

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Oh wow I totally missed this, thanks for posting @caitwn!

    Glad you like it! I think part of the issue with missing posts here isn't so much that the thread is busy (though that's part of it), but it's more that when folks respond, they tend to quote the ENTIRE POST they are replying to, including lengthy blocks of text and/or images and photos. It doesn't take long to burn through multiple pages that way, and bury other new posts in the process.

    Another issue on message boards like this one is when people respond with a separate post to every person they are replying to, rather than combining responses in a single post, with individual callouts like "@LBuerhle38, thanks for that feedback!", followed by individual call-outs to others you're replying to. Honestly, handling responses that way is an expectation on a lot of boards because it's considered to be courteous to other posters. I haven't really pushed the issue here because I know nobody is deliberately trying to bury new posts or to 'drown out' other posts with pages of repeated big photos/blocks of text. But it is maybe worth taking a second to think about before hitting that 'quote' + 'reply'.

    I am guilty of the above infraction and I apologize. :( I've tried several times to delete anything I'm not personally responding to or do multiple responses in once reply, but I often screw it up and have to start all over again.

    I actually do it purposely most of the time, because a lot of posters just don't have time to catch up and they rely on the quoted posts to keep up with ongoing conversations. If everyone responded by tagging, I'd probably lose track myself, and I've never missed a single post!
  • kpingry84
    kpingry84 Posts: 11 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    I've done it. No shame here. I've actually mixed a little cold water and made it kinda into a pudding. It's been a looooong time since I've done it.
  • kpingry84
    kpingry84 Posts: 11 Member
    kbmnurse wrote: »
    I still sneak a smoke once in a awhile. UGGGG I know

    I do it too =/
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I haven't posted in here for a while. I've been feeling pretty down lately. I've been reading it all, though--Sadly there have been too many posts that needed attention that I didn't catch up on, so consider all of you in my thoughts.

    I feel like such a loser. Ever since Ramadan started I've been fasting all day, then spending the night pigging out and eating TONS of food instead of worshipping or spending extra time in prayer. I have NEVER done this before, and I don't know what's wrong with me. I've probably gained even more over my recent 20-ish pound weight gain.

    I feel worthless and out of control and like a fat pig. I don't really know what to do. Still trying, though.
    You are very wrong. Mr Shark says you're super great! Maybe take a break and concentrate on what's important to you this month. Weight loss can wait.

    That's what a lot of people here don't really get, I guess since my wording was poor. Basically, Ramadan is about worship, and when my stomach is so full that I want to puke all the way up until noon the next day, I'm really not able to focus on worship OR feeling the hunger that we're supposed to experience. I just feel sick all the time. :(

    We're supposed to eat lightly/moderately so we feel up to worship and prayer--not stuff our faces until we want to puke and/or pass out. :(

    I'm hurting for you right now. Do you know what the source of that urge is? Can you get out of the house in the evenings and do something? Or, get rid of a lot of the foods? I know that goes against your previous plan of just having it on hand and telling yourself that you can have some when you want. I'm grasping for suggestions right now because you are too smart, too good of a person to be suffering like this.

    I think I do--I've never eaten emotionally, but recently I seem to have been using stress/gloom/general bad moods as an excuse to eat whatever I want, and it's become a habit--now that it's a habit, it's the first thing that pops to the forefront when I'm feeling stressed out or upset about something, which was never the case before.

    For now, I've just stopped buying baking ingredients--they're not the issue, but the amount of calories in them does more damage when I overeat than if I overate on plain bread or hummus or something similar. It won't eliminate or even help the problem, but it might help the "calorie mess" be a little smaller when I do mess up.

    I think I need to eliminate the habit by force, honestly. Just struggle through until it's no longer my first thought when I feel bad.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    Friday night the husband and I went to Outback for dinner. I was not thrilled about this because I didn't think I had enough calories for Outback because I always get the Alice Springs Chicken with fries. I decided to order the chicken, but subbed fries with steamed broccoli, which, if you've being paying attention at all, you'll know how incredibly difficult that decision was. I regretted not getting the fries until I tasted the broccoli, it was delicious. I ended up only eating half my dinner, and I even got to share a piece of cheesecake with my love and STILL managed a deficit. Yay, me!

