How to break a plateau



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    BFDeal wrote: »
    tdatsenko wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    he is losing. The stats show so ( so as the link he gave)

    The issue is why did I stop losing and why always at the same place. Last year until december, steady loss. Stopped randomly. This year until may, slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww loss and stopped after a one week break. You're telling me that you can't go off plan one single week? That's nuts. I didn't even eat like crazy. No ice cream every night. No bags of cookies. We're talking beers on the beach, skipping lunch half the time, and eating only dinner producing a 8lb gain? Seriously?

    How about........going to see a doctor.

    For what specific conditions? What conditions cause these types of problems.

    I don't know. Why don't you go find out what they know instead of complaining about the same problem for months on end and wanting members here to explain to you what the issue is. Yes, let us diagnose you online.
    Well you'd at least think you'd find some people that have similar situations instead of the chorus of "you're eating too much" even though it seems like I'm eating the bare minimum.

    Again, 1800 calories is nowhere near the bare minimum.
    For a guy that's 5'11" 230? Who works out 4-5 days a week? That seems pretty bare. You see women eating 1800 doing the same crap I do (lifting mostly, some cardio like bike riding).

    So why dont you take that as an indication that maybe you should see a doctor. Maybe you have a medical issue?

    And even so, when you dont lose on 1800 means you eat to much it seems
    So maybe your food weighing is off somewhere

    and when you are hungry on 1800 ...sorry to say so..but you dont like to weigh 9000 things ( like you said before) than that are the consequences you have to except and be hungry. Because you really dont have or be hungry at 1800 calorie intake.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    But this was not even your post and we are drifting off again and again.
    Because you are not happy with your results..maybe open a topic your self.

    For the OP just weigh your food on a scale and tighten up your logging :)
  • sterda
    sterda Posts: 1 Member
    First of all you need to look after your back so that you can adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise. I have been afflicted with back issues most of my life but I can tell you that the best thing you can do, aside from seeking physiotherapy, is get out and walk! Work up to an hour a day and you will see improved results. Weight training is also a good option if you learn to do it correctly so as not to stress your back. Weight training and building muscle will burn more calories even at rest! Oh, and try to drink half your body weight in onces of water daily.
  • MrsMKB
    MrsMKB Posts: 64 Member
    Uhhhh, hi! Can you all take your drama to your mama!?
  • mariannehgv
    mariannehgv Posts: 34 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why wouldn't one lose as fast as they gain? Another thing no one ever explains. So if I eat slightly above my tdee for a few days I suddenly balloon up. Eating below it for months and I get almost no loss? Where's the logic. Anyone?

    I'm not an expert, but perhaps the difference is just that the process of gaining weight and that of losing weight are different. For instance, you lose weight partly by reducing muscle tissue, which then makes it harder to keep losing weight, because your muscles were using up a lot of energy and you now have less of them. Whereas when you're gaining weight by eating at a surplus, the weight is probably made up of different stuff.

    Also, you shouldn't underestimate the effects of water retention and simply having a lot of food in your gastrointestinal tract. That can add up to a lot.

    Just weighing yourself is a very imprecise measure of exactly what's going on, so perhaps you might add some other measurements, such as waist, neck, etc. Still not perfect (harder to measure correctly), but it may help shed some light.

    Another thing you might want to consider is that your energy requirements do not depend just on your weight and height. That is very imprecise, for the reason I mentioned: it matters what the weight consists of. It could be that you're logging your food correctly, but that the estimation of your dietary needs are imprecise.

    Finally, you mentioned that 1800kcal leaves you hungry. There I think you definitely can make some improvements. Research a bit what kinds of foods are low in energy but leave you full for long. Avoid processed foods and ready meals that contain sugar, because sugar makes you hungry. It might mean "logging 5000 foods" for a short while, but soon you'll be able to settle into regular meals that work for you.

    Hope that helps.
  • healthnut050
    healthnut050 Posts: 26 Member
    If 1800 cals is making you hungry then you need to take a real good look at the specific foods you are eating. Look for foods that will help you feel fuller for longer. There is no reason you should still feel hungry with 1800 cals if you are eating the right sort of food.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Yeah, this is semi-necro but I got by on less than 1800 for months, and I was larger than @BFDeal

    And really, "what would a doctor tell me" is weak sauce. That's why you go: to find out.