Yes, this is GROSS but can POO SWAPPING become an answer to our ''fat battle prayers''???



  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'm somewhat glad I accidentally fell asleep way too early tonight, and was awake to see this thread.
    I regret that it is now 6AM, and I am still reading about poop.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    poo swapping is a tried and tested treatment for certain issues, or 'faecal transplant' I think it's referred to. I believe they use it to transplant beneficial gut bacteria (via poo in pill form) into the gut of someone where the gut bacteria have been destroyed by antibiotics or other reasons.

    I read something recently whereby someone who'd had the transplant via donor poo from a sibling who was overweight, and became obese herself, with the blame partly being put on the new gut bacteria (she was better off however given her very ill condition beforehand), so it is probable that the reverse could work.
  • Tortitudekitty
    Tortitudekitty Posts: 67 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sounds like an idea formed from those gross "human centipede" films.

    I think I will pass*. :)

    *I mean not participate, lol!
  • palmettoadventurer
    palmettoadventurer Posts: 51 Member
    Poo swapping is not, and hopefully never will be, the answer to any of my prayers.
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    As someone who has ulcerative colitis, fecal transplant was at the end of a list of treatments for me should I ever needed it. Luckily, I got my gut under control and have been in remission, for the most part, for 5 years. I take heavy doses of probiotics and eat fermented pickles now daily for the good bacteria so I don't ever go through that hell I went through during a UC flare.

    For those that "poo poo" this idea (ha ha), you would greatly consider it if you slept in the bathroom because your gut was in such turmoil. I remember dropping 25 pounds in 2 weeks because of UC and trust me, that is not the weight loss tool you want to follow. As for poo swapping for weight loss? I think it would be stupid. You can repopulate your gut with good bacteria with probiotics, fermented foods and a good, clean eating plan (no processed crap to feed the bad bacteria). No need to resort to using someone else's fecal matter (gross!).
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Well dogs like to eat poop and a lot of them a pretty thin, so it must work. Right?

    I do not remember where i read it, but i heard that dogs are the only creatues besides humans that overeay. I gues that is why they are Man's best friend.

    I thing the story is full of s-h-i-t
  • arachnofobia7
    arachnofobia7 Posts: 50 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I'm sure that all of you know people who seem to be eating a lot but stay skinny
    For years, I was one of those. People saw me eating (mainly my coworkers) and kept commenting on how much I ate, but what people didn't see was the massive amount of exercise I was doing. I was cycling 10,000 km/year + walking a lot + skiing and snowshoeing in winter + weight lifting and taking yoga classes. I cycled to and from work ... I walked at lunch ... and I spent hours each evening and on the weekend being active.
    So ... next time you assume that someone is just magically skinny, you might inquire what they did on the weekend. :)
    And as for this idea ... no thank you.

    Well, for twenty years I used to live with my sister who happens to be stick skinny even though she eats a lot and she leads rather sedentary life (unless a weekly trip to a shopping mall counts as a high intensity cardio:) - so no assumptions on this one :)))
    On another hand ... there is me... cycling, running, swimming, playing tennis, walking the dog, cleaning, cooking, standing while teaching...and always slightly over the number I wish I was on...

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    Have any of you seen the movie called 'The Human Centipede'? I was never the same again. Have PTSD.

    I have some really weird desire to watch this when I'm wasted. I understand the concept of it- and it TOTALLY grosses me out.

    Like a train wreck- still want to watch.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    faithyang wrote: »
    Have any of you seen the movie called 'The Human Centipede'? I was never the same again. Have PTSD.

    I have some really weird desire to watch this when I'm wasted. I understand the concept of it- and it TOTALLY grosses me out.

    Like a train wreck- still want to watch.

    Oh, hell no. You're much braver than I. I'm going to go with "what is seen cannot be unseen" and leave it at that.

    And, @randomtai's gif is my exact reaction to this thread.
  • newfutures
    newfutures Posts: 113 Member
    I've come across this idea some time ago and here is a link that sheds some light on the concept:

    Before the debate starts and I get accused of spreading some ''woo science'' around, I want to assure you that I follow the classic principle of CICO along with moderate but regular and consistent exercise regime. I am more than happy with results and I am not going to change much (though I think I should start lifting:))
    HOWEVER - I always wondered, how comes that two siblings, following the same diet with similar activity level can be remotely different in terms of weight. For some time I was attached to the theory of ''body types'' which made sense to me, but as soon as I had mentioned it here I got told off:)

    I'm sure that all of you know people who seem to be eating a lot but stay skinny and vice versa - the others ( like myself) keep absorbing fat from air :)))

    This is how I came across that theory that it might be due to more or less ''efficient'' bacterias living in our guts and swapping them over could solve our ''fat issues'' forever???

