The Big Direction



  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    edited June 2015
  • ItaliaBrwnEyes
    ItaliaBrwnEyes Posts: 5 Member
    I quit drinking soda a few years ago. I actually ended up getting ocular migraines. They would cause temporary blindness (more like a squiggly line that would start to from the bottom right corner of my eye and move to the left eye). When it first happened, I was petrified and went to the ER since I had no idea what was going on. The nurse told me to drink a soda next time. Why would I want to drink the beverages that caused this in the first place. I have sworn off soda ever since, of all types! I still get ocular migraines but luckily once I see the start of the squiggly line, I take some medicine and I am able to prevent the migraine. Keep up the good work! It gets better I promise.
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    I quit drinking soda a few years ago. I actually ended up getting ocular migraines. They would cause temporary blindness (more like a squiggly line that would start to from the bottom right corner of my eye and move to the left eye). When it first happened, I was petrified and went to the ER since I had no idea what was going on. The nurse told me to drink a soda next time. Why would I want to drink the beverages that caused this in the first place. I have sworn off soda ever since, of all types! I still get ocular migraines but luckily once I see the start of the squiggly line, I take some medicine and I am able to prevent the migraine. Keep up the good work! It gets better I promise.

    Holy cow! That sounds terrible!

    Good for you on toughing through it and fully cutting soda. :)
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    As a former heavy soda drinker I had to wean myself off slowly. You are one tough cookie to go cold turkey! I feel for you, I know it's really tough. I've been off soda for about 3 years now, and it does get easier! I just want to say you rock! I hope you know how badass you are and I'm rooting for you.
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    As a former heavy soda drinker I had to wean myself off slowly. You are one tough cookie to go cold turkey! I feel for you, I know it's really tough. I've been off soda for about 3 years now, and it does get easier! I just want to say you rock! I hope you know how badass you are and I'm rooting for you.

    Thank you! :)
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    This Might Actually Happen!

  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    edited June 2015
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    edited June 2015
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Great updates! Did you say you're drinking fresh squeezed orange juice for breakfast? Definitely yummy, but personally, I think that can tend to get expensive. Not discouraging you, but when I get an OJ craving either I'll buy the Tropicana50 (1/2 the calories and sugar, but also more expensive than the regular stuff) or just get the regular and dilute it with water 50/50. Still refreshing, but not as sweet.

    Just a suggestion! You're doing great, though!
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Great updates! Did you say you're drinking fresh squeezed orange juice for breakfast? Definitely yummy, but personally, I think that can tend to get expensive. Not discouraging you, but when I get an OJ craving either I'll buy the Tropicana50 (1/2 the calories and sugar, but also more expensive than the regular stuff) or just get the regular and dilute it with water 50/50. Still refreshing, but not as sweet.

    Just a suggestion! You're doing great, though!

    No it's Simply Orange Juice from the store. I have a small glass with my breakfast.
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    I Didn't Even Notice It Until Now!

  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    edited June 2015
    Well That Was Dumb of Me...

  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    Not the best tasting, but very refreshing!

  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    Great work!

    Aspartame doesn't hinder your weight loss. What WILL hinder it is those cleanses and detoxes and the extra things you're eating.

    If you go down the road of looking for food to cure you in the right mix, you'll end up right back where you started.

    Food is fuel. Fuel up less than you burn. There's no secret. There's no special sauce. :)

    What's going to be tough isn't just the losing but the maintenance. And the only way maintenance works for anyone is if you genuinely enjoy what you're eating on a long-term basis. You don't have to cut stuff like diet soda (and give yourself a splitting caffeine withdrawal headache!) That's just punishing yourself for no reason. You don't need food for reward or punishment! You don't have to make yourself drink something that tastes crappy--and that fat flush water looks extremely unappealing--just because someone calls it "fat flush" and says it can do these things for you. It can't. None of those items have those properties. They're just calories and flavor and some vitamins that you're getting right now through Nutrisystem, anyway.

    I'm saying this because I'm rooting for you, and I want you to enjoy the trip. There's no reason not to!
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    Great work!

    Aspartame doesn't hinder your weight loss. What WILL hinder it is those cleanses and detoxes and the extra things you're eating.

    If you go down the road of looking for food to cure you in the right mix, you'll end up right back where you started.

    Food is fuel. Fuel up less than you burn. There's no secret. There's no special sauce. :)

    What's going to be tough isn't just the losing but the maintenance. And the only way maintenance works for anyone is if you genuinely enjoy what you're eating on a long-term basis. You don't have to cut stuff like diet soda (and give yourself a splitting caffeine withdrawal headache!) That's just punishing yourself for no reason. You don't need food for reward or punishment! You don't have to make yourself drink something that tastes crappy--and that fat flush water looks extremely unappealing--just because someone calls it "fat flush" and says it can do these things for you. It can't. None of those items have those properties. They're just calories and flavor and some vitamins that you're getting right now through Nutrisystem, anyway.

    I'm saying this because I'm rooting for you, and I want you to enjoy the trip. There's no reason not to!

    I've read many articles, including the most recent one from TIME magazine that aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are bad for you and are linked to hindering weight loss. I've even been told by my old doctor in Washington that it's bad for you. I'm glad I cut out soda. Not only does it save money, but I no longer need to worry about getting my daily "fix" of caffeine. I feel great now! Better than I did before. I'm happy I cut that out.

    Also, I'm not relying on these things like the cabbage cleanse and fat flush water, I'm just trying new things. It doesn't hurt to try something new. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. It's not going to affect my diet and exercise. I'm still losing weight (weigh-in video in less than two weeks!) and going strong. I'm eating healthier than I ever have in my life and I'm loving it!

    Thank you for your concern though. Honestly, I really appreciate your support, along with everyone else's since I started this journey
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Hahaha! Thanks for posting Melody's new hairdo! She's adorable. Is the other dog in the video yours as well? Years ago my inlaws had a full breed black chow. She loved the snow and the cold! But, come summer time she was not happy, so they started shaving her every summer. Oh boy, she looked like a cat, but she would prance around the yard happy as can be!

    Also, on your flavored water, I've found that keeping pitchers in the fridge for several days with fewer ingredients makes it more flavorful and less expensive. At first, I over-flavored my water, but then learned that by letting it sit for longer with less in it seemed to make it taste better. Not saying you're doing it wrong! Just a suggestion.

    You are doing great and I love all the video progress!
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