30 Day Shred - starting Mon May 22nd



  • Friska_
    Friska_ Posts: 11 Member
    Ahh you are all doing great! Yesterday was my Day 1 and my body was so sore this morning, but I love it.
  • inafit16177
    inafit16177 Posts: 84
    Day 3 done...:):):)
  • earickm
    earickm Posts: 11
    Day 2 done!!!!!! I put on my Ipod today during the exercise...seemed to go a little faster!!!:happy:
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Day 4 done ....I too put music on this time more motivating I find... legs are still really sore but I pushed through and then went to the gym for a bit...feel great :smile:
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    How long are we doing Level 1 for?
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    You are suppose to do each level for 10 days then move on
  • amyc6
    amyc6 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey ladies! I actually just found this website and I'm loving it! Anyways , I actually started the Shred on Monday too, I completed day 3 this morning, so I'm right on track with you! Hope you don't mind me jumping in here. I love the extra motivation! Ready for day 4 tomorrow:happy:
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    How are we doing guys? I have to admit, I nearly quit in the middle of last night's work out. Although the time seemed to go much more quickly, it felt much harder. But, I did it & actually I'm not hurting as bad today as I was yesterday, so bring on day 4!! Hope you're all still with us? How are you guys doing?

    Out of interest did anyone measure them-self at day 1? I didn't & really wish I had.
  • keelekat
    keelekat Posts: 13
    finished day three this AM. Anyone else have really sore calfs? calves? cavs? ca... ca.. c. <
    that word looks weird no matter how i spell it :wink: . But yeah, i wish i could crawl everywhere today because every time I take a step :sad:

    I'm on day 7 and the sore calf muscles lasted for a couple of days at the most after which they adapted! Good luck!!!
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Day 4 for me tonight...
  • mommy2boysaz
    mommy2boysaz Posts: 42 Member
    I am going to be a few days behind, but am starting this today. I'd love to join in and share my ups and downs with all of you! The only thing I've wondered about with this program is, aren't you supposed to take a day off between work-outs to allow your muscles time to recover? I've always heard that in the past, so it makes me wonder if it is wise to do it EVERY day for 30 days? Has anyone ever tried it every other day? Just curious.
  • inafit16177
    inafit16177 Posts: 84
    Day 4 is in the books for me...when I was in the last set my 8yo daughter said, "Mom you look like you are struggling..." I was...but it is done for today!:happy:
  • mommy2boysaz
    mommy2boysaz Posts: 42 Member
    Just finished Day 1. I did about 3/4 of it but couldn't make it through all of the push ups, jumping jacks or lunges. Plus, I put the weights down and just went through the motions for part of it. I can't find my 3lb wts and was trying to use 5 lb wts. NOT!
    I am shaky and my heart rate is still not back to normal so I know I pushed myself. Maybe by the end of week 1, I'll be able to do it all!
  • amyc6
    amyc6 Posts: 18 Member
    Finished day 4 of the Shred!!! It didn't hurt as bad today as it did the first couple of days. I was doing the Biggest Loser's Last Chance workout before I started this one and that one is crazy hard too! I don't know which one I sweat more during, lol.

    I did take measurements the first day I started so I will post those and then post an update maybe after the first 10 days.
    We can do this ladies, its hard but we're going to get there!!
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Finished Day 5 :)
  • mommy2boysaz
    mommy2boysaz Posts: 42 Member
    Received a page on my pager this morning at 5:45 and it was a "wrong number". Figured that was my not-so-subtle cue to get up and get my work out done before work! Day 2 of the Shred done! I will take my shaking body to the shower now!!
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    Received a page on my pager this morning at 5:45 and it was a "wrong number". Figured that was my not-so-subtle cue to get up and get my work out done before work! Day 2 of the Shred done! I will take my shaking body to the shower now!!

    that is amazing!! I didn't realize there was a 5:45 in the morning :bigsmile: Ah, the day 2 shakes. i remember them well. Day 5 today & I officially don't wanna - I'm scared, my body is sore :(
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    it's so nice reading you guys updates, makes me feel better that I'm not the only one dying!! Still, I'm ready for day 5 - well, im scared, but I am going to do it!! How you all feeling now?

    Do you think you'll be moving up to level 2 soon? I wish I didn't watch level 2 the other night - i feel terrified now!!

    Also, just wondered, what weights are you guys using?

    Keep shredding!!!
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Im scared for level 2 too...I watched level 2 and level 3 ya probably shouldnt have lol ...I use 5 lb weights by the way

    Happy Friday Everyone :wink:
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    *Day 5 Complete*

    I only have 5 pounds weights, so I have to use those. I haven't watched level 2 or 3 yet, but your guys' posts have me scared for them. I was sweating a lot today, but my legs were not nearly as sore.

    FYI: I usually do my exercising at 5 A.M. Slept in til almost 7 this morning, as it's my late start at work today.

    Good luck all!