


  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    To be at weight it's 50 pounds not 90 but I have tell April to complete it all I just have to be at basic before April. And my recruiter said won't be a problem bc I'm on track and doing well

    Oh, I was going by your profile. Well, ignore the school counselor and go by what your recruiter says. You can definitely lose 50 pounds before next April.

    I don't know why my profile says that weird I'm 200 max weight go in is 155 I'm
    New to this site don't know how to fix it
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over slipping up for one day. It won't affect you if you climb back on the wagon and begin meeting your calorie goals again. You can do it! You've received some really good advice here, I hope it helps you. Good luck!
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    Well... counselor was rude yes. Prove her wrong.

    That said. If you let a little thing like this get you upset, how are you going to get through basic? It is very very brutal both physically and emotionally.

    I have a good friend who decided to g into the Air Force about 10 years ago. She also had to drop quite a bit of weight to get in and she worked hard and did it. Basic was really hard on her. She called crying sometimes because she was so overwhelmed and I just told her to suck it up. She wanted this, she could handle it. And she did. She went through a lot of hard stuff. Keeping weight off was an issue for her once she got stationed. She had some other problems as well. But she got through her 6 years of enlistment, got her education and is now a teacher with a gorgeous cattle ranch. She has a wonderful life with a great husband. Life still throws some tough challenges at her but I think she really made a good choice when she decided to join up. It showed her just how strong she really is.

    So don't go letting some ignorant comment hold you back. Use it as fuel to motivate you through the first of what will be a lot of very difficult obstacles in your path.

    I know she was rude and I know basic was will be tough yes I'm little sensitive at times but the point was it was uncalled for was my point I can see a drill Sargent picking on me for it but not a guidance counselor. I'm not letting it get me down its making me push forward so when people say no u can't do it or it's not realistic that makes me work twice as hard and work my *kitten* off That's great about your friend sounds like she has amazing life.
  • Armygirl34
    Armygirl34 Posts: 11 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    I don't have 95 pounds to loose They don't just go of weight u can also be taped and only need to drop 2% body fat so no I don't see it being unrealistic.

    You can do that easily :) I'm in the Army & I always get taped & I pass. I use preparation H & Saran Wrap but I am sick of having to stress getting taped so I'm losing weight. As long as u can pass this tape, u can lose all the weight in basic. Before Meps I was 130 when my recruiter weighed me, 2 weeks later I was 114 at Meps then 105 after basic

    What does preparation h and Saran Wrap do that is pretty impressive lost so much so quick have you ever tried the 3 day military diet ?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    Well... counselor was rude yes. Prove her wrong.

    That said. If you let a little thing like this get you upset, how are you going to get through basic? It is very very brutal both physically and emotionally.

    I have a good friend who decided to g into the Air Force about 10 years ago. She also had to drop quite a bit of weight to get in and she worked hard and did it. Basic was really hard on her. She called crying sometimes because she was so overwhelmed and I just told her to suck it up. She wanted this, she could handle it. And she did. She went through a lot of hard stuff. Keeping weight off was an issue for her once she got stationed. She had some other problems as well. But she got through her 6 years of enlistment, got her education and is now a teacher with a gorgeous cattle ranch. She has a wonderful life with a great husband. Life still throws some tough challenges at her but I think she really made a good choice when she decided to join up. It showed her just how strong she really is.

    So don't go letting some ignorant comment hold you back. Use it as fuel to motivate you through the first of what will be a lot of very difficult obstacles in your path.

    I know she was rude and I know basic was will be tough yes I'm little sensitive at times but the point was it was uncalled for was my point I can see a drill Sargent picking on me for it but not a guidance counselor. I'm not letting it get me down its making me push forward so when people say no u can't do it or it's not realistic that makes me work twice as hard and work my *kitten* off That's great about your friend sounds like she has amazing life.

    I agree with using the comment as fuel. I do also like to think the military could use empathetic people like you, who will handle things like you intend to, in order to ensure that she doesn't do this to someone else

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    This is a college counselor? You are attending college?
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    edited June 2015
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    I don't have 95 pounds to loose They don't just go of weight u can also be taped and only need to drop 2% body fat so no I don't see it being unrealistic.

    You can do that easily :) I'm in the Army & I always get taped & I pass. I use preparation H & Saran Wrap but I am sick of having to stress getting taped so I'm losing weight. As long as u can pass this tape, u can lose all the weight in basic. Before Meps I was 130 when my recruiter weighed me, 2 weeks later I was 114 at Meps then 105 after basic

    What does preparation h and Saran Wrap do that is pretty impressive lost so much so quick have you ever tried the 3 day military diet ?

    You can change your weight by going here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided Your profile currently says 5 pounds lost, 95 to go; that is why I initially agreed with your advisor.

    The 3 Day Military Diet isn't from the military--it is a very low-calorie diet, whenever a thread is made about it it is locked and removed because it is unsafe. Do not do that to yourself. All the Saran Wrap is doing is causing her to lose water weight so she has the right number for the scale--seems like it would be easier to eat fewer calories than you burn instead of going through that ordeal over and over again.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Armygirl34 wrote: »
    I know she was rude and I know basic was will be tough yes I'm little sensitive at times but the point was it was uncalled for was my point I can see a drill Sargent picking on me for it but not a guidance counselor. I'm not letting it get me down its making me push forward so when people say no u can't do it or it's not realistic that makes me work twice as hard and work my *kitten* off That's great about your friend sounds like she has amazing life.

    Sometimes in life you meet people like that. Keep in mind that how they behave is their problem. How you react to it is yours.

    Just let it go.