May 2015 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I have been away for a few days, getting ready to travel and traveling and there have been SO many posts - over 200 since I was last on! Wow - it is going to take me a while to read up on all the news here, but I will get caught up eventually! Two posts I did see and wanted to comment on are:
    @Wendy1Fl - hope it worked out with Forrest Gump! I love running with my puppy!
    @_nikkiwolf_ - love the guerilla chrocheter - awesome decorations, whoever made them!

    05/02.....0.00.......9.20 - Rest
    05/04.....6.42.....19.95 - Running with a friend
    05/05.....0.00.....19.95 - Strength Training
    05/07.....0.00.....25.08 - Travel day (flight cancellations, etc...)
    05/08.....0.00.....25.08 - Extended travel day
    05/09.....4.00.....29.08 - Treadmill :(

    Can't get to my ticker but will update it when I get home next week.
    Hoping to get in a few runs on the treadmill in the coming days. I hate it and the gym here is almost as bad as running in the humidity outside. Unfortunately there are no sidewalks and I am not comfortable running on the busy streets here. Looking forward to getting home to my trail :)
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    May 1- strength training
    May 2- cycling - 34 miles
    May 3 - rest day/walked 4 miles
    May 4 - 4.1 miles + Strength training
    May 5- 5.2 miles
    May 6 - rest
    May 7 - 5.1 miles
    May 8 - Strength training
    May 9 - 39 miles biking


    Running a 5K tomorrow. I don't think it has timing... just a fundraiser for a Pet Rescue organization that we got one of our dogs from. Then... biking!

    @_nikkiwolf_ - those are hilarious! Love the woman one.
    @shanaber - I bet you can't wait to get back to your trail. Now that I'm a runner, I'm dying to travel to a different city to run. Not that I would have any idea where I will run in these places where I want to travel! Going to daughter's graduation in NYC in a week or so and I'm going to run Central Park and the Hudson, I hope!
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member

    Great job on your PR! Hopefully it's a minor injury and you're good to go in a couple days.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    ShortMrsN wrote: »
    gabbo34 wrote: »
    Running question for the group....whenever I'm out running and a woman is running the other way, they invariably smell nice. Meanwhile I smell like a middle school boys gym 2 minutes into a run....

    How do women mange to smell normal while racking up the miles while guys stink to high heaven??

    I'm absolutely reek after a run.......I don't even wear deodorant most mornings I run because it seems pointless to put it on only to sweat it off!
    If they smell nice then they have very liberally sprayed themselves before heading out the door!

    I smell pretty rough after a run too. I try not to let it bug me. I have run past other women, and they've smelled good. I just assume I'm meant to be stinky lmao
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    5/8: 4 miles

    So far: 34.3 out of 100 miles
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    01/5 - Recovery
    02/5 - 15.1 miles Trail
    03/5 - 8.1 miles Trail
    04/5 - Recovery
    05/5 - 10.6 miles Trail
    06/5 - 12.1 Miles Trail (split into 2 runs)
    07/5 - 10.3 Road
    08/5 - Recovery
    09/5 - 17.3 Trail

    Trail run over the Ultra circuit plus a few extra miles. Beautiful day Highlight was seeing a Hare run along the sea shoreline and managing to get a picture of it

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ShortMrsN wrote: »
    gabbo34 wrote: »
    Running question for the group....whenever I'm out running and a woman is running the other way, they invariably smell nice. Meanwhile I smell like a middle school boys gym 2 minutes into a run....

    How do women mange to smell normal while racking up the miles while guys stink to high heaven??

    I'm absolutely reek after a run.......I don't even wear deodorant most mornings I run because it seems pointless to put it on only to sweat it off!
    If they smell nice then they have very liberally sprayed themselves before heading out the door!

    I smell pretty rough after a run too. I try not to let it bug me. I have run past other women, and they've smelled good. I just assume I'm meant to be stinky lmao

    Oh man, I'd rather smell sweat out on the trail than the women that douse themselves in fru fru on a run. I don't see the point -make up and all.

    Deoderant is optional on a run for me too. Why bother? I wanna sweat, its hot. If I don't stink- I didn't put enough effort into it.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    5/4...................Weight training
    5/8...................Weight training
    5/9..................19.00..............53.75 (30k trail race)

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Ran an easy slower 4 miler today in the heat. No speed work/fast runs planned for at least 2 more weeks before I switch to my triathlon plan.

