ughhhh men!!!



  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    It blows that the nice guys get stuck in the friend zone. If people would pull their heads out of their a$$es, they would often realize that the best thing they could ever find is right there holding them when the idiots break their hearts....

    I don't judge people by what they look like. I know too many "dirtballs" or "scary" people that are AMAZING!! If I judged them by the way they looked, I would never have gotten to know them. If you are good to me, I'll be good to you.

    As for clutching my purse tighter and crossing the street- jtsmou honey you don't scare me! I'd look you in the eyes and smile as I passed you. :flowerforyou:

    [wants to be on Carl's friend list...]
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Again, a huge overstatement, but they're really not ripe until they're at least 30.....
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I promise you that their are good men out there and not just MFP men. You deserve the best and I truly hope that you meet him.

    QFT. Men get better. He's got a very good point. :)
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Girl I've been feeling this way for a long time. I get the same, a lot of guys who try to sleep with me off the bat. I've resolved to focusing on myself, going back to school, finding hobbies, keeping up with my fitness, and doing things for just me and forgetting about guys for a while.
    I still have faith that good guys are out there, but I'm not going to actively search for them... Don't give up hope.. but just be thankful that you find out about those not so great guys from the beginning, it makes it a lot easier to weed them out!
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    this will be a rant so please forgive me now.

    MEN FLIPPIN SUCK! why cant RL men be like MFP men? i swear that the men here are the only men on earth that are decent. now i could be wrong... they could all just be putting up a front from behind the pc, but the men here are AMAZING! why is it sooooo FN hard to find a decent man? i met two new guys this weekend, and BOTH tried to sleep with me from the jump. i mean, didnt even attempt to get to know ANYTHING about me. now im no saint, and i have had my fair share of one night stands... but SERIOUSLY! i wish i could get the chance to meet some of the MFP men in person. reason for that... to shake ur hands and to THANK you for being the amazing, supporting, complimenting men that u are. even the ones who are super flirty, ALWAYS know when to draw the line. thank u guys for giving me hope that somewhere in this world there just might be ONE good guy left.

    end rant.

    I promise you that their are good men out there and not just MFP men. You deserve the best and I truly hope that you meet him.

    I agree. Problem with good men is they are as hard to find in real life. Just as hard as a man finding a good woman. He's coming, and when he arrives you'll appreciate him more because of what you've been through.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    It blows that the nice guys get stuck in the friend zone. If people would pull their heads out of their a$$es, they would often realize that the best thing they could ever find is right there holding them when the idiots break their hearts....

    I don't judge people by what they look like. I know too many "dirtballs" or "scary" people that are AMAZING!! If I judged them by the way they looked, I would never have gotten to know them. If you are good to me, I'll be good to you.

    As for clutching my purse tighter and crossing the street- jtsmou honey you don't scare me! I'd look you in the eyes and smile as I passed you. :flowerforyou:

    I probably wouldn't notice if you were wearing those stockings.... :wink:
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member

    Honesty is a fantastic trait to have.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL.....

    Ditto... I'm always put in the "Friend Zone"..... but I don't mind... being nice and trust worthy works for me...

    Besides... I think i prefer to be in the "Friend Zone" because every girl I have dated must have been breed from crazy town!!!!

    Friends...YES PLEASE!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Again, a huge overstatement, but they're really not ripe until they're at least 30.....

    I have to partially agree with that one. i was a totally different person at 20 than I am now. I married at 21 out of "sence of duty" to someone I didn't really love. That didn't last...My fault totally. I DID SUCK.

    At 30 i re-married and made a commitment to someone I fell for. Too bad she wouldn't stop destroying herself and trying to take me down with her...Her fault totally. I could say women suck, but I know they don't, even her.

    The difference in age just brought a little more wisdom, a little more tolerance, and a little more respect for others. BUT, I know plenty of 40 something year old male JERKS. That's why most all my friends are women, even my BEST FRIEND.
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I've also decided that I want my next guy to be a good friend first. Friendship is definitely a good basis for a all you guys that get put in the "friend zone" a lot, don't fret, someday you'll move out of it too.... . So for now, I'll stay away from the jerks and continue to do everything I said in my previous post.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Ditto... I'm always put in the "Friend Zone"..... but I don't mind... being nice and trust worthy works for me...

