Maintenance findings...4 months on :)



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @scrappyhappy thank you and well done on reaching maintenance :smile:
    @dragn77 Thanks for your lovely comment, wishing you all the best as you strive to get to your goal, you'll get there before you know it :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2015
    10th April (update at month 7 of maintenance) - am still at higher end of goal range (138lbs) despite cutting to 1900 for 4 weeks, have now cut to 1700 gross cals. My TDEE is average of 2100. Would like to see my low number again so will eat at this lower amount for next 3 weeks and see how I do. My average steps are up from 16k to 20k. Need to lose 4lbs before July when its vacation time.
    My hips are 1/2" smaller though! 35" hips now. (and my sons gf whos a skinny wee thing has 35" hips, so I'm happy with my measurement :smiley: ) Waist hovers around 27", was 26.5 so thats where the extra weight is!

    I'll keep the updates coming! :smile:
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Good! My eating over Tdee experiment didn't work! Then I had an emo time and comfort ate! Back at netting 1500 for a while. Haven't jumped on the scales for 3 weeks. It's a fine line!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I'm on month 3. I seem to range between 119-123. I follow similar things as you do! Most days I have over 130 active minutes, and the other days I always have at least 60! Walks are very refreshing!

    I average between 1800-2300 calories a day even though my maintenance is 1500 with doing nothing.

    Happy 4!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Springfield1970 yeah, a fine line is what it is..unfortunately - I had hoped with all my activeness that I could eat more and more...but thats not how my body works..sighhh it is what it is :smile:

    @higgins8283801 thanks for your comment, you're doing great and do similar mins to me...keep up the great work :smile:
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    10th April (update at month 7 of maintenance) - am still at higher end of goal range (138lbs) despite cutting to 1900 for 4 weeks, have now cut to 1700 gross cals. My TDEE is average of 2100. Would like to see my low number again so will eat at this lower amount for next 3 weeks and see how I do. My average steps are up from 16k to 20k. Need to lose 4lbs before July when its vacation time.
    My hips are 1/2" smaller though! 35" hips now. (and my sons gf whos a skinny wee thing has 35" hips, so I'm happy with my measurement :smiley: ) Waist hovers around 27", was 26.5 so thats where the extra weight is!

    I'll keep the updates coming! :smile:

    Hi @RunRutheeRun

    It baffles me how you arnt able to lose the scale weight! You have made amazing progress with your measurements and people keep telling you and thinking you've lost weight. Your body comp is changing and your photos show that you are looking leaner and leaner as time goes on!

    I think a RMR would benefit you! I'm curious to see what your RMR is, then at least you would know where you stand! Maybe it's crazily high like over 1500. Or mayb it's low under 1200.

    It'll be interesting to see if the scale goes down eating 1700. Don't make ourself too miserable or hungry doing it though. No diet is worth that.

    I'm going to get my RMR tested again soon. I'm hoping it's at least 1350. The highest I've managed to get it to was 1550 after 5 weeks of eating in surplus (300 over TDEE)
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'll join in this group now that I'm maintaining. :smiley: I like to call it rocomping though as maintenance to me is a dirty word lol (that I've struggled with in the past)

    I've decided to eat 2200 calories for 6 months of the year and for the other 6 months of the year eat at a 10-15 % defecit which is around the 1900-2000 calorie mark.

    My scale range is 59 - 60.5 kg. 25 % body fat. I'm a 5 foot 2 female.

    At present im recomping. My goal is to average 2200 weekly calories which is eating at TDEE or just slightly below. I lift very heavy weights and I am seeing nice changes in body composition! :smiley: I also include 2-3 intense cardio pw and I keep pretty active during the day.

    I'm measuring my progress taking my body fat %, monthly photos, and measurements.

    Goal is to get to 20 % body fat
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Kim55555 RMR isn't that same as BMR? how would I calculate that? My BMR according to online calculators is 1380...I think! It'd been a while since I calculated that so will go do that now.

    Kim you're at a great weight, I totally agree with the body re comp :smile:
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    @Kim55555 RMR isn't that same as BMR? how would I calculate that? My BMR according to online calculators is 1380...I think! It'd been a while since I calculated that so will go do that now.