    Saturday, my daughter and I were going to go shopping for Father's Day, my eye appointment, and get some last minute things for our trip, but we were also going to go to the candy shop for snacks so my husband wanted to come too. We ended up going to the candy shop first which was a big success except they were out of my favorite trail mix (luckily, I still had some left over from the last visit) so I got buttered toffee pecans (holy sweet, salty, and crunchy, they are amazing), and some dried apples. He got mostly candy. :smile:

    From there, we went to the mall since that's where my appointment was to kill some time, but also so I wouldn't be late. We ended up in JCP looking at dresses. Husband picked out some he wanted me to try on (his questionable taste presented itself again) but nothing worked. We met up outside in the sitting area of the mall and he asked me if I wanted to kill some more time at Helzberg, and I said sure. Long story short, we ended up looking at diamond rings and bridal sets. I didn't think we were really going to purchase anything since he said we'd do shopping in Florida. Apparently, he'd been really thinking about that and decided if we were going to get one, he wanted to get it before we went so it could be sized and everything beforehand. I tried on several rings before falling head over heals for a 1/2 ct. princess cut in white gold. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I could not quit staring at it. That's pretty much how I felt the first time I laid eyes on him. Love at first sight. Anywho, I tried on a few different guards and finally found a perfect fit. The lady sized my finger (size 5 btw, I was pretty shocked by that) and I was off to my appointment.

    My appointment took maybe 20 minutes so I went to Auntie Anne's for pretzels and a DP ( I know, I was doing to so good) and then headed back to Helzberg. Well, come to find out, he bought the ring while I was at my appointment and was finishing up paperwork and stuff when I got back. I was shocked, I didn't expect to get anything finished so soon. Turns out, the ring I picked out is a VVS2 (3rd from highest quality you can get) and almost completely colorless. It is also a limited edition diamond which I didn't know either. I just knew I loved the ring. When they were telling us all the stuff about the diamond, they said I have really good taste. I said, putting my arm around Husband, "Obviously!" He blushed. It was adorable. I hope to have my ring by Thursday, but I might have to wait until after we get back from Florida.

    Now for stepdaughter news.

    She was a no call, no show Saturday and Sunday. She DID tag him on facebook saying Happy Father's Day and I love you, but I guess she was just too busy to come by and give him the only thing he really wanted which was some of her time. He fell asleep last night while watching TV and then woke up and asked me what time it was. I said 8 or 9, and he said, really, no way. He then pulled out his phone to check for messages. Nothing. The look on his face was so painfully sad I started crying. I told him I was sorry she didn't come by, and he said, "I can't believe she didn't come over on Father's Day." To make matters worse, Rachael told me she thought it'd be fun having a sister, but it's not. I hate that she's treating them so badly.

    I'm sad because she'll never know how incredible her dad is and that she seems to have zero interest in being a part of our amazing family. If it were up to me, I'd take the car back and tell her off, but I don't want to do anything that could hurt the chances of a future relationship. What I don't understand, is she found him, he didn't seek her out, she came to him. Why would she do that if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, just his money?!

    I'm heartbroken for my loves. Why did this crap have to happen a week before we leave?!

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    Oh man. What a mix of awesomeness and crappiness in this post. I think your new ring sounds pretty amazing, but the fact that your step-daughter is being such a selfish brat is making me so sad for your husband.


    A mix of yays and hugs for you.


    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    That's awesome news about your ring! Sounds like you had a good weekend except the stepdaughter part. Just curious...why wasn't he involved in her life when she was younger? Counseling may be good for all of you to work through this difficult place. It may reveal some things about her past that provide insight as to why she's acting this way. I hate that Rachael is so disappointed. :( (Hugs)

    He wanted to be, we both did.