    Besides... I think i prefer to be in the "Friend Zone" because every girl I have dated must have been breed from crazy town!!!!

    Friends...YES PLEASE!

    Hey, I resemble that remark! It's a BIG place! :wink:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Wow. I think I have been hogging all the good men because I haven't been with a bad one since high school. Sorry, everyone. I'll share.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I have to say the same about MFP ladies,so sweet and caring while looking you right in the eye and saying what they think and feel.

    Can`t help but to luv all them on my friends list. :heart:

    whoop whoop!! Carl added me... now I can be a part of the luv :happy:
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    thanks to EVERYONE who responded! i was nervous putting this post up bc i didnt want to offend the men out there. i know not ALL men are bad, just the ones i have dated. the age comment, about men over 30... not true in all cases. my last three exes have all been 30+ and all the same. i tend to attract the same kind of men. i have thrown myself into my fitness and tried to forget about the dating scene. its just hard when i see all my friends getting married. or going out with nothing but couples. or laying down every night alone. i dont think its too much to ask to find a good man and be happy. but apparently its asking for quite alot!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    I don't date and hardly ever dated cause "dates" always seem to end that way. But once you find one, you will appreciate him (and he you) more that you ever realized you would, and it will be WORTH all the crappy "dates" you had been on to date. (And IMHO, I think it helps if they have daughters!) ;)
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    thanks to EVERYONE who responded! i was nervous putting this post up bc i didnt want to offend the men out there. i know not ALL men are bad, just the ones i have dated. the age comment, about men over 30... not true in all cases. my last three exes have all been 30+ and all the same. i tend to attract the same kind of men. i have thrown myself into my fitness and tried to forget about the dating scene. its just hard when i see all my friends getting married. or going out with nothing but couples. or laying down every night alone. i dont think its too much to ask to find a good man and be happy. but apparently its asking for quite alot!

    Nope not offended... I completely agree with you... there are a lot of guys out there that give men a bad rep in general...
    I know how you feel though, I generally attract the nutty girls that completely flip out on me. Honestly, I like being single and I'm tired of my friends in RL and their significant others trying to play match maker with me. Like you, I prefer to just keep myself busy with fitness and other hobbies and not worry about the whole dating drama... If it's meant to be, a relationship will find me. this statement of course is: IMO.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    thanks to EVERYONE who responded! i was nervous putting this post up bc i didnt want to offend the men out there. i know not ALL men are bad, just the ones i have dated. the age comment, about men over 30... not true in all cases. my last three exes have all been 30+ and all the same. i tend to attract the same kind of men. i have thrown myself into my fitness and tried to forget about the dating scene. its just hard when i see all my friends getting married. or going out with nothing but couples. or laying down every night alone. i dont think its too much to ask to find a good man and be happy. but apparently its asking for quite alot!

    Nope not offended... I completely agree with you... there are a lot of guys out there that give men a bad rep in general...
    I know how you feel though, I generally attract the nutty girls that completely flip out on me. Honestly, I like being single and I'm tired of my friends in RL and their significant others trying to play match maker with me. Like you, I prefer to just keep myself busy with fitness and other hobbies and not worry about the whole dating drama... If it's meant to be, a relationship will find me. this statement of course is: IMO.
    one of my favorite sayings is that the one ur meant to be with is out there right now looking for u. once u stop trying to find him, is when he will magically appear. too bad ur too far away... im not nuts at all. lol. ok, imma woman, so maybe just a LIL nuts, but not from nutsville or anything. lol.
  • KayleighDawn13
    I completely agree, I wish all real life guys would be like my MFP guy friends. I think all the guys around here just want to hook up. Now I'm not a saint either, but I do at least need to know your name and some stuff about ya first!
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    one of my favorite sayings is that the one ur meant to be with is out there right now looking for u. once u stop trying to find him, is when he will magically appear. too bad ur too far away... im not nuts at all. lol. ok, imma woman, so maybe just a LIL nuts, but not from nutsville or anything. lol.

    I hear that all the time too! "...when you're not looking...."

    You very well may not be... It could be just me, maybe I'm the one making them psycho LOL
  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    Maybe stop meeting men in bars?? The only guys who creep at bars are ones that have other motives... C'mon.. you know that!