Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.)



  • Lex401
    Lex401 Posts: 77 Member
    CiaraFit21 wrote: »
    I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(

    This is exactly how I feel, It also helped me to set alarms for meal times. I set my phone to go off at 7,9,12,2,4,6 and try not to snack in between.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    CiaraFit21 wrote: »
    I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(

    This is exactly how I feel, It also helped me to set alarms for meal times. I set my phone to go off at 7,9,12,2,4,6 and try not to snack in between.

    That's a great method :) Glad you found the thread @Alexisfish08
  • newport3158
    newport3158 Posts: 75 Member
    @newport3158 I read this when you first posted it and thought, this is some awesome advice! Then I read it again, just now, and I think my head almost exploded! WOW, this is huge to me, I feel like it opened up something inside my brain in a different way than when I previously read it. Guess now is time for me to actually put into place your suggestions of setting out to do 3 days no binge method. When I have 'no binging' as a goal, it seems like this huge vast amount of space in front of me (rather like not having a goal at all) and I panic a bit after awhile wondering when I will fail.

    Having a small amount of days to focus on and commit too instead... it feels far more do-able like I will actually succeed.

    I love this and love you for sharing what's been working for you, I feel like I just opened a treasure chest with a map inside!! <3

    Thank you so much!
    Warm hugs,
    Hearts <3

    @Hearts_2015 so how did it go?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    @newport3158 I read this when you first posted it and thought, this is some awesome advice! Then I read it again, just now, and I think my head almost exploded! WOW, this is huge to me, I feel like it opened up something inside my brain in a different way than when I previously read it. Guess now is time for me to actually put into place your suggestions of setting out to do 3 days no binge method. When I have 'no binging' as a goal, it seems like this huge vast amount of space in front of me (rather like not having a goal at all) and I panic a bit after awhile wondering when I will fail.

    Having a small amount of days to focus on and commit too instead... it feels far more do-able like I will actually succeed.

    I love this and love you for sharing what's been working for you, I feel like I just opened a treasure chest with a map inside!! <3

    Thank you so much!
    Warm hugs,
    Hearts <3

    @Hearts_2015 so how did it go?

    @newport3158 It's going Great!! Day 3 Binge Free I think it was the morning after I read this is the day I started and I've dropped 13 lbs. So crazy that's in only 3 days but as we all know sodium and all that jazz keeps the pounds on after binges.

    Feeling confident and, thank you :)
  • epixstudiosnh
    epixstudiosnh Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have struggled with this since I was a pre-teen. Over the last two weeks I have been trying to take control of my portions by eating more protein and less carbs and sugar. I slipped up tonight and ordered pizza but on the plus side I didn't eat the whole thing like I used to! Feel free to add me, I am always up for a chat!
  • newport3158
    newport3158 Posts: 75 Member
    @Hearts_2015 that is freaking awesome! I'm proud of you! Now keep going just a couple days at a time commit yourself to it.

    I started over today, today is my first day without a binge. I've been on a week long one. I just started thinking to myself "are you really going to make this a habit, is this how you want to continue to live?" Sometimes I forget that I need to take my own advice!
  • newport3158
    newport3158 Posts: 75 Member
    CiaraFit21 wrote: »
    I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(

    This happens to me too. I get the feeling like I really want something sweet or carb loaded. It's usually donuts or ice cream or something like that. Sometimes in the morning I'll say ok after I drop my girl at daycare I'll pass the donut shop and grab a half dozen. But after awhile I start moving around getting the kids ready to go and as we are leaving I will "conveniently" take all the money out my wallet and walk out the door. After dropping my daughter I'll pass that donut shop and flip it the bird.

    Other times say if I'm wanting something that's in the house, I'll tell myself, first I'll eat something healthy then I'll eat the junk. I'll first make myself something that is full of protein and takes some time to prepare, like this tuna salad thing I eat with a few hardboiled eggs. It will take me sometimes 20 minutes to get it all made and after I've sat down and ate it, i may feel satisfied and full or I may start in on the junk, if I do, i don't get far into it before I start getting full and uncomfortable and I'm like "Meghan, enough".
  • shannon_andreoli
    shannon_andreoli Posts: 5 Member
    It's a struggle to deal with it. I personally deal with binge eating and rarely purging. Since I've started my journey I've had my days- mostly later in the day urges. Even had a few dreams in which I binge and wake up slightly horrified. I try drinking lots of water, or something healthy (fruit or veggies) and sometimes one of my guilty pleasures like a lt mini babybell cheese or something. But it's hard without support. Talking to people who know what I'm going through, but so far I've stayed strong. And I hope I can continue to do so...
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    @Hearts_2015 that is freaking awesome! I'm proud of you! Now keep going just a couple days at a time commit yourself to it.