    When her mom and my husband broke up, they shared custody (they were never married). For some reason, I'm not 100% clear on this as he doesn't like to talk about it, she quit allowing him visitation. I guess, in the state of Kansas, a mother can say anything she wants against a father, even one paying child support, and it's basically her word against his. She petitioned to increase his child support (this happened several times during our relationship) and was awarded more each time.

    In the almost 15 years we've been married, until recently, I had only seen her twice. Once for her 5th birthday (her mother didn't know about this) and once for Christmas (same year, mother didn't know). When Rach was about 2 maybe a little younger, we found out where she worked and Husband asked if he could see her and she told him she didn't think she (daughter) was ready for that. Because, at the time, we didn't have the money to take her to court, he didn't fight his ex anymore and just did was what right by paying his child support and not fighting it every time she wanted more.

    He would never admit it, but he's a pushover and hates confrontation. Hence the situation we're currently in. Her mom was pretty pissed when she found out she had sought him out. I'm sure she has a lot to do with the way she's been acting recently since she's staying at her house.

    Sorry to be such a downer on a Monday.

    There's the key, right there. Nineteen / adult or not, that sole-parental influence is HUGE. My husband and I both had joint custody of our kids, but the influence of the other parent was always present. I'll shut up on this subject after this, but once she becomes independent, breaks away from her mom, goes through a few serious relationships of her own, she will see your husband's side so much clearer.

    Example scenario: say she gets seriously involved with a guy who has a child. Mother of the child does the exact thing to her (hypothetical) boyfriend that her mom did. He wants to see his child and be involved, but he is denied. He's hurt and she doesn't like it. Light bulb moment. She won't necessarily see her mom as the bad guy, but she'll apply all those same feelings to her current situation and eventually she will see things differently. IMHO.

    I hope you're right. For his sake, her sake and Rachael's sake. Thank you.

    It's a bit weird to me that she would get like this AFTER trying to find him. My mom had a restraining order against my biological father when I was little, and he signed away his legal right to me, but she would have let me get to know him if I'd wanted. Even now, if I decided I wanted to find him and have a relationship, she'd support me.

    For what it's worth, I don't want to know him. I know enough about why there was a restraining order in the first place, and know he would occasionally run into my mom's younger sister (who is a terrible human being - not judgement, just fact) who would give him updates about me (without asking me, of course). I look at it like he never made the effort to follow up, even once I was an adult and my mom couldn't stop him.

    I do sometimes wonder if I have half siblings somewhere, but I'm not sure I want to start that kind of relationship at this point even if I did. Too much pressure, you know?

    I can imagine her being totally conflicted at only 19, when I'm still unsure at 31. Especially with a strong negative influence behind her. She may just need time (and space - possibly from both sides) to figure out what she wants.

    Here's hoping that she comes around!

    Thanks & sorry, @CountessKitteh I too had a loser bio dad.

    I want her to figure out what she wants, but I will not let her let my husband pay the emotional price (so to speak) while she does it. We are by no means forcing her to have a relationship with us if that's not what she wants, but I will also not continue to pay for her car while my husband is driving a truck older than all the people in this thread if she doesn't want to be a part of our lives. That sounds really heartless I'm sure, but I have to be honest.

    That is a "classic" if it is older than me!
  • kpingry84
    kpingry84 Posts: 11 Member
    If I cheat with junk food I'll remove the healthy foods on my "to eat" list to keep under my calorie count. Ugh...
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Thanks @BZAH10!

    Digging your Jeep @festerw . I've always wanted one ever since Jurassic Park.

    @KylerJaye Ugg, I hate driving. That just sounds like an awful experience. Sorry you had to go through with that.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    kpingry84 wrote: »
    If I cheat with junk food I'll remove the healthy foods on my "to eat" list to keep under my calorie count. Ugh...

    Me, too. Isn't that what the tracker is for? To make adjustments through the day to keep track of what we are putting into our body? I will often choose something less 'healthy' than what I originally had planned. No big whoop. :p
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member

    I've got a vegetarian who doesn't eat any vegetables over here.

