Thoughts on paleo?



  • kotarea
    kotarea Posts: 212 Member
    edited May 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Only if you include chasing down dinosaurs in your daily activities.

    Really?? You know The Flintstones wasn't reality TV right? Humans and dinosaurs never co-existed. This is the second time in the last couple of days I've seen someone say something like this. Honestly, it's kinda worrying that there are adults out there who believe this.

    And how do you know humans and dinosaurs never co-existed? Were you there?

    this may be the most scientifically ignorant statement in the history of MFP….

    Some people truly believe this to be true, some go so far as to say that the loch ness monster is a dinosaur and that dinosaurs were on the arc.... all of which i find to be absolutely insane with no hard facts to back up the statements, but that is a discussion for another day... start talking down religion and beliefs and I am going to start stepping on toes.....

    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    But, if we assume that there were dinosaurs in the Paleolithic... after all, were you there to say they weren't there?

    Oh come on, everyone knows dinosaurs never existed. The Devil put those bones there to lead us to damnation.

    Mind. Blown.

    HAHAHA ***Face. Palm.***
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Only if you include chasing down dinosaurs in your daily activities.

    Really?? You know The Flintstones wasn't reality TV right? Humans and dinosaurs never co-existed. This is the second time in the last couple of days I've seen someone say something like this. Honestly, it's kinda worrying that there are adults out there who believe this.

    And how do you know humans and dinosaurs never co-existed? Were you there?

    I really hope you're not serious.

    I really don't think she is. I like her as a poster so I really don't think she is.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Okay I was just curious. I've been eating healthy for over a year and working out 6x week both weight training and cardio for about 5 months and I've always been pretty small, I just want to lose my last stubborn inch or two and I'm trying to find any option I can
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Only if you include chasing down dinosaurs in your daily activities.

    Really?? You know The Flintstones wasn't reality TV right? Humans and dinosaurs never co-existed. This is the second time in the last couple of days I've seen someone say something like this. Honestly, it's kinda worrying that there are adults out there who believe this.

    And how do you know humans and dinosaurs never co-existed? Were you there?

    I really hope you're not serious.

    I really don't think she is. I like her as a poster so I really don't think she is.

    Let's hope not ....

    I would be happy to retract my statement if she comes back and clarifies
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Okay I was just curious. I've been eating healthy for over a year and working out 6x week both weight training and cardio for about 5 months and I've always been pretty small, I just want to lose my last stubborn inch or two and I'm trying to find any option I can

    Eat fewer calories than you burn. Easy game and really no other game.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Okay I was just curious. I've been eating healthy for over a year and working out 6x week both weight training and cardio for about 5 months and I've always been pretty small, I just want to lose my last stubborn inch or two and I'm trying to find any option I can

    Have you considered a recomp or bulk ?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Okay I was just curious. I've been eating healthy for over a year and working out 6x week both weight training and cardio for about 5 months and I've always been pretty small, I just want to lose my last stubborn inch or two and I'm trying to find any option I can

    I can't see any extra inches in your avatar photo.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    strictly from the perspective of fat loss, since that was OP's question...


    CICO is the only thing that affects weight loss or gain, barring medical issues

    if you eat less calories because you get on paleo then I guess you could answer in the affirmative, but paleo would be indirectly responsible, at best

    This comment is the answer you are looking for.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    And how do you know humans and dinosaurs never co-existed? Were you there?

    And by that "logic", WW2 never happened, 12 men never walked on the Moon, and your grandma is a hologram.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Good post, UltimateRBF.

    Also, this.

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited May 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    vschwgrt1 wrote: »
    paleo people were hunter gatherers and if they came across a taco bell they would have eaten there. What ever was available. And that included wild grains.

    They had grains?

    Yup. This Neanderthal study is pretty cool

    You can't get much more direct evidence than that!

    ETA link to full journal paper:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Well now, wait. If no one here was there ... how do we know ANY food was paleo or not?
    No food that exists today is Paleo. The stuff we eat today is so different from what they ate and didn't exist back then.

    Which is part of why the whole thing is just silly.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    MacMadame wrote: »
    Well now, wait. If no one here was there ... how do we know ANY food was paleo or not?
    No food that exists today is Paleo. The stuff we eat today is so different from what they ate and didn't exist back then.

    Which is part of why the whole thing is just silly.

    I understand what you're trying to get at, but that statement I've bolded is false. A lot of foods commonly eaten by Westerners are a far cry from their wild Paleolithic antecedents, but some actually haven't changed much, and there are wild (undomesticated) plant foods aplenty, which form part of the diet of modern hunter-gatherer societies.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Lean meats, seafood, non-starchy veggies, fruit, eggs, nuts, seeds - that's the basis to Paleo. Ditch the grains, you don't need them. Veggies have awesome nutritional value, especially Kale, Broccoli, and Spinach. Fruit serves as a great energy source especially for working out. Meat and eggs provide the protein, seeds and nuts provide essential fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Satiety is promoted with Paleo - if you are serious about it, please visit this site for more information: - this guy is awesome.

