Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • TMudong
    TMudong Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. New here. Decided that I truly want to lose this weight and willing to do what it takes!! Started logging my foods and it really makes me stop and pay attention!! I'm tired of being embarrassed by my size, sweating a lot and having joint pain. Ready to start this journey
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    thank you cblue315 I am blessed by all your warm wishes!
    Today I gave blood, (I have A Neg so they are always calling me). I have a scar on my right arm from giving platelets in CA, and I usually have to tell them to just be brave and stick under the scaring. This lady wanted to do the middle part of my right arm, because she felt a vein. Well, it wasn't to be, and so she tried the right arm. Thank goodness she got it. I was a blue baby when I was born so I try to give every 8 weeks. Gave at 3pm so this afternoon I was konked out until about 5pm. Giving blood isn't always easy, but its one thing I can do that is like running a marathon. It makes me feel like a super woman, and if you ever have a chance to do it, DO. Its 30 minutes out of your daily routine.
    night night all....
    Becca by the beach making new blood .... :smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited June 2015
    @pmary665~Achilles tendon injuries are the bane of my existence. :anguished: I’ve torn my left twice, most recently in January which put me in a boot for 6 weeks, was out for about a month and then put back in—this time with the repeat tear (at the insertion point) it took a piece of bone with it (avulsion fracture). I follow-up with the ortho next week, I feel like I’m actually making progress though this time (probably because my ortho benched me from all activity). I hope this buys me some time at least; he really wants to surgically repair everything and lengthen my Achilles, but I have a cruise coming up in less than two months so need to postpone until late Fall. The best thing you can do for yourself, especially after exercising, is ice the area. Ice massage works best—I put Styrofoam cups filled with about an inch of water in the freezer, and then remove the top half of the cup and place ice directly on skin and massage the area(s) for 8-10 minute increments. It is very cold but it works. Stretch often.

    Welcome @TMudong and any other newlings that have stopped by~The best first step you can make is to not make any changes but just log your meals, its eye-opening. Once you do that it’s easy to start making changes, but just change one thing until it becomes a habit then work on something else.

    @Annr (Becca)~I get a lot of calls to donate blood too, you do burn calories so it’s like a workout but with better benefits by helping your community. Good for you.

    AFM~Really not much to report, work has been busy and I'm trying to get some things organized and attempt some deep cleaning in my house before traveling to my sisters for July 4th weekend (and my parents anniversary celebration :smiley:). I made some dietary changes a couple of weeks ago--I'm not diabetic but started eating a low glycemic diet, its really made a difference. Its curbed a lot of cravings, has made a difference in the way I feel and my energy is up--this tells me I'm really sensitive to carbs (kind of knew that already) but its a sustainable way of eating (for me). I am starting to see changes on the scale, its slower than I'd like but as long as its a downward trend I'm happy. :wink:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi all,
    This is an open invitation to participate in the MOBO MOTO June Mini Challenge, June 20-29. MOBO MOTO is a challenge group for the morbidly obese. It's an open group, so to join, just search and click.
    For the challenge, choose your goal(s), name your reward, then give it your best ten-day effort! My goals are to log food every day, exercise every day, and follow a meal plan. My reward is $100 to spend at a local spa. I'm giving myself $1 for each percentage point, so if I complete my goals at 60%, I still get a reward of $60. I'm not perfect--but I make progress!

    Please join in if you like a motivating, challenging type of group, or message me if you have questions!

    Karen in Maine
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning everyone.
    I also give blood, I think I have 2 more times to give until I reach 6 gallons given. B)
    Happy World Sauntering Day!
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "World Sauntering Day" is celebrated on the 19th day of June every year. The purpose is to remind us to take it easy, smell the roses, to slow down and enjoy life as opposed to rushing through it. It is also sometimes referred to as International Sauntering Day
    The exact year of its origin is 1979, and it is believed to have begun at Grand Hotel (Mackinac Island) in Michigan. The Grand Hotel has the world's longest porch at 660 feet in length. The holiday was created by W.T. Rabe in response to the growing popularity of jogging. The idea behind the day was to encourage people to slow down and appreciate the world around them.
    This day, June 19 has been used as an opportunity to uplift people (one example is the Totally Unique Thoughts group and free Notes from the Universe and remind us of the well-being which is around us everywhere if we will choose to look for it, focus on it, and let it grow in our hearts and in our lives.
    Also in some places, World Sauntering Day is celebrated on the 28th of August but the official date will always be June 19.
    Sauntering is a verb describing a style of walking; it is not a sashay, prance, trot, or lollygag. It is simply to walk slowly, preferably with a joyful disposition. Sauntering has been spoken of most notably by many of the naturalist writers in history including Henry David Thoreau and John Burroughs. See saunter

    I thought growing up was something that happened automatically as you got older. But it turns out it's something you have to choose to do. ~From the television show Scrubs


  • pmary665
    pmary665 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks @kah68 for the information, I will try icing it to see if that helps. With the night splint, it doesn't hurt when I first begin moving about in the morning, but it hurts later after I have been still for a while and begin walking. I am still using the gel the doctor gave and now will be adding icing for soreness. Thanks
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pmary--My only advice is to make sure you are wearing the right shoes. I had tendonitis in my Achilles when I was a teenager and learned at that time that I really need to wear shoes with good arch support. I was reminded of this a few years back with a flare up of plantars faciitis. Now whenever I spend too many days in unsupportive shoes, both my arches and my Achilles start aching.

