
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    JanetR - Interesting to read about how your realization that you and your grandson were fighting the same battle against different addictions spurred you to action. May your triumphs live on!

    Concerning my veggie snacks:

    Lenora – Yes, they DO go a long way, and no, you probably couldn't eat a whole pound of raw veggies at first attempt. To be honest, it took about a month before my system was truly happy about them. But once the vegetables had become a regular component of my diet I discovered that most of my cravings were either gone, or could be distracted by a bit of raw parsnip. And I haven't been constipated once. Best of all, I feel that I'm getting my full ration of fiber, minerals and several vitamins for very few calories.

    KateKyi, Poop and Heather – the pale yellow vegetable at the back is a rutabaga, and the red one at the back right is beetroot. Okay, Poop, raw beet sounds a bit weird, but I'm amazed how often it's truly delicious. Sometimes I get hold of a variety of beet that has alternating rings of red and white. Slice them up and they look like candy cane! Heather, you cook your beets. Do you do the same with the celeriac? I've considered trying it raw but haven't quite dared yet.

    Cynthia and Lumamar – Transform that load into juice and I'd estimate the calorie content at about 150-170 (maybe 10% less than if you ate it all). I prefor to eat them as is, though, because it's more filling. Besides, it gives me something to do!

    Poop – I agree with previous posters. Get that eye looked at!

    Elizabeth - Good on you for the trek! I suffered severe headaches for several days when I went from living at sea level (Miami) to a conference in Snowmass, CO. I hope your preparatory hikes at high elevation get you well acclimatized!

    I'm gearing up for a one-week visit of son and grandkids. (Mom is staying home working.) The stores are so far away (off-island) that shopping takes a huge hunk of time, and I don't want to waste any! So today is menu planning. Luckily both kids will eat pretty much anything you put in front of them, though they won't eat it every time. In particular, they enjoy snitching veggies from my snack stash. My son is philosophical about the fact that he probably couldn't get them to eat raw rutabaga, but grandma can.

    Our neighbor has sheep and goats and the kids are already looking forward to visiting the little lambs. Too cute for words! Lambs have a certain perky intelligence in their faces that disappears as they grow into plain old sheep. We also hope for chance sightings of wildlife. Last night three ptarmigans had a rowdy party right outside our bedroom window (in plain view because of the 24-hour daylight) and my husband caught sight of an ermine this morning. That's a rare privilege!

    /Penny at the Pole
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Penny/Marci: I just count what I put in the juicer. Depending on what I juice it's basically 100-150 calories per glass. I eat lots of vegetables too, but I find that I can put things in the juicer I wouldn't just eat (like fennel).

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    morning kids~
    well today has been interesting so far, I did get up with the DH at 2 am, yes thats right you read that right.. and had a cup of tea... yes the internet has been funky for awhile..
    I stopped at our local gym,yesterday as the door was open. it is a 24/7 gym, and you need a keycard do get in..
    the manager was there so I signed up for a free week trial..
    pro's- it is in town and open 24/7
    cons- to start the program fee is 149.95, 20.00 for keycard and $29.95 a month...
    I dont really know if I can afford that.. so will use it for the week and see how it goes
    contractor will be here after i leave for work and I start at 8 a.m.,and work to 5 tonight , have the weekend off, dont know id they will be working over the weekend or not...
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    confirmed this morning, 1 kilogram lost
    I feel great
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Morning, my chickens - appetite control rant ahead - warning...

    Woke up thinking about what it's going to take to get the appetite under control...

    Trigger One:
    tried again, with thought this time, to go ahead and let the appetite have a couple hundred calories of regular breakfast yesterday morning at 8:30, as I had to run early. Still triggered that all day appetite. And was still eating when I went to bed last night. Didn't exceed my overall calorie intake, but only because of that "eat back your exercise calories" MFP does that I usually ignore. So, there's trigger one, twice this week, proof enough even for me.

    Trigger Two is time... started just scribbling WHEN I'm eating things, something MFP's not good at, and about a quarter of my calories came before noon and a quarter after 7 p.m. last night. Carey - did you think about WHEN you're eating things while you were tracking your numbers? Just asking, 'cause you're my fellow geeky grrl.

    Trigger Three is probably stress, but honestly not under any at the moment, now that the books are up and running. They FINALLY got both books hooked to my author page on Amazon, yay! The print version of "She's Thinking Out Loud" is actually available too, Amazon just takes forever to connect all the dots.

    Someone said we dump all this out with each other because otherwise we bore the living snot out of everyone else in our lives. yeah, sorry for the yada, yada...

    Weirdly enough, I was doing better appetite and grazing-wise when I was stressing over the books, I think just because I was so busy. So, even though I work at home, I have to figure some way to keep my everloving fingers out of the cookie jar.

    And DamitJanet, that's a METAPHOR - I don't own a cookie jar, or cookies! :wink: If you say "don't eat cookies," they make you gain weight, I'll have to come find you and beat you...
    smiley-angry009.gif .

    I have hope that, if I can control my intake pre-noon and after 7 pm, I can rein this back under control. Can and will enlist the DH after 7 p.m. Plus, I'm crocheting toe-covers *also known as useless things* for sale at the Christmas craft shows and I can just keep my butt planted in the chair and hands busy then.

    I write and I run in the mornings, and I just need to stay the heck out of the kitchen, other than for coffee. When I'm struggling to write, like yesterday from 10 a.m. to about 4 p.m., I'm quilting, and can't even think about eating.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just marking my spot. Today we get to start moving stuff to our new house for storage in the garage and cabin. I will bug bomb the buildings this morning to get rid of the spiders that may be living there.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    JanetR :) Congrats to you and your grandson!!!