    I started over today, today is my first day without a binge. I've been on a week long one. I just started thinking to myself "are you really going to make this a habit, is this how you want to continue to live?" Sometimes I forget that I need to take my own advice!

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    It's a struggle to deal with it. I personally deal with binge eating and rarely purging. Since I've started my journey I've had my days- mostly later in the day urges. Even had a few dreams in which I binge and wake up slightly horrified. I try drinking lots of water, or something healthy (fruit or veggies) and sometimes one of my guilty pleasures like a lt mini babybell cheese or something. But it's hard without support. Talking to people who know what I'm going through, but so far I've stayed strong. And I hope I can continue to do so...

    So glad you found the thread...... having support makes ALL the differnece in the world. I found a 12 step program that is helping me so much... I'd never joined an online before and it's beyond amazing how I feel when I step into it. So much calmer, so much less hate toward myself, peace and care from others as we are working on the same things.
  • varneson
    varneson Posts: 11 Member
    Blah all these stories fit me to a T. Been fighting this since I was very young. Would hide as a child and binge on whatever I could get my hands on and whatever I knew my mother wouldn't miss. Can't handle what I've done to myself. I've been way too skinny and way over weight. Right now I am way over weight. I've gained over 40 pounds since September. I'm home all the time now due to an injury. I was hurt in September. I have had 4 surgeries since. 1 in November and 3 in January. So the BED has gotten completely out of control!!! Can't do this anymore!......
  • Scott_Baldwin
    Scott_Baldwin Posts: 6 Member
    Great thread! Thank you to all that have shared! I binge eat also. Wife does too, she would do it when stressed. Very different from me. Am 42 and hovered around 260 (+/- 20 pounds) since my mid 20s. 9/1/2013 my wife and I got very committed to getting into shape. We each created a "Why list" which proved to be very effective at keeping us focused. My original one is on my profile page. I was able to get down to 165 by this time last year. My problem was once I bumped the calories up to a normal amount and started to eat like a normal person, which included some of my trigger foods, I would get into a feeding frenzy every time I had any of my trigger foods. I found it hard to snap out of it. One time I got up into the 190s last year then back down to around 165 again. However starting around Thanksgiving I went from 165 up to 220 last month. Now down to 203 and working to get back to around 165 and staying there.

    Something I now have to accept is there are some trigger foods (like pizza and cake) that I simply have to stay away from. I can't have a normal serving and be happy--when I have one serving I crave those things even more and obsess over them, if I don't eat them to the point of being very full/sick I then get stressed followed by very depressed. I have never done illegal drugs but I do now, unlike before, have some level of compassion for people that struggle to go clean.

    One thing I still get frustrated about is how many people don't seem to understand the struggle and think I am weird for having to completely avoid certain foods. My wife is OK with a small amount of unhealthy food--as long as she is not under a let of stress. Not me....

    My wife and I do a high-level weekly meal plans for the week on Sundays. We also, most of the time enter the next day's food into MFP the night before or at least that morning. That way we have our meals planned out. We also always ensure we have quick access to healthy foods. If we don't the temptation is to skip a meal or two, then be very hungry, and be very tempted to have pizza delivered or go to a drive-through for food.

    We both work full time and can't say we enjoy the art of cooking. So we tend to bulk cook as much as possible. As an example I will grill a LOT of chicken then cut it into cubes and put into tupperware bowls. That speeds up making meals for the next two to three days...
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2015
    Great thread! Thank you to all that have shared! I binge eat also. Wife does too, she would do it when stressed. Very different from me. Am 42 and hovered around 260 (+/- 20 pounds) since my mid 20s. 9/1/2013 my wife and I got very committed to getting into shape. We each created a "Why list" which proved to be very effective at keeping us focused. My original one is on my profile page. I was able to get down to 165 by this time last year. My problem was once I bumped the calories up to a normal amount and started to eat like a normal person, which included some of my trigger foods, I would get into a feeding frenzy every time I had any of my trigger foods. I found it hard to snap out of it. One time I got up into the 190s last year then back down to around 165 again. However starting around Thanksgiving I went from 165 up to 220 last month. Now down to 203 and working to get back to around 165 and staying there.

