I'm very weak. What can I do at home to be stronger?



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    there are plenty of at home videos that use bodyweight.
    also you probably should change the dialogue in your head. saying you can't do something will only enforce the anxiety. you've already told yourself you are unable to do it. a dr or therapist can help with this
  • dbomb76
    dbomb76 Posts: 171 Member
    dbomb76 wrote: »
    Get one of those pull up bars that go over the door way. Put it over the doorway to your bathroom. Every time nature calls, try to do some pull ups. when it comes to therapists, it's good to shop around. Find someone you really like and stick with them for a while. It's probably the best thing you can do for your health right now if your having severe anxiety issues. If you want to get stronger you will need to start doing some strength training. Pistol Squats and one handed push-ups will only take you so far. If you want to be a full on beast then you need to start a solid strength training program like Starting Strength or Strong Lifts. All these things take a lot of focus and dedication. Anxiety will only get in the way of that.

    Seriously? Pull-ups, pistol squats and one-handed push-ups for someone who describes themselves as very weak? I lift weights, currently doing one of Nia Shanks' programmes, and wouldn't consider myself weak anymore in most lifts but I still can't do a single one of these exercises. In addition, bodyweight training is much harder for someone who's overweight because more weight to lift.

    I wasn't recommending to start out doing pistol squats but if your doing body weight strength training they would be part of the progression. In the beginning just doing some burpies and then adding some weight to it in the 5-20 lb range would do a lot to get you started. If you attempt to do a pull up every time you go through the door you will be doing pull ups in a few weeks. Mostly I think OP should focus on anxiety issues as they are probably affecting more then just his fitness goals.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member

  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    edited June 2015

    If you don't feel up to walking outside, you could do Leslie Sansone stuff on You Tube.

    Thank you for this suggestion. I tried it today (seriously...when walking kicks your butt....hmmm) and really enjoyed it! I could only do 30 minutes but will try again.
    @bbontheb I have always admired Kathy Smith. I have used several of her dvds for years and always enjoyed them and appreciated her advice. She also has audio walking workouts that are fun. She may have something that will interest you.


    Putting this on the list as well!

    Annie_01 wrote: »
    I started with resistance bands. They are fairly inexpensive and there are LOTS of videos on youtube with different exercises. They come in difference resistances so that you can start out light and then move up in tension. Check Amazon...they sell them individually or as a set.

    I now use free weights but I still lift light...VERY light due to joint and hernia issues.

    On my shopping list. I think these will help!

    All the other suggestions are great. I'm assuming the poster who suggested pull ups etc thought I was male (?) and perhaps a bit stronger than I am. I might be ready for those in like ten years (lol).

    Adding that my anxiety level is fine, and stable for the most part. I don't need any more recommendations for therapy or help. I am well-versed in therapy, mental health, and have had anxiety disorder(s) since I was like 6 years old. It's not something that goes away. I'm aware of avoidant behaviours increasing anxiety although this method of working out at home is comfortable for me right now-becoming more confident in my home :) It's on my goals list to get to a gym in the future. It's just a lot harder than someone saying get therapy asap. lol. I know you all mean well however so that's helpful!

    Thanks all! Much appreciated.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    bbontheb wrote: »

    If you don't feel up to walking outside, you could do Leslie Sansone stuff on You Tube.

    Thank you for this suggestion. I tried it today (seriously...when walking kicks your butt....hmmm) and really enjoyed it! I could only do 30 minutes but will try again.
    @bbontheb I have always admired Kathy Smith. I have used several of her dvds for years and always enjoyed them and appreciated her advice. She also has audio walking workouts that are fun. She may have something that will interest you.


    Putting this on the list as well!

    Annie_01 wrote: »
    I started with resistance bands. They are fairly inexpensive and there are LOTS of videos on youtube with different exercises. They come in difference resistances so that you can start out light and then move up in tension. Check Amazon...they sell them individually or as a set.

    I now use free weights but I still lift light...VERY light due to joint and hernia issues.

    On my shopping list. I think these will help!

    All the other suggestions are great. I'm assuming the poster who suggested pull ups etc thought I was male (?) and perhaps a bit stronger than I am. I might be ready for those in like ten years (lol).

    Adding that my anxiety level is fine, and stable for the most part. I don't need any more recommendations for therapy or help. I am well-versed in therapy, mental health, and have had anxiety disorder(s) since I was like 6 years old. It's not something that goes away. I'm aware of avoidant behaviours increasing anxiety although this method of working out at home is comfortable for me right now-becoming more confident in my home :) It's on my goals list to get to a gym in the future. It's just a lot harder than someone saying get therapy asap. lol. I know you all mean well however so that's helpful!

    Thanks all! Much appreciated.

    They really helped me when I first started. This is the set that I bought...


    It comes with a door anchor which helps to expand the exercises that you can do.

    Good luck...you sound enthusiastic!

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I've collected some fitness routines for the home. You have lots of elements at home that can help you get fit, like stairs. Fill up a plastic milk jug with milk, tape it shut, and you have a home-made kettle ball. Use soup cans as your first hand weights. And so on.


    If you are too weak for pushups, push off the wall until you are stronger. The trick is to start where you are and slowly work your way to strength. The changes are surprisingly fast; so worth it.
  • dbomb76
    dbomb76 Posts: 171 Member
    bbontheb wrote: »

    All the other suggestions are great. I'm assuming the poster who suggested pull ups etc thought I was male (?) and perhaps a bit stronger than I am. I might be ready for those in like ten years (lol).

    I did ;) Sorry about that. Yoga and low impact workouts are a good way to get active again. But seriously, believe in yourself and you can be doing pull ups by thanksgiving.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Push, pull, squat, step. <-- beginning variations are counter height push-ups, reclining pulls, chair squats, stair steps. You could also try laying down on the floor and standing back up--back, side, side, belly.
  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    Walk as much as you can and drink water. Also make sure youre getting enough vitiams in your diet
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    bbontheb wrote: »
    I have severe anxiety thus can't go to a gym. I have pretty bad weakness in my shoulders, arms, legs...surprisingly weak. I'm overweight (5'2/190) and just starting to move after pretty bad eating/not moving/depression. So, I feel good at moving, happier and would like to feel a bit stronger.

    I don't have gym set up or weights but heard someone talking about kettlebells? Are these something useful for at home? What else might be good to have at home? Any youtube or dvds of something that might help? Or a plan of what to do each day and to increase etc? Any help appreciat

    Stand up straight, shoulders back and pull your tummy button into your spine. Stand strong and that's a start.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here's something I've learned about our amazing bodies. They get stronger for those activities we demand of them. So if there is something you really want to do, progress doing that movement at increasing difficulty and your muscles will respond pretty quickly. For instance, if it is reaching for the soup can from a high shelf, practice pulling the soup can from that shelf and putting it back. Increase weight as you get stronger.
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    I now walk at least a 1/4 mile daily and it has helped gain better mobility and I have lost some weight. I even did it at night in 14F degree temps in the winter. Just moving a little will lead to more moving all day I found. Best of luck. An old person many years ago that they do not bury people that still wiggle daily so I try to remember to wiggle some daily. :)

  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    I will always say fitnessblender.com - I've been beaten at least twice to say it, but as far as I'm concerned, it's worth saying again!!! ;) You can start with the level 1-2 stuff and work your way up through to the level 5. There are so many different times of workouts, so many different lengths, so many different difficulties... *Sighs* Good luck!!! :)