Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    Right there with you...this is the hard stuff. Let's keep going without motivation then together.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Don't give up my friends! Think about how great you feel when you're working this and how disappointed you feel right now. Little steps... It's how we start this and how we pick ourselves back up. I struggled not to buy breakfast at Timmies this morning knowing I had oatmeal waiting at work. But I did it and so can you!!!
  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    shirayne where you from? Are you a fellow Canuck? hehehe! :wink:
  • dwhitten07
    dwhitten07 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello I love the post, lots of good people. I'm going to friend you if that's ok. I LOVE the idea of fun weekly exercise challenges of your willing to them again!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Ugh... work is literally KILLING me. No time to log, no time to chat... thank God I'm still making it to the gym 3x a week. Hopefully things will settle down in the next 2 weeks and I'll be back on track. Much love everyone!!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Where is everybody? I hope that everybody is till doing great & on track.
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Where is everybody? I hope that everybody is till doing great & on track.

    Hi all! I am still here! I am just logging my food and exercise, am on vacay at Orange Beach, AL. Will be going to Pensacola Beach either tomorrow or Thursday! Hope that everyone is doing great!!!
  • CrystalA1984
    CrystalA1984 Posts: 18 Member
    Still here :) still working hard to stay on track. My hubby has been out of province all week and my daughter is at camp with her school for a few days. I planned to do extra workouts but ended up getting sick and haven't done nearly as much as I would have liked. Plus I ate ice cream...twice. lol. Tomorrow is a new day! I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    I'm still holding on to my sanity with the very tips of my fingernails! I'm barely managing to keep up with the working out, thank GOD for my step-daughter who likes to go to the gym to keep boredom at bay. If it weren't for the fact I feel bad she sits here all day bored and waiting on me to get home so she can go to the gym, I wouldn't even be doing that much. I'm eating horribly, not great stuff and not on schedule like I was, but I'm not eating enough to gain, so that's a plus! I'll try and get more active on here after next week when we have our last audit. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :smiley:
  • bfeakes
    bfeakes Posts: 2 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm 42 and looking to lose 100+ pounds (made it to 80 pounds 3 years ago and then gained half of it back) but I want to do it the "right" and learn how to "eat to live, not live to eat". I am addicted to food... it's my own personal brand of drug and I am looking for people who want lose weight eating healthy and tasty foods. I would love to share tips and tricks you've found work for you. I love looking at people's daily diaries and seeing wonderful sounding meals that are filling but still satisfy your hunger. I am tired of being obsessed with food and although I realize that right now that obsession is a necessity (I need to plan things out or I end up making excuses for eating the wrong things), I eventually want to know instinctively what's ok to eat and what's not ok to eat. I'm not saying a doughnut once in a while as a treat isn't "ok"... but I don't want to spend my precious calories on crap all the time. If you're looking for a friend who is willing to support you in your successes and even more so in your "ooopses", add me and let's do this!

    I'm in the same boat. Feel free to add me.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hi All! I am still here and somewhat kicking! :) Like many of you, life is just getting in the way recently so my logging has been lacking. But fear not! I am still among you and holding steady.

    @modacielo73: I am a fellow Canuck! The Timmies must have given it away! LOL :)

    For those of you who are new, welcome to our little circle of friends!

    Have an awesome day and I will be back as soon as work allows me a few minutes to breathe! :)
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Just jumping in to say I'm still among the living and "working-at-it" group! I'm hitting the gym pretty religiously this week, thanks almost exclusively to my step-daughter, but my eating is B.A.D!!! Not the calories, just the garbage making up those calories! That being said, a calorie deficit is a calorie deficit, so I'll take it. Got 100% on our audit at work, and only one more audit to go! YAY!! Hopefully I'll be somewhat "normal" after that with more free time to get in here and chat it up. Welcome to all the new folks and "keep working it" to all the regulars... we're in this for the long haul, so slow and steady wins the race :wink:
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    I am back from vacay!!! Yay! I have so missed my REGULAR ROUTINE of what I eat everyday! Gosh I hate eating out or having to veer from what I normally eat! Hope that everyone is doing great and big hugs and wishes to all that are eating healthy and exercising!!! :wink:
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    I feel guilty reading all of the posts of people exercising because I cannot. I'm proud of all of you though!
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    I feel guilty reading all of the posts of people exercising because I cannot. I'm proud of all of you though!

    So not ever, EVER, feel guilty because you cannot exercise!!! A lot of people cannot do it! I started with walking on a treadmill! At the lowest that it would go! If you can walk to your door, if you can walk to your mailbox, etc.. it IS SOMETHING EXTRA for exercising!!! We are here to help you!!! Hugs!
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, so I need some advice. The family and I are going on vacation this next week, and I don't want to backslide the whole week. We won't have internet access, so I won't be able to log on. I know how to eat healthy, but put me out of my routine, the comfort of knowing what to prepare at home, and I'm nervous I'll blow it big time. We do plan to do a bunch of hiking and such. How do you all prepare to eat well and exercise while on vacation? Thanks :)
  • otter_kat
    otter_kat Posts: 11 Member
    Librarian, mom, redhead, fast food eater, 5'2" 280lbs.