    Something I now have to accept is there are some trigger foods (like pizza and cake) that I simply have to stay away from. I can't have a normal serving and be happy--when I have one serving I crave those things even more and obsess over them,
    if I don't eat them to the point of being very full/sick I then get stressed followed by very depressed. I have never done illegal drugs but I do now, unlike before, have some level of compassion for people that struggle to go clean.

    One thing I still get frustrated about is how many people don't seem to understand the struggle and think I am weird for having to completely avoid certain foods.
    My wife is OK with a small amount of unhealthy food--as long as she is not under a let of stress. Not me....

    My wife and I do a high-level weekly meal plans for the week on Sundays. We also, most of the time enter the next day's food into MFP the night before or at least that morning. That way we have our meals planned out. We also always ensure we have quick access to healthy foods. If we don't the temptation is to skip a meal or two, then be very hungry, and be very tempted to have pizza delivered or go to a drive-through for food.

    We both work full time and can't say we enjoy the art of cooking. So we tend to bulk cook as much as possible. As an example I will grill a LOT of chicken then cut it into cubes and put into tupperware bowls. That speeds up making meals for the next two to three days...

    I so understand...
  • Scott_Baldwin
    Scott_Baldwin Posts: 6 Member
    Unfortunately this turned into a habit that progressed into adulthood. I still binge and my binges are pretty bad, and sometimes I over exercise to compensate.

    I highly suggest the book "brain over binge" it's really a great book to helping discover the brain-body connection.

    @newport3158 - Thanks for the book recommendation, I just ordered it. My wife is driven to binge when she has had a bad work day/week. I tend not to want to eat when I am stressed. However if I skip a few meals and get very hungry I get tempted to lean towards my trigger foods. I also have trouble when we are out somewhere and I can see and smell my trigger foods.

    I have never purged but do tend to "punish" myself frequently by doing extra workouts--ignoring proper recovery times or optimal workout intensities. Not talking about going for an extra "evening walk" but being discussed at myself/body and after wife and I have already done our Insanity workout me going and running hard for 30 minutes at an average of 95% Max heart rate. I use a Polar heart rate monitor when working out. I have a lot to learn about my eating/issues and it will be interesting to see if any of the help related to traditional purging will apply to the way I sometimes over compensate/punish myself by doing extra exercise.

    Both my wife and I have not binged since 4/15 :-).
  • newport3158
    newport3158 Posts: 75 Member
    Unfortunately this turned into a habit that progressed into adulthood. I still binge and my binges are pretty bad, and sometimes I over exercise to compensate.

    I highly suggest the book "brain over binge" it's really a great book to helping discover the brain-body connection.

    @newport3158 - Thanks for the book recommendation, I just ordered it. My wife is driven to binge when she has had a bad work day/week. I tend not to want to eat when I am stressed. However if I skip a few meals and get very hungry I get tempted to lean towards my trigger foods. I also have trouble when we are out somewhere and I can see and smell my trigger foods.

    I have never purged but do tend to "punish" myself frequently by doing extra workouts--ignoring proper recovery times or optimal workout intensities. Not talking about going for an extra "evening walk" but being discussed at myself/body and after wife and I have already done our Insanity workout me going and running hard for 30 minutes at an average of 95% Max heart rate. I use a Polar heart rate monitor when working out. I have a lot to learn about my eating/issues and it will be interesting to see if any of the help related to traditional purging will apply to the way I sometimes over compensate/punish myself by doing extra exercise.

    Both my wife and I have not binged since 4/15 :-).

    Wow, what a struggle! I am happy to have a husband that doesn't have a sweet tooth in his head! My main issue arises with my kids. Sometimes I feel that some of my binge issues arose because my father tended to restrict the sweets in our house, when I shop, I try not to buy a lot of "junk" type food, but I'm tore between having sweets accessible in their life or to not have them in the house at all for my sake!

