Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone ... I should not be on here at this moment, I ought to be outside cutting the grass! Yet, here I am, logged on to post a meal and just took a peek at the thread while feeling a little lonely and wanting to talk ... so I'm going to talk to you all. Then perhaps I can shake off this emptiness I'm feeling.

    First off ... I'm right with you @Morgori/Tom, in welcoming back @BohemianCoast! Alison, I feel so happy that you are back ... not happy that some of that weight loss has crept back on ... but glad that you will be posting again. You were missed!

    @cblue315/Lori ... good luck on your adventure on Sunday. I do hope those nasty flies aren't too much of a bother. Good thing they don't have mouths. Is that photo you posted a shot of those flies? Wow! Do you get May flies also? Those nasty ones do bite and love to go for your ears! So sad to read that things are on the downside again with your hubby. I was really rooting that you two could work it out, especially now that your son is kind of settled with the AODA thingy. I always root for a marriage to endure, but that's because I was really sad to see mine break up, and still am even close to 30 years later ... good thing your kids are mostly grown up now.
    That was a nice suggestionf for a May challenge @Lori, thanks for bringing one up.

    @Annr - Here's a heartly late welcome to you to the group. You came on/back while I was off with computer glitches, I think ... I took a peek at your profile page and really like that quote you have ... "Weight Loss is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to weight loss". Also the photo you have on your weight tracker ... is that a young you and hubby? Don't dump on yourself for that TOPS weekend backout ... your leader should not have volunteered you, that's her boo.

    @GOINSTD12/Tracy ... Family Feud! What fun. I love that show and watch it almost every day. Congratulations on the 21 pound loss your weight tracker says you've attained thus far.

    @grandmakaye44/Kaye ... I wonder it it's the Full Moon tonight (Flower moon) that had/has so many of us feeling a bit down and overwhelmed ... like you were yesterday? A close family member of mine is also having 'gout' issues and the meds don't help a lot, but do help some. This person has Diabetes-Type 2, as do I; and I wonder how much this disease has a role in the development of it. It's not a case of gout as you read about ... with the big red swollen toe that lasts for a few days ... it's more of an arthritis and skin issue flareups but are connected to the purines in proteins. I've probably got that garbled up a bit because the whole topic is a new one for me to get to know.

    @melifornia/Melissa ... I got the CD for the book you told about ... "A Course in Weight Loss". I started the activity for week one and decided to hold off delving into myself for now, as I don't really want to revisit the places that are suggested to do. As for your dry feet, I have another suggestion for you ... Avon sells a cream called 'Foot Works' that is a clay mask for your feet that I've used with some success. However my go to is Cetaphil moisturizing cream. I put that on my most of my body right after a shower and on my feet in the evening again. It absorbs really quickly.

    @ushkii ... congratulations on your recent 12 lbs loss. It's like your profile page quote ..."It's a long and winding road". I liked your palindrome comment so much that I copied it into my Facebook status for my friends to enjoy. thanks!.

    @jtconst/Tammy ... good to catch up with you again. Did you drop that pound you were looking to shake off? Hope so! If not yet, then soon ... real soon.

    AFM .... So ... going backwards through the thread I have come upon my post from yesterday and think it's a good time to tell you all that I joined a MFP challenge yesterday that was on 'Hello Healthy" ... it's been on before, it's the 30Day Plank Challenge. Yesterday we had to hold a plank in good form to get a base measurement and I was surprised and pleased to be able to hold on on the floor for 17 seconds. Considering I haven't been on the floor in years because it's so hard to get back up! Then today, we had to do 3 planks as a set holding for from 10 to 30 seconds each with rest time in between ... and I couldn't do even 1 second! Matter of fact, I could not get into the plank position at all today! So I did some core calisthenics from my old physical therapy core exercise moves instead. Tomorrow is a rest day and then Monday is another 10-30 seconds repeated 4 times. Lordy, Lordy, what did I get myself into?

    @annasgyal ... Hi, good going on dropping another. Glad to make your acquaintance.

    @Lauriek70/Laurie ... Feeling better? If you don't feel like doing anothe triathlon, then give yourself permission to not do that. Do something else, or even just take a quarter off and maintain an easier lifestyle for a bit. That's my 2-cents, which is probably worth a wooden-nickel!

