Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • lifechanges2day
    lifechanges2day Posts: 414 Member
    Today I was able to zip and button 3 pair of jeans. 4 weeks ago I could not get them over my thighs. Today is a good day! :-)

    1. Drink 100 oz of water :-)
    2. Complete PT exercises :-)
    3. Ta I e a short walk if back up to it :-)
    4. Don't overdo so not to aggravate back pain :-)
    5. Make healthy food choices :-)
    6. Control stress level :-)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Just for today ( Tuesday )
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Exercise 1 hour :smile:
    3. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:

    Just for today ( Wednesday May 6)
    1. Walk outside if possible. 1 hour. I may have to canoe down the street - we've gotten rain nearly every day for weeks!
    2. Stick to 1200 calories
    3. Do housework and laundry

  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    Morning all!

    The sun is shining - it's another new day to take responsibility for working towards my goals.

    Just for today, I will:

    Drink my water bottle x 4
    Stick to my pre-logged foods
    Go to the gym straight from work

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Good morning!

    Just for today (5/6):
    1. Log every crumb
    2. Stay away from processed foods. No extra sugar!
    3. Be grateful and have a positive attitude no matter what gets thrown at me today! ( this is a tough one lately!)

  • clescop
    clescop Posts: 3 Member
    Just for today (5/6), I will:
    1. Stay within my calories!
    2. Stop eating when I feel satisfied - even if I'm eating healthy food.
    3. Take time-outs throughout the day when I breathe deeply and calm down.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    just one today I will ask for help with the personal things - that introvert in me has been extra loud recently.
  • leakarbacka
    leakarbacka Posts: 5 Member
    Just for today 5/06

    I will

    1. work out for AT LEAST 30 minutes
    2. stop focusing on my gain and think about what I need to do to lose
    3. drink 4 bottles of water at 17 ounces each
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Today I was able to zip and button 3 pair of jeans. 4 weeks ago I could not get them over my thighs. Today is a good day! :-)

    1. Drink 100 oz of water :-)
    2. Complete PT exercises :-)
    3. Ta I e a short walk if back up to it :-)
    4. Don't overdo so not to aggravate back pain :-)
    5. Make healthy food choices :-)
    6. Control stress level :-)

    Awesome news about the jeans!! Keep up the great work. :)
  • megansayssup
    megansayssup Posts: 16 Member
    For today 5/6
    1) Work out for at least 30 minutes
    2) No more chocolate
    3) No more cheerios
    4) Be more optimistic
  • CynSearly
    CynSearly Posts: 23 Member
    (New here... Hi!)

    Just for today I will not go to Starbucks on my lunch break for my usual latte, and when I get home from work I will not binge on dinner...

    There. Set in stone now... (hopefully that helps)

    Those are big hurdles for me.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I will get in a 45 min walk & do some floor exercises.
    Drink 8 + cups of water (some with lemon).
    Want to gradually get away from drinking iced coffees.
    Read something inspirational.
    Continue my search for a puppy. Looking for a nice walking companion & family pet.
    Prepare for the weekend-I'm going to try tracking everything b/c I tend to slack off on the weekend.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • Rositawurst
    Rositawurst Posts: 17 Member
    Im going out and just run those 7 km as planned.
    I will log everything i eat and finish my day under my calorie goal!!
    Just for today!!
  • run_cmc
    run_cmc Posts: 26 Member

    1. Go to Zumba on my lunch break
    2. Go to swim practice after work
    3. Don't eat the free pizza at the office for lunch :)
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    What a great thread!
    Ok, just for 5/6:
    -Be kind to myself by staying away from refined sugar
    -60 min on treadmill - see how far I can go!
    -Stay under calorie goal
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Good day everyone... Great goals for the day :)

    Just for today I will

    ~ get through at least 60 mins of circuit training with heavier weights than I normally do.. going to try for 90 mins but it's not imperative.
    ~ 8-9 glasses of water
    ~ Log every single morsel of food
    ~ Keep my sodium levels down.

    That's it for me today. This thread is wonderful, I find it really helps me to focus on the things I need to accomplish "TODAY" and not worry about tomorrow and next week, month etc... Very helpful as far as keeping my mind where it should be... on what I am doing right now!!!! Love it :)
  • lifechanges2day
    lifechanges2day Posts: 414 Member
    1. I will utiluze my coping skills to eat healthy and work through my back pain without comfort food.
    2. I will drink some calming tea to help keep me relaxed.
    3. I will keep a positive attitude.
    4. I am in control of my actions
    5. I will eat healthy when company comes for dinner tonight (my food is ready to go).

    I am feeling a bit weak minded today, the pain monster is Waring me down. I have much to do and little back power to accomplish it. So it's one task, one meal and one moment at a time.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    YolliB2014 wrote: »
    Good day everyone... Great goals for the day :)

    Just for today I will

    ~ get through at least 60 mins of circuit training with heavier weights than I normally do.. going to try for 90 mins but it's not imperative.
    ~ 8-9 glasses of water
    ~ Log every single morsel of food
    ~ Keep my sodium levels down.

    That's it for me today. This thread is wonderful, I find it really helps me to focus on the things I need to accomplish "TODAY" and not worry about tomorrow and next week, month etc... Very helpful as far as keeping my mind where it should be... on what I am doing right now!!!! Love it :)

    Good reminder for all of us to focus on TODAY. That is enough to be concerned about. We can take on tomorrow tomorrow when it will be our Today!
  • AnnaKeck
    AnnaKeck Posts: 18 Member
    Today I was able to zip and button 3 pair of jeans. 4 weeks ago I could not get them over my thighs. Today is a good day! :-)

    1. Drink 100 oz of water :-)
    2. Complete PT exercises :-)
    3. Ta I e a short walk if back up to it :-)
    4. Don't overdo so not to aggravate back pain :-)
    5. Make healthy food choices :-)
    6. Control stress level :-)

    That is awesome - today is a great day indeed!!
  • AnnaKeck
    AnnaKeck Posts: 18 Member
    CynSearly wrote: »
    (New here... Hi!)

    Just for today I will not go to Starbucks on my lunch break for my usual latte, and when I get home from work I will not binge on dinner...

    There. Set in stone now... (hopefully that helps)

    Those are big hurdles for me.

    I'm the same way...these just for today posts are good (but hard!) for me because I feel like if I type it out, it is now set in stone that I will do my best to meet my goal. Good luck to all of us today :smile:
  • yourpastlifeasablast
    yourpastlifeasablast Posts: 6 Member
    Just for today..
    1. I won't exceed my calorie limit.
    2. I will do cardio for 30 minutes.
    3. I will drink plenty of water.. just for now, remembering to drink anything feels like a big step.
    4. I will choose nourishing foods, but not deprive myself.
    5. I will log everything i eat.
    6. I will eat meals, and not graze.