May 2015 Running Challenge



  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    5/4...................Weight training
    5/8...................Weight training
    5/9..................19.00..............53.75 (30k trail race)
    5/11.................Weight training

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Raced the single loop 5.4 mile course today, instead of the 2 loop course so I could ride with my dad this afternoon. Glad I did because it was muddy, hilly, rocky, humid and totally awesome!

    Latched on to someone from Team RWB around mile 2 and we ended up running together the whole way and crossing the finish line together. For a misanthropic, grumpy old loner like me, it was really nice to be reminded of just how great the running community can be. I workout alone 99% of the time, so this was pretty cool.
    Finished right around the middle of the pack with a chip time of 1:03ish. Pretty chuffed, I have to say.

    22.5 total.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    By the way, @skippygirlsmom and @LoneWolfRunner, those are nifty medals. I love it when race directors get creative (just not TOO creative, like the genius that came up with my purple-American-Indian-shooting-an-arrow belt buckle that's 5 inches wide and creepy)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    By the way, @skippygirlsmom and @LoneWolfRunner, those are nifty medals. I love it when race directors get creative (just not TOO creative, like the genius that came up with my purple-American-Indian-shooting-an-arrow belt buckle that's 5 inches wide and creepy)

    LOL yeah that one sounds great @SBRRepeat I talked to the girl that made the medals last night and she thrilled we like them so much.

  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    05/01 10 Km
    05/05 5 Km
    05/08 5 Km
    05/13 5 Km
    05/15 10 Km
    05/17 6 Km


  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    May goal 65 miles

    5/1 3.32
    5/2 3.34
    5/3 3.18
    5/4 rest
    5/5 4.21
    5/6 4.00
    5/7 3.15
    5/8 rest
    5/9 6.16
    5/10 4.01
    5/11 strength training
    5/12 snorkeling 3 hours
    5/13 3.37
    5/14 rest
    5/15 3.47
    5/16 3.8
    5/17 3.0

    Total 45.01

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    05/02.....0.00.......9.20 - Rest
    05/04.....6.42.....19.95 - Running with a friend
    05/05.....0.00.....19.95 - Strength Training
    05/07.....0.00.....25.08 - Travel day (flight cancellations, etc...)
    05/08.....0.00.....25.08 - Extended travel day
    05/09.....4.13.....29.21 - Treadmill
    05/11.....5.25.....34.46 - Treadmill
    05/12.....3.76.....38.22 - Treadmill
    05/13.....0.00.....38.22 - Travel day
    05/14.....7.51.....45.73 - +Strength Training
    05/15.....0.00.....45.73 - unplanned rest for my tight hip
    05/17.....2.74.....56.64 - Dog beach run


    Back to work for me tomorrow... :(
    Hip is feeling better and it is supposed to stay cool and cloudy this week. Hoping to get in a good run tomorrow after all my meetings!
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    Goal = 62
    Completed = 42
    Remaining = 20

    5/3 - 8.5 miles
    5/5 - 5.5 miles
    5/9 - 8 miles
    5/11 - 5 miles
    5/14 - 6 miles
    5/17 - 9 miles
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    edited May 2015
    @skippygirlsmom, well done to you both, I <3 that medal - you must be super proud.
    @emmy15rocks, welcome! you're nearly a quarter of the way there.
    @remus42, well done on the PB!

    As always, reading all your posts has made me feel like getting off my butt and getting out there (if not a little guilty at how lazy I've been and how far behind I am on the miles!)!
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    May goal 65 mi

    5/3...10 mi
    5/4... Rest
    5/5... 2 mi
    5/6... 4 mi
    5/7... 2 m
    5/8... Rest
    5/9... 4 mi
    5/10...2 mi Cross/Walk
    5/12...2 mi
    5/13...3 mi
    5/14...2 mi
    5/16...4 mi
    5/17...2.5 mi Cross/Walk
    5/18...4 mi

  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    I've been away for a week so no hope in catching up with the thread. Since I enjoy all your running photos so much, I thought you all may enjoy a look at the view of our run in Santorini, Greece. Amazing. Thanks again for all the inspiration!


    May 1- 3.5 ™ …thats tread mill
    May 2- 0 …
    May 3- 6 ™
    May 4- 5 Newport Cliff run!
    May 5- 3.2 & pump
    May 6- 4.5 neighborhood run
    May 7- 3.19 neighborhood
    May 8- 0
    May 9- 0
    May 10- 5.66 run before the holidays!
    May 11- 0
    May 12- 0
    May 13- 7 in Santorini!
    May 14- 0
    May 15- 0
    May 16- 0
    May 17- 0
    May 18- 6.12 jet lag early morning run, felt great to be back running!

    Too many zeros!

