p90x Support Group



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi people! I am starting my Phase 3 this week ... I would love some new P90X friends!
    For those of you just starting and wondering if it is worth it ... here are my 60 day pics!

    **warning sports bra ahead - you have been warned**

    http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/rr34/emmaleigh47/P90X Photos/60-Back-1-1.jpg

    http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/rr34/emmaleigh47/P90X Photos/60-BackwithArms-1.jpg

    Be nice! :)

    Good progress! WI right? If so, running 300 miles so far with the winter we had is insane!

    Thanks ... YEP! Wisconsin here ...
    Actually my ticker is off... I kinda got so busy I stopped counting...
    I would guess its more than like 400-450 miles! I average about 15-25 per week depending on the week!
  • I love Saturdays... that means I actually have a day off tomorrow! My P90X schedule is a little messed up, since I started on a Wed and wanted my day off to be Sunday. It actually helped me out a lot, 4 days on, 1 off, 6 days on, 1 off (tomorrow) so now I'll be on a regular 6-day workout routine. This means that I start with yoga on Mondays (perfect for stretching out before softball), and end with Shoulders & Arms + ARX on Sat (good way to burn away anxiety from a 6-day workweek). I'm definitely feeling stronger, but I really want my legs and abs to catch up with my arms! I think I'll try adding ankle weights to Kenpo from now on, and keep plugging away at ARX until I can get to a respectable amount of reps for each type. Tonight while I was doing S&A the wife took a double look to see how large my arms looked... that was a nice way to know the workouts are doing their job! I have put on 4 pounds this year... I only have a few more to go until I reach my mini-goal!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Good Sunday morning, my fellow P90Xers!

    Eliza, I’ve never tried Brazil Butt Lift, but it sounds fun! I hope your nephew is doing well. He’s still in my thoughts.

    Emmaleigh, your progress is fabulous! Thank you for sharing your pics with us. I’m glad you joined us!

    Frogman, it sounds like your schedule works well for you. I love my Sunday rest days as well. Congrats on the 4 pounds! You’re doing great.

    Everybody who has a rest day today, enjoy. Then be ready to kick some P90X butt tomorrow!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am taking a rest day today ... I did not sleep last night, I woke up with a horrid headache and I have a ton of homework to get done. How I am a 31 year old woman still doing homework ... ok life is just not fair (I am in school for my doctorate)!

    Tomorrow starts my new half marathon training program -- and I will jump headlong into Phase 3. I have to figure out today how I am going to fit this all in.... but I will do it. :)

    Thanks for the sweet welcome!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Emmaleigh: Sounds like you have your work cut out for you today - even without a workout! Hope your headache feels better soon. Good job on the 60 day pics. (and I've found everyone here to always be nice & accepting!)

    Frogman: Don't you so :heart: double takes? Sounds like you are making great progress!

    Eliza: Hope your nephew is doing well. Keep us posted.

    Daisy: Glad to see you back. I've always thought it easier to set the 90 days up on a calender & if I miss a workout, double up or forget it. That's all I can do. It's way to stressful for me trying to remember what's what otherwise. It's really all I can do. I try my best not to miss any workout, but it happens. We have to all live life the best we can & it's stressful enough without our "stress relief" being stressful too. My exercise is my "get away" from all the rest of it! Besides, as TH says "Do your Best & forget the rest"!

    Okay, now that I've been a little cheesy...my weekend has been twice as full as normal. We have a "family reunion" that is 3 towns over from mine & it starts on Friday & ends on Sunday. We have a "little house" there that we "camp" at, so it's a nice little get away but my family is FAT! a.k.a. you will never go hungry anywhere around us unless you didn't get in line when someone yelled "Supper Time"!! :bigsmile: That being said, I tried to handle it as best I could. I got in ARX & L&B Friday before we left for the weekend & tried to manage Friday night's meal (it wasn't too bad, it was chicken bog). Saturday though was pretty much a bust. I was unable to get in Yoga X. I had a A.M. plan to do it outside before everyone woke up, but that was impossible as the kids were up at FIVE! (there are a bunch of little cousins that range from 2-6 y.o. & of course, my wee one has to right in the middle of all the playing) And, the food on Saturday was almost unmanageable. I did try to get my packed healthy snacks in so I wouldn't overeat on the bad stuff, but the hog didn't come off the pitt until 9 PM Sat. night & I was starving! Meh, life happens. I was over my cals on Saturday - esp. with the strawberry shortcake...

