avoiding carbs makes you lose weight

torsaer Posts: 211 Member
I just found a piece my Marisa Peer (hypnosis and weight loss guru). She believes that wheat and dairy are evil (has very strong views ie "Dairy is your enemy: Cow's milk is to nourish calves and gives them a 300 per cent weight gain in a year. Milk literally sends a message to cells that says GROW! Fully-grown human cells get a similar message. And cheese is a concentrated growth hormone".)

but also says this about carbs vs proteins:

"The key to making your body a fantastic fat-burning machine is to avoid starchy carbs... because they make you cling on to fat reserves. Our bodies were not designed to eat carbs and can do very well without them. Avoiding them for 10 "hard core" diet days is the key to weight loss.

You won't feel hungry, and the pounds will fall off - from your stomach first, as this is where fat from carbs is stored. This is why beer drinkers and those who over-indulge in bread, pastries and pasta have a big tummy.

In America they call it a carb body. Carbs also cause huge bloating - cut them out and you will beat the bloat. The hormone insulin plays a vital part. Its role is to store fat, so it's almost impossible to lose weight once you have eaten carbs because when you eat any starchy or sugary food, insulin levels go up.

For example: if you eat carbs five times a day - cereal for breakfast, biscuit mid-morning, sandwich for lunch, another biscuit mid-afternoon, then potatoes or pasta with dinner - your body will be constantly cranking out insulin, making it impossible to lose weight. People with weight problems have a problem with insulin and fat storage that their naturally skinny friends don't.
It's not fair, but it's better to accept this fact and work with it.

Athletes load up on carbs precisely because the body stores them, whereas body-builders avoid them before competing so their body burns fat and their muscles are more defined.

Protein is a building food. The body uses it to build muscle and bones, so if you eat chicken and vegetables, the body will use it rather than store it. If you eat pasta or risotto your body will store that for later and continue to store it, as "later" never happens.
The body works harder to digest protein too, using up more calories and increasing your metabolic rate.

Skinny people who can eat anything because they have a fantastic metabolism are a real minority. So you must avoid bread, pasta, noodles, rice, cake, pastry, biscuits and potatoes and anything with sugar in it.

You must also cut out dairy because lactose is milk sugar. Avoid salt too - it makes your body tissues store fluid, so cutting it out helps you on your way to a flat tum. After the 10 days, limiting carbs or not eating them after lunch is the secret to keeping the weight off. But no booze...it's full of sugar.

It may seem daunting but remind yourself that you have the rest of your life to eat - but right now you want to drop 10lbs.
Stick to this plan and you won't feel hungry. There are no side-effects, no bad breath and no constipation."

She then gives a diet plan (eggs for breakfast, protein and salad for lunch, protein and veg for dinner).

Oh and she also says this - "Never eat late at night: Primitive man got up at dawn and retired as it got dark. Eating too late leaves our bodies full of undigested food. Our metabolism slows down dramatically at night even if we are awake because nature assumes we're sleeping. Our heart-rate slows down and digestion is more difficult."

Wondered what you all think of this way of thinking?


  • browneyes1022
    Cutting out carbs or dairy is obviously going to work but for how long?
    It only last for as long as you do it if you start back eating carbs your going to gain it back. To keep weight off you need to make your eating a lifestyle not a few month thing. Just watch your portions and cut back on certain food like fast food or processed you can eat this stuff once in awhile but once u get use to living without fast food you won't miss it. Cutting carbs mnay be a quick fix but its not a part of your lifestlye.

    Just exercise and watch your portions and you will see a difference!
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    I am a bread addict. I could literally eat bread all day long -

    However, I do see that I have more success in weightloss when I limit my bread/carb intake. Am I going to cut it out, no, but now I try to have (in my mind) "breadless monday" (or another day of the week) depending on my frame of mind that week
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    "Wondered what you all think of this way of thinking?"

    It's been the opposite of my experience. I was able to lose a lot of weight while eating a balanced diet that included whole grains, wheat, and other carbs, even starchy ones, AND dairy, and so have a lot of other people. It's definitely not "impossible". Some people find it easier to lose weight on carb restriction, though, it all depends on your metabolism. Just experiment and do what is easiest and best for YOU.

    Dairy is a good source of calcium. With some evidence emerging that calcium supplements may be linked to heart disease, I'd rather get it through food.

    The naturalistic - primitive man ate this and did that - is kind of silly. People evolved to accept starch in their diet - amaylase is an example of that (source: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2008/12/amylase_and_human_evolution.php) among other ways. If you really want to really eat like paleo and primal people, you'd eat lots of bugs, scavenged meat, offal, and on special occasions you'd be a cannibal. :) You'd lose weight fast with THAT diet!
  • emae13
    emae13 Posts: 6
    I generally believe that every food (naturally made food, say, not like trans-fat which doesn't occur naturally most of the times), is not harmful.
    I don't like the belief that carbs is "bad", and dairy is "harmful" and cake is harmful and that is bad and...
    In terms of weight loss... consuming too much refined carbohydrates, eating a lot of sweets, drinking whole milk (or high fat milk), eating lot of cheese (lots of fat) is not going to be successful. Yes you should avoid them. But I don't think that should extend to, avoid all carbohydrates and dairy.

