The joys of office broscience - misguided food/nutrition advice



  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    Back to the original point IIFYM or not

  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    Here, I made an astrology dietary restrictions for y'all:

    Aries: Can only eat food they've won in a street fight.
    Taurus: Can only eat animal proteins from animals that do not exceed 35mph at full speed.
    Gemini: Can only eat food scavenged from self-help group craft tables.
    Cancer: Can only eat food from neglected cans and boxes in the back of the very top shelf in the kitchen.
    Leo: Can only eat foods that can be arranged into a self-portrait.
    Virgo: Can only eat foods that can slide easily through the chute under the door.
    Libra: Can only eat foods that compliment their accessories.
    Scorpio: Can only eat foods that can hold their own in a staring match.
    Sagittarius: Can only eat foods from countries they cannot pronounce.
    Capricorn: Can only eat foods that their employer agrees to write off as a tax deduction.
    Aquarius: Can only eat foods that make it through their teleportation device without fusing to a nasty housefly.
    Pisces: Can only eat foods that remind them of that time their mother forgot to pick them up from soccer practice.

    Gemini should be "Can eat everything in doubles" since it's the twin sign.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    Back to the original point IIFYM or not


    I don't get this.... if I have 700 calories for dinner, and I order a diet coke with my meal, which brings it under 700 cals (where a normal coke would make it 900), it's the the whole point of calorie counting?

    Your logic is bad, and you should feel bad.
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    I know I've posted this before, but I don't think it was this thread. I used to work with a girl who cut out carbs and couldn't work out why she wasn't losing weight. She wasn't eating any rice, potato, pasta, bread, grains, crackers etc etc... she was complaining about this while eating a bag of jelly beans. I asked about the jelly beans, she said one of the reasons she was attracted to the low carb diet was being able to snack on them as much as she liked...

    ... you should have seen the look on her face when I gently explained that sugar was a carb. She had no idea.
    What?!?!? Jelly Beans aren't healthy?!?! But they're beans!!! Beans are supposed to be good for you. LMAO ;)
  • alyci
    alyci Posts: 50 Member
    I argued with a friend today who said I shouldn't have toast because carbs make you 'blow up and gain weight'.

    I also feel the desire to throw something at another friend who is always 'Oh you can't have this you are on a diet' And refuses to believe I can eat whatever I want I just have to watch how much I eat. If I want that bowl of ice cream, either I eat a smaller dinner or I throw in an extra work out(or two).
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    Here are my two favorites!
    1. Dark urine is not a sign of dehydration, it's a sign that your kidneys are working to reabsorb the water your body needs! Huh? So why is it when a doctor thinks you are dehydrated one of the first things checked is the color of your urine. :*

    2. Blending fruits and veggies into a smoothie destroys the fiber and nutrients mainly because of the heat generated during the blending process kills the nutrient and the act of blending kills the fiber. That must be one high-powered blender!!! :s

    Fiber can be killed? !

    Yes, it was the belief of some smoothie hater. >:)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This thread used to be fun. Now we're arguing with some guy who doesn't even know how IIFYM works.

    Quick: who has a co-worker who has said something stupid about food lately?

    (Mine are being generally sensible, darn them!)

    I don't have any. I did see someone recommend this on fb today: leigh bell&pldnSite=1
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    I just had to sit and suffer through overhearing a coworker go on, ad nauseam through my cubicle wall, how eating carbs after dinner will mean they don't get digested but get immediately turned into evil evil adipose! Apparently everything else if fine, just not doze evil carbz.


    The evens that I can't = all of them

    Sorry, just had to spread my misery. Anyone have any other overheard gems to share?

    "Bro!" Looks like this thread needs to be renamed. ;)
  • DaveinSK
    DaveinSK Posts: 86 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This thread used to be fun. Now we're arguing with some guy who doesn't even know how IIFYM works.

    Quick: who has a co-worker who has said something stupid about food lately?

    (Mine are being generally sensible, darn them!)

    I don't have any. I did see someone recommend this on fb today: leigh bell&pldnSite=1

    What puppy wouldn't be stressed out after a hard day laying in the yard? It's nice for them to come in, take off their doggie sweater and booties, and relax with a nice aromatherapy bath. They don't call it a dog's life because it's easy, you know.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This thread used to be fun. Now we're arguing with some guy who doesn't even know how IIFYM works.

    Quick: who has a co-worker who has said something stupid about food lately?

    (Mine are being generally sensible, darn them!)

    I don't have any. I did see someone recommend this on fb today: leigh bell&pldnSite=1

    Okay, is this where I fess up to how I have actually purchased an odorless (to humans) stress reducing scent thing for one of my cats, who also happens to be a stress eater. From PetCo, though. It wasn't due to the eating, but a brief and relatively mild stint with psychogenic alopecia (only just learned the name for it).

