So what's your diet secret?



  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Tip from a nutritionist I see NEED a good fat in your salad be it a small amount (1 tsp) of olive oil or grape seed oil in your salads, a lot of the vitamins and minerals are fat soluble and will not be absorbed with out it.

    Also....I add ground flax seed or chia seeds to my greek yogurt.......VERY filling.
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    Instead of salad dressing I add blueberries and strawberris, nuts and chicken to my salad. For snacking I eat freshly made popcorn in a pot (we don't use a microwave anymore). It taste so much better than microwave popcorn. And if I want something sweet fruit is good. I have two blueberry bushes in my backyard that I can't wait to produce blueberries for this year.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    flavored vinegars work very well for dressings - I have Acai, Blueberry, Balsamic, and garlic. These add little to no calories as well! I also am cheap - so this works for me - I buy a small amount of expensive chocolate, and when I have a craving, I have to convince myself I really have the craving before having a small piece - it keeps me honest, and I can still fill that craving once in a while with something high quality.

    I do both of these things and probably my biggest thing is everything in moderation.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Not buying snacks. Saved a lot of money and then there is no temptation. Its good for the whole house not to have junk food available.

    Ignoring the sweets at work helps too.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Skip breakfast so you can eat big in the evening.
    Have one day a week that you go over on your calories and eat junkfood.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I do alot of the things mentioned before. I don't do the salsa as salad dressing as the sodium is usuallly through the roof in store bought salsa's. I like to double the amount of veggie's in everything I make. I use cauliflower (steamed with a sprinkle of cheese) as a side dish instead of carbs. I drink one shot of espresso with 1/2 cup almond milk in the morning to help curb my appetite before I have breakfast. And I plan my meals a week in advance.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Be prepared-I have my lunch bag with me pretty much everyday. In it I have protein shakes and fresh fruits. This keeps me from having to run to some fast food joint when I'm hungry.

    Don't deny-There are certain things I like to eat even if they aren't the most healthy choice. I still eat them in moderation but I plan for it in my day.

    Fuel through the day-I eat my normal 3 square meals a day but I also eat in between so my body stays fueled.

    Overcook-I cook enough dinner to have some leftover for lunch the next day
  • AngieDee12
    AngieDee12 Posts: 41 Member
  • mjm0527
    mjm0527 Posts: 1
    Fresh mixed berries for dessert. Covered with half of a packet of splenda (if you really need the sweetness).

    I also drink a few mugs of hot mint green tea.....I don't sweeten it at all.
  • lbvancura
    lbvancura Posts: 3
    If I am feel like snacking after supper at night, I brush my teeth and that helps me not snack.
  • hgmoore44
    hgmoore44 Posts: 43
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    Flavored hot tea or popcorn for when I'm craving food out of boredom, especially if it's late at night.
    When I wake up earlier, I don't wake up hungry, so I don't impulsively eat everything I see within five seconds...but maybe I'm the only one with that problem :p
    Having someone to share my food with helps! My lovely boyfriend helps me cut down on calories more than he knows.
    As for salsa, I love it on eggs :)
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    The other night I mixed fat free greek yogurt with a little low fat buttermilk and ranch dressing seasoning... was not disappointed!:wink:

    This was my tip too ;) Ive tried all varieties of dressing mixes. They make great veggie dips too
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    I plan what I eat ahead of time. That with planned snacks. I eat less and but more healthy food.
  • ddwin
    ddwin Posts: 78
    Having a Sprite Zero with 1/2 cup of Cran-Pomegranite juice... instead of a beer or mixed drink. Sounds stupid, but really hits the spot when I'm craving an alcoholic drink.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Roasted seaweed snacks for when I'm feeling like munching. And green tea at night before bed.
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    i brush my teeth and that helps me not snack.

    I do this too, and it really helps!

    I always leave something on my plate
    I try to keep myself distanced to anything I may be tempted with
    Weighing my food - never realised how much I was over eating before!
    If I fancy something a bit naughty, I will have a packet of skips or quavers, only 80 cals each and satisfies the craving :)
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Secret? The secret is stop listening to the conventional wisdom on what is healthy and which diet to follow! Change your habits and life! Make it a lifelong commitement.

    Other then that all I can say is omit each of the allegren foods out there, one by one - see if there is a difference in your body/ You may have reactions to them which are making you fat and ill. Eat protein and fat. Eat clean. Red labels and cut out all the poisons!Practice volumetrics (one whole chicken and a HUGS salad has less calories then any oatmeal or whole grain bread or worst yet Big Mac!Cut out the hours long cardio instanity and opt for low impact slow paced cardio daily, do some HIIT and lifting 3x. Drink water!

    And be constant! Change takes time!