Anyone else experience negativity due to weight loss?



  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    I've been lucky, and haven't had to face "fit shaming." I don't know if this would help, but what about mentally translating the comments? As in

    skinny b!tch = you're thinner than I am and it terrifies me
    you're all bones = look at how much fat you've lost!
    you're obsessed = you're paying attention to your health (and I'm not)
    bag of bones = unpadded figure

    Any other suggestions? <g>

    Ross - a couple more possible answers to "How much more weight are you going to lose?" might be
    As much as my doctor advises.
    As much as I'm comfortable with.
    As much as I need to.
    And you can feel virtuous about not telling her "Oh, about X percent of the weight you should lose." ;)
  • vdobbo1
    vdobbo1 Posts: 16 Member
    My mum always says things like are u doing it for your bloke, why are you doing it or u won't do it cos you've tried and failed before and such but I just ignore her.
    I have lost over a stone and I just ignore her negative comments.
    Others have said I look good so I listen to them instead.
    People see u as u was and change to them is hard to take, debit for u and dont care what they say:)
  • TheRoseRoss
    TheRoseRoss Posts: 112 Member
    JanetMMcC wrote: »
    Ross - a couple more possible answers to "How much more weight are you going to lose?" might be
    As much as my doctor advises.
    As much as I'm comfortable with.
    As much as I need to.
    And you can feel virtuous about not telling her "Oh, about X percent of the weight you should lose." ;)

    I'd prefer to kill em with kindness. Sniping back at her isn't worth the animosity that it will create in the environment that we have to share. I work with several people that are overweight, her included, but she's the only one that picks on me. Whatever her reasons, or whatever her issues, they're hers, no mine. If nothing else, I'm not going to give her the satisfaction of thinking that she got a rise out of me/made me defensive. I've seen others elsewhere go through that, and have their justifiable reactions dismissed as "she's just in a bad mood cuz she's starving. She'd be happier if she got off her high horse and ate something other than that rabbit food." The best revenge is living well.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited May 2015
    Most people think you have to be totally crazy to actually lose weight, because their own attempts have failed (because society is set up to promote obesity and the diet fads they might have tried don't work).

    Losing weight successfully - just them looking at your body - challenges their assumptions. So they'd rather explain the difference away by saying you're vain, eating disordered, neurotic, or if you're a woman, sometimes even worse things.

    That way, they can continue to not change anything. They don't want to do the work. Or might not know what's involved in successful weight loss, either way, you're getting the brunt of it.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    it's more a reflection of tensions in our society than anything to do with you.

    if you're up for it, and if they re open - actually maybe only if they ask, because no one wants advice - you can share your knowledge. but yeah people usually hate that too :/
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    I'm not very overweight (just a 10-15lbs goal, of which I'm down nearly 9), and made the mistake of explaining why I didn't partake of the offfice cupcakes.

    You'd think I told them I want to amputate both of my legs. "YOURE SKINNY YOU DONT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT WHATS WRONG WITH YOU" then of course some commentary about how I'm making them feel bad for being overweight. I was cornered by three coworkers! It was nuts! I might understand if I'm underweight and it were coming from a place of concern, but I'm not. My goal weight is still on the higher end of the bmi for my height/age.
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    Not that I'm pleased to see so many other people deal with this, because it's ridiculous, but I have to say this conversation has given me some peace about the situation. More understanding as well. It'll probably always bother me to some degree, but I don't feel as alone or singled out now. Thanks to all of you!
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    @Ross - I didn't think the first three were sniping, just deflective. And I don't think there's anything wrong in thinking a snipe but feeling virtuous for not letting it out. :)
  • kerbeya1
    kerbeya1 Posts: 53 Member
    Don't know if this was said im not going read through all the comments. So I use to weight 350 pounds at my heaviest and at my lightest I was 286. 306 now with the gain of 20 pounds of muscle. But yes I have at first everyone was supportive. Now say I get rolling of eyes and guilt trips because I commit to a life style and not hobby. To do this you have to be selfish it's the only way and sooner or later your friends will be friends that go to the gym more than they go to the bar or ones that eat out and don't care about health. And when you do you don't feel as selfish and you have a real group of supporters!
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    JanetMMcC wrote: »
    I've been lucky, and haven't had to face "fit shaming." I don't know if this would help, but what about mentally translating the comments? As in

    skinny b!tch = you're thinner than I am and it terrifies me
    you're all bones = look at how much fat you've lost!
    you're obsessed = you're paying attention to your health (and I'm not)
    bag of bones = unpadded figure

    Any other suggestions? <g>

    Ross - a couple more possible answers to "How much more weight are you going to lose?" might be
    As much as my doctor advises.
    As much as I'm comfortable with.
    As much as I need to.
    And you can feel virtuous about not telling her "Oh, about X percent of the weight you should lose." ;)

    kerbeya1 wrote: »
    To do this you have to be selfish it's the only way and sooner or later your friends will be friends that go to the gym more than they go to the bar or ones that eat out and don't care about health.

    There is a ton of truth to that statement!

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I'm not very overweight (just a 10-15lbs goal, of which I'm down nearly 9), and made the mistake of explaining why I didn't partake of the offfice cupcakes.

    You'd think I told them I want to amputate both of my legs. "YOURE SKINNY YOU DONT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT WHATS WRONG WITH YOU" then of course some commentary about how I'm making them feel bad for being overweight. I was cornered by three coworkers! It was nuts! I might understand if I'm underweight and it were coming from a place of concern, but I'm not. My goal weight is still on the higher end of the bmi for my height/age.