    @skinnyjeanzbound/Karen ... good luck on you race next weekend. My goal is to get back down to the low 230's again!. We both need to repeat our previous challenge but ... we can do this!

    And AFM again, I rolled back to my Thursday post but still haven't said hello to everyone I've missed. However, I think it's time to stop ... I'll just have to catch everyone else I've missed later.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone. I'll be back on Check-in Monday!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just finished watching the Derby - wow was that fun - and now hope to see a double when American Pharoah races in the Preakness in 2 weeks..

    Oh and isn't it exciting that the Royal Family have a new baby in the family! I just saw that on the news after the race. The baby girl looks adorable! Kate is amazing,so trim, and it nice to see William at her side. @Bohemian Coast, do you get in a kerfuffle about the Royals?

    I've been on my balcony today, beautiful weather, planting my 8 inch tall clematis vines on my trellis and pansies (I face north, so not much sun ever).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin-- congrats on being 1 lb down for April--moving in the right direction!

    @niki-- you'll be surprised at how quickly you build up core strength with that plank challenge. I've done them starting from a straight-arm plank (easier than a forearm plank) and by the end of 30 days, I had no problem holding a forearm plank for 90 seconds. I also did a push up challenge once--could barely do 3 to start and was up to 10 within 2 weeks. With my shoulder injury, I haven't been able to do any of that stuff for over 6 months now and really miss it.

    @ann--yum! Eggs Benedict is one of my favorites!

    @alison (bohemian)-- great to see you back! How is the weather in London? Do they still have the park runs near your home? Perfect time of year to get back into that--I know you used to really enjoy them.

    @lori-- good luck at your race tomorrow!! those flies look horrendous--glad we don't get them here! (please don't send them south :open_mouth: )

    @tracy (goins)-- have fun in Atlanta--can't wait to watch you on TV!!

    @kaye-- sorry for the stress with Cathy's family and the DH's health issues. Good job staying on track in April even if the scale isn't reflecting your efforts.

    @melissa-- Glad you are working through some things. I also had a not so great April, but am happy to move forward with a fresh start this month.

    @ushkii-- Considering you've been sidelined by the knee, I think 12 lbs is great!

    @tammy-- Wow, you're courageous to brave the hail! I've been known to run in the rain (if it's not too cold), but never hail!

    @kelley-- The bacon popcorn is good, but actually not as addictive as it sounds. Are you going to post pics of the freshly-painted guest room?

    @laurie-- yes, my seniors have only 14 more days in class. Yay!

    May Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: x/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 30/48 Lit theory papers
    2. x/51 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--dentist and podiatrist appts
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside DONE

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey everyone, wanted to clear up a misunderstanding - I personally won't be on Family Feud, the team consists of my son, my sister-in-law and her husband, and two of her children. I will be there to cheer them on in the audience - if they get past the dress rehearsal! Turns out they do a test run on camera - a screen test per se - so they have to be dynamic enough doing that to be passed on to an actual taped show. If they do, and win the first game, they could go on to play several more games. I can only stay for one day, but they might stay another day and tape more shows if they do well! It's going to be so much fun!
    Tonight we went to a very upscale ($$$$$) restaurant to have dinner with my sister-in-law (same one) to celebrate her birthday. I think I did very well calorie-wise(I tracked as best I could) and the steak was amazing! Well worth the calorie splurge, tho not so much the $$$$$!
    Good night to all! Tracy
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Its been a gorgeous weekend here. Parents were here yesterday for a visit and to help me with a couple of things.

    @Robin~I saw the news of the new little Princess, she is a cutie pie! :smile: I don't really watch the derby, but a close friend of mine has a ranch (ironically she lives next door to famous Southfork Ranch which is just 10-minutes from me) and raises Quarter Horses so she was glued to the TV yesterday afternoon. :wink:

    @Alison~So glad to "see" you posting again! We've all been there, but you've come back to the right place. :wink:

    @Karen~I will post a pic soon. I'm in the process of doing some touch-ups (ran into a problem where the previous home owners used non-paintable silicone caulk in a really odd area that I need to remove or top with a paintable caulk :rage:). After I fix that problem, I need to get the room put back together--hope to finish up this week.

