May 2015 Running Challenge



  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    I did not run once in April.
    We are already well into May and I haven't run either :(
    So my goal for the rest of the month is to run 30 km minimum by the end of the month.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @codemonkey78 how was running barefoot with your busted toe?

    My brain just realized it wasn't you Randall with the busted toe...geesh I need a vacation~!

  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    Wow. 80+ comments since I last logged in. You all are killing it!!!

    DATE ... MILES
    5/1 ... 4
    5/2 ... 6
    5/3 ... 10
    5/4 ... 3.5
    5/7 ... 5.5
    5/9 ... 8
    5/10 ... 10
    5/11 ... 6

    53 done/150 miles goal
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Three mile recovery run this morning to test out how my achilles felt. I felt no problems with it until about 2.5 miles, and even then it was not uncomfortable but I could feel it was not 100% down there.

    So a couple questions for the experienced runners (I've seen some advice offered already). I have an HM scheduled this weekend that I really wanted to finish (finish time I do not care about).
    Should I run this HM Saturday at a recovery pace or scrap it?
    If I run it, should I just completely rest it this week or continue with planned recovery runs this week?

    If your Achilles is bothering you, I'd recommend lots of ice and taking the next few days off. Test it out Wed or Thurs and decide later this week about the HM. If it's a brief bit of inflammation, do the HM, but if it's still bugging you later this week, skip the long effort -- no matter how easy you'll take it.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    May 1 - 2.2 miles
    May 2 - 3.1 miles (Remember the Fallen 5k)

    May 4 - 3 miles
    May 7 - 2.7 miles
    May 9 - 3.1 miles (Run for the Ages 5k)

    May 10 - 2.3 miles



  • CatchMeJess
    CatchMeJess Posts: 14 Member
    May Goal = 60 miles

  • cathyjones08
    cathyjones08 Posts: 26 Member

    Thanks for the input. The race is at 11:00am. I think I'll eat something but early. English muffin sounds good. I've got a loose top but I'm wearing compression shorts because I can't stand the ride up that I get with normal shorts.

    I wanted to be able to run faster than my April race but considering the heat I'll be happy with about the same. My friend, doing the race with me, is slower than I am so I hope a can find somebody at the race and use them as my white rabbit. Although she is slower she is an inspiration. Dedicated to not being derailed by a change her life, she has challenged herself to do a 5K every month this year. Also to mention she has not really be one to "work out" prior to this. I have decided to support her and join as many of the races that I can.

    Also..... by the end of the week I will be at 11miles out of 24 for the May challenge.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/2 - 5.25 beautiful miles through my neighborhood
    5/4 - 5 miles, indoor track
    5/5 - 4 miles, treadmill (soggy, foggy day here); another 5 on stationary bike
    5/6 - 4 miles, indoor track; weights / abs
    5/7 - woke up feeling like #$* decided to go back to sleep. May run this evening if I feel better.
    5/8 - 4 miles, indoor track; weights
    5/9 - 10.5 miles to celebrate 1000 days on MFP. Don't usually pay attention to those numbers, but 1000 is a lot!
    5/10 - HAPPY MAMA'S DAY - rest for me too
    5/11 - 4.5 chilly, windy miles. Who dialed the weather back a month or so?
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    5/1--3.27 miles
    5/2--8.56 miles
    5/4--4.1 miles
    5/5--Yoga X
    5/6--5.02 miles
    5/8--3.06 miles
    5/11-2.58 miles
    I keep catching cramps in my left quad. I have research to do to figure out why this is happening.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    So running my 2nd 5K this coming Saturday.

    Tips on how to stay cool???????

    Tips on what to eat night before and morning of????????

    pre race I'm a banana and coffee fan. I don't worry about what I eat the night before, just make sure its something that sits well with me.

    Good luck on staying cool. A comfortable wicking shirt and socks is all I'd do.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited May 2015
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Good luck on staying cool. A comfortable wicking shirt and socks is all I'd do.
    No shorts? I'll run with you any day...

  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Good luck on staying cool. A comfortable wicking shirt and socks is all I'd do.
    No shorts? I'll run with you any day...

