
  • jbrown2339
    jbrown2339 Posts: 52 Member
    The sad thing is, even with all the bad reviews, I still find myself wanting the blasted thing. I had the up24 and loved the app, but really wanted the heart rate.monitoring. Wound up getting the fitbit charge hr due to all the delays,and while I like the functionality the app isn't as good, nor is the sleep tracking particularly helpful. I miss the smart coach too. I was hoping up3 would knock it out of the park, but the reviews have been universally blah at best. I've been following this thread to see if they were being too tough on the band, obviously not.

    I am surprised after such a long delay those new features, coming 'soon' didn't already get implemented. Makes me worry that they don't have a clue how to use these new sensors. Particularly for heart rate tracking, but what about those temperature monitoring, or hydration monitoring they featured in the press release?

    I'll keep my eye on new features as they add them, perhaps at that point the price will also have come down. For now, I'll keep my fitbit I suppose....really disappointed in how this turned out. I really am doubting the waterproof story for the delay, feels like they gave up waiting as they try to figure out how to enable the new features.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    jbrown2339 wrote: »
    The sad thing is, even with all the bad reviews, I still find myself wanting the blasted thing. I had the up24 and loved the app, but really wanted the heart rate.monitoring. Wound up getting the fitbit charge hr due to all the delays,and while I like the functionality the app isn't as good, nor is the sleep tracking particularly helpful. I miss the smart coach too. I was hoping up3 would knock it out of the park, but the reviews have been universally blah at best. I've been following this thread to see if they were being too tough on the band, obviously not.

    I am surprised after such a long delay those new features, coming 'soon' didn't already get implemented. Makes me worry that they don't have a clue how to use these new sensors. Particularly for heart rate tracking, but what about those temperature monitoring, or hydration monitoring they featured in the press release?

    I'll keep my eye on new features as they add them, perhaps at that point the price will also have come down. For now, I'll keep my fitbit I suppose....really disappointed in how this turned out. I really am doubting the waterproof story for the delay, feels like they gave up waiting as they try to figure out how to enable the new features.

    I will wait as well. That is the reason I have a non bluetooth UP...the UP24 was having major issues when I went to buy now that I am ready to upgrade I will wait till the bugs get ironed out.
  • AlexBulkFit
    AlexBulkFit Posts: 12 Member
    The thing is: Two different people with the same height, same weight, and same age do the same workout, with exactly the same perceived effort. Everything seems to be the same but guess what: They burned a different amount of calories! And that is because everyone IS different. And that's where the BodyMedia sensors come in, measuring all that stuff that actually can calculate YOUR calorie burn.

    No offense, but reading SezxyStef's statements gives me a headache! How is it possible to calibrate a device that measures your steps with an accelerator sensor on your wrist to be more accurate with your calorie burn? Skin temperature, heat flux, galvanic skin response, AND acceleration can give a somewhat accurate measurement. DavPul was right, only with food intake and weight a calibration could occur, but that would still be too vague.

    Besides all that, how can anyone question the BodyMedia device's ability to calculate accurate caloric burn? There are so many studies that compared the BodyMedia's ability with science-backed methods (I have read a few). And that over years. How more clear can something be?

    I suddenly start to believe SezxyStef tries to influence our view on Jawbone's devices....
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I suddenly start to believe SezxyStef tries to influence our view on Jawbone's devices....

    she's cool. she's vouching for a device that's working perfectly well for her. i'm sure it would work well for us too because let's face it, none of this tech is necessary to lose weight. i bulked and cut successfully without using anything but a scale, pen and paper and could do it again.

    that said, the BMF makes SUPAH SIMPLE and was completely effortless. what SS isn't understanding how baffling it is for former BMF owners to see newer technology that regresses from the previous versions. I would be like the next generation Galaxy Note coming out and not having a pen, no front camera, and no bluetooth.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    I suddenly start to believe SezxyStef tries to influence our view on Jawbone's devices....

    This was in regards to the new UP3...I have no issue with the BMF...I was actually surprised when they sold to Jawbone...

    My surprise with the new Up3 is that it doesn't seem any different from my "old" Jawbone so just trying to give info to aid those who might be in the market for an Up3 to not bother as the Up24 or the older ones are just as good maybe better...
    DavPul wrote: »

    she's cool. she's vouching for a device that's working perfectly well for her. i'm sure it would work well for us too because let's face it, none of this tech is necessary to lose weight. i bulked and cut successfully without using anything but a scale, pen and paper and could do it again.

    that said, the BMF makes SUPAH SIMPLE and was completely effortless. what SS isn't understanding how baffling it is for former BMF owners to see newer technology that regresses from the previous versions. I would be like the next generation Galaxy Note coming out and not having a pen, no front camera, and no bluetooth.

    Maybe if I can find one I will purchase a BMF...

    the bolded part with the Galaxy would not be funny at all... :)
  • AlexBulkFit
    AlexBulkFit Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! :)
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    Okay, but talk to me about the app, though. That's what I really want, I think - an app that will take input from my sleep and activity levels and tell me things like "You know, you don't sleep so well when you work out after 8:00 pm, maybe you should not do that anymore." What other tracker/smartwatch/whatever has a comparable amount of information?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    Okay, but talk to me about the app, though. That's what I really want, I think - an app that will take input from my sleep and activity levels and tell me things like "You know, you don't sleep so well when you work out after 8:00 pm, maybe you should not do that anymore." What other tracker/smartwatch/whatever has a comparable amount of information?

