Thinking about KETO! Just thinkin'!



  • whyhelloheart
    whyhelloheart Posts: 82 Member
    @spernoud right? It totally makes the most sense that our bodies should be using the energy source we already have to get through the day instead of replenishing it with other sources of energy.... although that sounds like I'm making it seem like we shouldn't eat at all. Hahah. I promise I don't mean that! :)

    What kind of snacks do you eat between meals?
  • Suzmp88
    Suzmp88 Posts: 48 Member
    What kind of snacks do you eat between meals?

    My go-tos are Blue Diamond dark chocolate flavor almonds (you can find big bags at walmart), regular almonds, string cheese, any kind of olives, any kind of pickles, a hard-boiled egg, and the Atkins shakes and bars are pretty good, but I have to be careful not to have more than 2 a day. An unconventional list, I know XD.
  • whyhelloheart
    whyhelloheart Posts: 82 Member
    @spernoud actually, that's a rad lookin' list of snacks! I went to the supermarket yesterday and I got a boatload of snacks and goodies! And actually a ton of what you said are already on my list! I got some guacamole, avocados, two blocks of cheese, string cheese, almonds, sunflower seeds, liquid eggs (although a full egg is probably better, but I'm still in "OH GOD CALORIES!" mode), turkey bacon, lotsa fish, and some other meat snack goodness.

    Yesterday, I ate around 16-20g of carbs. Today, WE DRINK WATER FOREVER! :)
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    @pmm3437 how many carbs are you looking at now? Maybe you're already in ketosis and you don't even know it! :)

    I bounce around too much to stay in ketosis, if I ever actually get into it for any period of time. My intake on an average day is about 75-125, but it can range from 15-200+

    When your trying to lose fat, you want your body to be burning ketones, which it gets from your fat stores or dietary fat intake. The trick/benefit of the Keto diet ( as I understand it ), is that your already doing this on a full time basis, negating any delay from your body switching between modes. Your still going to need to practice good CICO discipline, and eat appropriately for your goal.

    Low carb intake will lower the amount of glycogen available in your system, and therefore how much is stored. Lower levels of glycogen stored in muscle tissues will cause a reduction in water retention in the same tissues, which is necessary for that storage. This drop in water retention is the cause of the initial large weight drop most see in the 1st week or 2 of this type of meal plan.

    The benefits of low carb related to PCOS, IRS, etc are well documented and a quick search can give you more information than most ppl want at 1 sitting.

    On a side note, my typical snacks are nuts/nut butters ( PB on celery anyone ? ) or dairy ( cheese stick, cottage cheese ). I tend to eat snacks in the evening, and use them to balance out my macros for the day. Sometimes I will get into carbs at night as well. That means dark chocolate, frozen deserts, or even popcorn ( bonus fiber ). In the end, IIFYM it can be a snack.
  • whyhelloheart
    whyhelloheart Posts: 82 Member
    @pmm3427 THANK YOU! Thank you for explaining everything so thoroughly! I really appreciate it!

    See, I hear you talkin' about CICO and I'm like, "YEAH! I'm doin' that normally and I can still eat pasta, so why am I doing keto?" Hahah. I'm still trying to just let it happen.

    But, you're right, there's many benefits to a low carb diet in relation to PCOS and IRS. So, I guess that is the benefit of keto, too :)

    Actually, I had a cheese stick and almonds for a snack today! Chicken and avocado for lunch! Ta da!
  • whyhelloheart
    whyhelloheart Posts: 82 Member
    @pmm3427 THANK YOU! Thank you for explaining everything so thoroughly! I really appreciate it!

    See, I hear you talkin' about CICO and I'm like, "YEAH! I'm doin' that normally and I can still eat pasta, so why am I doing keto?" Hahah. I'm still trying to just let it happen.

    But, you're right, there's many benefits to a low carb diet in relation to PCOS and IRS. So, I guess that is the benefit of keto, too :)

    Actually, I had a cheese stick and almonds for a snack today! Chicken and avocado for lunch! Ta da!
  • Suzmp88
    Suzmp88 Posts: 48 Member
    @spernoud actually, that's a rad lookin' list of snacks! I went to the supermarket yesterday and I got a boatload of snacks and goodies! And actually a ton of what you said are already on my list! I got some guacamole, avocados, two blocks of cheese, string cheese, almonds, sunflower seeds, liquid eggs (although a full egg is probably better, but I'm still in "OH GOD CALORIES!" mode), turkey bacon, lotsa fish, and some other meat snack goodness.

    Yesterday, I ate around 16-20g of carbs. Today, WE DRINK WATER FOREVER! :)

    It sounds like you are off to a great start and I think you will be surprised after 2 weeks+ Keep me posted! Maybe we can swap recipes.

  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    As a fellow PCOS sufferer, I will say what my GYN told me. This woman has her multiple degress in not only gynecology but also nutrition and specializes in weight loss and PCOS. She recommended a low carb diet and it helped me drop some weight and start ovulating so I could get pregnant, like, within 2 months of starting, haha. Too bad I used breastfeeding as an excuse to eat anything and everything in way larger quantities than was warranted... Heh.

    ANYHOO! Just be sure you are eating 12-15 net carbs MINIMUM from some good ol' nutrient dense vegetables. Lots of people bash low carb diets (like Atkins) because "you don't eat any vegetables," but I know I eat WAY more vegetables on Atkins than I did when I was a vegetarian way back when. Eating a high fat/low carb diet is naturally keeps you in check regarding CICO AS LONG AS you're eating to satiety and not stuffing yourself full of butter and bacon long after you're full! I sometimes have to add a little snack at the end of the day to get up to my 1500 calorie goal, haha. :) Best of luck!
  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    If you go to they will send you a free quick start guide and carb counter, as well as some of their snacks. I don't personally like their snacks as they're full of sugar alcohols and other artificially created nonsense and I'd rather eat a handful of blueberries, but whatever floats your boat. :) They also have 2 programs now, Atkins20 that starts with 2 weeks of "induction" where you eat off a "strict" list (with over 100 acceptable veggies on it, it's not that restrictive) and then slowly increase your net carbs and add in different foods (like nuts, berries, yogurt, etc) to see what foods your body responds to by having cravings, holding on to pounds, etc. Their other program is Atkins40 that's geared toward those with less weight to lose, starts out at 40g net carbs a day, etc. etc. Just remember when logging your carbs on MFP, turn on your the FIBER column in your tracking, and subtract your fiber from your carbs for your total NET carbs daily. You want to be sure you're getting enough fiber too. :)