    @cathyjones08 I saw some racers wearing belts with tiny little water bottles attached to them when I ran my race, and I would have killed to have one of those because in the heat the thing that gives me the best relief is pouring water on my scalp & down the back of my neck. I'm definitely hunting one of those thingys down for my next race.
  • teacton11
    teacton11 Posts: 65 Member
    5/1 - 6 Mi jog
    5/2 - 8.5 Mi double stroller happy fun time
    5/3 - got lazy
    53.5 Mi week

    5/4 - 7 Mi steady state
    5/5 - 14 Mi long
    5/6 - 4 Mi double stroller happy fun time
    5/7 - 14 Mi long
    5/8-5/10 - resting pulled calf.. :( this sucks
    39 Mi week

    5/11 - 7 Mi easy - trying to rally a comeback :/

    May Total

  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Goal: A May Marathon of miles.

    5/3: 7.35 km
    5/5: 3.15 km
    5/8: 3.99 km
    5/10: 8.63 km
    5/12: 3.84 km
    27 Km out of 42 km.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    So a couple questions for the experienced runners (I've seen some advice offered already). I have an HM scheduled this weekend that I really wanted to finish (finish time I do not care about).
    Should I run this HM Saturday at a recovery pace or scrap it?

    At this point, any planned extra runs this week won't make much of a difference on your level of fitness for the race. If I were in your position (as I went into my last HM with some tenderness a week out), I'd just rest all week, see you how feel the morning of, and if you aren't hurt, start the race but be willing to drop out early (i.e. 1 mile-3 mile mark) if you are experiencing pain of any sort. Last time I did this, the rest paid off, I felt great a few miles in, and finished without any trouble at roughly a minute slower than my prior HM PR.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    5/1 - 3.4 miles
    5/3 - 10.5 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/6 - 3.4 miles
    5/8 - 3.5 miles
    5/10 - 12 miles
    5/11 - 4 miles

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    To date: 87.88km
    Mon May 11 4:20PM	10.01
    Sun May 10 9:52AM	6.09
    Sat May 9 1:56 PM	14.16
    Fri May 8 12:05 PM	7.67
    Thu May 7 5:38 PM	4.19
    Wed May 6 4:05 PM	10.02
    Tue May 5 7:25 PM	8.49
    Sun May 3 5:32 PM	6.5
    Sat May 2 4:16 PM	13.13
    Fri May 1 1:57 PM	7.62
  • lilcmac22
    lilcmac22 Posts: 47 Member
    5/11- 2.4 Trail, 12.7 to go. The Georgia heat came out in full blast. Had a new experience today. I am new to long runs and trying to increase my distance. Saturday I did my long run, had a rest day Sunday, and today when I started running, my legs did not want to work. The entire time I was working just to put one step in front of another and I felt really tight. The chipmunks probably thought I was crazy listening to me give my legs a pep talk. Is it a bad idea to have a rest day after a long day, say maybe have a light day instead, or are some days just like this and I have yet to encounter them? Would heat make your body clam up and not want to move?

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 That trail looks like a lot of fun!

  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    Awful treadmill session this morning - my hydration levels weren't right and I just didn't feel right from the off . After giving myself the weekend off, that wasn't the start I was hoping for this week. Feeling beaten by a 5K run :'( Still, I did it. Trying to push the negative thoughts away and learn from it.

  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    01/5 - Recovery
    02/5 - 15.1 miles Trail
    03/5 - 8.1 miles Trail
    04/5 - Recovery
    05/5 - 10.6 miles Trail
    06/5 - 12.1 Miles Trail (split into 2 runs)
    07/5 - 10.3 Road
    08/5 - Recovery
    09/5 - 17.3 Trail
    10/5 - Swapped a recovery day due to twinge in calf
    11/5 - 10.8 miles -2 runs one trail and one on the road

    I swapped my recovery day from Monday to Sunday as a precaution. I split my Monday run due to having to take my cat for some Dental surgery. So as much as I dislike road running I did a few miles on the road to finish the day up