    Kim you're at a great weight, I totally agree with the body re comp :smile:

    Hi BMR is taken when you just wake up in a laboratory and haven't done any activity or anything. Resting is not as controlled ie, you get up shower, drive your car walk into laboratory to get tested. BMR is slightly more accurate.

    The online calculators or weight scale calcs are a good guide for what your RMR could be but then again it needs to take in other factors ie I drove my RMR into the ground doing 3 months of eating at something like 30% deficit, not fueling myself enough for my activity. My result came back at 850 RMR. The calculator would have told me 1300. 5 weeks of eating in surplus sparked my metabolism up to an amazing 1500.

    Yeah I'm at a good weight, body recomp is the way to go for now until spring. I just want to tone and lose more fat off my tummy.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2015
    @KIM55555 So how would I know my RMR? I don't use gyms etc

    Just recalculated it online with fitness frog - 1308.
    How does that help me now though?
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited April 2015
    @RunRutheeRun You are doing awesome on maintenance. This thread was a great idea because it shows others that they are not alone in their quest to maintain a healthy weight. I've been doing it successfully for 3 years now and the hardest part for me has been trying to balance my daily exercise routine with the amount of calories that I'm eating. Unfortunately I have a tendency to over exercise and not take in the right amount of calories which causes my weight to sometimes drop below what it should be. I'm a lifetime member at Weight watchers and do find that the monthly weigh ins and keeping a log of what I eat and how much I exercise helps because it shows me that I need to either eat more calories or stop the amount of exercising that I'm doing so that I'm not in a caloric deficit... Best wishes for your continued success in maintaining and also to others in this thread as well. :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Eileen_S thanks for your reply - well done on maintaining for 3 yrs + you've got this :smile: My body has gotten used to my runs so a friend whos a personal trainer has suggested more HIIT intervals to see if that gets my body shifting a few pounds so I'm at the low end of my goal range again.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Update 20 April - 2 weeks of cutting to average daily gross cals 1750 - scale has moved big time, almost 3lbs down in 2 weeks, so I'll keep on going, I'm aiming for 3 lbs below lowest goal range to give me a bit of leaway :smile:
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Awesome work :) It is SO much easier to make these smaller adjustments sooner than to let things slide. Maintaining within a range makes so much sense.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Well I went on a comfort eating jag after a heart break (minor) which surprised me at its force! So I've gone back to cutting most days at about 1/200 under Tdee. I'm just going to do this forever lol with the odd blow out day. I can't do maintenance! It just creeps up so quickly and stealthily!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Well I went on a comfort eating jag after a heart break (minor) which surprised me at its force! So I've gone back to cutting most days at about 1/200 under Tdee. I'm just going to do this forever lol with the odd blow out day. I can't do maintenance! It just creeps up so quickly and stealthily!
    Yep totally! ! I think it's gonna be periods of cuts and then back to maintenance level for me, right now I'm happy with my cals even when cutting....but I change my mind on this journey all the time lol
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited May 2015
    8 months on....
    5th May 2015 update:-
    Week 4 of cutting to 1700-1800 cals gross....4.8lbs gone woooot :smiley: that's me back at lowest original goal weight yippee....only now I'm moving the goal posts :smiley: ..5lbs more is my aim:- 129 lbs here I come lol
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    8 months on....
    5th May 2015 update:-
    Week 4 of cutting to 1700-1800 cals gross....4.8lbs gone woooot :smiley: that's me back at lowest original goal weight yippee....only now I'm moving the goal posts :smiley: ..5lbs more is my aim:- 129 lbs here I come lol

    You're doing a fantastic job on your journey to maintain. It's always nice reading about the success that others are having. Thanks for keeping your thread updated. :)
  • nana19581
    nana19581 Posts: 4 Member
    Bump. Eleven pounds to go before maintenance.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited June 2015
    Update 9 months on...

    This week I've finally seen my much sought after 133lbs! Yippee :smiley: I am now 1lb lower than my goal weight and my plan is to still cut until I lose another 4 more vanity pounds in preparation for my holidays in Jul :smile:

    I did however have a 6 week plateau recently despite eating in happens :/ thankfully I'm back to losing again!

    My average steps are consistently 21k /11 miles a day.
    Average cals to lose 1/2lb week are 1850 fross7
    Maintenance cals are between 2100-2300.

    This gal is in a very happy place :smiley: