

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @MercuryBlue It's mostly salty things. And this week I've gained 3 pounds...but tomorrow is a new day and I've got my lunch and snacks already pre-packed and pre-logged and I WILL get back on track. If I lost those 3 pounds once, I can do it again! Part of the motivation is that I need to keep healthy and keep walking my other dog Tessa every day until she feels better. It has been difficult watching her mourn the loss of her follower/pack member.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I wasn't wondering. I also try to honor my mother everyday. It is actually considered important to honor your mother in the majority of religions. "Honour thy father and thy mother" is one of the Ten Commandments in the Hebrew Bible. The commandment is generally regarded in Protestant and Jewish sources as the fifth in both the list in Exodus 20:1-21, and in Deuteronomy 5:1-23, though in Catholic counting this is the fourth commandment

    I confess, I am feeling particularly antagonistic today :naughty: and I revel in the fact that I can tell someone my mother's first name and even her maiden name whenever someone asks it of me, even in a public setting, without it being considered disrespectful.

    Edit: Also, for the non-religious, it is simply considered 'the right thing to do'. Although, someone should mention this to a large portion of the younger generations....

    Who can't tell their mother's name in a public setting? :) If you're referring to the more conservative Muslim practice of not revealing the names of female family members, it's more of a cultural thing than an actual Islamic thing. :)

    And yes, I know it's part of most religions--and also considered "the right thing" for non-religious people--I was just clarifying in case anyone were to ask why we don't honor/shower gifts on/specifically celebrate our mothers on the "official" Mother's Day. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Oh and Mash'Allah @Susieq_1994 for being so close to your goal weight! (I totally read your bio. :wink: )

    *Note: the use of 'Mash'Allah' is not intended to hurt or offend anyone, but to encourage cultural understanding and diversity in MFP. I hope I used it right. :worried:

    It's actually ma sha Allah, but otherwise, perfect! ;) It's not offensive at all (to anyone of any religion whatsoever, to be honest), because it only means "As God willed it". :)

    Thank you! ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BLAH. My confession is that I crave warm white bread with butter and brown sugar sprinkled on top. And last night I ate four slices after a horrible fight with my husband. (Upside is that I'd exercised enough that it fit into my calories for the day- but I still felt crummy today because I've so consistently done well over the past few weeks. Oh, if you don't count the time or two I ate a tablespoon of frosting right out of the can. Crap. Call that confession number two.)

    I totally ate that exact thing on Wednesday last week. Along with about 4500 other calories. :( I've been consistently messing up for the last few weeks, and haven't managed to keep my deficit for the last MONTH! :s This week will be better, I hope. :) For both of us!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    BLAH. My confession is that I crave warm white bread with butter and brown sugar sprinkled on top. And last night I ate four slices after a horrible fight with my husband. (Upside is that I'd exercised enough that it fit into my calories for the day- but I still felt crummy today because I've so consistently done well over the past few weeks. Oh, if you don't count the time or two I ate a tablespoon of frosting right out of the can. Crap. Call that confession number two.)

    I totally ate that exact thing on Wednesday last week. Along with about 4500 other calories. :( I've been consistently messing up for the last few weeks, and haven't managed to keep my deficit for the last MONTH! :s This week will be better, I hope. :)For both of us!

    For ALL of us...also...Confession, I refuse to eat white bread because for some reason it gives me heartburn, but there are other foods that I will actively seek out to eat even though they also give me heartburn... :sweat:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    paulaviki wrote: »
    Today I had broccoli oven roasted for the first time, I always just usually boil it. It was bloody gorgeous! And then I mixed tuna with avocado for my sandwiches tomorrow instead of mayo. Also bloody delicious. How have I not eaten these things in this way before!

    I roast everything! Carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, brussell sprouts, asparagus, peppers... It would be easier to say the only thing I steam (not boil) are peas, sweetcorn and any kind of bean. Anything else can be chucked in the oven with 2kcal olive oil spray for 10 - 15mins. You have to be careful with mushrooms though, I put a little water with them otherwise they shrivel up to NOTHING.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I just ate some ice cream with a tiny spoon in honor of this thread :)

    Any ice cream eaten out of the tub (YES) is eaten with a tiny spoon. :smile:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I keep panicking at all these mother's day posts before remembering it was in March here. Seriously, I've done it about 4 times today.

    Ha ha same. I text my mum telling her I love her anyway. :heart:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I confess that I always pin a ton of recipes on Pinterest & then never make them.

    I also love to pin funny memes & food/exercise funnies.

    I get all my recipes from Pinterest now. I really wanted cinnamon the other day and I had loads of apples so I typed cinnamon and apples into Pinterest and Tah-dah more recipes than you can shake a stick at. :smile: Love. It.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I wasn't wondering. I also try to honor my mother everyday. It is actually considered important to honor your mother in the majority of religions. "Honour thy father and thy mother" is one of the Ten Commandments in the Hebrew Bible. The commandment is generally regarded in Protestant and Jewish sources as the fifth in both the list in Exodus 20:1-21, and in Deuteronomy 5:1-23, though in Catholic counting this is the fourth commandment

    I confess, I am feeling particularly antagonistic today :naughty: and I revel in the fact that I can tell someone my mother's first name and even her maiden name whenever someone asks it of me, even in a public setting, without it being considered disrespectful.

    Edit: Also, for the non-religious, it is simply considered 'the right thing to do'. Although, someone should mention this to a large portion of the younger generations....

    Ok, this whole post confuses me. Are you not supposed to know your mother's maiden name? Because in England its a standard security question. lol And what is considered the right thing to do?
  • JynxedDiamond
    JynxedDiamond Posts: 32 Member
    I drink extreme amounts of caffeine to make myself feel better when I over eat. Five hours, black coffee shots, and lots of cups of coffee. A lot of the times when I do this it prevents weight gain or helps my weight loss. However it is a bad habit and can be very unsafe depending on the person.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Ha ha and I finally catch up and find out I'm talking to myself. 5 posts in a row! Winner!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2015
    Confession: I am totally confused with the weight loss thing. Just started to read this and everyone is saying 1200 calories is too low. So. This has been the last 5 months of my life.

    January and February I was eating 1600 calories + swimming 3 x week and not losing weight.
    March I go down to 1400 calories and start going to the gym 3 x week as well as swimming 3 x week. Still not losing weight. I go to the doctors and he tells me to go down to 1200 calories maybe even 1000 calories.
    April I go down to 1200 calories go to the gym 3x week, swim 3 x week and start doing the couch to 5K (Which is a 30 minute jog/walk program 3x week) I have only lost 5lbs in 5 months.

    Anyone else baffled? Because I am! I'm going to keep going, I refuse to go down to 1000 calories because I will probably faint, but my parents are insisting I should because that's what the doctor said. Which leads me onto a small rant/ramble. What makes MFP so confusing is the fact that I have a trained and licensed doctor tell me I might have to go down to 1000 calories a day to lose weight, but if I posted that on the forum EVERYONE would have a field day. Unlicensed, untrained people telling me its too low, possible trolls telling me its too low but on the other hand people who have succeeded telling me its too low. Who do you listen to??
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    MFP has that message about certain levels being too low EXCEPT for medical situations, so on the whole I'd follow my doctor's advice. But given the calculators and that I know I SHOULD have maintenance of at least a certain level (yes, there is individual variation, though) and that with exercise I should be able to lose at over 1200 no problem, especially with my current level of exercise, I'd want to talk to the doctor about the fact that I'm logging really well and doing X activity and not losing, so why does he/she think 1000 is necessary for me? Basically, I'd want medical reasons for the metabolism issues to be explored, since I think a lot of the time when doctors push lower levels it's because they either don't know enough about weight loss to have a good sense of individual maintenance (the ones who recommend 1200 for all) OR just automatically assuming that no one is logging right and 1200 really means 1800 anyway. Since for me that's not the case, I would be bothered if my doctor didn't listen to me (but I have lied to my doctor about other things at times, so am a little sympathetic).

    Under those circumstances I might ask for a referral to a dietician too, which is something I wouldn't normally do.

    And I'd ignore the boards, of course. The knee-jerk reaction to 1200 is, I think, because so many people who have little to lose put in 2 lbs/week (because of course you want the max) and so many people don't understand the number is WITHOUT exercise (that's simply how it's calculated) and as a result the vast majority of women get 1200 simply as a matter of math (sedentary maintenance of 2200 or less minus 1000=1200), and most of those people can lose on more. So they say they have to do 1200 without understanding how the number came about and that they can lose on less.