    AFM~Not much to report, just sticking to my plan wishing the scale would move more than that 1# losses I seem to be averaging lately. :angry: Today would be a great day for a bike ride, but think I may do some clothes shopping after lunch this afternoon or sit by the pool and read in the glorious sunshine. But first I need to get to the grocery store and prepare for the week. Storms are back in the forecast starting Tuesday through the rest of the week (oy, Spring in Texas :frowning:), I really hope it doesn't interfere with my Mon/Wed/Fri bike ride plans.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. It is so good to hear from so many of you the last couple of days. @Alison so good to have you back.
    Yesterday was a delightful day that included friends, family, and a fun visit with new neighbors, and I absolutely completely blew my food plan. I couldn't even begin to log it. Today has to be better. It can't be worse.
    I'm going to sort some pictures until it's time to go to church. With this sore foot, I won't be walking to church.
    Enjoy your day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a fabulous day here. I finally broke the glass weight barrier. The 300's are history :) Needless to say I am in a very good mood today, lol.ON top of that it is a beautiful day here and will be having the family over for dinner to celebrate my daughters birthday. It should be a great day.

    @Alison it was great to hear from you again. Don't worry about falling off the wagon. It is a never ending journey with its highs and lows. You will spring back quicker then you might expect.
    @grandmakaye so happy you had a good day with your family. Those are always the best days in life :)
    @kah I hope the weather doesn't mess with your bike rides to much. I actually love storms it is the one thing other then family I miss form the Midwest. Washington gets lots of rain usually but not actual storms.
    @goinstd12 it is really exciting for your family that they get to do this. My hubby is a big lover of game shows so we watch that one a lot when he is home
    @skinny I hope the training is going well for your race. I am always so impressed how you fit so many things into your life :)
    @nk1112 good luck with the plank challenge. I have been thinking about trying out some different monthly challenges. I tried a squat one a while back but my knee wasn't okay with that one
    @robin. so happy you enjoyed the derby. I love horses but have never actually watched a horse race. Something I should try to do sometime.

    Well I better get busy. Got a lot to do today. I have been trying to keep fairly busy so I have less time to sack. Seems to be working :) Have a great day everyone and I will see you on the flip side. :):):)
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Just been reading and catching up with everyone a bit! Congrats to all of you who have had weight losses and other personal accomplishments! Let me encourage you to keep up the diligent work toward your goals!
    AFM I am struggling to stick to my plan. this afternoon I am going to do some thinking and planning and set some goals and timeline for accomplishing some things I want to achieve! I will post some of those goals here later.
    Everyone have a great Sunday! It is wonderful sunny weather in KY today........not too hot , not too cool............ great day for being outdoors!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Just spent 245 bucks on groceries.....big sigh.....Well I did get some wonderful Greek yogurt that Tillamook puts out. Its a homestyle blend, and the marionberry one is to die for! Tillamook is an Oregon based company, so many of you might not get it....more for me....(insert evil laugh lol). Son is out getting some sun vitamins. He is a typical 16 yr old, so his skin I noticed was a pastey a vampire, but he respects his momma, is scary smart, gets up at 5:30am without me telling him, so who am I to complain. Haha....he just came back in....nope I are not done....5 mins isn't doing anything....hahaha....
    I was abit down yesterday after the eggs benedict slip up....I should have cut it immediately in half, but I saw it and was mesmerized...
    @NK1112 glad you liked the mantra. I have an index card pile and I thumb thru them periodically, just re-programing my brain, and thoughts. Here is another....

    "Take the focus off how losing weight is going to MAKE YOU LOOK. (instead) Focus on how losing weight can help you IMPROVE YOUR LIFE. "
    'Take Pleasure in persevering. That is what separates those who keep pusing forward , from those who throw in the towel!"
    Yep that is me in my ticker, with my husband. Taken last Sept. when my middle son married. Amazing what a bit of makeup, and someone to fiddle with my hair can do!
    Well, my turn in the sun, enjoy the day friends!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy All,
    Race day was amazing. 2 hours 16 mins for 2 mile run, 19 mile bike, 2 mile run. I was not the last in, there were 21 people behind me and more than that who did not finish or did not show up. There was one person behind me in my division. I really do feel good about my first ever race.
    A little over 3 years ago I was almost 300 pounds and was asthmatic, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, bad back, health numbers were climbing. Now I feel like I have a new lease on my life. I am still obese according to the BMI. But my life is so much better.
    Thank you all for your support. I truly did think of you while I was out there, I could feel you pushing me forward part of my support team.

