
  • jpnotler
    jpnotler Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there, would love to join your group, what a supportive bunch of ladies.
    I am a returning and determined member. I have so much to lose, it sometimes feel overwhelming (80 approx)
    I live in Ontario, Canada

    Hope to get to know all of you over time.
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, All. Haven't been on here this week. It was extremely busy at work.

    Had a terrible IBS flare up on Thursday. Pushed myself way too hard by working until 10:15 pm that night. Was absolutely exhausted all day and night. Dealing with physical exhaustion for the past few days. Have rested, had extra sleep and am rebuilding my strength instead of pushing myself. Will make up my missing exercise minutes this coming week. Also realized I have to eat something for breakfast to rebuild my energy.

    Have a great day. - Nancy in Fort Worth, TX
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol- Peach I was in Boulder Colorado visiting family last week.
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank You to those who responded to my request last week and provided helpful suggestions.

    To those who responded with harshness or criticism, it's not helpful or nice to slap someone across the face when they have honestly shared a struggle they're having and asked for ideas and help.

    Thank You to the person who reached out and apologized. I appreciate it.

    - Nancy in FW, TX
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    we have been going non stop all day and I am pooped...got up at 6, and went down to feed DFIL , then came home and made breakfast and then started unpacking boxes and putting stuff in cupboards.. then off we went to Lowe's ,Walmart and Sam's.. came home and made dinner, I was not hungry .. I was lazy and bought a rottisere chicken, so Tom had that with herbed rice,
    While we were shopping at Sam's, we were picking stuff, up and we were over near the apples, and he said you can keep those .. i try and put one in his lunch every once in awhile.. I said they are good for you.. ,right there in the store with people around he says to me you see the size of me? and look at the size of you and your telling me about healthy? I was so hurt :'( ,I just took the cart and walked away. I answered yes or no questions when he asked, but when we got in the car I wouldnt talk to him and was crying.. I told him he hurt my feelings..
    said he was sorry.. but as my friend said when she was little sorry dont help me none...
    I am going to take it easy the rest of the day...
    Welcome all the newbies, hop on in. we are all friends here :)
  • mialto2722
    mialto2722 Posts: 6 Member
    Sometimes certain men become threatened whern we become healthier and thinner and start looking good. I had a boyfriend like that the better I look at the meaner he got. Yeah saying you're sorry doesn't really help when it's a constant thing or if it's a constant thing. That's what I think it's time to go. Life is so short and remember you have a choice
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday ! ! !

    I think I am almost settled in at home, got DS's schedule posted to the calendar hanging next to the fridge, waiting my turn for the washing machine (DH likes to take his time, and I don't mix mine with his).

    Last night was wonderful. Neal McCoy puts on a great show. My favorite was when he brought a young man with cerebral palsy onto the stage, signed his autograph book, danced with him, then also let him sing a little, to the song "Shake". It was tear-jerking and fun to watch. Tim McGraw was equally as good of a performer. Both got down from the stage to shake hands with some of the fans. I danced in my chair the entire time, and the pedometer on my phone recognized that as steps. B) I'm SO glad I am not shy. Miranda Lambert wore a Dixie Chicks shirt, and Tim McGraw wore a Neal McCoy shirt.

    Plus, I chatted with the husband and wife next to me, and they were watching me log my cheese curds (totally worth it), and asked me about MFP. I suspect we will see her here on this thread soon. It is great to be a part of such a fun event. Even walking alone to my car, I never felt alone, because so many people talked to each other while walking, that it felt fun and peaceful.

    Now I must go through the grocery store flyers, to get ready for this week's lunches and suppers. I need to pre-cook at least a dozen hamburgers for DS, since he has no less than 3 events every day except Friday. Plus, my Sister's eldest Grand-daughter (9 y.o.) is here for 3 weeks, so we will all get together to do things on occasion as well, and my Dad doesn't know how to buy fruit :D . DS has 2 friends joining us to help hand out candy and carry the banner for the Independence Day Parade. I hope to either drive a truck or walk with one of the Veteran's we sponsor (my choice if they ask me).

    Depending on how busy work is tomorrow, and how much paperwork my substitute left for me, I will try to catch up on my reading, then finally respond. But know that I brag about, and think of you all often.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri (back) in Milwaukee
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison: good for you for telling him he hurt your feelings.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    we have been going non stop all day and I am pooped...got up at 6, and went down to feed DFIL , then came home and made breakfast and then started unpacking boxes and putting stuff in cupboards.. then off we went to Lowe's ,Walmart and Sam's.. came home and made dinner, I was not hungry .. I was lazy and bought a rottisere chicken, so Tom had that with herbed rice,
    While we were shopping at Sam's, we were picking stuff, up and we were over near the apples, and he said you can keep those .. i try and put one in his lunch every once in awhile.. I said they are good for you.. ,right there in the store with people around he says to me you see the size of me? and look at the size of you and your telling me about healthy? I was so hurt :'( ,I just took the cart and walked away. I answered yes or no questions when he asked, but when we got in the car I wouldnt talk to him and was crying.. I told him he hurt my feelings..
    said he was sorry.. but as my friend said when she was little sorry dont help me none...
    I am going to take it easy the rest of the day...
    Welcome all the newbies, hop on in. we are all friends here :)

    geez, i'm so sorry, that is the worst! ESPECIALLY to do something like that in public. PLEASE let me at him!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited June 2015
    ☼ Hello there, lovely ladies.

    It is a warm and muggy day here in paradise. B) We decided to put the AC's in the bedroom windows, because the weather is supposed to get hotter as the week progresses. I biked to the grocery store for produce earlier this morning. That's it for bike riding today.