    I really, really wish that it was mandatory in all schools to have a whole class on nutrition and healthy foods/cooking for every single student. Maybe we'd see fewer teenagers thinking they need to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight and who think that a diet of solely packaged white carbs is a healthy option. It's crazy to me.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    peleroja wrote: »

    I've got a vegetarian who doesn't eat any vegetables over here.

    I really, really wish that it was mandatory in all schools to have a whole class on nutrition and healthy foods/cooking for every single student. Maybe we'd see fewer teenagers thinking they need to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight and who think that a diet of solely packaged white carbs is a healthy option. It's crazy to me.

    Jillian on The Biggest Loser that had the three kids on called it "carb-etarian." I think that's an accurate description.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    The majority of my high school health class was about sex and stds. Of course, most kids didn't actually pay attention to that so I'm not sure how much information they would retain from a decent nutrition course.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    @lilaclovebird This is the best recipe for guacamole: and only 50 cals for 2 Tbsp.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Especially @orangesmartie--your advice (to me and even to other posters) has been really helpful in "talking me off the cliff", so to speak. Also, Charlie is seriously adorable. Can I have him? ;)

    Heehee, sorry no, he's my lovely little boy and I seriously adore him, he is the centre of my world (and I hate children). I'm quite looking forward to my niece coming along too, when I ignore the financial and time pressures.

    I talked to my mum about buying a new house so the kids can have their own rooms. My current flat is not up to 2 small children!

    I hope you are feeling a bit better susie, it's so easy to get lost in the blackness. It then becomes all consuming and food is the only light. But really it just increases the darkness.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MitsuShai wrote: »
    Confession: I feel like stress-eating a batch of brownies I made.

    Try just having one and tell yourself you can have another tomorrow!

    Great advice! That's what I am starting to tell myself again after having months of binging.

    The good news is after I took a big poop today I decided to weigh myself & found I am at 155.5 after being around 160 last week. I know it was mostly from sodium & just fluctuations & from all my binging it's refreshing to know that I really only gained 2.5 pounds. I hope to lose a little bit more with the help of my Fitbit & still deciding to take a mental break on Mondays/Thursdays my days off from work & eat 2000 calories.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »

    I've got a vegetarian who doesn't eat any vegetables over here.

    I really, really wish that it was mandatory in all schools to have a whole class on nutrition and healthy foods/cooking for every single student. Maybe we'd see fewer teenagers thinking they need to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight and who think that a diet of solely packaged white carbs is a healthy option. It's crazy to me.

    Well I am a vegetarian who hates many vegetables...but yes, I do think kids need to be taught to eat healthier.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MitsuShai wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MitsuShai wrote: »
    Confession: I feel like stress-eating a batch of brownies I made.
    Have one and freeze the rest in individual baggies.

    I heard frozen brownies are good :blush:
    No, it's a filthy lie promoted by the frozen brownie purveyors. Don't believe a word of it.

    I used to eat the brownie frozen out of the Michelina's Kids meals (or at least I think that's the brand).
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    I read the whole thing. I think it is awesome that he got you the ring you liked so much. I can't wait to see a picture. It sounds amazing.

    The daughter isn't very nice. That would have made me cry as well. :(
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    peleroja wrote: »

    I've got a vegetarian who doesn't eat any vegetables over here.

    I really, really wish that it was mandatory in all schools to have a whole class on nutrition and healthy foods/cooking for every single student. Maybe we'd see fewer teenagers thinking they need to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight and who think that a diet of solely packaged white carbs is a healthy option. It's crazy to me.

    Jillian on The Biggest Loser that had the three kids on called it "carb-etarian." I think that's an accurate description.

