You Cheated! I lost weight the "Natural way"

rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
Ok, I don't hide the fact that I had barriatric surgery. It was something that was a last resort for me and recommended by my family doctor of 12 years. Why do people feel the need to "bash" people who chose this option????

Gastric By Pass is not a fix all. You don't have the surgery and Voila you never have to watch what you eat, or work out, and eat endless quantities of JUNK! It is only a tool, the rest is left up to the individual.

I work very hard every day to lose my weight. I have to carefully plan what I eat, I measure quantities, and make sure I am getting enough nutrition. I have to stay hydrated. I have to use protien supplements. I have to make sure I don't consume to much sugar in foods. I can't have added sugars, carbonated beverages, coconut, chew gum, caffiene, greasy foods, or spicy foods. YES, made this choice, But who in the heck are you to judge me and say "I lost my weight the natural way"??? Really??? Does that make your weight lose more significant than mine???? Am I not worthy to feel proud of my accomplishment??? Does it make you feel like a bigger person, by slamming someone who followed there doctors advice? Are you just ignorant and don't undestand the procedure, and what follows after it?

I get so worked up when I hear the "natural way". It had just happened again a few minutes ago. I was mixing my morning protien smoothie, and the person who works next to me, had the nerve to say that. He calls what I make a moose ball baby food. I responded "well I lost 95 lbs so far so something is working", He responded " I lose mine the natural way" !!!

I have to do the same as everyone else who is changing thier lifestyle. Eat healthy, work out, drink plenty of water!

I just don't get it!!!! ( Thanks for allowing me to whine)


  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I am sorry people are so rude. I was thinking of getting the surgery but changed my mind when one of my docs said it is much harder since the body metabolizes differently after surgery. I think you are a trooper because people can get very sick from not changing their eating habits after getting it. Some people really need the surgery and it really is your business if you do it, no one else's.
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    I am proud of you. You made a major decision to start getting your weight and life under control. That is a major surgery with many risks. Congrats on your successes and I wish you the best of luck!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Screw the haters you are doing fabulously and are right that it is only a tool to help. I don't know why people think this way about a surgical procedure, recovery can't be easy and like you said you still have to watch what you eat and exercise. So what if you lose the weight a little faster than you would have without the surgery it doesn't make you any less of an amazing person for doing so!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    You didn't cheat. You worked hard and got some medical help. Keep up the good work! You are doing great.
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    Healthy is healthy. If someone decides not to eat at all to lose it quick, or to only eat 300 cals/day, that's unhealthy. Listening to your doctor and following a plan that is best for YOU is the only way to get something done right. Whether it involves surgery or not, it is completely centered around what works for YOU. Kudos to eating healthy and sticking to your goals! That is all that matters in the long run.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    To each his/her own. But you did have "help" through surgery. My great aunt-in law person had the same thing and likes to tell everyone about how much she lost. But I've lost 124 lbs the "natural way" too. I do think there is a difference, but the fact of the matter is, you're making a change now and eating right and are in the correct mind set.
  • Savagefit
    Savagefit Posts: 12 Member
    Don't let anyone get you down! I think your accomplishment is amazing!!! I've seen people have that surgery and NOT lose the weight! The fact that you have lost 95 shows you are hanging your lifestyle for the better. Great job!
  • danamfinn
    danamfinn Posts: 77
    People are *kitten*....enough said! Keep it up girl!
  • jeaniedev
    jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
    I would not worry about what other ppl think...they are just ignorant...I have to tell you, my dr told me I am a perfect candidate for it..but I am tooo scared so I am just dieting and exercising and have lost 30+ lbs, so I know if I had surgery I would still have to track what I eat and exercise. You made the best decesion for yourself, and forget the rest of those ppl...some can even be jealous......YEAH YOU!!!!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I totally know where you are coming form. i had lap band surgery in feb of this year. I too hate when people try to belittle me for not having the "willpower" to do it on my own. I have gained and lost the same 30 pounds countless time using my "willpower" so i knew that wasnt going to be a long term option for me either. congrats on your weight loss. it is accomplishment no metter how it came about!

    Who are they to judge your decisions?! The key is to be any means necessary. I think that Ignorance about the procedure and the lifestyle it requires causes people to make assumptions.

    Stand Tall. Be Proud.
  • I don't think it's cheating at all. We are all on our own journey and need to get there our own way. No matter what path you take, it takes effort and dedication because if there was a quick fix, everyone would be fit and healthy! Don't let other people get you down, they just don't know any better. I don't like any of the negative comments about supplements, surgery, whatever.

    I used to get irritated when a "thin" friend and I would go to the gym and we'd have co-workers look at her and say "Why are you going to work out? You don't need to lose weight!" Not only was it an insult to me standing next to her, but she would get angry and say "Just because I don't need to lose weight doesn't mean I'm in shape!"

    People are ignorant, make yourself happy - it's not about anyone else but you! :happy:
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I'll stand behind you. It takes a lot of gull to make that big of a decision and I'm proud of you for taking that step in bettering your health. Screw all the other people who feel the need to rag on you. They have issues of their own they need to work out and are just too weak to do it without bashing on other people.

    You're doing great and deserve to be commended on your success so far and your great dedication to a healthier life! :flowerforyou:
  • Thorneapple
    Thorneapple Posts: 154
    I know most people don't go into that surgery lightly. If your doctor recommended it, he obviously had a good reason. There is obviously a lot of commitment involved after to maintain your health. Try not to let those other people get to you.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Don't let them get you down - you're working hard and doing a great job. When I worked in a family practice office we followed several patients who had the surgery, didn't do any of the "right" things afterwards, stretched their stomachs back to the previous size, and now weigh more than ever before. Does the surgery give a bit of a physiological advantage? Sure. But you're right that it must be accompanied by a lot of hard work.
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    I completely understand, my opinion is as long as the weight is coming off and you're doing it to make yourself healthy why does it matter? I have people look at me and say the only way is exercise and eat right, well yes that is a huge component but what if there are other factors hindering the initial weight loss? I just look at those people and say this is MY natural way.
  • My sister had the surgery over a year ago and lost about 150 lbs. I totally support you and understand that for some it may be or feel like it's the only option. But, you are absolutely right... it is not a cure all! You still have to adjust your eating patterns for the rest of your life. So many don't adjust their habits and end up with weight problems again down the road, but you sound so committed and ready to work hard! Congratulations on your weight loss!! You are sacrificing just like everyone else!! If anything, you will have to work harder, so ignore those who try to bring you down and lift your pretty (and now skinny) head and prove them wrong!! You WILL succeed and have a healthy life!!
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    I have been fortunate enough not to require surgery as I have little to lose compared to many. However I am in full support of you. I watched a program about gastric by pass and it is not an easy choice. People don't seem to realize that it changes your life forever...with the need for additional supplements for life.

    I am happy for your weight loss so far and I support you in your struggle. The problem exists with those that are not educated enough in the subject. Please try to ignore the ignorant....your journey is far more difficult than most of us...and by no means an "easy out".

  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm so sorry. As previously said, people really are *kitten*! You have done great, and you should be SO PROUD! Just ignore the people who want to put you down. There will always be people like that.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    WAY TO GO!!! Don't let those morons get you down - "natural"-smatural! You're doing what you need to do to live a happy and healthy life, you should be proud of all that you have accomplished! :)