help! can't find good/uncomplicated exercises



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    Anabth wrote: »
    @Bshmerlie in the past couple days I haven't even met that amount of calories each day, is that negative for my weight loss?

    If you are under your calories for the day you should lose. BUT being too far under your calories can put your body into starvation mode and make it hold on to the weight. So if you have your max calories set for 1300 per day and are 1100 - 1299 for the day you are good (assuming you set your goals up properly). If you are eating something like 700 calories a day you are too far under and risk you body going into starvation mode.


    No what?

    no you're not going to go into starvation mode
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    Anabth wrote: »
    @Bshmerlie in the past couple days I haven't even met that amount of calories each day, is that negative for my weight loss?

    If you are under your calories for the day you should lose. BUT being too far under your calories can put your body into starvation mode and make it hold on to the weight. So if you have your max calories set for 1300 per day and are 1100 - 1299 for the day you are good (assuming you set your goals up properly). If you are eating something like 700 calories a day you are too far under and risk you body going into starvation mode.


    No what?

    no you're not going to go into starvation mode

    Fine. Do your own reading get both sides and decide for yourself. Here is an article that helps YOUR and the other persons cause more then mine but still no matter what you say, or think, your body metabolism does slow if you eat too little.

    I will not continue after this post, no matter what since it doesn't help the OP, but there are negatives of eating too little and by eating enough you will help your body lose better then eating too little.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Anabth wrote: »
    Hi guys
    I'm new on here and I'm still struggling to find exercises to help me with my weight loss soo any help/answers from yous would be great!! thanks x
    Exercise is for fitness and health. Calorie deficit is for weight loss. One could do NO EXERCISE and lose weight.
    Easiest and most cost effective exercise to do is walking. It takes no training and you really don't need to spend nothing more than a good pair of shoes to do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • LupusAnima
    LupusAnima Posts: 7 Member
    Anabth wrote: »
    Hi guys
    I'm new on here and I'm still struggling to find exercises to help me with my weight loss soo any help/answers from yous would be great!! thanks x
    Try Tiffany Rothe work outs their amazing and can be found on YouTube, she uses real people from all different sizes ages and athleticism.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    Anabth wrote: »
    @Bshmerlie in the past couple days I haven't even met that amount of calories each day, is that negative for my weight loss?

    If you are under your calories for the day you should lose. BUT being too far under your calories can put your body into starvation mode and make it hold on to the weight. So if you have your max calories set for 1300 per day and are 1100 - 1299 for the day you are good (assuming you set your goals up properly). If you are eating something like 700 calories a day you are too far under and risk you body going into starvation mode.


    No what?

    no you're not going to go into starvation mode

    Fine. Do your own reading get both sides and decide for yourself. Here is an article that helps YOUR and the other persons cause more then mine but still no matter what you say, or think, your body metabolism does slow if you eat too little.

    I will not continue after this post, no matter what since it doesn't help the OP, but there are negatives of eating too little and by eating enough you will help your body lose better then eating too little.

    I thought very large calorie deficit is common knowledge that stalls will happen more often.

  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    edited June 2015
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.

    Exercises aren't "good" or "bad" unless you've got bad form or are doing something incorrectly and putting yourself at risk for injury. You just have to find what you like. I'm not sure what you mean by "uncomplicated." What exercises have you come across that you found complicated? It doesn't get much more simple than walking, running, and/or jogging. However, some form of strength training would be highly beneficial in helping you retain the muscle you have while you lose fat. When we lose weight, we lose both fat and muscle. Strength training just helps minimize muscle loss and allows you to gain strength. Strength training is only as complicated as you make it. Also, anything can be complicated if you're unfamiliar with it. Don't reject forms of exercise because they seem "hard" - doing things that are challenging is how we improve ourselves.
  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    Anabth wrote: »
    @Bshmerlie in the past couple days I haven't even met that amount of calories each day, is that negative for my weight loss?

    If you are under your calories for the day you should lose. BUT being too far under your calories can put your body into starvation mode and make it hold on to the weight. So if you have your max calories set for 1300 per day and are 1100 - 1299 for the day you are good (assuming you set your goals up properly). If you are eating something like 700 calories a day you are too far under and risk you body going into starvation mode.