    In the past 4 yrs. I've had 2 kids, pregnant fairly close together, so gains with each kid, but no loss in between. These two were my 2nd and 3rd children. After having my first who is 13 now, it took 2 yrs. to lose that and lots of money on group weight loss challenges at the gym, personal training and eating basically chicken breasts, wok veggies and salsa. I don't have the money or time to spend like I did with just one. Looking to focus more on simple clean foods and kick the fast food habit.

    Also have hypothyroidism that developed sometime in the last 6 yrs. Meds aren't leveled, but working on it.

    Started with Jillian Michaels app, as I love her but found this one to be more comprehensive for food logging. For years I used myfooddiary.com

    Anyone know any groups that I might be able to relate to?
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    melkithall wrote: »
    Ok, so I need some advice. The family and I are going on vacation this next week, and I don't want to backslide the whole week. We won't have internet access, so I won't be able to log on. I know how to eat healthy, but put me out of my routine, the comfort of knowing what to prepare at home, and I'm nervous I'll blow it big time. We do plan to do a bunch of hiking and such. How do you all prepare to eat well and exercise while on vacation? Thanks :)

    Just got off vacay myself and I ate lots of boiled eggs, great value pre-cooked chicken that you can heat in the microwave for 2 min., string cheese, honestly, I FAILED big time on veggies, but plan on picking back up where I left off. It's not easy, at least it wasn't for me! But feel free to look at my diary because I stayed on track and never went above my calories! Good luck!
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    otter_kat wrote: »
    Librarian, mom, redhead, fast food eater, 5'2" 280lbs.

    In the past 4 yrs. I've had 2 kids, pregnant fairly close together, so gains with each kid, but no loss in between. These two were my 2nd and 3rd children. After having my first who is 13 now, it took 2 yrs. to lose that and lots of money on group weight loss challenges at the gym, personal training and eating basically chicken breasts, wok veggies and salsa. I don't have the money or time to spend like I did with just one. Looking to focus more on simple clean foods and kick the fast food habit.

    Also have hypothyroidism that developed sometime in the last 6 yrs. Meds aren't leveled, but working on it.

    Started with Jillian Michaels app, as I love her but found this one to be more comprehensive for food logging. For years I used myfooddiary.com

    Anyone know any groups that I might be able to relate to?

    We are an awesome group here! We all have different plans, I believe that are helping us to lose! I do not call mine a diet, I call it my NEW way of living! I am sure that you will be hearing from the others soon! I am on a low carb/high protein lifestyle. It fills me up and I do at least an hour of exercise a day. Feel free to ask any questions of anyone! :smiley:
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    ptkat28 wrote: »
    otter_kat wrote: »
    Librarian, mom, redhead, fast food eater, 5'2" 280lbs.

    In the past 4 yrs. I've had 2 kids, pregnant fairly close together, so gains with each kid, but no loss in between. These two were my 2nd and 3rd children. After having my first who is 13 now, it took 2 yrs. to lose that and lots of money on group weight loss challenges at the gym, personal training and eating basically chicken breasts, wok veggies and salsa. I don't have the money or time to spend like I did with just one. Looking to focus more on simple clean foods and kick the fast food habit.

    Anyone know any groups that I might be able to relate to?

    We are an awesome group here! We all have different plans, I believe that are helping us to lose! I do not call mine a diet, I call it my NEW way of living! I am sure that you will be hearing from the others soon! I am on a low carb/high protein lifestyle. It fills me up and I do at least an hour of exercise a day. Feel free to ask any questions of anyone! :smiley:

    Pkat28 is right, this is a great group and we all do our own thing here. I'm an absolutely FIRM believer in less calories in than what is needed WILL get you where you want to be. I also hit the gym at LEAST 3 times a week, but that is a more recent development. The first 2 months I was just focused on eating well and tweaking my menu. I'm a creature of habit, hate cooking on work days though I adore it on weekends, so I tend to prep foods in bulk and pack them in containers/zip loc bags so they're ready to go for the whole week. But that's just my way. Others eat clean, eat vegan, eat all kinds of ways! What I think we all have in common is coming to the realization that little changes we can sustain for life is the key. Just like Pkat28 is learning a new way of living, I'm on a journey to develop good eating habits with success being realized by healthy eating 80% of the time. But I'm just blathering now...Sorry! What I wanted to say is read, read, read, take what you think will work for you, tweak it to make it fit you just right, and DON'T set your goals to high. The beginning is all about developing your plan, then sticking to it until it becomes a habit, and one day very very soon you'll realize that when you don't do it, you miss it! It's really that easy. Hope that helps a little :smiley:

    And to everyone else, I've got one more audit this week and then I'll be somewhat human again! YAY! Hopefully I can get back into eating good foods this week. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself because I'm also planning on quitting smoking ((((shiver)))) Wish me LUCK! And I hope you all have a great week!