    But also IMO 1200 is fine for many people and the reaction against it (which seems less extreme than it was for a while) can be over the top. I think it (plus exercise calories, though) was the right number for me at first, so I particularly disagree when people claim you shouldn't be too aggressive when you have lots to lose. Depends.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    BLAH. My confession is that I crave warm white bread with butter and brown sugar sprinkled on top. And last night I ate four slices after a horrible fight with my husband. (Upside is that I'd exercised enough that it fit into my calories for the day- but I still felt crummy today because I've so consistently done well over the past few weeks. Oh, if you don't count the time or two I ate a tablespoon of frosting right out of the can. Crap. Call that confession number two.)

    I totally ate that exact thing on Wednesday last week. Along with about 4500 other calories. :( I've been consistently messing up for the last few weeks, and haven't managed to keep my deficit for the last MONTH! :s This week will be better, I hope. :) For both of us!

    This is basically me too. I need to either decide to take a break from a deficit or get back to it for real, since telling myself I'm trying to lose and then basically continually deciding that I don't really care about losing this week is driving me crazy. I need to pick one and do it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    @lilaclovebird I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. The loss of a pet is so devastating. :(

    Yes, I'm so sorry. That's so hard.

    Emotional/stress eating is my biggest challenge lately and I need to get a handle on it before I totally derail myself.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    BLAH. My confession is that I crave warm white bread with butter and brown sugar sprinkled on top. And last night I ate four slices after a horrible fight with my husband. (Upside is that I'd exercised enough that it fit into my calories for the day- but I still felt crummy today because I've so consistently done well over the past few weeks. Oh, if you don't count the time or two I ate a tablespoon of frosting right out of the can. Crap. Call that confession number two.)

    I totally ate that exact thing on Wednesday last week. Along with about 4500 other calories. :( I've been consistently messing up for the last few weeks, and haven't managed to keep my deficit for the last MONTH! :s This week will be better, I hope. :) For both of us!

    This is basically me too. I need to either decide to take a break from a deficit or get back to it for real, since telling myself I'm trying to lose and then basically continually deciding that I don't really care about losing this week is driving me crazy. I need to pick one and do it.

    Same here! I'm doing the same exact thing, but the biggest problem in my case is that I was close to maintenance for nearly two years (roughly between 61 and 64 kg), so I no longer have any of my old larger clothes, and I recently gained 14 (real, not water or sodium!) pounds on a really crazy food-filled vacation. So, all of my pants and tops are tight and I've got a very unattractive muffin top in whatever I wear--I need to lose at least half of that weight before they fit again, so I'm not comfortable with taking a break from my deficit. I just really need to get my head in the game!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited May 2015
    1) With the maiden name thing, I was referencing hyper-conservative Muslim culture. I was feeling antagonistic and, thankfully, @Susieq_1994 took everything I said in stride and responded in a calm and dignified manner without taking insult to any of my stupid comments.

    2) Respecting and honoring your mother is the right thing to do in any/all societies regardless of religion.

    3) And all the possible reasons you are not losing weight are listed here:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2015
    1) With the maiden name thing, I was referencing hyper-conservative Muslim culture. I was feeling antagonistic and, thankfully, @Susieq_1994 took everything I said in stride and responded in a calm and dignified manner without taking insult to any of my comments.

    2) Respecting and honoring your mother is the right thing to do in any/all societies regardless of religion.

    3) And all the possible reasons you are not losing weight are listed here:

    Ah fair enough, I might have missed something which led me to being confused. lol
    I completely agree with No.2 and I think both parents should be honored.
    And thank you for the link, I've read it before and frankly I find her very rude. Plus with the amount of daily exercise and lowering my calories to 900 calories a day below my TDEE that would be one hell of a mis-measure. Like, forgetting I ate a whole meal mis-measure. :wink:

    Edit: After re-reading I realised that could have sounded a bit arsey and it wasn't intended that way. It's nearly lunch time, can I blame being hanrgy? and also TOM, although that doesn't really affect me...

    Oh and my car is having it's service and MOT today and its 8 years old so I'm expecting a large bill. :cry:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Confession, I just ate two servings of peanut butter. I mean, there was some apple in there, but it was just an excuse for the peanut butter... ugh...