The joys of office broscience - misguided food/nutrition advice



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Now I'm in it for all the Albertans. *waves to: Leduc, Fort Saskatchewan, Red Deer, and Calgary. I hope I didn't miss anyone, eh.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Now I'm in it for all the Albertans. *waves to: Leduc, Fort Saskatchewan, Red Deer, and Calgary. I hope I didn't miss anyone, eh.
    Originally from Edmonton but now in Vancouver. And not too fond of Calgary at the moment :angry: Damn Flames.

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    A lady I know won't buy any more fresh farm eggs from us because most of them are double yolkers. Double yolkers are bad because they have double the cholesterol and so they are bad eggs. She had to throw away half of the eggs last time. Seriously....that's what she told me.
    She should have sent them to my house. A hawk got my mom's chickens so no more fresh eggs

    Birds eat birds????? :o
    YEAH, don't you remember Foghorn Leghorn and the chicken hawk on Bugs Bunny. Except the real chicken hawks are bigger and can kill a chicken.
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    I just had to sit and suffer through overhearing a coworker go on, ad nauseam through my cubicle wall, how eating carbs after dinner will mean they don't get digested but get immediately turned into evil evil adipose! Apparently everything else if fine, just not doze evil carbz.

    The evens that I can't = all of them

    Sorry, just had to spread my misery. Anyone have any other overheard gems to share?

    I workout in the evening and slam 100+ grams of carbs after the workout. I hear this a lot..and when I do I just sent them this.


  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    A lady I know won't buy any more fresh farm eggs from us because most of them are double yolkers. Double yolkers are bad because they have double the cholesterol and so they are bad eggs. She had to throw away half of the eggs last time. Seriously....that's what she told me.
    She should have sent them to my house. A hawk got my mom's chickens so no more fresh eggs

    Birds eat birds????? :o

    Birds eat ANYTHING! Our chickens would fight over frogs, snails, mice - anything that was unfortunate enough to venture into their run.
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    A lady I know won't buy any more fresh farm eggs from us because most of them are double yolkers. Double yolkers are bad because they have double the cholesterol and so they are bad eggs. She had to throw away half of the eggs last time. Seriously....that's what she told me.
    She should have sent them to my house. A hawk got my mom's chickens so no more fresh eggs

    Birds eat birds????? :o

    No different than mammals eating mammals, right?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Why are you so threatened by other people being successful differently than you?

    Because it is a risky dietary practice and I don't advocate risky. Even if it is popular. I'm not threatened by it any more than I am threatened by people who engage in other risky behaviours like bungee jumping, driving too fast, or recreational drug use. It's bro science.

    It's much less risky than weight loss surgery.
  • nettam3re3
    nettam3re3 Posts: 66 Member
    I had 2 coworkers who lived with each other and did some sort of daily rotation diet based on the old food pyramid. You could only eat from one food group for the day and volume didn't matter at all. They rotated a full day of just eating meat, then just veggies, grains and pasta, fruit, dairy, and one day of just fats. Day 7 was just water to "clean out". There was some sort of order to it but I can't remember what it was- but fat day was always followed by the water day.

    I do remember that it was disgusting.

    I came into the break room one day to find them eating the trimmings of a brisket they apparently had cooked earlier in the week and sipping herb infused vegetable oil from little Dixie cups. Two very large ladies with big Texas hair gobbling strips of greasy fat like ravenous vultures- licking their fingers and telling me from shiny lips how great they felt and how "if you care about yourself and your self image you should eat the pyramid." I wasn't very smart about eating back then either but it was so GROSS it turned my stomach.

    They did this for at least a year that I know of- and I don't recall them loosing any weight. They sure were dedicated to it though. Then they had some sort of falling out that involved a dispute over a parrot and one lady throwing a hot skillet at the other. They separated and eventually one quit and I moved on not long after that.

    Now I ponder what possible advantage this could have been and can't think of a singe thing. They would have been WAY over calories on 6 of the 7 days after consider the volume aspect. Even veggie day and fruit day would have been over because of the various sauces / dips they ate. Bowls of guacamole or half a bottle of salad dressing add up fast.

    Also, dairy day was horrible as I'm pretty sure one of those ladies shouldn't have been eating any all. :s

  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member
    edited May 2015
    Nettamere3 - That just sounds hideous! Ugh!! That beats the "I don't want all that heavy muscle" for me. -shudders-
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    nettamere3 wrote: »
    I had 2 coworkers who lived with each other and did some sort of daily rotation diet based on the old food pyramid. You could only eat from one food group for the day and volume didn't matter at all. They rotated a full day of just eating meat, then just veggies, grains and pasta, fruit, dairy, and one day of just fats. Day 7 was just water to "clean out". There was some sort of order to it but I can't remember what it was- but fat day was always followed by the water day.

    I do remember that it was disgusting.

    I came into the break room one day to find them eating the trimmings of a brisket they apparently had cooked earlier in the week and sipping herb infused vegetable oil from little Dixie cups. Two very large ladies with big Texas hair gobbling strips of greasy fat like ravenous vultures- licking their fingers and telling me from shiny lips how great they felt and how "if you care about yourself and your self image you should eat the pyramid." I wasn't very smart about eating back then either but it was so GROSS it turned my stomach.

    They did this for at least a year that I know of- and I don't recall them loosing any weight. They sure were dedicated to it though. Then they had some sort of falling out that involved a dispute over a parrot and one lady throwing a hot skillet at the other. They separated and eventually one quit and I moved on not long after that.

    Now I ponder what possible advantage this could have been and can't think of a singe thing. They would have been WAY over calories on 6 of the 7 days after consider the volume aspect. Even veggie day and fruit day would have been over because of the various sauces / dips they ate. Bowls of guacamole or half a bottle of salad dressing add up fast.