    Today my "Fit Reality" sets back in & I will, once again, return to my normal nutritionally organized & crazy Xer style life!!! Ahh, it makes me feel good to come home to it! Yoga X on tap after my second "real" cup of coffee (organic, breakfast blend w/ real cream vs. store bought generic with powdered crap that was available all weekend)! Namaste. :heart:
  • johaley03
    johaley03 Posts: 4
    Hey y'all! I new to this site (a friend got me on it recently). I recently started p90x as well. I'm on Week 2 and today is Day 3 for me. It's been hard, but feels really good!! I'm doing the lean version. I'm looking forward to chatting with y'all about our progress and learning from everyone here! :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    1 week down....my buttcheeks are sore today. :laugh:
  • phatfreeme
    phatfreeme Posts: 14
    Day six of P90X complete. My quads are hurting from all those squats! The stretch part for tomorrow should be good. And what about that AB Ripper X? It kicks my butt.
  • I did my Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and ARX plus I am trying to do doubles since I'm now in my 2nd month so I did spinning on my bike for 30 minutes. I just am not a huge fan of Cardio X, plus, my baby wouldn't have let me alone for that long! Feels so good to be done working out for the day. Funny thing during the workout; I fell on my face trying to do 1 arm pushups.:blushing: Yeah, my left arm couldn't bend AT ALL without me going down. I can't wait until I get stronger and can actually do one!:smile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Eliza - sorry but I giggled at the image of your faceplant. I crash every time I try the dive-bombers but I keep trying. I took the weekend off - wasn't planning to but that's how it went down. Did legs and butt today and realized there's nothing in that workout to be afraid of. Tolerated the one legged wall squats better. Kenpo tomorrow. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi people! I am starting my Phase 3 this week ... I would love some new P90X friends!
    For those of you just starting and wondering if it is worth it ... here are my 60 day pics!

    **warning sports bra ahead - you have been warned**

    http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/rr34/emmaleigh47/P90X Photos/60-Back-1-1.jpg

    http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/rr34/emmaleigh47/P90X Photos/60-BackwithArms-1.jpg

    Be nice! :)

    Your pictures are evidence that it's definitely worth it!
  • Note to self... don't try yoga after beer! We won our softball game again tonight (3-0), I only gave up 2 runs (first runs given up this season) so we won free beer... again! They made me drink some since I was the pitcher. I only had 2 glasses, then left for home, made a pit-stop to pick up ice cream for the wifey that has been craving it her entire pregnancy so far. The beer made a little weaker for the really tough poses, but I got through it okay. She made note of how ripped I was starting to look, I don't think its a huge difference, but then again I'm disgusted by my body, so I'll take her word for it.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Note to self... don't try yoga after beer! We won our softball game again tonight (3-0), I only gave up 2 runs (first runs given up this season) so we won free beer... again! They made me drink some since I was the pitcher. I only had 2 glasses, then left for home, made a pit-stop to pick up ice cream for the wifey that has been craving it her entire pregnancy so far. The beer made a little weaker for the really tough poses, but I got through it okay. She made note of how ripped I was starting to look, I don't think its a huge difference, but then again I'm disgusted by my body, so I'll take her word for it.
    Congrats on the win! And congrats on the baby to be!!!

    Yeah, I can't imagine beer enhances Yoga X. :tongue: :laugh: That's pretty funny. It's cool that your wife is noticing the difference in you. Be thankful she lets you know. I love my husband more than anything, but he never, ever mentions that he notices changes in me — for better or for worse. I understand that it's because it really doesn't matter to him, which is wonderful, but it would be nice to get a comment once in a while... :smile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the tip about yoga and beer! ;) You are a bad- *kitten* fir finishing it after having pitched a game and celebrating with friends. Great motivation and i'm inspired by your story. :)

    Eliza - how's Chase, your brother and sister in law??
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Ahh, recovery week here! I totally skipped yesterday's Yoga X though - I'd just done Yoga X on Sunday & didn't feel very well last night *shrug*. Doubtful I'll have time to make up the 90 mins, so I'll have to let that one go. Today it's Core Syn. Not a favorite of mine, but I'm doing it! Can't wait for Kenpo tomorrow! Hope everyone is pushing play & scooting right along!
  • Smiles, Chase is doing well for right now. We're not sure of all of the details, but he went home with a defribrillator, and they have to watch him closely for signs that his heart is struggling. He's too small right now for a transplant and not sick enough, so they basically have to wait for him to be older and have heart failure before he could get on the transplant list. It's a horrible thing. It's heartbreaking to think about, but they are amazing people and if anyone can get through this, they will. We just keep praying for them. Thanks for thinking of them!
  • I got my Plyo workout in today and burned 568 calories doing it! Awesome! My weight has only gone down 4 lbs this past month, but I am seeing huge differences in my body in how it looks AND it how it feels. I :heart: P90x!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all,
    Well I'm doing recovery week this week. I know last time I went through this I didn't do recovery because.
    Core Synergistics kicked my butt today. Some moves that I never did before.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi gang... Eliza - good to hear that he is holding his own right now. Modern medicine is pretty amazing and miracles do happen! Definitely sending positive thoughts your (his) way. Also, on the MFP front, great work. Glad you're feeling good with your progress. :)

    Peter - unchartered territory?! Woo hoo! Time for new levels of butt kicking!

    I did kenpo today and deciding if I will take a rest day tomorrow or move on through to shoulders and arms....
  • mikbsirhc
    mikbsirhc Posts: 3
    Hello. I am very new to this but I am starting p90x for the first time on my own. I thought it'd be good to have a little support. I did the 2nd day today. I barely made it halfway through the video before my legs were burning so bad I couldn't go on. I am getting married in a few months and I want to look good for my wife to be! It's good to see so many people doing it and getting excited about it. Makes me all pumped up too! I hope I can stay consistent and do it every morning.
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