    @tom-- I remember getting my 5 gallon pin, butthat was quite a few years ago. I think I must be getting close to 10 gallons. :smile:

    @kelley-- I'm also sensitive to carbs--just over the past few days I've done so much better by avoiding them, especially early in the day. If I start with carbs, I just want to eat, eat, eat all day. Saving them for the evening makes a bog difference in my overall numbers. I hope you can put off the surgery until after your trip.

    @becca-- Happy birthday!! Sorry I missed it. I've also given blood regularly since I was in my 20s. Then, last year when I returned from the DR, they deferred me for a year. :cry: I can't wait until July 2nd which is when I'm eligible again. I am type O+ so a universal donor. Also, Kelley is right about burning calories. According to we about 650 calories in the 48 hours following donation. Our bodies use those calories to replace the fluids. When I donate, I always log 325 exercise calories on the day of, and the day after, donating.

    @kaye-- I'm sure your party will be wonderful no matter where it's held. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    @lori-- wow, can't believe your next tri is only 3 weeks away. Go you!

    I missed Thursday Truth yesterday, so here it is:
    I had my ortho appt. yesterday and he said the tear in my labrium is not what's causing the mobility issues, so he doesn't think surgery will help. Instead, he gave me another cortisone shot to break up the scar tissue that causing my shoulder to freeze and wants me to do 6 more weeks of "aggressive" physical therapy before seeing him again. My truth is that I'm glad I don't need surgery, but am not looking forward to the work I'm going to have to put in to get this thing fixed.

    Friday Fitness:
    I added some leg and core work back into my workout the other day, and my abs are feeling it. Today, I will go back to the gym and do it again.

    June Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 25/30 days -- 10/25

    Exercise = run 10 x minimum this month including at least one 8k.
    2/10 runs; x/1 8ks

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym or run outside

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes

  • pmary665
    pmary665 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks @skinnyjeanzbound for your advice.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    @Cuble315 Wow you have a full plate! It is good you did not crumble and go down that pitty pot/stressed out road. Good for you.
    @morgori My splurge day was late weekend, which cost me on the scale. Up 6 lbs. but I think that is due to a bunch of salty peanuts at the ball game last night. We will see.
    @TMudong Welcome, logging your food honestly will really open your eyes to food/snacks that are SO bad for you it will amaze you. Get a food scale for another eye opener.

    AFM: I am doing ok, like I said my scale was up but I really did expect some not that much. It is hard to keep your nose to the grind stone to lose 1-2 lbs. and how easy they just jump back on. Sad. Well I know it is just a minor setback and it might be due to handfuls of salty peanuts. Last night we went to the ball park to watch my son and his girlfriend’s team win. They are in a co-ed league and really kick some butt last night.
    My garden is growing should have tomatoes soon and cucumbers. Only one zucchini plant this year as we cannot keep up with the three we had last year. We are trying some spaghetti squash too since we found a great recipe for them. Of course jalapeno and green pepper.
    No pulled calf again this week, so happy. I still did not do my PT at home yet this week. CRAP. I really need to just set a reminder in my phone, but it seems at the end of the day it is so hard to get up and do one more thing.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound- Hey who you calling a butthat ( most just call me asshat or butthead) :D>:)th_lets-roll.gif All the pints I donated when I was back east are not on my records for United Blood Services here out west, so I'm not sure how many I have given overall. I usually do 3 doubles a year. It even counts as an event in the Vegas corporate challenge.