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited May 2015
    1 - 6.2mi, trail
    2 - 8.4mi, 5k, kids run, treadmill challenge
    3 - 13.1mi, Pittsburgh half marathon
    4 - 7mi, easy
    5 - 5.5mi, 5k race
    6 - Rest
    7 - 8mi, easy w/strides
    8 - 6mi, easy
    9 - 6mi, trail
    10 - 10mi, 7 easy/3 @7:00
    11- Rest
    12 - 7mi, easy
    13 - 5mi, easy (jogged a 5K+)
    14 - 6mi, easy
    15 - Rest
    16 - 4mi, easy
    17 - 26.5mi, Cleveland Marathon pacer
    18 - Rest

    Finished the Cleveland Marathon! I switched sticks with the 5:10 group, and it was pure hell. The temp was 75-80, and relative humidity of 90%. None of the folks who started with the group made it to the end with me, to include my co-pacer. The last 3mi was all highway with the the sun beating down on you, and there were a ton of people walking. I found a kid who looked like he was really struggling and talked him into running the rest of the way with me. I kept him distracted with conversation and we picked up a lady who was struggling too, and we ran every bit of the last couple miles in together. At the last 100M I told them to give it one final push and they took off. My son was in the announcer booth and VIP tent the whole morning, and when he saw me come down, he jumped out and ran to me and took my pace stick and sprinted in. It was quite the experience. And the two folks who I ran in were waiting and we did a big cheesy group hug. They were so happy, and it made my pacing experience worth it.

    Onto 5K training now. My mileage is back into the mid-40s, and focusing on lots of speedwork for the next two weeks, with a controlled race effort on the 25th at the Lou Cox Memorial Day 5K.


    Total: 118.5mi

    May goal: 180mi
  • cathyjones08
    cathyjones08 Posts: 26 Member
    Up to 11/ 24 miles and will be signing up for another 5k on June 6th.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @SonicDeathMonkey80 Sounds like challenging conditions for a race, but I'm glad you had a good pacing experience!! At least everyone looks happy in the photos!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY - 0
    5/2 16 miles - 16.0 <<< Madkin and Weeden Mountains on RSA (1,208ft elevation gain)
    5/3 REST DAY - Went hiking ~4 miles with the wife at Monte Sano instead
    5/4 10.35 miles - 26.35 << slow recovery miles. Still feel sore from weekend
    5/5 10 miles 36.35
    5/6 8 miles - 44.35 << easy paced
    5/7 5.25 miles - 49.6 << fast paced
    5/8 15 miles - 64.6 << Friday night long run
    5/9 REST DAY <<< Georgia Aquarium
    5/10 REST DAY
    5/11 10.5 miles - 75.1
    5/12 10 miles - 85.1
    5/13 8.25 miles - 93.35 << easy effort
    5/14 8 miles - 101.35 << CRR preview + 2
    5/15 5.5 miles - 106.85 << recovery pace
    5/16 15 miles - 121.85 << Sat long run
    5/17 REST DAY
    5/18 8 miles - 129.85


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    5/1- rest day

    Skip ran with me. She finished 1st overall female and ran about a 25:45, she forgot to stop her watch so we got that time from the guy in front of her. It wasn't timed. I did 3.15 (according to my wonderful new Garmin) in 30.01. What a great race, so much fun, wonderful people. Love the placer medals, they were hand made by one of the sponsors. It was gold, the picture doesn't do it justice, it was also on a red rawhide cord. So sorry I didn't get one!


    Way to go Skip. Congratulations!!!

  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    1 - 6.2mi, trail
    2 - 8.4mi, 5k, kids run, treadmill challenge
    3 - 13.1mi, Pittsburgh half marathon
    4 - 7mi, easy
    5 - 5.5mi, 5k race
    6 - Rest
    7 - 8mi, easy w/strides
    8 - 6mi, easy
    9 - 6mi, trail
    10 - 10mi, 7 easy/3 @7:00
    11- Rest
    12 - 7mi, easy
    13 - 5mi, easy (jogged a 5K+)
    14 - 6mi, easy
    15 - Rest
    16 - 4mi, easy
    17 - 26.5mi, Cleveland Marathon pacer
    18 - Rest

    Finished the Cleveland Marathon! I switched sticks with the 5:10 group, and it was pure hell. The temp was 75-80, and relative humidity of 90%. None of the folks who started with the group made it to the end with me, to include my co-pacer. The last 3mi was all highway with the the sun beating down on you, and there were a ton of people walking. I found a kid who looked like he was really struggling and talked him into running the rest of the way with me. I kept him distracted with conversation and we picked up a lady who was struggling too, and we ran every bit of the last couple miles in together. At the last 100M I told them to give it one final push and they took off. My son was in the announcer booth and VIP tent the whole morning, and when he saw me come down, he jumped out and ran to me and took my pace stick and sprinted in. It was quite the experience. And the two folks who I ran in were waiting and we did a big cheesy group hug. They were so happy, and it made my pacing experience worth it.

    Onto 5K training now. My mileage is back into the mid-40s, and focusing on lots of speedwork for the next two weeks, with a controlled race effort on the 25th at the Lou Cox Memorial Day 5K.


    Total: 118.5mi

    May goal: 180mi
    Great job. Pacers helps so many and you sure did. Pacing has so many blessings...some days pacing is more difficult than others...great effort young man. Wooo!!!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Only just found this so joining a little late :') Obviously because of this my goal is a lot lower (and because I'm a super beginner!) than it will be next month :)
    Only started yesterday so wish me luck!

    Welcome aboard emmy & good luck!! Hope you have fun and meet some new and great people here!

  • emmy15rocks
    emmy15rocks Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks @stoshew71 :D