    The app doesn't tell you that but if you are interested in stuff like that you can start correlating things.

    I know that I sleep without waking the 2 nights my husband works, but not so much on his first 2 days off...but then I get used to him in the bed again....I sleep well.

    The app does the following things:

    food score - not a fan of that...
    Trending in all aspects (sleep, steps, net calories, calories etc) in days weeks months
    syncs with mapmyfitness and mfp
    It gives me my total miles per week (smart coach)
    average sleep per week (smart coach)
    Of course sleep mode which is my favorite...wakes me with a vibration during a light sleep period. I never wake up feeling groggy anymore.
    stop watch (track activity time)
    Power nap function which uses recent sleep data to calculate optimal nap length...between 27-45 mins wakes you with the vibrations or you can set a time to nap
    Idle alert which you can set
    emails giving weekly data and updates.

    but I am sure they all do the above....
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited May 2015
    Actually the app tells me very similar stuff. It told me that when I sleep late I tend to have fewer steps throughout the next day so I should get up on time. It also told me that my resting heart rate was higher than average and I was probably dehydrated so I should track my water the next day. The app is pretty awesome and you can download the app without having an Up band, and use your phone to track steps. It's a lot less accurate, but it's a start.
  • jbrown2339
    jbrown2339 Posts: 52 Member
    edited May 2015
    Question for the group. I am considering getting a WiFi scale to track weight, bmi, fat %. The fitbit aria looks good, and I have a fitbit charge hr right now, so that extra integration will be nice. However, if jawbone gets their band working in the future, not sure if I want to be so invested in one eco system. I still prefer jawbone app more then fitbit app, and would go back if they get the new sensors working (maybe).

    Withings has a more expensive scale, and it apparently doesn't integrate that we'll into UP either. Both do integrate with the MFP app, so wondering if I should just get the aria and if I swap to an up3 in the future, just use MFP to link the data....decisions decisions.

    Anyone else use a WiFi scale?
  • AlexBulkFit
    AlexBulkFit Posts: 12 Member
    This is kind of off-topic!
  • jbrown2339
    jbrown2339 Posts: 52 Member
    This is kind of off-topic!

    Sorry, you are right. Tried to delete but it won't let me.
  • LepperMessiah1
    LepperMessiah1 Posts: 102 Member
    Took them six days, but they finally processed my cancellation.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    any updates op? sounds like I'm gonna stick with BMF after reading this thread
  • jbrown2339
    jbrown2339 Posts: 52 Member
    I saw Engadget and Gizmodo also have bad reviews.....I've not seen a single positive review about the band. Sad.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Jawbone has discontinued with the original Jawbone and Up24 now only offer move and the 2 and 3...

    I might get the Up2 eventually but not until my current up is kaput. Why because the new one doesn't do anything extra special.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Well, crap. I've been limping along with a broken Bluetooth feature on my LINK for over a year waiting for the new device to come out, and now I find that there won't be a new one. At least, TBTWP is not the band that was delivered.

    I was hoping I could ditch the subscription for BodyMedia Fit, but instead it looks like I'm re-upping and plunking down for a "new" LINK armband so I can keep chugging and maybe finally get my BT working again. Sigh.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    any updates op? sounds like I'm gonna stick with BMF after reading this thread

    Not really. At this point, nothing has changed. The band still under-reports calorie burns and does not utilize the sensors. There has been no firmware update from Jawbone to correct this, and I have not seen an estimate for when that might happen beyond "soon." This is the same "soon" which took 6 months in regards to shipping the pre-ordered Up3s, so I have serious doubts that they will get their crapola together before my 60 days money back is up, and if they don't, it's going back. They have a month.

    @Fullsterkur_woman, you can sometimes find one on Ebay for a good price, but otherwise, has them for $129.99. Believe me, I looked for a cheaper source. If you find one, let me know.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    jbrown2339 wrote: »
    Question for the group. I am considering getting a WiFi scale to track weight, bmi, fat %. The fitbit aria looks good, and I have a fitbit charge hr right now, so that extra integration will be nice. However, if jawbone gets their band working in the future, not sure if I want to be so invested in one eco system. I still prefer jawbone app more then fitbit app, and would go back if they get the new sensors working (maybe).

    Anyone else use a WiFi scale?

    I use an IF recipe to send my Aria weight to Jawbone:

    PS. MFP has a Jawbone UP Bracelet group:

    And a Fitbit Users group:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    @Fullsterkur_woman, you can sometimes find one on Ebay for a good price, but otherwise, has them for $129.99. Believe me, I looked for a cheaper source. If you find one, let me know.
    @SnuggleSmacks , I found one in like-new condition for $74 on Amazon and it came in today. Wonder what happens when I try to pair it with my phone.

    I can't believe it's been so many years and they still can't make an armband with all the same sensors that can sync up with a chest-banded HRM and doesn't require a subscription. Must be significantly more complicated than rocket science. :/