    Also, dairy day was horrible as I'm pretty sure one of those ladies shouldn't have been eating any all. :s

    LMAO this is hilarious. Not that they'd do such a stupid diet, but that they wouldn't even do it right. I'm guessing the fruit and veggie days are not supposed to include salad dressings and sauces (guacamole is fine obviously!).
  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?

    I guess as a pisces that resigns me to a lifetime of spirulina, kelp and sardines.
  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?
    I don't think I'd mind eating horse but that's illegal in the US.

    "Pet broscience" is a whole other can of worms

    It's illegal... what... why... how...

    It's a damn good meat, and I say that as a horse lover. I don't see how a country can outlaw specific meats (other than human of course). As long as it is killed according to law then it really shouldn't matter.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?
    I don't think I'd mind eating horse but that's illegal in the US.

    "Pet broscience" is a whole other can of worms
    it's illegal... what... why... how...

    It's a damn good meat, and I say that as a horse lover. I don't see how a country can outlaw specific meats (other than human of course). As long as it is killed according to law then it really shouldn't matter.
    if you think that's bad, kinder surprise eggs are also banned here.

    It's all very silly at the end of the day.
  • nettam3re3
    nettam3re3 Posts: 66 Member
    edited May 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »

    LMAO this is hilarious. Not that they'd do such a stupid diet, but that they wouldn't even do it right. I'm guessing the fruit and veggie days are not supposed to include salad dressings and sauces (guacamole is fine obviously!).

    Agree! Guacamole is good. All things in moderation!
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?

    I guess as a pisces that resigns me to a lifetime of spirulina, kelp and sardines.

    I'm still trying to figure out if being a Gemini means I should eat for two or eat people...
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I don't work in an office, so I have no office stories to tell, but when I was at university I had a bro-sciencey gym professor. One of my "favorite" pieces of advice that she gave was that breathing was VERY important when you worked out. That's true on it's face, but she followed that advice up by saying that your muscles would develop "incorrectly" and be misshapen if you breathed "wrong."
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    So not to be argumentative, but I think it's interesting that people seem to be thinking that we should EAT our sign (i.e., Pisces eats fish, Taurus eats beef). As a Sagittarius, I'm not really into this idea (although I guess it goes back to how as a Type B I should be drinking the kumis), but my initial assumption was that we would eat as our sign would eat.

    Not that that helps me a lot! ;-)

    How can I get a conclusive answer on this very important question?
    I don't think I'd mind eating horse but that's illegal in the US.

    "Pet broscience" is a whole other can of worms

    It's illegal... what... why... how...

    It's a damn good meat, and I say that as a horse lover. I don't see how a country can outlaw specific meats (other than human of course). As long as it is killed according to law then it really shouldn't matter.

    It's not illegal to eat horse in the US. It's illegal to produce for sale, because they've defunded horse slaughter inspections, and you can't sell meat without USDA inspection. You can import it from other countries if you want it. or kill your own horse and eat it. It's not as simple as going to Aldi for ground beef and getting a bonus, though.
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    A lady I know won't buy any more fresh farm eggs from us because most of them are double yolkers. Double yolkers are bad because they have double the cholesterol and so they are bad eggs. She had to throw away half of the eggs last time. Seriously....that's what she told me.
    She should have sent them to my house. A hawk got my mom's chickens so no more fresh eggs

    Birds eat birds????? :o

    As a teenager I helped out on an egg farm. If as you took a freshly laid egg and dropped it on the henhouse floor, there would be a scuffle of hens for the goal of eating what they could of the egg - even the hen that laid the egg.
  • tbismilla
    tbismilla Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2015
    seric2000 wrote: »
    I have a coworker who refuses to eat meat. I told her it was nice that she was a vegetarian.
    She said "no, I'm not a vegetarian. I just don't eat anything with muscles because I read that muscle weighs so much more than fat and I don't want to ingest all that heavy meat muscle". (shovels in the macaroni and cheese)
    Go flabbergasted.

    :/ What!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    nettam3re3 wrote: »
    I had 2 coworkers who lived with each other and did some sort of daily rotation diet based on the old food pyramid. You could only eat from one food group for the day and volume didn't matter at all. They rotated a full day of just eating meat, then just veggies, grains and pasta, fruit, dairy, and one day of just fats. Day 7 was just water to "clean out". There was some sort of order to it but I can't remember what it was- but fat day was always followed by the water day.

    I do remember that it was disgusting.

    I came into the break room one day to find them eating the trimmings of a brisket they apparently had cooked earlier in the week and sipping herb infused vegetable oil from little Dixie cups. Two very large ladies with big Texas hair gobbling strips of greasy fat like ravenous vultures- licking their fingers and telling me from shiny lips how great they felt and how "if you care about yourself and your self image you should eat the pyramid." I wasn't very smart about eating back then either but it was so GROSS it turned my stomach.

    They did this for at least a year that I know of- and I don't recall them loosing any weight. They sure were dedicated to it though. Then they had some sort of falling out that involved a dispute over a parrot and one lady throwing a hot skillet at the other. They separated and eventually one quit and I moved on not long after that.

    Now I ponder what possible advantage this could have been and can't think of a singe thing. They would have been WAY over calories on 6 of the 7 days after consider the volume aspect. Even veggie day and fruit day would have been over because of the various sauces / dips they ate. Bowls of guacamole or half a bottle of salad dressing add up fast.

    Also, dairy day was horrible as I'm pretty sure one of those ladies shouldn't have been eating any all. :s

    This should be written into a script for a soap opera. It would be way more interesting (in my opinion) than the stories they seem to have.