    You don't *need* any particular food because there are always others ways to get the nutrients. The issue is not what we need, but what we *want*. A successful diet is any diet that has you eating at a deficit but does not cause a lot of grief and stress. Someone who does not mind not having grains may do well on Paleo, but someone whose intake is predominantly grains will feel greater deprivation which will ultimately mean failure.

    There is more to satiety than simply not being hungry. For example, even if I eat a lot of chicken I would still feel hungry because it feels lacking to me without potatoes or rice. It does not feel like a complete meal so I'm left wanting even though my stomach is full, not to mention meat in general is at the bottom of my list of things I can tolerate the taste of. I can tolerate it, and I may even like it in pasta or kebab sandwiches, but the mere idea of giving up more than half of what I currently eat and thoroughly enjoy just to follow some random money grabbers' checklist of things that have an acceptable taste (to me) at best makes me chuckle. I have achieved a nutrient rich diet without having to give up anything I like, so why should I start now?

    OP, to repeat what others said. If you like it do it, if you don't like it don't. There is nothing special or magical about this diet.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Lean meats, seafood, non-starchy veggies, fruit, eggs, nuts, seeds - that's the basis to Paleo. Ditch the grains, you don't need them. Veggies have awesome nutritional value, especially Kale, Broccoli, and Spinach. Fruit serves as a great energy source especially for working out. Meat and eggs provide the protein, seeds and nuts provide essential fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Satiety is promoted with Paleo - if you are serious about it, please visit this site for more information: - this guy is awesome.

    I agree tedboosalis.
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - do what you want, please just understand that "Paleo Diet" has absolutely nothing to do with how actual Paleolithic people ate. But if you want to restrict certain foods because they are "bad" have at it…

    Oh, and you will not lose weight faster than a standard calorie deficit….

    I agree with ndj as well (but not the bit in bold as I think there may be some words missing???)

    You can easily gain weight following a Paleo diet as they are so many amazing foods to eat but most people find by cutting out grains and dairy they do lose weight. A modern version of Paleo suits me as I mainly avoid wheat and try and eat as close to nature as I can.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lean meats, seafood, non-starchy veggies, fruit, eggs, nuts, seeds - that's the basis to Paleo. Ditch the grains, you don't need them. Veggies have awesome nutritional value, especially Kale, Broccoli, and Spinach. Fruit serves as a great energy source especially for working out. Meat and eggs provide the protein, seeds and nuts provide essential fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Satiety is promoted with Paleo - if you are serious about it, please visit this site for more information: - this guy is awesome.

    You don't *need* any particular food because there are always others ways to get the nutrients. The issue is not what we need, but what we *want*. A successful diet is any diet that has you eating at a deficit but does not cause a lot of grief and stress. Someone who does not mind not having grains may do well on Paleo, but someone whose intake is predominantly grains will feel greater deprivation which will ultimately mean failure.

    There is more to satiety than simply not being hungry. For example, even if I eat a lot of chicken I would still feel hungry because it feels lacking to me without potatoes or rice. It does not feel like a complete meal so I'm left wanting even though my stomach is full, not to mention meat in general is at the bottom of my list of things I can tolerate the taste of. I can tolerate it, and I may even like it in pasta or kebab sandwiches, but the mere idea of giving up more than half of what I currently eat and thoroughly enjoy just to follow some random money grabbers' checklist of things that have an acceptable taste (to me) at best makes me chuckle. I have achieved a nutrient rich diet without having to give up anything I like, so why should I start now?

    OP, to repeat what others said. If you like it do it, if you don't like it don't. There is nothing special or magical about this diet.

    The part above is what gets me about all of these special "diets". If they are comprised of foods you love and what you're giving up isn't really that big a deal to you... then great. You've found a sustainable way of eating.

    But too many times, scratch a paleo person, and they all have a story when they went somewhere and ate some french fries or fast food or had cookies. Same for a low carber. All of them? No. A fair portion of them? Yup.

    Now, I will say, when I ate either paleo or low carb, I NEVER cheated except to... this is shocking... I put carrots in my chicken soup when I was sick. I considered that a "cheat". I'm just going by my years of hearing other people talk about eating either paleo or low carb.

    I might possibly be projecting here, but to me, it just seems logical that it's easier to find a way of eating that includes all of the foods you like and want, fit them within your nutrition and calorie goals and move on with life.

    It might not have a fancy label. You might not get to feel superior doing it, but it's freeing.