Food Shaming...............



  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I tell them to research how weight loss works and to get out of my face. I then resume the eating of my ice cream.
  • MissPauling
    MissPauling Posts: 33 Member
    edited June 2015
    I don't get why it isn't enough to friendly explain to them once, and then go into ignore mode and not putting headphones off, continuing to eat and watching the show. Complete ignore, not even looking at them, helped me with annoying office "captain obvious knows best"people several times. They feel like the nuisance they are and stop trying.

    I wouldn't encourage them to talk in any way. This is what they want. They know everything better, because you know, they have read stuff in this and that magazine, or seen it in TV, and they are bored and seek for attention. Don't go on their playing field. You will lose there. Even if you win the discussion with proof and good arguments (and they will always find a ..but I read there and there ... ) it will cost you your time, nerves and joy. Forget it. They will have had a great time with that, they don't even care about the subject, and will come back to you until you start ignoring.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Unfortunately, office politics prohibit me from "place putting". Maybe a sign on the door "food amnesty zone". No food left behind.