ughhhh men!!!



  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    ok, first of all you don't know that the MFP men are real. It's easy to hide behind your PC and say certain things but I see lots of married men flirting with singles and that is not real. It's fun, but it's not careful and don't be fooled.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have to say, I felt the same way till recently, but finally met a guy who DATES me (yep date #3 successfully closed with nothing more then kisses, he was even shy about putting his hand on my thigh during the movie, and I was even wearing a short skirt!) BUT this was also part of the work on me part of my goals this year, He accepts me, he WANTS to meet my son (he's excited about it actually), our first date we talked for 3 hours, our waitress tried to take our order 10 times and we were never ready because we kept getting distracted, he body builds, and knows my goals, supports them, but likes my figure now (he doesnt want me to lose my butt though which is highly unlikely) He's everything I could want wrapped up in a delectible package, and I keep reminding myself to take it slow and enjoy it, and honestly I like it a heck of alot more then going from "Hey nice to meet you" immediatly into "Couple" status
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    Again, a huge overstatement, but they're really not ripe until they're at least 30.....

    haha, yessssss.
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Just a warning I'm a jerk here and in real life. also since I'm 37 does that make me over-ripe?
  • spiritcrusher
    spiritcrusher Posts: 326 Member
    We're out there :P
  • waterfallaus
    I have to agree. I have been divorced, ok well seperated, can't afford the divorce right now, for 5 years. He always brought crap food in the house and eats that way all the time. A few weeks ago he was here for Mother's Day to help me with household stuff and help kids do a Mother's Day for me. He brought in the worst food imagineable and called it my mother's day dinner... ICK!!
    He likes them fat and while married to him I put on nearly 150lbs.
    I have dated until last year when I gave up with the last man I dated who after 8 months was not ready to have me meet his parents or children, but thought he could move in. NO WAY!!!! So for the last year it has been me and the kids and our dogs!!
    The last month I have decided it is time to get healthy so I can do all that I want to do with the dogs and kids.
    I stand on the other side of a big wall and don't let men near me. They do not approach anymore and I don't bother. except for that extra look at the kid the other day with piercing blue eyes! LOL!!
    Men can be crap! I know there are good men out there, but they are all married!!!
  • JWALL101
    JWALL101 Posts: 60
    Yea, men do suck;)
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    There are some really great guys on here. However I could be jaded BUT I think this is different than real life. We are all here with a common goal and we are all here to support each other. Also we get to deal with the best part of each other, not the tired, crabby, person that is stressed over work or money, etc. The Internet is like life stuck on fast forward and you get close to people quickly.

    I think you can find a good guy and it's possible that you could meet him here, or out in your world. I met an amazing man once, on an online dating site. Too bad I met him and the wrong time and wasn't really nice to him.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    ok, first of all you don't know that the MFP men are real. It's easy to hide behind your PC and say certain things but I see lots of married men flirting with singles and that is not real. It's fun, but it's not careful and don't be fooled.
    Bingo!! 100% agree with what you've shared, as with any forum, you really don't know who's on the other end, you hope ppl are real but just because it's MFP sure doesn't mean everyone is a good guy. Take a peek at PUA site and you'll see MFP listed as a hot spot to pick up desperate women with low self esteem and eager to meet men. It's unfortunate it made it to that site but someone that visited here or is a current bogus member took that info back over to PUA or it wouldn't be listed. :indifferent:

    I just dumped 2 long time friends offa my friend list because all they wanted to do was meet and cheat, both have kids and that's not for me, I'm not interested in helping someone cheat on their spouse & kids. I don't consider those quality men. You'd never know the one even came on that way unless he did the same thing to you. He's one of those. "Wow, He's the nicest guy I've ever met!" I hear it all the time and it makes ya wanna vomit as it does make the good guys here for the right reasons look bad and it's not fair to the women that are here to get fit. The other one, not as hard to figure out, but I meet friends on here as friends not potential mates.

    That's great some hook up but I'm not here for that reason. So the married creepers lookin to cheat and pretend to be someone else to the women here.....well, not much good to say about them & trust me they ARE here.

    Some women might be interested in the creepers but I don't think most of us are.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Men can be crap! I know there are good men out there, but they are all married!!!
    There are some great men out there that aren't married too. The married men aren't always what they are cracked up to be, I think it's a case of the grass is always greener when we're looking at someone else's life.:tongue: Single guys or married guys can treat women well. :wink:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    ok, first of all you don't know that the MFP men are real. It's easy to hide behind your PC and say certain things but I see lots of married men flirting with singles and that is not real. It's fun, but it's not careful and don't be fooled.
    That sounds like you are saying that in real life we're all creeps and are nothing like how we are on MFP.

    A lot of us are the same on the internet as we are in real life.
  • captainfez
    captainfez Posts: 18 Member
    Again, a huge overstatement, but they're really not ripe until they're at least 30.....

    Yep. And even then, some need a bit more time before they're ready for anyone's consumption.

    And then there's some that just go straight to mouldy.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    Maybe stop meeting men in bars?? The only guys who creep at bars are ones that have other motives... C'mon.. you know that!
    never said i met them in a bar. i dont go to the bars like that bc i know better then to meet men in bars. been there, done that... never works out! took me a year to figure that one out. couldnt understand why he was always in the bar instead of with me. well, i met him in the bar, what else was i supposed to expect!
  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    Just don't settle your worth way more than that. Good luck the right guy will come your way:)
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    For the record, I wouldn't do that.

    WT............ :huh:

    Not unless you had a sword.

    A shiney samuri sword would be cool though!!!
  • skinnysoonvictoria
    ok, first of all you don't know that the MFP men are real. It's easy to hide behind your PC and say certain things but I see lots of married men flirting with singles and that is not real. It's fun, but it's not careful and don't be fooled.
    That sounds like you are saying that in real life we're all creeps and are nothing like how we are on MFP.

    A lot of us are the same on the internet as we are in real life.
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    After 15 yrs of marriage and a bad divorce, I had my fair share of meeting the type of men you are describing. I also thought all the good ones were gone.

    Weds I will celebrate my 4th wedding anniversary.

    Oh, and I met him on Myspace! HA HA HA
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    lol you think half the tools on here aren't the same?


    hey, gullible isn't in the dictionary.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Part of the problem is our expectations. We want to believe that every guy we meet who is nice to us over the course of a 5-minute conversation is really a nice guy with honest intentions. And some of them are. But a lot of them are playing a game. The hard part is being able to distinguish between the two before you get too hung up on one of the bad ones. I'm fortunate in that I'm pretty good at reading people, and I generally know right away whether or not a guy is someone I would consider dating. The biggest clue for me is usually what they try to talk to me about. A good guy is not going to immediately try to convince you of what a good guy he is; he's going to let the conversation flow naturally, try to get to know you, and let you draw your own conclusions about what kind of guy he is. A player goes straight into "look how nice and sweet and romantic I am" mode. That is always a red flag for me.

    I like men who are forward enough to talk to me if they're interested, but that initial conversation should be a simple "What's your name, what do you do for a living, let's see if we have anything in common" kind of thing. When it turns into a sales pitch, that's what tells me he probably doesn't care at all who I am and just wants to see if he can get me in bed.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    lol you think half the tools on here aren't the same?


    hey, gullible isn't in the dictionary.
    def not gullible! i never said every man on here is the best man in the world. i know a man is a man is a man. it doesnt matter where u meet them, how u meet them... its all the same. the douche canoes will always be douche canoes.