    Pic of myself on the left, and two others from my gym, Sara and Brian. They are both veterans of many races and usually run marathons or 1/2 marathons. Sara will be doing the triathlon with me in July.

    The lake flies did not show up today. The wind was blowing toward the lake. Yes, they really are that bad. The picture in my last post was taken a few blocks from my house. We live about 1/2 mile from the lake so not many make it this far.

    @BohemianCoast - Welcome back, I have thought of you often over the last months. Are you still Morris Dancing?
    @Annr - Thank you for the positive thoughts. That is one thing I am working on for May.
    @humbleheart and the other newbies. When I started it was suggested that I make a list of things I am willing to do, things I am not willing to do and things I may try later. That act really did help me a great deal.

    It sounds like everyone had great weather today. Have a great week.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 210 Member
    Well I'm back after a terrible April, not counting and not logging most of the month so of course I gained. Thank goodness is was only 2.5 pounds. Didn't help with my trying to be in wonderland before my 50th high school reunion. (Where has the time gone?) Since it's only 4 weeks away and I would have to lose 14 lbs. I guess that probably isn't going to happen. Feeling very blue lately, lots of things piling up, mostly just life happening. I need to adjust my attitude and keep repeating the Serenity Prayer - to accept the things I can not change, to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference! It helps coming on here and connecting with everyone. Have a good night!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Hi, I'm here. 140 posts behind... new month, new start. Goals are 15,000 steps daily and to just simply eat under calories.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 210 Member
    @cblue315 you are an inspiration! Great job on your race. Many of you are inspirations to me, but I have to admit those of you in your 50's and 60's really make me stop and take notice. If you can do it, so can I. At least some part of it. Losing weight and getting fit again are so important. Lori you look great in your race picture. Keep up the great work.
  • bunsbunny
    bunsbunny Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Barb,
    I am just chiming in for the first time on this or any MFP post .a few years ago I was so close to wonderland. I let it slide and now have 75 to go.....again! Do not give in. Nothing is worth it.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @cblue315 you are AWESOME!!! I remember being 265 in 2009, then losing it in 2010 to be 179. Then because silly me, I let Jenny Craig lose all the weight, and really didn't lose it in my brain, (plus it was darn expensive) I gained most of it back. I am presently at 251. I do pride myself on being a forward thinker, positive in my surroundings, but there are days when I feel such a phony. I talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. You my friend are walking and biking and other sheeit...I commend you!
    @bapcarrier we are our worst critics friend. There are some days when I go literally from hr to hr. Some days are like that, but it doesn't mean we are a step away from crashing into a bakery truck on purpose. We are survivors in one form or another. I count my lucky stars that I have friends that are family like (I have a sister that has given me not one iota of emotional comfort these past 2 years since we moved up to Oregon for my husbands liver transplant) I rely on friends here that I have mentally adopted. I am not going up to the neighborhood bar to drown my sorrows, or a padded cell. So on the days when you are blue just think the worst case senarios and thank your own lucky stars:-) oh and nice ta meetcha. haha....I totally believe that strangers are friends I haven't met yet. Plus I have always been a firm believer of meeting a new person every day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tracy- Thank you for the support and the kind words. I really do need to do much soul searching about triathlons and what is holding me back. I will say that having two not so great swim practices in a row is not helping me realize my potential. The worst part for me is not being able to keep up with others and that just sets me off on the downward spiral of self-doubt. You really hit the nail on the head for me and now I need to figure out what I truly want and why. Good luck with your class and I hope it goes well.

    Kelley- I have noticed the same thing about the thread as well. Personally, I have been very busy lately and that has kept me from checking in here are regularly. I like the idea of simplifying things when it comes to challenges. Regarding the triathlon-, I am not sure what is about the open water swim that is holding me back at this point. I know there will be people to pull me out if necessary so that is not an issue. As I told Tracy, I have a lot of soul-searching to do and yes over-thinking triathlon is an issue for me.

    Ushkil- Congrats on losing 12 lbs. You are doing great and proof that changing eating habits will make a difference. It is cool that your wife is helping you in this process.

    Kaye- I hope your foot gets better soon. Foot pain is not fun. Stick with the changes in eating and the scale will reward you again.

    Lori- Hope you did not eat to many flies. That is awful that the non-native species was introduced to the area.