    5/2 - 2 miles
    5/3 - 26.2 miles (3:44 total time, 8:33 pace)
    5/7 - 6 miles
    5/9 - 4 miles

    Total: 38 miles
    Goal: 100 miles
    Remaining: 62 miles
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    05/02.....2.14.......2.14>>>>>>>>>>> miserable run
    5/9/..... 1 mile...3.14-- full blown sprints- nothing crazy.

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    5/02/15 - 4.35 miles
    5/03/15 - 9.38 miles
    5/05/15 - 5 miles
    5/07/15 - 3.16 miles
    5/08/15 - 5.46 miles
    5/09/15 - 5 miles

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    May goal 65 miles

    5/1 3.32
    5/2 3.34
    5/3 3.18
    5/4 rest
    5/5 4.21
    5/6 4.00
    5/7 3.15
    5/8 rest
    5/9 6.16 32hql8bsla7u.jpg

    Total 27.36

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


    @wendy1fl ? any word on Forrest Gump? Had a great run with my puppies today: big boy found several mud puddles to cool of in...then shake it off--all over me!

    and @ whoever asked the question: I'm all girl and I REALLY stink after a good long run!
  • lilcmac22
    lilcmac22 Posts: 47 Member
    Today was a beautiful day to be outside! 5/9-10.1m Trail, 15.1 to go.

  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Easier for me to post in KM I've discovered.

    Goal: A May Marathon of miles.

    5/3: 7.35 km
    5/5: 3.15 km
    5/8: 3.99 km
    5/10: 8.63 km

    23.1 Km out of 42 km.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @whatmerunning Fantastic job today!!
    @_nikkiwolf_ I have to say I'm never seen anything like that
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Re: nice smelling ladies -- I guarantee I don't smell good. But I've found that on group runs, I can't smell anybody. My nose just turns off. I definitely don't put on deodorant though. If I do, then it just wafts back up in my face and makes me feel sick. BO > deodorant during exercise!
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    I love seeing the pictures of what you all see on your runs! Those crochet pole covers would have me stopping in my tracts too Miss _nikkiwolf_! Hysterical!
    Usually I see deer, cows, horses and one donkey. In fact over these last 3 yrs of running, I've never past a fellow runner here in the country. Keep the pictures coming! :smile:

  • FitnessMeagan1105
    FitnessMeagan1105 Posts: 57 Member
    I would like to do 50 miles in May!
    05/01/15 - 2.27 Miles
    05/02/15 - None
    05/03/15 - None
    05/04/15 - None
    05/05/15 - None
    05/06/15 - 3.01 Miles
    05/07/15 - 3.14 Miles
    05/08/15 - None
    05/09/15 - None
    Total - 8.42 Miles

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    To date: 71.78km
    Sat, 2015 May 9 1:56 PM		14.16
    Fri, 2015 May 8 12:05 PM	7.67
    Thu, 2015 May 7 5:38 PM		4.19
    Wed, 2015 May 6 4:05 PM		10.02
    Tue, 2015 May 5 7:25 PM		8.49
    Sun, 2015 May 3 5:32 PM		6.5
    Sat, 2015 May 2 4:16 PM		13.13
    Fri, 2015 May 1 1:57 PM		7.62
  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    Well, things didn't work out with Forrest Gump :(
    He wasn't well socialized - he had all his training in his 1st 4 months & has basically been a shut in since. My fiance is so gentle & calm, but every time he moved Forrest growled at him. Then our 12 year old daughter tried to stand up & he growled at her. Our other 2 dogs hated him, & he tried to bite our cat on the way out the door. Soo, there was A LOT his mommy didn't mention in the craigslist ad. *Sigh*
    Next weekend I am driving an hour & 1/2 to meet a Red Heeler named Hope. How's that for room for a pun?!?!??
    5/9 5.53 miles Pace 10:00
    5/6 6 miles Pace 10:00
    5/5 5 miles Pace S-L-O-W 12:12
    5/3 8.21 miles Bloomsday race 7.62 miles Pace 9:23
    Total: 24.74, 91.46 to go