    Each food groups have their benefits.
    Eating complex carbohydrates are important (whole-grain/whole wheat stuff). dietary fiber will give you satiety, which can lead to less eating.
    Milk and cheese are excellent source of calcium.
    Eggs are good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids. etc.

    I think everything in moderation is important and eliminating a food group is not a smart choice. You could switch eating refined carbs to whole grain products, you could eat less of high fat stuff, but I think saying that those food are "BAD" is wrong. Just my opinion.

    I don't know, if you believe that it's harmful to the body, sure go ahead and have acetone breath from not eating carbs... but promoting not to eat certain food group... eh.
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    Not much. I still loose weight even with lots of carbs. I just count the calories and don't care about anything else.
  • Bootylishbabe
    Bootylishbabe Posts: 14 Member
    So why does the mind crave the carbs then if our bodies can work perfectly fine without them? It's a usual thing to give into carbs when you've craved them all your life and been over weight like I have. How do you revert your thinking to the opposite when you eat these things and steel feel like you can eat a scabby dog cos you feel very hungry still. I get what your saying but am a carb lover and having protein n veg just does not fill me up as much for obvious reasons. Is snackin more often of the protein and veg the way forward to this?

    I don't mean to be dis respectfull to OP just curious how to keep up with the protein and veg and steer clear or carbs.

  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    I went to see a nutritionist 4 weeks ago. She looked at my bloodwork, urine analysis, and daily food intake for 2 weeks. She determined that too much of my diet was carbohydrates. I only eat whole grain, but even with those I was eating too much. I was not having success in losing weight at all.

    By cutting out all breads, pastas, rice (except wild), I've dropped nearly 10 lbs in these 4 weeks and feel incredible. I've never had such success on a diet before.

    My body responded really well to this and I plan on eating this way the rest of my life because it works, I'm full, and I feel amazing! Not everyone's body is the same, but I am loving my low carb diet!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I have to say that even though I posted this topic, I couldn't live by these rules (well, not for more than a couple of days!). I think carbs are essential to brain function and I just feel down and sad when I cut them down too much! Having said that, I do think that basing one's diet on carbs at the extent of good proteins isn't a good idea either (gets me into trouble anyway).
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    When it comes to carbs, I have been sticking to whole grains, and when I have pasta, I only have Dreamfield's brand (made for diabetics, lower carbs and sugar than regular or whole wheat pasta). I do think that a little carbs go a long way, but I also think that the carbs I eat are fueling my workouts, so right now, I'm going to stick with that.

    BUT - I agree about the dairy. I completely agree. I say all the time - "The purpose of milk is to turn a baby calf into a 2-ton cow, and I'm through with being a 2-ton cow." So I've had no dairy - none at all - for the past 9 weeks, since I changed my lifestyle. I use almond milk, which is fabulous, and I get calcium from other foods - there are many non-dairy sources of calcium.

    I don't expect to avoid dairy for the rest of my life, but I am serious about avoiding it for the time being, because I'm serious about getting this weight off.

    This is not meant as a slam to dairy eaters - we all do what feels right to each of us, which is great. Just sharing my thoughts on the subject.

  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Cutting out carbs or dairy is obviously going to work but for how long?
    It only last for as long as you do it if you start back eating carbs your going to gain it back. To keep weight off you need to make your eating a lifestyle not a few month thing. Just watch your portions and cut back on certain food like fast food or processed you can eat this stuff once in awhile but once u get use to living without fast food you won't miss it. Cutting carbs mnay be a quick fix but its not a part of your lifestlye.

    Just exercise and watch your portions and you will see a difference!

    However, if you are insulin resistant already, going low carb may well have to be a lifelong thing. Also, show me one diet where, when you start to eat out of regime limits, you keep losing weight. That's right, there isn't any. I'd say below 100 g of carbohydrates is a good, sustainable intake. That's way under "normal" carb intake, but it will allow you an amount of leeway that is sustainable as a lifelong way of eating.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    So why does the mind crave the carbs then if our bodies can work perfectly fine without them? It's a usual thing to give into carbs when you've craved them all your life and been over weight like I have. How do you revert your thinking to the opposite when you eat these things and steel feel like you can eat a scabby dog cos you feel very hungry still. I get what your saying but am a carb lover and having protein n veg just does not fill me up as much for obvious reasons. Is snackin more often of the protein and veg the way forward to this?

