100lb to lose! Would love friends to join my journey



  • LouisBee1
    LouisBee1 Posts: 1 Member
    im right there with you! i have about 80-90lbs to lose, feel free to add me! keep being disciplined, eat tasty and satisfying food, just make sure you make it yourself :)
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    count me in
  • deneshia425
    deneshia425 Posts: 10 Member
    Today is my first day, I have 70 pounds to lose! I hope to support everyone in their weight loss journey :smile:
  • Amanda_Please88
    Amanda_Please88 Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've lost 55lbs so far and have about 35 more to go! :)
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    I am on a similar journey! I have lost 20 lbs, have 135lbs left to lose. I would love more friends for accountability and encouragement! Please friend me!

    Well done on your loss so far. Have added you and here to support :)
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    lili89 wrote: »
    I've got about 80lb to lose, in this for the long hall and all friends welcome :)

    I'm with you!
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    Hoping to loose 70, but seriously struggling :/ just started using this fingers crossed that it helps.

    I know exactly how you feel. Have reached a little hump in the road these passed two weeks myself. The only thing to do is keep putting as much effort as you can in and focusing on 1lb at a time.
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    Third time around for me down 32 pounds 50 to go. Log everyday and making this a lifetime journey. Could use the support and give support as well.

    Welcome to the journey. :smiley:
  • SugarySweetheart
    SugarySweetheart Posts: 154 Member
    I need to lose 101 pounds and I just started yesterday! Let's do this!! B)
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    I would love to join you on your journey! I have 70lbs to lose!

    Thanks for your support. How is it all going so far?
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    More than happy to join you on your journey as i work on mine. 40lbs gone this year, still a long road ahead, but it is worth it. All of us are worth it! Feel free to add me

    Well done on your loss so far. Happy to help encourage you on your journey. You seem to be smashing it so far!
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    hippytee wrote: »
    40 lbs well done

    Thank you :smiley:
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm just starting and want to lose 100 also!! We got this!!

    Agreed!!!!! Let's do it!
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    LouisBee1 wrote: »
    im right there with you! i have about 80-90lbs to lose, feel free to add me! keep being disciplined, eat tasty and satisfying food, just make sure you make it yourself :)

    I'm all about clean eating! Thanks for your support and good luck.
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    CallmeSbo wrote: »
    count me in

    Have added you. :smiley::smiley::smiley:
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    Today is my first day, I have 70 pounds to lose! I hope to support everyone in their weight loss journey :smile:

    Welcome to your journey. Here to encourage you along the way as much as you need. You got this!!
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    alnovak88 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me! I've lost 55lbs so far and have about 35 more to go! :)

    Wow you are doing amazingly well! Have added you :smile:
  • ndwallace1205
    ndwallace1205 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    My son will be be 1 next month and I have 55 pounds of post baby weight to free myself of. I had lost 150 pounds 6 years ago and 2 kids later nearly gained 50% of it back! I would love to have a motivating network to surround myself with. I was so encouraged after reading everyone's responses here.

    Congrats on your success so far!
  • kents555
    kents555 Posts: 317 Member
    My son will be be 1 next month and I have 55 pounds of post baby weight to free myself of. I had lost 150 pounds 6 years ago and 2 kids later nearly gained 50% of it back! I would love to have a motivating network to surround myself with. I was so encouraged after reading everyone's responses here.

    Congrats on your success so far!

    Thank you. I hear you re baby weight. It's crazy how much your body goes through. My little one is 6 months old and I feel like I just don't know my body anymore at all. Happy to support and encourage you along your journey. :)
  • jennhubbard84
    jennhubbard84 Posts: 29 Member
    150 to lose here!! Add me ladies !!!