
so I've been staying on track and eating right and exercising and trying to stay motivated today was just a bad day for me I went to school for her to see a counselor and she straight out call me fat and that was impossible to reach my goals I thought counselors were there to help you and try to encourage you so you can reach her goals not bring you down I just feel a little bit down because of what she said I'm still doing what I need to do it just is hard sometimes when you have someone saying negative things about you


  • Nursie863
    Nursie863 Posts: 55 Member
    People can be cruel. Some people can be condescending or insulting without even realizing they're doing it, others are jealous and are struggling with their own issues, but whatever the reason, it doesn't hurt any less. Just have faith in yourself and your goals, and realize that there are many, many more people supporting you and cheering you on than people trying to cut you down. Hang in there!!
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    Use those comments and get mad. F you I WILL do this!!!!!
  • cher561956
    cher561956 Posts: 13 Member
    You are better than the counsellor, sounds like they need to see someone. Their role is to be supportive, offer suggestions and where one can get help. Rise above them! Be the better person and do this for yourself!!
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    Nursie863 wrote: »
    People can be cruel. Some people can be condescending or insulting without even realizing they're doing it, others are jealous and are struggling with their own issues, but whatever the reason, it doesn't hurt any less. Just have faith in yourself and your goals, and realize that there are many, many more people supporting you and cheering you on than people trying to cut you down. Hang in there!!

    It's true people don't always see how hurtful words can be I'm not going let it get me down I was for a while today but made me think I'm not going let her win I will win I will do this and loose the weight and join the military as my goal and dream to succeed :)
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    I feel like I should turn her in what if she does this to other students. And it's not right I go I there for my academics not to talk about my weight I get in over weight but she has no right telling me that is out of her area I can see a coach telling me to drop weight but not a guidance counselor thank you all for your kind words and support
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    This is so bizarre. Did it come up because you two were chatting casually and weight came up? Also, what is your target weight and how long were you trying to reach the goal? Is this for any kind of army recruitment (based on your user name?). This person you went to meet sounds totally crazy, I'm pretty much flabbergasted and wondering if there's any sense to be made of this!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    This is so bizarre. Did it come up because you two were chatting casually and weight came up? Also, what is your target weight and how long were you trying to reach the goal? Is this for any kind of army recruitment (based on your user name?). This person you went to meet sounds totally crazy, I'm pretty much flabbergasted and wondering if there's any sense to be made of this!

    Yea confused as well....... your counselor called you FAT? What type of counselor are you seeing that would be so blunt. Are they licensed or .......yea makes no sense.. shrugs
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    I feel like I should turn her in what if she does this to other students. And it's not right I go I there for my academics not to talk about my weight I get in over weight but she has no right telling me that is out of her area I can see a coach telling me to drop weight but not a guidance counselor thank you all for your kind words and support

    Are you in high school or college?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    If the profile / username age is correct, maybe they're trying to get in before age 35?
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    If your counselor straight-out called you fat, that is 100% wrong. But if I'm interpreting the situation correctly and you are a 34-year-old woman with 95 pounds to lose and a dream to join the military, well . . .maybe your advisor was trying to suggest that it might be a better idea to look into a different line of work. And unless you want to join some of the reserves, she's right: http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/a/enlage.htm

    I don't want to discourage you--you absolutely can lose this weight, and you will find a fulfilling career--but this particular dream probably won't work out.
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    This is so bizarre. Did it come up because you two were chatting casually and weight came up? Also, what is your target weight and how long were you trying to reach the goal? Is this for any kind of army recruitment (based on your user name?). This person you went to meet sounds totally crazy, I'm pretty much flabbergasted and wondering if there's any sense to be made of this!

    No I was starting school and had to see counselor talking about my goals and she said my scheduled looked fine I told her my goal to go in military she said straight out how do you expect to do that your fat word for word I said she was being rude and she said no it's truth
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't have 95 pounds to loose They don't just go of weight u can also be taped and only need to drop 2% body fat so no I don't see it being unrealistic.
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    To be at weight it's 50 pounds not 90 but I have tell April to complete it all I just have to be at basic before April. And my recruiter said won't be a problem bc I'm on track and doing well
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    I don't have 95 pounds to loose They don't just go of weight u can also be taped and only need to drop 2% body fat so no I don't see it being unrealistic.