    Have you heard of it? What do you think? Any professionals out there with some scientific/medical background to support/discredit the idea???

    I have NEVER heard of swapping bacteria with a person that would have ANY positive affects on anything. with that said if you are concerned that your digestive bacteria are not working up to par you can always take an over the counter probiotic and if you don't see improvement you can go to the doctor and request a Rx. Now as far as siblings using nutrients differently that is due to the specific person. Each person has their own dna. their own body types, hormone levels etc. My twin daughters are 5 months old and almost 2 lbs apart in size with completely different fat ratios. Jossy is leaner and overall smaller. Eva is chunkier and overall heavier. they are fed the exact SAME give or take an ounce. It just happens. There are a ton of factors involved with fat burn,storage,loss. its best just not worry about how big or small your siblings may be and just worry on the improvement of you. Don't compare yourself. No offense to anyone but I will continue my struggle. they can keep their poop. I would rather not do something so grotesque, reckless and DANGEROUS. There are safer and better ways to achieve what that article is describing. one keeping your feces to yourself and receiving petre grown bacteria that does not have the dangerous potentially fatal bacteria along with it.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Can I get a side of fries with that poop please and extra ketchup?
  • ScreeField
    ScreeField Posts: 180 Member
    edited June 2015
    this related article was an intriguing read:

    the topic has also been featured on a several popular podcasts over the last few years.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I've come across this idea some time ago and here is a link that sheds some light on the concept:

    Before the debate starts and I get accused of spreading some ''woo science'' around, I want to assure you that I follow the classic principle of CICO along with moderate but regular and consistent exercise regime. I am more than happy with results and I am not going to change much (though I think I should start lifting:))
    HOWEVER - I always wondered, how comes that two siblings, following the same diet with similar activity level can be remotely different in terms of weight. For some time I was attached to the theory of ''body types'' which made sense to me, but as soon as I had mentioned it here I got told off:)

    I'm sure that all of you know people who seem to be eating a lot but stay skinny and vice versa - the others ( like myself) keep absorbing fat from air :)))

    This is how I came across that theory that it might be due to more or less ''efficient'' bacterias living in our guts and swapping them over could solve our ''fat issues'' forever???

    Have you heard of it? What do you think? Any professionals out there with some scientific/medical background to support/discredit the idea???

    you first mention "body types" and the fact that you were "told off"

    probably because the entire concept is a complete falsehood

    and bacteria or not, CICO is still CICO, sorry to burst your bubble :neutral:
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    How did I not know about this? Goodbye healthy diet and exercise. Hello poop swapping.

    We should start a group where people can find their poop swap partner.
  • jeremysnana54
    jeremysnana54 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a round of antibiotics hat upset my flora. I was fat before, and fat after. I have introduced multiple supposed good bacteria into my diet, to remedy my lack of good bacteria. It's been about 4 months and my Gut is still a mess.
    Diet, MFP, and exercise is the only thing helping me to lose weight.
  • beatadr
    beatadr Posts: 6 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    faithyang wrote: »
    Have any of you seen the movie called 'The Human Centipede'? I was never the same again. Have PTSD.

    I have some really weird desire to watch this when I'm wasted. I understand the concept of it- and it TOTALLY grosses me out.

    Like a train wreck- still want to watch.

    I watched it... I don't think I'd be able to stomach the sequel though ;).
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »

    I don't want anyone's poop anywhere near me, nor will I be offering up my poop to anyone else.

    Oh, I will. If anyone wants my poop, it's yours for the low, low price of 9.99, plus shipping. Free local delivery!

    I think there are already businesses where you can have poop delivered to people's doors...except it's cow poop, and you usually do it to someone you don't like.
    Lol! I would never waste money on something like that when it could be given to people who need it, BUT it's kind of funny to think about. A little crazy, but funny. :)

    Haha, I'd also wonder how legal that is...and those poor mailmen/FedEx drivers!

    I asked at the Post Office today.

    Mailing poo is not allowed. Kinda figured, but now I got it from the horse's mouth. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited June 2015
    Talk about grasping for magic cures. I'll continue to push myself to overcome my bad ingrained eating habits and focus on a deficit. You can go ahead and try to eat poo.

    If the only way to lose weight was by eating feces (or trying to go through some medical procedure to put someone else's feces into my body), I'd be okay just staying fat at that point.