    ☼ I made a chickpea summer salad to bring to a BBQ this afternoon. The BBQ is in honor of our youngest son's college completion for a diploma in civil engineering. We are proud of him. One day he may go on to get his degree. But for now he will be working. Studying is expensive when also raising a family. I know all about that. I went back to studying when I was 40 while raising a family and working.

    @sharonK247 - Welcome and we have more cyclists on this forum. I personally love biking too. Good for you for wanting to get back on track. You are off to a great start.

    Sylvia - I think a good cry provides relief. How are you doing now? Hugs to you.

    @jpnotler - Welcome, fellow Canadian. There are women on this forum who have lost a lot of weight. It is indeed overwhelming when starting out. I have learned a lot from MFP and this forum. The women on this forum are caring and supportive.

    Welcome to other newbies too - come back and tell us about yourself.

    Nancy - I probably missed some posts, but I am so sorry that you were subjected to harshness and criticism. May this be a reminder for all that we are here to support each other.

    Lisa - What fabulous wedding pictures. And the dress...omg. Happy belated anniversary!!

    Kim - I have never heard of that website. As you, I am also careful with signing up on websites. Good to know that this one appears to be legitimate. I love how you put in a goal of "doing 2 fun things every week".

    Cynthia - about getting up in the night to pee. Yeah, I'd rather sleep too!! Good thing to get rid of the excess fluid though.

    The scale has not moved much for me, but I am happy not to have gained during my vacation, especially with multiple birthday parties and other celebrations. I think it's all the running after toddler grandchildren that helped! ♥ Love them so much.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone! Welcome to all the new ladies. We're down to moving the odds and ends in the house and pole barn. We should be done by tomorrow night except for our bed, TV, and my weight equipment which we will move Wednesday.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    @barbiecat Barbie, thanks for your input! So true about bread and sauces being lots of cals and not much food!

    I'm off to a gig in Boston, then 7 days of vacation with husband in New England. Intend to eat seafood, of course! And LOTS of veggies.

    I've been listening to the "4 Hour Body" by Tim Ferriss on YouTube. Free audiobook, by the way. Tons a detail, but if you can get past it all, interesting ideas. I'm shifting to the Slow Carb method based on what TF says. Will let you all know success.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    today was a perfect example of NOT wanting to go workout but going anyway. when you do, sometimes you may surprise yourself -

    stat for the day;
    jog- 25.32min, 7.0-8.0speed, last .1mi @ 9.0speek, 8.14min/mi, 5k - 295cal
    i think this is my fastest on treadmill, 0 incline
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    thanks to all that liked my poems made to lenny and to kirby for valentines day. i will share one more later. this poem i wrote to kirby for our wedding. and thanks for being nice about my fat pics.lolololol
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    @rebelrenny Renny, Big congrats on holding steady during vacation, especially with all the parties & birthdays! Way to stay focused!
    @grandmallie Gee and holy cow at the insensitivity of your DFIL! I'm glad you spoke up and let him know that hurt.
  • CKC1964
    CKC1964 Posts: 2 Member
    CKC1964- I'm from Central NY on the beautiful shore of Lake Ontario. Today is my 2nd day using My Fitness Pal. I am very excited about starting my journey to a healthier me. I am also looking forward to meeting new people along the way. :)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @pipcd34 (((((hugs)))) I have declared you our token butterfly....your journey of pics both past and present, is a journey of strength and of character.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Pip, the wedding pic is beautiful! So is the poem. Made me cry.

    We have discovered a serious downside to not having the van. We can't carry all three dogs to the lake in hubby's little Acura. So, we came out to the cabin, just the two of us, so hubby could mow the grass, and will go back home soon.

    We took the little guy to his tball game this morning. It was such fun! None of the kids have a clue as to what they are supposed to do, and no real skills, so it's very comedic to watch. At one point, though, the "pitcher" threw the ball to Ian on first base, and he CAUGHT IT! It was so unexpected that all the spectators on both sides gasped and cheered. He seemed surprised to find it in his glove, but there it was. So, he heard all the cheering and he pulled off his little hat and waved it in the air, like he was taking a little bow. Of course, the runner was already on the base by then, but that didn't matter.

    At another point when his team (purple) was up to bat, one of Ian's teammates hit the ball out into center field (the longest hit of the game) and all 10 of the players in red shirts went running after it. It was hilarious. They reminded me of chickens somehow.

    If you haven't watched a tball game lately, you should go find one to watch. Great amusement.

    I was feeling fine this morning. No soreness really. The kids said they were all good too, so I guess we were really lucky. I overheard Ian telling his little friends about the big crash. It sounded much more dramatic when he told it.

    Well, my battery is about dead. I hope you are all having a great weekend.


    Tball is like watching a very polite comedic routine. Some kids helping others up, others picking their noses, or asking to use the bathroom at really odd times, and ALL adults just proud to be able to witness such joy at every thing they are doing!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet from Myrtle Beach: It is 102F and the humidity is 22%. It is HOT. :devil:

    Heather: I love the picture of your DH with his twin and her DGD. :love:

    JanetR from OKC: You’re doing well with your goals. Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was the last day of DH’s 50th HS class reunion. I liked the people very much. We’re planning to leave for home tomorrow morning. I’ve had a pleasant time, but I’m ready to be home. We’re inside with air conditioning and fans. The Motorhome air conditioner keeps blowing the circuit so we’ve turned it off for now and we’re cool inside DSIL’s house.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