    I am definitely not someone who thinks carbs are bad, but I also know that for most people, it's really hard to feel full and energetic and all that without protein and fat. And I know for me, 1200 calories of bread and pasta still leaves me starving, whereas 1200 calories of meat, seafood, eggs, and legumes with some oil and a bunch of vegetables (also carbs, yeah, but fibrous ones) means I'm not hungry at all. Anecdotal, but I think most people find the same thing.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    Friday night the husband and I went to Outback for dinner. I was not thrilled about this because I didn't think I had enough calories for Outback because I always get the Alice Springs Chicken with fries. I decided to order the chicken, but subbed fries with steamed broccoli, which, if you've being paying attention at all, you'll know how incredibly difficult that decision was. I regretted not getting the fries until I tasted the broccoli, it was delicious. I ended up only eating half my dinner, and I even got to share a piece of cheesecake with my love and STILL managed a deficit. Yay, me!

    Saturday, my daughter and I were going to go shopping for Father's Day, my eye appointment, and get some last minute things for our trip, but we were also going to go to the candy shop for snacks so my husband wanted to come too. We ended up going to the candy shop first which was a big success except they were out of my favorite trail mix (luckily, I still had some left over from the last visit) so I got buttered toffee pecans (holy sweet, salty, and crunchy, they are amazing), and some dried apples. He got mostly candy. :smile:

    From there, we went to the mall since that's where my appointment was to kill some time, but also so I wouldn't be late. We ended up in JCP looking at dresses. Husband picked out some he wanted me to try on (his questionable taste presented itself again) but nothing worked. We met up outside in the sitting area of the mall and he asked me if I wanted to kill some more time at Helzberg, and I said sure. Long story short, we ended up looking at diamond rings and bridal sets. I didn't think we were really going to purchase anything since he said we'd do shopping in Florida. Apparently, he'd been really thinking about that and decided if we were going to get one, he wanted to get it before we went so it could be sized and everything beforehand. I tried on several rings before falling head over heals for a 1/2 ct. princess cut in white gold. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I could not quit staring at it. That's pretty much how I felt the first time I laid eyes on him. Love at first sight. Anywho, I tried on a few different guards and finally found a perfect fit. The lady sized my finger (size 5 btw, I was pretty shocked by that) and I was off to my appointment.

    My appointment took maybe 20 minutes so I went to Auntie Anne's for pretzels and a DP ( I know, I was doing to so good) and then headed back to Helzberg. Well, come to find out, he bought the ring while I was at my appointment and was finishing up paperwork and stuff when I got back. I was shocked, I didn't expect to get anything finished so soon. Turns out, the ring I picked out is a VVS2 (3rd from highest quality you can get) and almost completely colorless. It is also a limited edition diamond which I didn't know either. I just knew I loved the ring. When they were telling us all the stuff about the diamond, they said I have really good taste. I said, putting my arm around Husband, "Obviously!" He blushed. It was adorable. I hope to have my ring by Thursday, but I might have to wait until after we get back from Florida.

    Now for stepdaughter news.

    She was a no call, no show Saturday and Sunday. She DID tag him on facebook saying Happy Father's Day and I love you, but I guess she was just too busy to come by and give him the only thing he really wanted which was some of her time. He fell asleep last night while watching TV and then woke up and asked me what time it was. I said 8 or 9, and he said, really, no way. He then pulled out his phone to check for messages. Nothing. The look on his face was so painfully sad I started crying. I told him I was sorry she didn't come by, and he said, "I can't believe she didn't come over on Father's Day." To make matters worse, Rachael told me she thought it'd be fun having a sister, but it's not. I hate that she's treating them so badly.

    I'm sad because she'll never know how incredible her dad is and that she seems to have zero interest in being a part of our amazing family. If it were up to me, I'd take the car back and tell her off, but I don't want to do anything that could hurt the chances of a future relationship. What I don't understand, is she found him, he didn't seek her out, she came to him. Why would she do that if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, just his money?!

    I'm heartbroken for my loves. Why did this crap have to happen a week before we leave?!

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    Oh man. What a mix of awesomeness and crappiness in this post. I think your new ring sounds pretty amazing, but the fact that your step-daughter is being such a selfish brat is making me so sad for your husband.


