May 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I jammed my left big toe into a raised piece of sidewalk about a month ago. It was rather painful and just would not get any better. I finally went for x-rays yesterday because I was getting sick of it bltching at me when I'm running on it. Doctor just called and said it is fractured. I wish he would have waited until Monday to call. I have a 30k trail race tomorrow.

    Ouch! They can't do anything for a toe right? Just buddy tape it?

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited May 2015
    I think... he said to rest it and keep it elevated and ice it... all of which are difficult to do when you are running.
  • GrannyCrayCray
    GrannyCrayCray Posts: 71 Member

    5/1 Beale Street
    5/2 Awesome !
    5/3 Music Fest
    5/4 Recover from FUN B)
    5/5 2.2
    5/6 5.7
    5/7 4.0
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/1: 5.2 miles
    5/2: REST
    5/3: 12 miles (scheduled: 20; left calf was not having it today)
    5/4: REST
    5/5: 1 mile (meant to bike to rest my calf, but the bike room was closed for asbestos removal :()
    5/6: 5 miles
    5/7: 6.1 miles
    5/8: REST
    5/9: REST

    Playing it safe and resting today and tomorrow. I'd rather take a hit to my small mileage now to rest up my calf than have to skip my make-up 20 miler this weekend before going into my taper. Just fininshing 20 this training cycle will do wonders for my confidence leading up to my marathon. Fingers crossed I wake up limber and fresh on Sunday morning!

    Total: 29.3 of 155


  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    I jammed my left big toe into a raised piece of sidewalk about a month ago. It was rather painful and just would not get any better. I finally went for x-rays yesterday because I was getting sick of it bltching at me when I'm running on it. Doctor just called and said it is fractured. I wish he would have waited until Monday to call. I have a 30k trail race tomorrow.
    @LoneWolfRunner A fracture is just the worlds way of telling you you're badass ;)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 6.2mi, trail
    2 - 8.4mi, 5k, kids run, treadmill challenge
    3 - 13.1mi, Pittsburgh half marathon
    4 - 7mi, easy
    5 - 5.5mi, 5k race
    6 - Rest
    7 - 8mi, easy w/strides
    8 - 6mi, easy

    Total: 55.9mi

    May goal: 120 (through 17th)
  • lukiace
    lukiace Posts: 2 Member
    So I saw this challenge and got so excited. I set a 40 mile goal and I really want to be able to hit it. I have a bad hip but I think the goal is doable.


    Thanks for the challenges!
  • wasiemer
    wasiemer Posts: 5 Member

    5/1: 2 miles
    5/4: 4 miles
    5/5: 5 miles
    5/8: 5 miles
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    5/1: 5.2 miles
    5/2: REST
    5/3: 12 miles (scheduled: 20; left calf was not having it today)
    5/4: REST
    5/5: 1 mile (meant to bike to rest my calf, but the bike room was closed for asbestos removal :()
    5/6: 5 miles
    5/7: 6.1 miles
    5/8: REST
    5/9: REST

    Playing it safe and resting today and tomorrow. I'd rather take a hit to my small mileage now to rest up my calf than have to skip my make-up 20 miler this weekend before going into my taper. Just fininshing 20 this training cycle will do wonders for my confidence leading up to my marathon. Fingers crossed I wake up limber and fresh on Sunday morning!

    Total: 29.3 of 155


    Good call, and hope you feel bettah
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I think... he said to rest it and keep it elevated and ice it... all of which are difficult to do when you are running.

    Can you run in handstand position?
  • CLEgirl
    CLEgirl Posts: 23 Member
    5/1 3 miles
    5/2 8.5 miles
    5/3 8 miles
    5/4 0 miles
    5/5 4 miles
    5/6 4 miles
    5/7 0 miles
    5/8 4 miles
    Total 31.5/110

    Weekend coming up! Will try to do a longer run on Sunday.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm at a stand still. poop. I haven't even lifted this week other than Monday- I'm going to try to go running after work real fast today- or tomorrow morning. slow for the working out- lots of dance obligations!!!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    I think... he said to rest it and keep it elevated and ice it... all of which are difficult to do when you are running.

    Oh no. Wow, can't believe you've been running with a fractured toe for a month. I hate it when they say to ice. I hate the cold and I hate just sitting there. I don't like tv much and I usually can't hold my kindle with ice so I just sit there in complete freezing boredom. And it never does anything for me because I don't do it long enough. After 5 minutes .... ok that was 20.
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I'm at a stand still. poop. I haven't even lifted this week other than Monday- I'm going to try to go running after work real fast today- or tomorrow morning. slow for the working out- lots of dance obligations!!!
    Dancing is working out so at you are getting some exercise at least. Run tonight! You won't regret it.

  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Good Luck to all those racing this weekend. Also good luck to all those putting in the miles I hope the weather is good for you all and enjoy yourselves because that's what it's about :)
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    5/02/15 - 4.35 miles
    5/03/15 - 9.38 miles
    5/05/15 - 5 miles
    5/07/15 - 3.16 miles - I'll have to try again tomorrow; the training plan called for 6.
    5/08/15 - 5.46 miles - I was wrong about that training plan calling for 6; it was 1 mile slow, 1 mile fast, 2 minutes slow, 1 mile fast, 2 minutes slow, 1 mile fast, 1 mile slow. 5 miles + 4 minutes. Slow and fast being 11:30 and 10:20 respectively. Got 'er done.
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    05/01: 3.75mi, Easy PM Run
    05/01: 3.23mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/02: 1.65mi, Race warmup
    05/02: 4.30mi, 7km Road/Path Hybrid Race; OA: 12/106, AG: 4/8. Cobblestones claimed my ankle about 1.5mi in.
    05/02: Frustrated and did not record cool down, so fuhgettaboutit..
    05/02: 13.98mi, ** Cycling
    05/03: 4.62mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/03: 3.76mi, Slight progression to test ankle
    05/03: 1.20mi, Cool down
    ==> Total weekly miles: 50.3*
    05/04: 5.25mi, Easy lunch run
    05/04: 4.19mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/05: 5.00mi, 5k tune up, 800m x 400m progression repeats + easy
    05/05: 4.53mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/06: 4.00mi, Lunch run helping a coworker dial in pace for his first race, tempo intervals for me
    05/06: 21.71 mi, ** Cycling
    05/07: 4.00mi, Easy lunch run and pacing two coworkers
    05/07: 14.30mi, ** Cycling
    05/07: 05.80mi, ** Cycling
    05/07: 3.32mi, Training the wife.. She ran her first continuous mile! 13'01"/mi

    Current total...52.78
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    5/7: 10.85 miles

    So far: 30.3 out of 100
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    05/01 10 Km
    05/05 5 Km
    05/08 5 Km

  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    Running question for the group....whenever I'm out running and a woman is running the other way, they invariably smell nice. Meanwhile I smell like a middle school boys gym 2 minutes into a run....

    How do women mange to smell normal while racking up the miles while guys stink to high heaven??

  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    gabbo34 wrote: »
    Running question for the group....whenever I'm out running and a woman is running the other way, they invariably smell nice. Meanwhile I smell like a middle school boys gym 2 minutes into a run....

    How do women mange to smell normal while racking up the miles while guys stink to high heaven??

    Can't help you with that one because I only pass sheep and they smell of sheep :) not sure what they think I smell of