    How much do you weigh, how tall are you and whats your age?

    Btw context is everything. Even if the counsellor was rude I just get the impression you are quite sensitive as well.
    It might be hrd, but you cna cchoose how you react and whether you let it get to you.

    Stik to being at a consistent deficit and you will lose.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    This is so bizarre. Did it come up because you two were chatting casually and weight came up? Also, what is your target weight and how long were you trying to reach the goal? Is this for any kind of army recruitment (based on your user name?). This person you went to meet sounds totally crazy, I'm pretty much flabbergasted and wondering if there's any sense to be made of this!

    No I was starting school and had to see counselor talking about my goals and she said my scheduled looked fine I told her my goal to go in military she said straight out how do you expect to do that your fat word for word I said she was being rude and she said no it's truth

    I agree you should report her. I can't think of any reason she should go around mentioning people's weight. And as you've said, the military recruiter is the one that'll give you the latest and proper info on this. Geez people already have body issues, the gall of her to add to it so blatantly!

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    To be at weight it's 50 pounds not 90 but I have tell April to complete it all I just have to be at basic before April. And my recruiter said won't be a problem bc I'm on track and doing well

    Oh, I was going by your profile. Well, ignore the school counselor and go by what your recruiter says. You can definitely lose 50 pounds before next April.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Well... counselor was rude yes. Prove her wrong.

    That said. If you let a little thing like this get you upset, how are you going to get through basic? It is very very brutal both physically and emotionally.

    I have a good friend who decided to g into the Air Force about 10 years ago. She also had to drop quite a bit of weight to get in and she worked hard and did it. Basic was really hard on her. She called crying sometimes because she was so overwhelmed and I just told her to suck it up. She wanted this, she could handle it. And she did. She went through a lot of hard stuff. Keeping weight off was an issue for her once she got stationed. She had some other problems as well. But she got through her 6 years of enlistment, got her education and is now a teacher with a gorgeous cattle ranch. She has a wonderful life with a great husband. Life still throws some tough challenges at her but I think she really made a good choice when she decided to join up. It showed her just how strong she really is.

    So don't go letting some ignorant comment hold you back. Use it as fuel to motivate you through the first of what will be a lot of very difficult obstacles in your path.
  • Tony1176
    Tony1176 Posts: 1 Member
    Use her kind(notso)words as fuel..
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Well... counselor was rude yes. Prove her wrong.

    That said. If you let a little thing like this get you upset, how are you going to get through basic? It is very very brutal both physically and emotionally.

    I have a good friend who decided to g into the Air Force about 10 years ago. She also had to drop quite a bit of weight to get in and she worked hard and did it. Basic was really hard on her. She called crying sometimes because she was so overwhelmed and I just told her to suck it up. She wanted this, she could handle it. And she did. She went through a lot of hard stuff. Keeping weight off was an issue for her once she got stationed. She had some other problems as well. But she got through her 6 years of enlistment, got her education and is now a teacher with a gorgeous cattle ranch. She has a wonderful life with a great husband. Life still throws some tough challenges at her but I think she really made a good choice when she decided to join up. It showed her just how strong she really is.

    So don't go letting some ignorant comment hold you back. Use it as fuel to motivate you through the first of what will be a lot of very difficult obstacles in your path.

    Completely agree with this as the attitdue you will find helpful. Use it to spur you on and get to your target of getting into the forces. The next 3-6 months are vital to get to your target as you should be well on your way by Christmas. Break it down into mini diets of say 4-6 weeks.
  • Felicia_Fawn
    Felicia_Fawn Posts: 5 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    I don't have 95 pounds to loose They don't just go of weight u can also be taped and only need to drop 2% body fat so no I don't see it being unrealistic.

    You can do that easily :) I'm in the Army & I always get taped & I pass. I use preparation H & Saran Wrap but I am sick of having to stress getting taped so I'm losing weight. As long as u can pass this tape, u can lose all the weight in basic. Before Meps I was 130 when my recruiter weighed me, 2 weeks later I was 114 at Meps then 105 after basic