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    All you butthats calm down!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @morgori, @skinnyjeanz, @kah, I am so jealous. I was just getting back into the donating when I got cancer last year, and now I can't donate for at least 5 years until I get off the Arimidex. Boo hoo! Well I wasn't even back to a gallon (it had been years and years since I donated) but I really wanted to donate and I really LIKE to donate, so it's a bummer for me. I'm A+, not as universally desired as O+ or AB- or whatever, but common enough that I was always welcomed. Oh well <sigh>.
    @ushkii - shake it off hun, and get back on the wagon. Learn from it though - skip the salty peanuts and go for fruit instead, or something else healthy.
    I've been suffering some stomach issues the last few days but I'm on the mend. Haven't gotten to work out, but my diet's been pretty good, I logged another LB loss, and MFP tweaked my calorie allowance downward as a result. Ah well, it's ok, I'm getting better at judging what I should eat - I usually pack my food for the day at home and then log it at work, and I'm not usually far off from what's allowed. I eat a LOT of veggies, tho I'm not by any means a vegetarian - I just love veggies. So that helps in controlling my calorie count, since I fill up on those and don't have much room left for other things. Late night snacking is my bane tho, so I usually leave some soup or veggies or something that I can eat late without too much damage (you know I work nights....).
    DH is still in the nursing/rehab facility... not sure if he WANTS to come home, or if he's afraid to come home and not have someone around 24/7 - I kinda feel the same way. Not sure what's going to happen once he does, 'cause I have to work, no options there, and I'm not sure if we're going to be able to get someone to keep an eye on him while I'm gone. Will just have to wait and see. But he does seem to be stronger so maybe he'll come home soon.
    This weekend is father's day, not sure what we will do. Anybody have fun plans?
    Tracy (TX)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Last night I was soo hot sleeping....pretty much like that all the time I give blood. Like my body turned up the temp to make more blood... Not hot like a fever though. This morning I was really tired, but I walked anyway. The people I walk with aren't fast walkers so it went fine. Partly raining and partly sunny. Invigorating!
    @Morgori Good for you in giving! I think I am only at the 2.5 gallon mark. I need to research about trying to combine all my donations from California and Oregon, so I can see just how much I have done. At least to keep track.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @Morgori were you donating platelets there? I have a scar where I have donated lots (about 10 times in California) Sometimes even a double donation!
  • knkirk80
    knkirk80 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all! I'm Kara. New to this thread but not to MFP. I have 100+ to lose and definitely need the support and motivation. I look forward to getting to know everyone! :)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound aww thanks for the belated wishes. I felt like a queen with all the the well wishes on here, and with my TOPS group. Truely blessed to have you all! You are entitled to a break now and then, you body will appreciate it :smiley: That is cool to know that I burn calories in donating. I am drinking water like a fish today as well.
    ok...weird. Police were here at my apartment complex looking for an escaped Iquana. They found him though. Coastal police are cool. All three of them. We have two police cars as well. Don't get into trouble on the weekends though. I knocked on the police station door, and there weas no one answering. I had a huge box of my husbands medications that I was turning in to their on site medicine recycling center there. Not that day though. Sometimes the police put a car in a certain "Y" in one of the main roads to the highway. In the car is a realistic policeman cut out. It does make you slow down!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hurray today the last day of school and work. It was a bitter-sweat day since we have to many people leaving the school and getting a new principal. I did get in a long bike ride today after work. I went 20 miles with my co-worker who is an avid biker. I learned several things from her today so that should make riding easier in the future. Hopefully, we will ride together again in the near future. The only problem was the heat and humidity today so I really did not feel like eating after the ride but managed to eat something. Now at 9:50 pm I am hungry and I already had a snack tonight.

    Have a great day. Tomorrow I have a swim meet so another busy day. Sunday should be quiet due to rain coming into the area. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • TMudong
    TMudong Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2015
    Annr Thanku for your platelet donations!! My 14 year old daughter has ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenia) which basically means that her body attacks and destroys platelets.(meaning if her platelets are at critical levels and she gets in a car accident or something she could bleed to death). Twice since Jan she's had critical levels and has had to have platelet infusions. So Thanku we appreciate those who donate

    It's been hot here (100 yesterday and 103 today!) so I've been sweating and hot! My family wanted to go to Taco Bell today and I was shocked that my favorite taco salad has 780 calories!! I settled for a couple taco's and was glad I ate a lite lunch!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Welcome to all of the new folks! :smile:

    @laurie--woohoo! you are done with the school year! It is always sad when people leave. I've those who are truly friends end up remaining a part of my life despite not working with me. I hope the same is true for you. A new principal is always anxiety-inducing. Have you met the new person, or do you know anything about her/him?

    @tom--love the picture of your donation! Two more weeks and I'll be back in that chair!

    AFM--last night I went to see a play written by a life-long friend. She also directed and acted in it. It was really good, though I liked the last one she did better. The venue was at a bar/restaurant so sort of a dinner theater style. Despite the show being good, the service and food at the bar were terrible. I ordered a chicken caesar salad, and it was tiny with about 1 oz of chicken. They brought the dressing on the side and there was barely 2 tblsps in the dish. At least I don't use much normally, but it was pretty disappointing for $11. Overall, a nice night out with friends though.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, my first week of summer vacation has been pretty good. I didn't make my protein goal every day, but I've done very well at staying under calories. The one day I went over this week was more than made up for on the days I was under goal. I also got to the gym twice to run. Still haven't done my 8k for the month. I think that's gonna have to be on Monday b/c today I'm cleaning the fish tank (yuck!) and tomorrow we go to my sister's for Father's Day.

    June Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 25/30 days -- 10/25

    Exercise = run 10 x minimum this month including at least one 8k.
    3/10 runs; x/1 8ks

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym or run outside

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @TMudong - sorry to hear about you daughter's health problems but it sounds like you have learned to live with it. Where do you live that it's already in the triple digits? Normally by now here in central Texas it would have hit trips but thanks to El Niño we've had an exceptionally wet and relatively cool spring/early summer.