    (Don't judge!)

    (Or do, fair game in this thread.)

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This thread used to be fun. Now we're arguing with some guy who doesn't even know how IIFYM works.

    Quick: who has a co-worker who has said something stupid about food lately?

    (Mine are being generally sensible, darn them!)

    I don't have any. I did see someone recommend this on fb today: leigh bell&pldnSite=1

    Okay, is this where I fess up to how I have actually purchased an odorless (to humans) stress reducing scent thing for one of my cats, who also happens to be a stress eater. From PetCo, though. It wasn't due to the eating, but a brief and relatively mild stint with psychogenic alopecia (only just learned the name for it).

    (Don't judge!)

    (Or do, fair game in this thread.)


    Feliway? That does actually work for some cats (not mine it seems unfortunately!). Also have a cat with psychogenic alopecia, unfortunately neither brief nor mild (though not to the point of licking herself raw, just bald), and not helped by also having a myriad of allergies. Her belly actually has a nice coating of peach fuzz at the moment, about which I am ecstatic.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?

    I would have thought it was eating how your sign eats too. I therefore choose to be a herbivorous fish.
  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member
    Just @ the gym and saw a broscience in action. Dude lifts in a moderately heavy fleece jacket, shirt, shorts, & hat...takes his 5 mins beteween sets in the sauna. I was under the impression that heating like that is probably not good for one, but what do I know. Stilllll, I thought of this thread.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This thread used to be fun. Now we're arguing with some guy who doesn't even know how IIFYM works.

    Quick: who has a co-worker who has said something stupid about food lately?

    (Mine are being generally sensible, darn them!)

    I don't have any. I did see someone recommend this on fb today: leigh bell&pldnSite=1

    Okay, is this where I fess up to how I have actually purchased an odorless (to humans) stress reducing scent thing for one of my cats, who also happens to be a stress eater. From PetCo, though. It wasn't due to the eating, but a brief and relatively mild stint with psychogenic alopecia (only just learned the name for it).

    (Don't judge!)

    (Or do, fair game in this thread.)


    Feliway? That does actually work for some cats (not mine it seems unfortunately!). Also have a cat with psychogenic alopecia, unfortunately neither brief nor mild (though not to the point of licking herself raw, just bald), and not helped by also having a myriad of allergies. Her belly actually has a nice coating of peach fuzz at the moment, about which I am ecstatic.

    Yes--that's it. Couldn't think of the name. I used it for a while, but have finally phased it out.
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    kampshoff wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    giusa wrote: »
    Something that has always boggled my mind, can someone explain the concept behind ordering a large Big Mac value meal and a diet coke?

    She told me it was to save on cals :s

    140 calories. Sounds like the cornerstone of IIFYM.

    Don't blame IIFYM on stupid people. 34g of fat, 47g of carbs and 24 g or protein doesn't fit nobody's macros haha

    I suggest you go ask some of the IIFYM proponents around here who brag about how they always make room for McDonald's, ice cream, cheesecake, and anything else they want.

    I will say this, yes you can portion control ice cream and etc to meet your daily requirement and yes it allows you to not completely give up the foods you love but come on! 34 g of fat! Even if you followed 40-40-30 carbs/protein/fat, most have already blown through a third if not half of their daily fat intake on the Big Mac alone while only getting maybe a tenth of protein and maybe, MAYBE a quarter of carbs. You would have to eat nothing but pure rice and the leanest of meat for the rest of the day to meet your macros after a Big Mac.

    Don't get me wrong, my weekends are full of cheat meals and I do my best to follow IIFYM, but I also know that if I plan to down a pizza and some wine, I better be only drinking protein shakes, lean beef and spinach or else that's day is a fail for IIFYM. Same goes for this Big Mac and diet cola discussion.

    Get butt hurt all you want but Big Macs are typically too big for IIFYM, just call it what it is, a cheat day

    Sorry to latch on your response JPW, not directed at you. More so at everyone else who loves disgusting Big Macs. And FYI, I usually eat 20% fat on at 2500 calrorie diet which is 500 calories of fat a day, which equates to 56 g of fat a day. Even if I did the basic 30% for maintenance I would only be allotted 83 g.

    Instead of a Big Mac 34 g in one sitting if rather have some 10 oz herbed seasoned chicken, triple the protein and less than half the fat or even better...get off my lazy *kitten* and cook a REAL burger for similar stats of the chicken.


    I think you may have misinterpreted the Y in IIFYM.

    If I wanted to fit a Big Mac into my daily intake -- and I certainly could -- I would be doing it such that it fits my macros, not yours. It would still be "real" IIFYM, whatever that is; it wouldn't be a "cheat meal" or a "cheat day" or whatever you would like to call it.