    I'm on day 3, I want to binge so bad, but I am going to try to tough it out and see how I feel tomorrow!
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    xandralaw wrote: »
    Wow - this is totally me and I'm so glad to be reading this. I didn't use to be like this but it is getting worse. It used to be a 15 lb fluctuation over 6 months, but most recently I've put 40 lbs on since Sept (after taking off 30).

    I have to find a way to stop this, to stop eating so fast I don't taste food, to stop hiding the food I eat (I know every drive thru on my way home from work and have alternated my use of them so the people who work there won't recognize me).

    I am just starting this week and could use any support out there and I'll gladly support others. I'm starting with a meal plan and a no drive-thru goal for the week.

    I can totally relate - I've been known to hide wrappers/food. :( MFP has been super helpful as long as I stay 'active' in these types of threads and actually seek out help from of MFPers when I have an issue.

    Good luck on your weekly goal! You got this!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2015
    @Hearts_2015 that is freaking awesome! I'm proud of you! Now keep going just a couple days at a time commit yourself to it.

    I started over today, today is my first day without a binge. I've been on a week long one. I just started thinking to myself "are you really going to make this a habit, is this how you want to continue to live?" Sometimes I forget that I need to take my own advice!

    @newport3158 Today will be Day 7 binge free... thanks to your tips! The lbs have really been dropping too. HA HA Funny how that works when not binging. ;o)

  • laurajo521
    laurajo521 Posts: 91 Member
    I have struggled my whole life too. The only thing that has really helped was that I started focusing on getting mentally healthy too. I go to therapy about once a month, go to an OA meeting when I need it (and keep their meditation book on my desk everyday) and try to keep busy other ways. Talking to people helps. Learning to have a healthy relationship with food is #1. Food is fuel. It is not your friend; it cannot ease your heartache. It gives you enough calories until you need it again. My weight-loss doctor is also adamant about three meals, sitting down and that's it, and that helps too. When you do small meals or just graze within your calorie count it is much easier to slip up. Meditation, stress relief, therapy, just keeping foods that are good for you at home and in the office (although harder with roommates) help too. But the first thing we all have to do is see food as food. It's not your friend; it's not your enemy. If it's your birthday have a small piece of cake and then tell someone to take it away (or get dessert at restaurants so it's left behind, which is what I do when I want a treat). Most of the people I know who have disordered eating or eating disorders have unhealthy feelings about food. I'd be lying if I said getting that under control was the easy part, but I will say that everything else (diet, exercise, logging, etc) seems easier once you do it.
  • IAmAPearl
    IAmAPearl Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, thank you all so much for your posts.
    This has really helped me realize what's going on. My background is a bit different. I struggled with drug addiction most of my life, and have been clean for about two years. I assumed my weight gain was a normal side effect of a "healthier" lifestyle, but I've been noticing my eating habits weren't normal. I don't know what hungry or full means. I eat to literally feel full of food. So full I throw up, but then eat more so I have that full feeling. Stuffed. I just assumed I liked to eat. But reading through these, and seeing how similar my binging is to my using cycles - I am almost relieved. It's all the same. The triggers, the loss of control, the whole, the "I must go all out today because I'm changing tomorrow" cycle, then the guilt and it repeats.
    I would have never said I have an eating problem. But I do. But I obviously have some deeper problems. I honestly thought I ate like that because I like the way food tastes. Or that I just had very little will power. I would read people's posts about having a bite or two of something they wanted and "fitting it in". I still can't wrap my mind around it. My head tells me if you have one, what's wrong with two? And if you have two you've already failed so you might as well eat all of it. And since you already "ruined" your day, you need to eat up all the foods to make it worth it because this is the last time you can do this.

    So again, thank you ladies and men, because I really needed to hear I'm not alone.
  • newport3158
    newport3158 Posts: 75 Member
    @Hearts_2015 that is freaking awesome! I'm proud of you! Now keep going just a couple days at a time commit yourself to it.

    I started over today, today is my first day without a binge. I've been on a week long one. I just started thinking to myself "are you really going to make this a habit, is this how you want to continue to live?" Sometimes I forget that I need to take my own advice!

    @newport3158 Today will be Day 7 binge free... thanks to your tips! The lbs have really been dropping too. HA HA Funny how that works when not binging. ;o)
    That's great! Are you totally abstaining or are you allowing some in moderation? For me it's usually an all or nothing mentality. I have to totally obtain from the processed sugar to succeed.