Bad experience at the gym and feeling discouraged



  • michaelabennet
    michaelabennet Posts: 8 Member
    "Sweat is just your fat crying" so someone told me once.

    You should be proud that you are actually in the gym working out and not standing around gossiping like others. Definitely report them, but keep your head up and carry on. :)
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
    get a pair of big headphones and twist their your mind (it's illegal to do this for real!!!)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    report them.

    theyll quit soon anyways, i imagine. if mgt rushes the process along, all the better.
  • TomBristow
    TomBristow Posts: 22 Member
    You're not alone. I was at a gym class about 6 months ago, and it was a Boxfit class, which I've actually been doing for about 5 years on and off so I knew what I was doing.

    Anyway, I hadn't been in a few months and this random guy comes up to me and says "You're going to struggle today. You're going to hate this". I had no idea who he was - but he was saying it in a way as if he was trying to get under my skin.

    I still haven't forgotten it and I can't wait to get fit and prove him wrong.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Another thing to remember--I've been swimming for 20 yrs and have seen alot of jerks (both male and female) come and go. I've outlasted them all. I try to remember this when someone really is crass and bugs me. These people exist and they eventually go away. Tell yourself that you're in this for the long haul, and they are just passing blips on your screen. B)
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    You are not being overly sensitive. It sounds like a good opportunity to practice standing up for yourself - How you go about that is totally up to you. Confront them, report them, just do something (within your realm of control)... It is scary, but worth the investment in your self-esteem.
  • ChiffonLaRue14
    ChiffonLaRue14 Posts: 40 Member
    Sorry to hear that. I sometimes go to the gym to join my brother when he works out and I often see groups of women like the ones you mentioned. All they do is stare at people and gossip. My bro jokingly calls them a "hunting party" as some of these women actually go to the gym to flirt. Best thing to do is ignore them. It can be annoying but you already win the moment you don't let them get to you.

    Besides, you will be enjoying your own healthy success real soon. Since I am a big, imposingly tall girl I actually tend to stare women like these down but as I'd said ignoring them is easier.

    People can be cruel to those of us who are doing our best to lose weight/ keep fit but as the other posters had said, it only shows what kind of crappy people they are. Please keep on keeping on and don't give up :)

    Best of luck!

    - Arianna
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    My brother is a personal trainer. When he see's someone who is overweight at the gym, he'll say things like "Look at that person... they're killing it! That's how you make progress!".

    Don't pay attention to shallow people that judge you on your looks. There are much better people out there that are willing to judge you on your character.
  • Zowiesb
    Zowiesb Posts: 19 Member
    Horrible people but I know how you feel. Were they working up a sweat? If not then they are doing it wrong and you're doing it right (that's what I tell myself). You never know they might stop going to the gym eventually. But don't pay attention to them. You are working hard and doing it right. Be proud of that and not embarrassed by other people's actions.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    leeyuhsee wrote: »
    Ugh. They sound creepy. What sort of decent human being does that?
    I'm sorry it made you feel bad. You have every right to get angry/complain!

    Well they're not decent humans in this situation are they?
  • britt01any
    britt01any Posts: 83 Member
    Think of it this is just another test of your strength(inner). We all have them daily. Those of us who are in it for the right reasons will be triumphant!! So, go kick *kitten* and be triumphant!!
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    At least you are working where they are waffling ... go into ignore, with a large set of headphones, and listen to the music you like rather than noise you don't
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    complain to management. Their behavior is not acceptable.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Make management aware of the issue. You can say something like, "Hi, I just wanted to bring to your attention that several of your new members are making people uncomfortable..."

    As for being on the machine 1 hour- make sure your gym doesn't have a 30 minute rule (mine did) and add to your complaint that the new members were complaining about X and Y and need to be made aware of the gym policies.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Wait, did they actually make fun of you for sweating??? At the gym??? Lazy, stupid, *kitten*. I start sweating as soon as I think about working out, by the end I am completely drenched.

    1. Inform them that standing around being douchey doesn't actually burn calories. Just in case they read that on the internet somewhere and are using this as exercise.
    2. Record them, remix it, put it on youtube, make them famous for being lazy, stupid *kitten*.
    3. Complain to the management.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Another thing to remember--I've been swimming for 20 yrs and have seen alot of jerks (both male and female) come and go. I've outlasted them all. I try to remember this when someone really is crass and bugs me. These people exist and they eventually go away. Tell yourself that you're in this for the long haul, and they are just passing blips on your screen. B)

    I relate to this comment most of all. Note that this gaggle of geese came as a pack, and they're NEWBIES. No way they'd have the guts to act like that alone. Or even show up at a gym alone. You'll outlast them.
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Wait, did they actually make fun of you for sweating??? At the gym??? Lazy, stupid, *kitten*. I start sweating as soon as I think about working out, by the end I am completely drenched.

    1. Inform them that standing around being douchey doesn't actually burn calories. Just in case they read that on the internet somewhere and are using this as exercise.
    2. Record them, remix it, put it on youtube, make them famous for being lazy, stupid *kitten*.
    3. Complain to the management.

    These are the best suggestions to handle it. All three of them. So many people are intimidated by the gym environment and a bad experience just makes it that much tougher to stick with your goals. Stand up for yourself and make them feel like the @$$holes they are.
  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    That is ASBURD. I like going to my gym late too...I also feel somewhat self conscious and I know how much that would hurt!! Definitely talk to the management...these women can't only be talking about you...and from a business aspect, I'm sure your gym would prefer to lose 3 memberships compared to 20 people leaving saying they were insulted by members. Hang in there and keep working! I sweat like crazy so don't feel bad :) You're an amazing woman who is gonna show them who's boss!! Just keep thinking about that day when you get to run into them and they just stand there in shock at how much you've changed! Stay strong! :)
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    I have never seen anyone at the gym (overweight or otherwise) and thought anything else other than "Wow! They are amazing!" Why? Because they are there, and they are sweating, and they are making a difference both in their body and in their mind. Sweat is a trophy! Soreness is a reward! Pushing yourself beyond what you thought you were capable of is an achievement! I wear my workouts and my copious amount of sweat like a badge of honor, because I killed it that day! Heck, you've never seen crazy gym person until you see someone beam at the puddle of sweat they left on the floor. :smiley:

    However, nobody has a right to say anything negative about anyone in a gym. Stand up for yourself and report them, because there may be somebody there too afraid and insecure to stand up for themselves. If management doesn't do anything about it, switch gyms. It will never be a supportive environment for you if they don't stand up for their patrons.
  • Venice_SA
    Venice_SA Posts: 9 Member
    This is normal thing in life. People will judge you because you are sexy or fat. I had low self esteem because Ive always been bigger than a normal big person. I ALSO was a size K bra. So people talked some even grabbed my boobs. I started doing small things to make me feel really great like great hairstyles and make up and clothes and i would affirm and reaffirm myself. Im still struggling with weight but im so much better confidence wise. I gym and let people talk about me, even at gym but i dont even hear them anymore cos i worked really hard on my confidence. It took years by the way. Just do you. Love you. Theres only one you. Whether fat or skinny, walking or running on the treadmill