Vegetarians or Vegans or even Wannabees Wanna Group?

imabigvegan Posts: 72
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hey All,

I am in Ottawa, Ontario - Canada and I am looking for fellow Vegetarians and Vegans who are interested in starting a group. I have no experience in forming a group and am not even really sure whats involved but I do think that we have some unique challenges.

To be clear - I have no interest in excluding anyone, I am just interested in sharing and discussing some of the many problems and solutions we face on this journey.

Is there anybody out there?



  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    I have no idea what's involved in being in a group, but it'd be nice to have somewhere to ask like-minded people my questions..
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    I have thought about becoming a vegetarian but I have no clue where to start! Everyone in my family is meat eaters, so I have no clue how to cook a no meat meal!
  • morningjog
    morningjog Posts: 8
    I am a vegetarian and new to this site. It has been educational.
    I suppose a group would be nice, although one might already exist!? I am still trying to learn my way around.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I am always looking for fellow vegans or vegetarians for support and food ideas.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: I was actually kind of thinking along these lines yesterday. Can one be a Vegetarian Who Occasionally Eats Meat? As a rule, Fish and Turkey or Chicken is the only meat I eat. I do eat Eggs. Not sure if I would qualify for your group.
  • imabigvegan
    imabigvegan Posts: 72
    As far as I am concerned there are no "qualifications." If you have an interest your in, is my motto. Is there any way on here to communicate as a group?
  • TCrawford70
    TCrawford70 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone- I'm not really a vegetarian but more like "plant strong". I eat meat every now and then-mostly chicken,turkey, or fish. I would say I eat that way 90% of the time. I am working on being a vegetarian for the most part. I have found alot of alternatives for meat that I love, but I don't like the cheese or other dairy that I have tried. Love greek yogurt with frozen berries and zylitol or stevia. Anyway it would be nice to know others, oh! also I don't eat much bread due to wheat intolerance.
  • imabigvegan
    imabigvegan Posts: 72
    I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, just trying to exist in a life of tolerance and understanding. The fact that my teeth were "designed" a certain way is irrelevant if my brain and scientific fact tells me there is a healthier way to live today for me and for the environment. This is what we call evolution.

    Just my humble opinion though as a wise (Krazy) man once said. :tongue:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, just trying to exist in a life of tolerance and understanding. The fact that my teeth were "designed" a certain way is irrelevant if my brain and scientific fact tells me there is a healthier way to live today for me and for the environment. This is what we call evolution.

    Just my humble opinion though as a wise (Krazy) man once said. :tongue:

    I am not by any means a vegetarian... however, I did read somewhere that our teeth were not designed for eating meat. I don't know who much truth there is to it, but the article essentially said our teeth are flat, made for grinding, which is for plants. Meat eaters have sharper teeth for tearing and chewing down the meat. In this article, there was also mention of the fact that it takes so long for us to digest meat, suggesting we are not meant to eat it in the first place. The other thing it mentions is that if we were meant to eat meat, we would be able to eat it raw.. but our teeth are not designed for this.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    OP; feel free to add me. I'm not currently using my main account (this one) much, but I'll be on it occasionally.

    (I'm finding that starting from scratch, with a 'clean' account helps me quite a lot).
  • I read the "21 Day Vegan Kickstart" book and that is what got me started on my path. The first week and a half/two weeks were the most difficult (I'm looking at you CHEESE), but then it became much easier and I had a huge upswing in energy. I felt so good thay I've been sticking with it ever since.

    I think it would be nice to have a group. I would hope this would not devolve into people having to defend their food choices against those who think meat is the only way.

    I encountered mostly support when I started this path, but also some incredulity and

    passive-aggressive hostility, which was hurtful. (FYI, I am apparently going "against evolution" and I am going to get osteoporosis, according to some know-it-alls who actually knew nothing about it.)

    It is important to talk about nutrition, but that conversation does not start with putting people on the defensive. If you are a skeptic, try to be respectful and open minded. Ask open questions like "How do you get enough protein? How to you get enough B12."

    Avoid, "You do not get enough protein, it's unhealthy, and I am telling you this for your own sake."
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yup, I'm in.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I studied human evolution in my first year of uni and looking at human teeth vs others, ours are very very indicative of vegetarian, actually. Along with quite a bit of other biological evidence. However we clearly DID start eating meat some time ago as chimps do too.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I read the "21 Day Vegan Kickstart" book and that is what got me started on my path. The first week and a half/two weeks were the most difficult (I'm looking at you CHEESE), but then it became much easier and I had a huge upswing in energy. I felt so good thay I've been sticking with it ever since.

    Omg, I know. I swear, I must have been addicted to cheese, the withdrawal I went through. Two weeks of craving it, and then I just stopped caring about it.

    To address another point in your post, it is amazing how widespread the idea is, that calcium is only in diary products. Most people - including me, up until last year - don't realise that it's in green veggies.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, just trying to exist in a life of tolerance and understanding. The fact that my teeth were "designed" a certain way is irrelevant if my brain and scientific fact tells me there is a healthier way to live today for me and for the environment. This is what we call evolution.

    Just my humble opinion though as a wise (Krazy) man once said. :tongue:

    I am not by any means a vegetarian... however, I did read somewhere that our teeth were not designed for eating meat. I don't know who much truth there is to it, but the article essentially said our teeth are flat, made for grinding, which is for plants. Meat eaters have sharper teeth for tearing and chewing down the meat. In this article, there was also mention of the fact that it takes so long for us to digest meat, suggesting we are not meant to eat it in the first place. The other thing it mentions is that if we were meant to eat meat, we would be able to eat it raw.. but our teeth are not designed for this.

    I have read this, too. What I read points out that there are herbivores with sharp front teeth. One example given was some sort of rodent. I don't remember which one. But I read it here:

    I am a vegan. Well, at least trying to be. I say trying to be because I just recently became a vegan a few months ago and I completely skipped vegetarianism, so I'm still learning. :)
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    (FYI, I am apparently going "against evolution" and I am going to get osteoporosis, according to some know-it-alls who actually knew nothing about it.)

    It is important to talk about nutrition, but that conversation does not start with putting people on the defensive. If you are a skeptic, try to be respectful and open minded. Ask open questions like "How do you get enough protein? How to you get enough B12."

    Avoid, "You do not get enough protein, it's unhealthy, and I am telling you this for your own sake."

    I am apparently a hippie and not to be taken seriously.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Gladiators were all vegan.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Gladiators were all vegan.

    That's good to know. I can point that out the next time someone says something negative to me. :happy:
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    If any of you are vegan or are striving to be, feel free to friend me. Please leave a short msg or just say veg.
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in. I've been vegan for over 15 years so hopefully I can provide some useful tips to newbies.
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