    (And I don't even like Big Macs. I'm a Jalapeno Double kind of guy, on the rare occasion I go to McD's.)

    More power to ya, I just provided my stats to prove my point, the math behind and show that it Big Macs don't typically fit (I'm a bigger dude too, 6'2" 232 lbs. Also Jalapeño doubles are awesome and are a better substitute for a Big Mac, similar protein, 11 less g of fat and 12 less g of carbs). My main point is, a Big Mac barely fits or if it does you have more sacrifices for the rest of your meals to make up for it. There are far better cheat options than a Big Mac that give you more bang for macros.

    OK, to be honest, I cannot figure this out. I could have a Big Mac and still hit my macros with no problem. No cheat involved. And I'm a 40 yr old 5' 2" woman. I guess you must have a really significant deficit going on or something.

    I do agree that if I want a higher cal/fat meal, a Big Mac is about the last thing I'd choose. Much tastier options out there. There's a fried chicken sandwich that a local place makes, for example. Probably half again as many calories as a Big Mac. I mean the things are ginormous with at least 10 oz of chicken breast fried perfectly crispy plus the mayo, the buttered and toasted rolls (and lettuce and tomato). But oh, so, worth it.

    Until someone gives shows me numbers where a Big Mac can fit in your macros (where fat is between 20-30%) and still hit both carbs and protein then arguing with me is really pointless. I have already given everyone my diet numbers (2500 calories on average 40-40-20) and although I could make it fit (need two protein shakes, very lean beef and spinach to do it, like I said in my 2nd post which led to my secondary point of why do all that sacrifice for a Big Mac?) I just don't see it fitting. Till then my point is closed

    (Why everyone is defending a Big Mac is beyond me. And added was still off 5 g based on my original argument but still, just don't see it)

    you're using a big mac as an example of something you "could" eat in IIFYM, but you think nobody SHOULD. everyone else is probably just following suit. you'd have to pay me some pretty big money to eat an actual big mac, but substitute it for two slices of cheese pizza from domino's, it's the same damn thing. YOU don't think it's workable into a weight-loss diet. *I* have proven that it can be. i'm not uber-picky about my macros but i'm never far off 50/25/25 which is works best for me.

    is it cheating? not at all. it's not a cheat, it's a choice. i CHOOSE to have this treat once in a while, and in order to "afford" it i make other choices the rest of the day. the next day (or week..) i don't make any such alterations, i eat what i normally eat, but there is NOTHING AT ALL wrong with treating yourself occasionally.

    the whole point of fitting your macros is.. fitting your macros. in the case of my two slices of cheese pizza, the numbers work, and i've lost 70 lbs by NOT telling myself i can't have my damn pizza.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    DaveinSK wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    This thread used to be fun. Now we're arguing with some guy who doesn't even know how IIFYM works.

    Quick: who has a co-worker who has said something stupid about food lately?

    (Mine are being generally sensible, darn them!)

    I don't have any. I did see someone recommend this on fb today: leigh bell&pldnSite=1

    What puppy wouldn't be stressed out after a hard day laying in the yard? It's nice for them to come in, take off their doggie sweater and booties, and relax with a nice aromatherapy bath. They don't call it a dog's life because it's easy, you know.

    If someone hasn't made a puppy Mr Rogers video yet, they need to.
  • Jojomotivated
    Jojomotivated Posts: 141 Member
    One day someone told that me that if you eat while sitting down, food automatically turns to fat. Food can only be digested if you eat while standing up (cause you know, gravity). I just nodded. Also, your metabolism shuts down after a certain time and doesn't come back on until exactly 6am. Same person. lol
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I just had to sit and suffer through overhearing a coworker go on, ad nauseam through my cubicle wall, how eating carbs after dinner will mean they don't get digested but get immediately turned into evil evil adipose! Apparently everything else if fine, just not doze evil carbz.


    The evens that I can't = all of them

    Sorry, just had to spread my misery. Anyone have any other overheard gems to share?

    "Bro!" Looks like this thread needs to be renamed. ;)

    In typical MFP fashion part of it has degenerated into a stupid argument involving someone who doesn't fully get what they're talking about. Don't ever change MFP!

    However, I do have to say I am quite proud of those of you who have appreciated the true value of this thread (i.e. relax and have a good laugh) and are constantly seeking to redirect it to its original intent. Yay for you guys!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?
    I don't think I'd mind eating horse but that's illegal in the US.