    No. This girl should not be warned that she could gain weight by eating 700 calories a day. This kind of misinformation is what kept my eating disorder cycle alive for many years. OP, you will not go into starvation mode and "hang onto everything you eat." I believed for so long that I had "killed my metabolism" and was "in starvation mode" that I became afraid to eat anything. I became afraid that my body would "hang on" to everything, so I actually did starve myself. Please, please do not believe this. With that being said, you HAVE to fuel your body with proper nutrition and keep yourself in a SAFE calorie deficit to lose weight the healthy way. 700 calories a day will NOT make you gain weight, but you will not meet your nutrient needs, you'll probably be dizzy, faint, weak, etc. Follow MFP's recommendations, stay in a safe deficit, try to hit your macros/micros, and exercise for health. Good luck!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.

    Exercises aren't "good" or "bad" unless you've got bad form or are doing something incorrectly and putting yourself at risk for injury. You just have to find what you like. I'm not sure what you mean by "uncomplicated." What exercises have you come across that you found complicated? It doesn't get much more simple than walking, running, and/or jogging. However, some form of strength training would be highly beneficial in helping you retain the muscle you have while you lose fat. When we lose weight, we lose both fat and muscle. Strength training just helps minimize muscle loss and allows you to gain strength. Strength training is only as complicated as you make it. Also, anything can be complicated if you're unfamiliar with it. Don't reject forms of exercise because they seem "hard" - doing things that are challenging is how we improve ourselves.

    I love this answer.
  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    Options answer your actual question, OP, I find group exercise classes to be the best, and most fun. Zumba, Piloxing, PiYo, TRX, Yoga, Spinning. Try them out, and stick with what you like :) Having fun while exercising is the key to sticking to it. I look forward to my workouts and they really are a huge stress-reliever.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited June 2015
    Another vote for "It doesn't get much more simple than walking."

    By parking your car away from your destination, you can incorporate walking into your work day and while doing errands. If you take public transportation, you can get off at an earlier stop.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    Anabth wrote: »
    @Bshmerlie in the past couple days I haven't even met that amount of calories each day, is that negative for my weight loss?

    If you are under your calories for the day you should lose. BUT being too far under your calories can put your body into starvation mode and make it hold on to the weight. So if you have your max calories set for 1300 per day and are 1100 - 1299 for the day you are good (assuming you set your goals up properly). If you are eating something like 700 calories a day you are too far under and risk you body going into starvation mode.


    No what?

    no you're not going to go into starvation mode

    Fine. Do your own reading get both sides and decide for yourself. Here is an article that helps YOUR and the other persons cause more then mine but still no matter what you say, or think, your body metabolism does slow if you eat too little.

    I will not continue after this post, no matter what since it doesn't help the OP, but there are negatives of eating too little and by eating enough you will help your body lose better then eating too little.

    The confusion here comes from what you mean by 'starvation mode'. The common definition (the definition that people on MFP argue against as it isn't true) is 'if you eat too little for too long your body will hold on to fat and even if you're in a deficit you won't lose weight'. Your metabolism could slow down, yes, but not to an extent that will stop you losing weight if you're still in a defict. From the very article you linked: "But here's the thing: in no study I've ever seen has the drop in metabolic rate been sufficient to completely offset the caloric deficit. That is, say that cutting your calories by 50% per day leads to a reduction in the metabolic rate of 10%. Starvation mode you say. Well, yes. But you still have a 40% daily deficit."

    Starvation mode will not stop you losing weight or make you gain it, it may just mean you lose weight slower. And it only tends to happen when someone is actually starving to death - that is, when they have little or no more fat to lose.
  • samacooper
    samacooper Posts: 28 Member
    I love Ellen Barrett's routines. They are all some fusion of dance/pilates/yoga, no equipment needed except maybe hand weights. As "easy" as zumba is to follow, Ellen's routines are much simpler. I rarely get tripped up trying to follow the routine. If you preview her videos it doesn't seem like it would be that hard of a workout but try and keep up and you will get a great full workout. Just search Ellen Barrett on youtube, a few of her routines are there; try the burn and firm pilates. A lot more for sale on Amazon.