    I too find that it is the worst sin imaginable to turn down office cake. Why can't other people deal with our disinterest in cake!?

  • unbreakable51
    unbreakable51 Posts: 25 Member
    I have asked a few people if they were on something like weight watches, or something like that, to help with their weight loss. But only because they were sharing their weight loss with everyone. I also make it clear that if it's a private issue to them, I understand.
    I don't ever comment on anyone's weight though, unless they bring it up first. And I really try to make no judgements about their methods.
    I know a lady who is always trashing people who have lost weight. She 'accuses' them of taking pills or supplements, or have some kind of surgery. She will often ask someone how they lost weight, but if their answer is simply that they ate less and tried to walk a little more, as soon as their back was turned, she would scoff and say she didn't believe them.
    This makes me leery of anyone who is too curious. I know in the case of this lady I know, she is always looking for an easy fix. I know her attitude stems from jealousy. I just wish she, and people like her, could refrain from judgement and realize that everyone has to take their own route on this trip. And if we can just be kind and support one another, we will all be better off.
    If you have genuine concerns about a person, you have to be careful how you approach them. But I just hope people are genuinely concerned, and not just jealous, or being a buttinski.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    People like to poke at anything that's different. Plus, it's likely that they're simply jealous. They've probably tried every green tea kale smoothie pill under the sun with no success, so when they see someone actually succeedind, it bring to light all their excuses and failures.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My own mother was threatened the first time I lost significant weight. It hurt, and I gave up. Now I am in my fifties and I care a lot less what others think.

    Big change like this IS a threat because most people feel like failures at some level. Did you know I had trouble finding three more runners at work (600 employees)? I figure most people are like I was, thinking about it, feeling guilty, and doing nothing. So I am a living example that there are no excuses.

    If people comment I thank them and mention all the great things I can do now that I am lighter. I give an eager smile. How can they be snarky or opinionated in the face of that?

    To get back to your question I don't think you can salvage all relationships from this sort of change. If they don't have the generosity of spirit to allow the new you, you might have to demote them to "acquaintance".

    By the way, even though my hubby is only an occasional participant, once in a while he picks up on one of my things. He now suggests a twenty minute walk to Tim's rather than driving it.
  • hunniebunn
    hunniebunn Posts: 91 Member
    I have lost "friends" because of my weight loss. I was over 200lbs at my heaviest, and when I had lost 40lbs I felt amazing. Myself and my small group of friends were in the pool, and my "friend" made the comment that I "looked like a tramp" walking around in my bikini and that I "didn't look as good as I thought I did". She then called my boyfriend to tell him that I was cheating on him.

    She still makes comments on facebook referring to my weight loss & cheat meals "why count calories/fats/sugars when you are going to eat a whole mcdonalds menu...f*****g loser" (I haven't eaten mcdonalds in almost 6 years, but its besides the point)

    People are going to be jealous, but it proves who your real friends are. Real friends/family will love you fat, fit or thin. You learn after a while to get tough skin and shrug it off.
  • Jokingamerica12
    Jokingamerica12 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes yes yes !! Its very annoying - I get the words you'll end up with a eating disorder - You look like a lolly pop -
    Really annoys me, or if I eat something unhealthy as a treat or just because I want to I get oh I thought you were on a diet !! Ypou can;t win either way x
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    I understand what your going thru. Growing up me and my lil sister had eating disorders because slot of the women in our family are overweight. We weren't disgusted by them but we didn't want tovend up like them. My lil sister developed anorexia and bullemia i have body dysmorphia disorder. I have 2 children and a am married toca very supportive and understanding man. Ivwas very young when our 1st son was born and went back to my original weight immediately. 10 yes later i gave birth to our 2nd son. And at 5'11 200lbs may not seem like slot but it was to me. I had lost 15 of that in year and stalled. Now regardless of whether or not people could tell how large i was my mind distorted what i say. Not many of my friends know about my disorder.but the one who does is very supportive and understanding. Some of my friends are cery encouraging about my journey and are proud of me. Others make snide comments and remarks now i guess most normal ppl can shrug this off but its harder for me. Recently i was with some ftiends and included in the group was my bff who knows about my disorder. One person had made a comment about my weight and how i used to look and cracking jokes and i got upset enough that my bff noticed. She took me aside and calmed me down i dont want everyone to know about my disorder because some can be very judgemental. I know its cause they dont understand but i just dont see a point in making comments about weight gain,loss,eating habits, etc. When did other personal struggles become everyones business. I guess what im trying to say id we all have those ppl in our lives yhat try to bring us fown and bring themselves up but for every 3 or 4 of those ppl we all have 1 or 2 that support us and thats who we should be surrounded by. Cut out the toxicity as best you can. Good luck with your journey and im sure you will meet your goals and if it means cutting some ppl out of your life...then so be it.
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    Sorry for all the typos lol i hate mfps spellchecker lol
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    I have read every comment, and my mind is blown. I'm trying to think back over the years, and wonder if I reacted poorly to someone's weight loss. I can definitely remember that feeling of "oh I wish I had their willpower," but I can't say that I ever blatantly acted like any of the offenders in these stories. I think a common link here, is that it showed the true colors of those we thought we were close to.
  • adriana1507
    adriana1507 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem, with my family. my mom especially uses every chance to make me feel bad about trying to get a little bit healthier and fitter, she sometimes looks at me and seems so disgusted. it makes me so sad. =(