    "Pet broscience" is a whole other can of worms

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    One day someone told that me that if you eat while sitting down, food automatically turns to fat. Food can only be digested if you eat while standing up (cause you know, gravity). I just nodded. Also, your metabolism shuts down after a certain time and doesn't come back on until exactly 6am. Same person. lol

    There were a few good Star Trek references so far in this thread, so let's keep that going

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited April 2015
    One day someone told that me that if you eat while sitting down, food automatically turns to fat. Food can only be digested if you eat while standing up (cause you know, gravity). I just nodded. Also, your metabolism shuts down after a certain time and doesn't come back on until exactly 6am. Same person. lol

    There was someone who posted a couple of months back whose friends had told her that if she walked around whilst eating she would burn twice the calories of whatever it was. Sadly she was asking if it was true.

    ETA, the post:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    I found out today that a lady I work with thinks that the reason I eat cottage cheese and hot sauce for breakfast every morning is because it speeds up my metabolism and that's why I'm losing weight. She's now eating hot sauce on a bunch of stuff.

    I eat cottage cheese and hot sauce for breakfast because I like cottage cheese and hot sauce.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our infamous High Level bridge.

    I've never seen it not covered in snow lol. I moved from Edmonton
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?

    I would have thought it was eating how your sign eats too. I therefore choose to be a herbivorous fish.
    I'm a Leo. A very, very confused Leo.
    By one methodology I should be eating Lions? Or cats? Ew. Also, that might make grocery shopping difficult.
    By another methodology I should be eating what lions or cats eat.
    It is imperative to me that someone clarify this. Or maybe I should just stick with eating for my blood type?

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    edited April 2015
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our infamous High Level bridge.

    I've never seen it not covered in snow lol. I moved from Edmonton
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?

    I would have thought it was eating how your sign eats too. I therefore choose to be a herbivorous fish.
    I'm a Leo. A very, very confused Leo.
    By one methodology I should be eating Lions? Or cats? Ew. Also, that might make grocery shopping difficult.
    By another methodology I should be eating what lions or cats eat.
    It is imperative to me that someone clarify this. Or maybe I should just stick with eating for my blood type?

    I think you're just looking for an easy out, because you're too lazy to run down a Zebra and bite it's azz.

    ETA: Having said that, I'm a Libra and here in Australia Libra is the leading brand of feminine hygeine products, so maybe I should just keep my fool mouth shut.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited April 2015
    giusa wrote: »
    Something that has always boggled my mind, can someone explain the concept behind ordering a large Big Mac value meal and a diet coke?

    She told me it was to save on cals...

    I always ordered Diet Coke because I liked the taste more than regular coke. Maybe that makes me weird. The only 'regular' soda I'd drink was Mt. Dew.
    That's what my hubby does. He does not like the taste of reg. Coke.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    seric2000 wrote: »
    I have a coworker who refuses to eat meat. I told her it was nice that she was a vegetarian.
    She said "no, I'm not a vegetarian. I just don't eat anything with muscles because I read that muscle weighs so much more than fat and I don't want to ingest all that heavy meat muscle". (shovels in the macaroni and cheese)
    Go flabbergasted.

    :| .....
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    My boss says that during the week of the full moon, or right before it-you can eat all you want and not gain weight. I just smile and nod.

    This is true. It is because of the pull of the minds gravity being at it's strongest.
    My aunt has stated that this is the only time she travels since you can travel faster during that week for the same reason.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mkakids wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    I know someone who became a vegetarian but hated vegetables. Yes she was in the hospital after about 2 months due to fainting spells.

    Thats my cousin. She has been vegan for at least 20 years (since she was 7years old - by her own choice). She only eats grain based things (bread, pasta, etc..) and fruit.

    We had a friend's kid staying with us for a few weeks. She decided she was vegetarian any time she didn't like what was for dinner. To her, vegetarian = can have cereal for dinner. She was miraculously cured of her vegetarianism when we had pepperoni pizza, but it came back the next night when we had chicken.

    This reminds me of my old office--which was largely Jewish, even, although the catering staff obviously was not--where a vegetarian friend of mine kept complaining that they'd never have any vegetarian options at lunch. During one such interaction he was informed that the salad was a vegetarian option, and he pointed out that it had bacon bits. Apparently the catering manager seemed flabbergasted that bacon bits counted as meat.

    We're they Bacos? Coz they're vegetarian!


    Nope, actual bacon.

    The vegetarian complained about the bacon but the Jewish workers did not? A catering manager that clueless needs a new line of work.

    Do all Jewish people avoid pork, or just orthodox? I thought it was an orthodox thing.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member

    Can someone explain to me the weird "don't eat past 9pm" thing? I've heard that a few times and I'm feeling search engine lazy right now.

    You would have to watch a movie called Gemlins to truly understand. It's a documentary about what happens if you eat after 10pm. I've been careful ever since. ;)