I guess it will all wash out if I have had a good week too.
    I like the idea of assigning number to my goals and weighing them, I can get an average or percentage over a period of time. I know kind of geekie but it is a measure to watch other than the scale, which is only one indifferent number. This is a measure of my effort or positive lifestyle change. Maybe I should not do as good for a while so later I can see some improvement.:bigsmile:

    RobinsEgg: Sorry to hear of more medical problems you encounter. Keep positive and we are thinking of you.

    aimeemarie: IKR I am a federal emp and they pay us with tax money, then turn around and tax it, is that double taxation?
    gulfcoast: Good job on the downsize! Never understood woman's clothing sizing what is a 14? 14 what? <never mind>
    jtconst: love those Costco muffins! You are so good to stay away and to choose a better alternative!
    tlh: Good luck with Jacob I sure do feel for you, good parenting is not for the weak.
    karenleona: Good for you, hide those cookies! Don't tell anybody but today at the elevator a package of pretzels was hanging about ready to fall in a vending machine, I went over and gave it a little bump and two other items dropped, that I did not even see. One of those big pink cookies 2 per package 200 bad calories each and some peanuts. I keep the peanuts and left the cookies on the counter in the break room.
    Tanya: Great job on leaving those treats!
    christylhall: W00T on the doc confidence boost!
    L2T: It was not me that inspired her but her doctor's appointment and lab results, lol. Its working...
    JNettie: DW cholesterol is climbing up and cheese and other dairy is suggested to limit. She eats a lot of cheese we found when she started logging again and the dietitian noted that. Thanks for your praise.
    KJEFFRIES: Sorry about your sister, it must be stressful for you as well, hang in there, and drink water.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: 123 = 6
    Tue: 123 = 6
    Weak total: 12
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    I have been sick since Friday. :sick: I got a shot of antibiotics and a bunch of pills.

    I just wanted to give my best wishes to Ellen and let you know we are hoping for the best for you.:flowerforyou:


    “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ~Ambrose Redmoon
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Had a nice weight loss today, Was very happy about it as was the Dr. I was measured and I've lot 5 1/2 inches in waist and 3" in hip/tummy area. I could see a difference in the way my clothes fit. Losing the weight inspired me to stay on plan and I ate a tasty but in plan meal. I still have calories for fruit later. Need to work on water though. DH & I are going for a walk and I am doing Wii later tonight
    Morgori - Sorry you are ill

    Uskii - Thanks for words of kindness regarding Sis. I think I am back on track. Keep up your good habits and dont' concentrate on abstracts like weight. Let each days sucess be your guide. You really Rock!!!

    Kah - I agree with you on doleing out the almonds. Too easy to get lost in the process if you have a whole bag

    Jnettie, We are still getting dust from a renovation two years ago. We need to get our vents cleaned I guess. Renovations always have surprizes and cost more than planned. Very impressed that you are still losing despite the stress

    AimeMarie - I am using the Pur Self Tanning booth, Tan in a can. I Love it, I use the clear so it doesnt streak or rub off but it does not about 4 -8 hours to develop. But it is natural looking

    jt const - Glad ankle is getting better. You are an inspiration. I'm tackling one thing a day. Today I cleaned the end of the counter which was getting cluttered

    tlh0407 - You did the right thing to let him do the work himself. I too, get an energy spurt after 5. I could work all night, but I am trying very hard to change that. She found another Dr but he is on vacation until the 22nd and the Oncologist says she needs to do something fast.

    Karenleona. The cookie Monster didnt get you. Wahoo!!!!!!

    Tanya 949 - It does get easier doesnt it. Give running a try, but start slow
    Laurie70K - Great idea on the bike. I need to get my bikes back and start riding. especially since my balance is getting better. REgarding the picture, some folks avoid mentioning weight for fear of offending others.

    Grandmakay44 - You are so close you the 100 mark. Press onward
    robinsnest - You will be in my prayers. I am so sorry you are having to go thru this.
    Christyhall - Congrats on your weight loss and fitting into a size 28. You have nowhere to go but down
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- I am happy that you one answer and best wishes for the surgery. I wish I could be there to help you out as well.

    KJeffries-Congrats on the lost of all those inches.

    Kelley- We were in the high 60's today and 70's by the weekend. It should be a great weekend weather wise. I just hope the weather continues into next week since I am on Spring Break.

    Tom- I hope you feel better soon.

    Nettie-The group I went with did not know me when I was at my heaviest. So the comment was funny to me for that reason since they truly did not know what to say. All they know about me is that I look fit and what they don't know is that I struggle with my weight everyday.

    Today, would have been great for a bike ride but after putting my bike in the trunk of the car last night and taking it out today, the front brake broke. The brake socket was bent and the hand brake would not work. Needless to say I was disappointed and did not ride my bike today. The next stop was to the bike shop for the tune up and brake repair. Lesson learned, don't put the bike in the car trunk use the bike rack instead. I just need to plan my time more wisely in the morning if I want to take the bike to work so I can ride later in the day or just go home and hit the local park. The bright side is that my bike will get the tune up earlier instead of next week, so I should be able to ride during Spring Break.

    Due to my mistake, I had to settle for the gym. So I rode the spin bike for 15 minutes (6 Miles) then ran .5 miles and ended with a .5 mile walk.

    My goal now is to start prepping for the Super Sprint triathlon. I need to prove to myself that I can do well in this event and handle all three events without my legs wearing out too soon. Part of this is coming from the fact that I have been neglecting my running lately. So I want to start running more and I will run again this weekend for 1 mile. Hopefully by the end of month I will be back to 3 miles. Goal is to add .5 mile each time I run. I will also swim more often and bike ride as often as possible. Then I will do workouts where I combine two of the three events during a training sessions.

    Wish-That the weather is great during spring break.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Robin- hang in there. Praying for you and hoping that all the issues will have answers