    Boho/ Allison- Welcome back, it is good to see you again my friend.

    Niki- Thank you for the good advice regarding the triathlon. Regarding the planks from the floor, if it is too hard to get off the floor then do them against the wall. Gradually, you can work your way down. That will also help you to build strength.

    Lori- Great job on the race, you kicked butt. Wonderful time for your first race and that is a great picture of you. Love your tri-suit.

    Bapcarrier- Welcome back.

    Annr- you are so right; we are our own worst critics. I am right up there with the worst of them. This is usually what gets me in trouble with my own brain.

    This has been a busy weekend for me and the week will be slightly better but still crazy. This week, I have family in town for my Aunt’s funeral so that is throwing things off for me. I am also trying to decide what I want to do with training, triathlons and swim practices. After two difficult swim practices, it is hard to go back and as Ann said, “we are our own worst critics”. I will be spending time figuring out my feeling about Triathlon’s and how I want to proceed in that regard. I do not want to give up or let myself down or give into self-doubt.

    I did enjoy the nice weather with a bike ride. I hope the nice weather stays around for a while.

    Have a great week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @lori-- congrats on your race!!

    @laurie-- I hope you figure out your feelings about the tri. Life is too short to do anything that won't make you happy, so decide if doing the tri will make you happy and if not, find something else that will. (I know--easier said than done :wink: )

    @tammy-- congrats on making it into Twoderville!! Wootwoot!

    Hello to everyone else! I'm going to pass on more personals tonight so I can catch up with my own posts.

    Friday Fitness:
    Meh. I ran outside Saturday--2 miles in 22 minutes after a 1 mile walk with gunner. I've come to accept that he's past his running days. He likes to do a quick sprint, but no prolonged runs for him anymore. I'm trying not to be too sad about it.

    My shoulder pain has changed once again. It seems to be less painful unless I move my arm the wrong way. Then it's a searing pain down my bicep that lingers for about 30-60 seconds. Otherwise, it's pretty normal. I've also noticed a change in my range of motion. Certain moves I couldn't do a month ago are much improved, but other movements are more limited. The 19th when I see the orho can't get here quickly enough.

    Saturday Success:
    My food has been better--under or only slightly over the past few days, but still not great on the protein. Grading is moving along. I've finished most of the Lit Theory papers, but didn't even get started on the in-class essays.

    Sunday Share:
    I mentioned in Feb that my friend's cancer had returned. Since then she's been in a clinical trial to try to keep the spots in check (there's no way to completely eradicate them without severely diminishing her quality of life). Well, I saw her on Friday and she just found out that the treatment isn't working. Her spots are growing, so she has to go back to a more traditional treatment which will have a lot more side effects. With the current trial, she's only had a bit of nausea and fatigue during the week of pills, but has felt great for the 3 weeks in between rounds. With the IV treatments, she will likely lose her hair again and be really run down all the time. It's all so sad especially since this will likely be her life for as long as she has left.

    On the flip side, she's happily in love with a wonderful guy she started dating after she had been declared cancer-free. They started talking about getting married in the Fall and even booked a venue for October. Then she found out about the need to change treatment, so they may be getting married June 6th instead. It's all very quick, but she's worried if they wait until Oct. she'll be too run down to really enjoy the day. So now we are all trying to help out and find ways to pull her day together in just 4 or 5 weeks. Eek!

    May Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: x/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 38/48 Lit theory papers
    2. x/48 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Today was a good day, Saturday was good. Ate good, not great but don't have to be great all the time. It just has to average out. I need to drink more the last couple days. This is a new week and a new month. So lets have at it.
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a glorious Sunday! Our lesson at church this morning was about Barnabas the encourager and how we should also encourage one another with kind words and deeds. You friends on this page are great encouragers for each other and to me! Thank you!
    I spent some time outside today! I am a country girl and due to visual impairment, I don't drive far so I went to the elementary school next door. I am so out of walking that I am having to start out very slowly. I think I am getting arthritis in knees and hips so just going easy to strengthen them. I enjoyed my short walks around the track with some relaxing time on the playground bench that overlooks our farm.! Brought back old times when I taught elementary school, and like the kids, my favorite time was recess!
    Have a good night everyone!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Bird Day!
    Bird Day

    Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health. ~Author Unknown