  • Anabth
    Anabth Posts: 16 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.

    Exercises aren't "good" or "bad" unless you've got bad form or are doing something incorrectly and putting yourself at risk for injury. You just have to find what you like. I'm not sure what you mean by "uncomplicated." What exercises have you come across that you found complicated? It doesn't get much more simple than walking, running, and/or jogging. However, some form of strength training would be highly beneficial in helping you retain the muscle you have while you lose fat. When we lose weight, we lose both fat and muscle. Strength training just helps minimize muscle loss and allows you to gain strength. Strength training is only as complicated as you make it. Also, anything can be complicated if you're unfamiliar with it. Don't reject forms of exercise because they seem "hard" - doing things that are challenging is how we improve ourselves.

    By uncomplicated I just meant that I don't have a lot of time to do exercises throughout my day so an uncomplicated exercise to me is something that doesn't need a gym or special equipment
  • Anabth
    Anabth Posts: 16 Member
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    mikegl1 wrote: »
    Anabth wrote: »
    @Bshmerlie in the past couple days I haven't even met that amount of calories each day, is that negative for my weight loss?

    If you are under your calories for the day you should lose. BUT being too far under your calories can put your body into starvation mode and make it hold on to the weight. So if you have your max calories set for 1300 per day and are 1100 - 1299 for the day you are good (assuming you set your goals up properly). If you are eating something like 700 calories a day you are too far under and risk you body going into starvation mode.

    No. This girl should not be warned that she could gain weight by eating 700 calories a day. This kind of misinformation is what kept my eating disorder cycle alive for many years. OP, you will not go into starvation mode and "hang onto everything you eat." I believed for so long that I had "killed my metabolism" and was "in starvation mode" that I became afraid to eat anything. I became afraid that my body would "hang on" to everything, so I actually did starve myself. Please, please do not believe this. With that being said, you HAVE to fuel your body with proper nutrition and keep yourself in a SAFE calorie deficit to lose weight the healthy way. 700 calories a day will NOT make you gain weight, but you will not meet your nutrient needs, you'll probably be dizzy, faint, weak, etc. Follow MFP's recommendations, stay in a safe deficit, try to hit your macros/micros, and exercise for health. Good luck!!

    I don't think I'll go into starvation mode on purpose cause I've had an eating disorder for a few years and I'm wanting to loose weight in a healthy way now but thank you soo much for caring
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Check out P90 or something like that

    Calisthenics using your own body weight

    Pick and choose some simple cross fit exercises off of videos

    Less bickering over silly things than on here

    A body type quiz to help you start and a great web site!!

    If you look at kettle bell exercises you will see you can do lots with just one or two.

    Awesome vids out there.

    Good Luck!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The shake weights are pretty simple.



  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Anabth wrote: »
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.

    Exercises aren't "good" or "bad" unless you've got bad form or are doing something incorrectly and putting yourself at risk for injury. You just have to find what you like. I'm not sure what you mean by "uncomplicated." What exercises have you come across that you found complicated? It doesn't get much more simple than walking, running, and/or jogging. However, some form of strength training would be highly beneficial in helping you retain the muscle you have while you lose fat. When we lose weight, we lose both fat and muscle. Strength training just helps minimize muscle loss and allows you to gain strength. Strength training is only as complicated as you make it. Also, anything can be complicated if you're unfamiliar with it. Don't reject forms of exercise because they seem "hard" - doing things that are challenging is how we improve ourselves.

    By uncomplicated I just meant that I don't have a lot of time to do exercises throughout my day so an uncomplicated exercise to me is something that doesn't need a gym or special equipment

    Then it sounds like walking or running is a good way to start.

  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    Walking, running, and something as simple as turning on your favorite dance music and working up a sweat for a sustained amount of time are all simple and free. Throw in some squats, grab some cans from the kitchen to use as dumbbells for your arms, and you're set! Sparkpeople also has a whole lot of free videos you can watch.