    A mix of yays and hugs for you.


    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    That's awesome news about your ring! Sounds like you had a good weekend except the stepdaughter part. Just curious...why wasn't he involved in her life when she was younger? Counseling may be good for all of you to work through this difficult place. It may reveal some things about her past that provide insight as to why she's acting this way. I hate that Rachael is so disappointed. :( (Hugs)

    He wanted to be, we both did.

    When her mom and my husband broke up, they shared custody (they were never married). For some reason, I'm not 100% clear on this as he doesn't like to talk about it, she quit allowing him visitation. I guess, in the state of Kansas, a mother can say anything she wants against a father, even one paying child support, and it's basically her word against his. She petitioned to increase his child support (this happened several times during our relationship) and was awarded more each time.

    In the almost 15 years we've been married, until recently, I had only seen her twice. Once for her 5th birthday (her mother didn't know about this) and once for Christmas (same year, mother didn't know). When Rach was about 2 maybe a little younger, we found out where she worked and Husband asked if he could see her and she told him she didn't think she (daughter) was ready for that. Because, at the time, we didn't have the money to take her to court, he didn't fight his ex anymore and just did was what right by paying his child support and not fighting it every time she wanted more.

    He would never admit it, but he's a pushover and hates confrontation. Hence the situation we're currently in. Her mom was pretty pissed when she found out she had sought him out. I'm sure she has a lot to do with the way she's been acting recently since she's staying at her house.

    Sorry to be such a downer on a Monday.

    There's the key, right there. Nineteen / adult or not, that sole-parental influence is HUGE. My husband and I both had joint custody of our kids, but the influence of the other parent was always present. I'll shut up on this subject after this, but once she becomes independent, breaks away from her mom, goes through a few serious relationships of her own, she will see your husband's side so much clearer.

    Example scenario: say she gets seriously involved with a guy who has a child. Mother of the child does the exact thing to her (hypothetical) boyfriend that her mom did. He wants to see his child and be involved, but he is denied. He's hurt and she doesn't like it. Light bulb moment. She won't necessarily see her mom as the bad guy, but she'll apply all those same feelings to her current situation and eventually she will see things differently. IMHO.

    I hope you're right. For his sake, her sake and Rachael's sake. Thank you.
    Also hoping for you that this can be resolved. Maybe you both need to take a step back and let her do whatever she needs to do for a while, making it clear that you won't be walked over, but you do want her in your lives. I'm sure that the mother is poisonous and not helping things, but one day she'll figure things out for herself. I'm sorry that your husband is so hurt - he sounds like a lovely man who doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

    What's the latest on the cat?

    Thanks, @Tubbs216 . He IS a lovely man and he deserves better than this. That woman is poisonous and I'm glad he got away from her. He texted me earlier that he's going to try and talk to her because he was a little upset about yesterday.

    Oh, the cat. We've been trying to keep her out of the room as much as possible, but then she tears up other things, like my couch or my husbands hands/legs/arms. I'm going to tell Husband tonight that she has until tomorrow to find a place for her cat, or I will. No more Mrs. Nice Mo.

    I feel silly referring to my honey as "Husband", but I also think it's kind of cute. Maybe for future reference, I will refer to him as Mr. Mo. I like that because it reminds me of the episode of Friends where Ross and Rachel get married in Vegas. :smiley:

    That's the first thing I thought of too! I like calling him Mr. Mo too that's hilarious!

    I was going to tag you in this post! :smiley:

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jazzybrass wrote: »
    I finally found PB2 in a shop. I like making it up to a paste and eating it. I also like putting it with banana and yoghurt for breakfast

    Just don't mix it with cottage cheese blech. That's one of the most vilest creations I ever thought to try. It's also pretty good on a rice cake.

    I forget who mentioned Justin's peanut butters & today I bought a small snack size Almond Butter & Maple to compare to the MaraNatha at Giant today.