    I don't mean to be dis respectfull to OP just curious how to keep up with the protein and veg and steer clear or carbs.


    that is why there is induction on atkins, to break that cycle of carb intake - insulin - hunger - carb intake - insulin etc. and after induction you start adding carbs back in, starting with carbohydrates from vegetables. you end up at a lower carb intake than most people, but it's well over the 20 grams of the induction phase.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I generally believe that every food (naturally made food, say, not like trans-fat which doesn't occur naturally most of the times), is not harmful.
    I don't like the belief that carbs is "bad", and dairy is "harmful" and cake is harmful and that is bad and...
    In terms of weight loss... consuming too much refined carbohydrates, eating a lot of sweets, drinking whole milk (or high fat milk), eating lot of cheese (lots of fat) is not going to be successful. Yes you should avoid them. But I don't think that should extend to, avoid all carbohydrates and dairy.

    Each food groups have their benefits.
    Eating complex carbohydrates are important (whole-grain/whole wheat stuff). dietary fiber will give you satiety, which can lead to less eating.
    Milk and cheese are excellent source of calcium.
    Eggs are good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids. etc.

    I think everything in moderation is important and eliminating a food group is not a smart choice. You could switch eating refined carbs to whole grain products, you could eat less of high fat stuff, but I think saying that those food are "BAD" is wrong. Just my opinion.

    I don't know, if you believe that it's harmful to the body, sure go ahead and have acetone breath from not eating carbs... but promoting not to eat certain food group... eh.

    low carb is not no carb. just sayin'
  • Stacie33
    Stacie33 Posts: 2
    I was having some problems with feeling light headed and getting nauseated so I went to the Dr. After getting some bloodwork done they have determined that I am pre-diabetic. The past 2 weeks I have been being very cautious of the food I'm eating to try and keep from being 24 years old and diabetic. The Dr told me that my main focus should be to cut back on carbs as much as possible. Since doing this for about 2 weeks, I have lost 5 lbs and feel SO MUCH better! I LOVE carbs but after seeing the results I will definitely continue this.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Cutting carbs has definately allowed me to lose weight. Even though I stayed within 1300 calories, I wasn't able to lose weight because I had a carb heavy diet. I used to think that it didn't matter much what I ate, as long as I stayed within my calorie limits. For myself, I learned that I needed to watch my carbs/sugars and eat as "clean" as possible. I cut back to 100-120 g of carbs daily and the weight has started to come off. As a bread addict, I can say its definately not easy, but its worth it.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I used to not care about carbs, until about 4/5 weeks ago. I don't cut it super low, but now I try to consistently have 100grams or less daily, and it has done wonders to making my tummy smaller. 100 grams is easy to do and doesn't feel like I'm trying hard and I've found that I have less of a desire for bread or pasta since I began this. It's weird cause I used to be a MAJOR pasta lover (never was a huge bread or pastry lover to begin with) and now I have very little desire for it.
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
  • susanannodell
    Eat eggwhite omlets with mushroom and spinach and one piece of dry wheat toast for breakfast. Large salad with dressing for lunch, almonds inbetween, and chicken with two side of fresh vegetables for dinner and you WILL Lose weight.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Yes, because that's an unsustainable low amount of calories, unless the portion sizes are huge, and even then.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Cutting out carbs or dairy is obviously going to work but for how long?
    It only last for as long as you do it if you start back eating carbs your going to gain it back. To keep weight off you need to make your eating a lifestyle not a few month thing. Just watch your portions and cut back on certain food like fast food or processed you can eat this stuff once in awhile but once u get use to living without fast food you won't miss it. Cutting carbs mnay be a quick fix but its not a part of your lifestlye.

    Just exercise and watch your portions and you will see a difference!

    However, if you are insulin resistant already, going low carb may well have to be a lifelong thing. Also, show me one diet where, when you start to eat out of regime limits, you keep losing weight. That's right, there isn't any. I'd say below 100 g of carbohydrates is a good, sustainable intake. That's way under "normal" carb intake, but it will allow you an amount of leeway that is sustainable as a lifelong way of eating.

    I agree. I try to keep my carbs between 50-100 grams a day. It's been a magic number for me. When I was eating the amount of carbs MFP said I should I wasn't losing ANY weight no matter how well I stayed in my calories or worked out for an hour a day. I just respond to this diet better.

    My stomach feels WAAAAAY better. Less gasy and less inflammed. I feel like I have more energy throughout the day. Not to mention the 7 pounds I have lost with no effort. I still eat fruit and veggetables and low GI carbs every now and then.

    I hate it when people freak out when you say you are low carb and they just automatically assume that you are NO carb. There are many different levels of low carb diets. Check out the primal blue print's carbohydrate curve and see where you fit in on it.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I used to not care about carbs, until about 4/5 weeks ago. I don't cut it super low, but now I try to consistently have 100grams or less daily, and it has done wonders to making my tummy smaller. 100 grams is easy to do and doesn't feel like I'm trying hard and I've found that I have less of a desire for bread or pasta since I began this. It's weird cause I used to be a MAJOR pasta lover (never was a huge bread or pastry lover to begin with) and now I have very little desire for it.

    Oh before I could EASILY eat an entire French Bread Loaf but I'm like you and I don't crave that crap anymore. If I do have pasta it's the dreamfield low carb.....but that's not very often because it just doesn't taste that good to me and I hate how my stomach feels after I've eaten it.