    Rori :) So nice to see you popping in! Safe travels!

    Meg :) I've been thinking about getting a new computer, now you have me wondering if I want to!

    Michele :) We've had lots of humidity here in Winston, I think you're about 45 minutes to an hour away and closer to the mountains. I love going to Blowing Rock in the summer, cooler temps and less humidity there and it's just beautiful!

    Carol NC :) Wishing you the best of luck with the surgery :flowerforyou:!

    Vicki :) I'm sure your blood pressure is up because of your work situation...sending you a hug!

    Joyce :) I'm like you, I had a fabulous childhood, wonderful loving parents who adored us!

    Heather :) Much luck with book! Remember when the memories hurt, we're all there to give you a hug! Your book has arrived, I've not yet had time to read it, maybe this weekend.

    Sylvia :) You could send some rain this way, it's been hot and dry here, we did get a little rain shower last night. I could hear the grass and the flowers sighing with delight!

    Pip :) I will echo the others...get yourself to the eye Dr.!!!

    Penny close to the Pole :) I think those kids are going to have so much fun! I would love to pet a little lamb!!!

    Sassy :) So glad to see you again! Gorgeous pic!!!

    I've had company since Tuesday...departure date is tomorrow. Company is fun but....it's also tiring. I think I will spend the weekend just recouping!

    Welcome to everyone new!

    DeeDee in steamy NC
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Lagopus Poop and Heather , rutabaga is our swede (the big one that is purple and cream on the outside) which sometimes people also call turnip (snowball turnip the small ones that are white). Heather I too have bought celeriac and butternut squash this week. Some of the celeriac was mashed with parsnips this week. Ill either roast or soup the squash.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    DeeDee2211 wrote: »
    I've had company since Tuesday...departure date is tomorrow. Company is fun but....it's also tiring. I think I will spend the weekend just recouping!

    Must share a Swedish saying: Guests are like fish. After three days they start to smell bad. :unamused:

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ah! Just figured out that I can rename the "meals" that are MFP's defaults, which I've done, to time-spans, (5-11 a.m., 11 to 3, 3 to 5 p.m., 5 to 7 p.m., 7 to 11 p.m.) so I can figure out when I'm eating. It went back and renamed all my old ones, so they'll be off, but no big whoop. Just need to get the grazing thing stomped out like the tiny little forest fire it is... hopefully won't be the ONLY thing I accomplish today!

    Welcome to all the new ones... it's an amazing place, with conversations a-flying.

  • KMHilinski
    KMHilinski Posts: 14 Member
    Morning everyone!
    I lost a few days on here and trying to get caught up! Had some chest pain and fevers, ended up in the ER...they couldn't find anything. .doped me up and sent me home...virus..they said. They gave me so much morphine that I slept the next day away...forgot that I had taken my fitbit off to charge it, until my husband asked me if I knew it was in the office! Do not like being that drugged up that I cannot remember doing things!

    Fevers and pain are finally starting to go away...hoping to get back to normal and walking my 4-5 miles a day. Going to have to get serious about logging my food! I have reminders set and I just dismiss them and then get busy and forget! Any tips on how to make it more of a habit? I seem to always get to 3 or 4 days of logging in and then.... :(

    Those are my goals for July....to log my food EVERYDAY, continue walking daily and to stop the candy grazing at the office! Everyone seems to have candy at their desk...it's hard to just walk by and not grab a little piece! So instead I will bring veggies to graze on...wish me luck lol!

    Have a great day and weekend!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited June 2015
    Penny My mom used to say that too.

    Kat hope you feel better soon. Did they run tests to confirm it was a virus?

    Sylvia thanks for the jokes. Love 'em.

    Mary my your buying and selling go smoothly.

    Number 4 from Now that I'm older here's what I've discovered.

    I finally got my head together; now my body is falling apart.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Have I mentioned lately I love this group. Thank you all for the kudos on me and my grandson. I know we all have our "stories". Addiction is an ugly thing, I think most of us have been touched by it one way or another at some time in our life. So much going on with you ladies, I enjoy reading your posts. Have a good day all. Off to water aerobics class in a bit.
  • KMHilinski
    KMHilinski Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2015
    Margaretturk they ran tests on everything but that! They ruled out gallbladder, heart, lungs etc. Did a flue swab and then came back saying all were negative must be viral!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good Friday Morning to All! :)

    Kat ~ Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    My mom used to boil and mash rutabaga. I liked it but have never cooked it myself.

    My Sis and I spent over 4 hours boxing up stuff in my Mom's bedroom yesterday. That was the only room we got done. The air conditioner didn't seem to be working in that room and we were sweating like pigs. There are two more bedrooms and 4 double closets to go before we can move to the other living areas. I must say that she had/has some beautiful clothes and shoes (some still with tags) and sorry that they will have to be given to a thrift as none of us are her size. I think all of this hoarding stems from the time that she went through during the Depression Era. Her dad died during that time and they had a really difficult time. We only spent a few minutes with her at the nursing home as all she could talk about was wanting to go home. She had packed up some of her things in a pillow case and wanted us to take them to her house. It really makes us feel guilty to be emptying out her house but we cannot afford to just let it sit there empty as it has done for over a year now. Hopefully we will be able to rent it out sometime in the future.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :) Janetr, recovering from an addiction seems to require an admission of hopelessness and a willingness to go to any lengths to achieve recovery....for some it is practicing the 12 Steps of a program and for you it was the surgery and the continued vigilance to a prescribed eating plan. So many people say that they are fed up with their weight but fight all the solutions offered to them and then wonder why they don't recover....congrats to you for recognizing the problem and adhering to the solution.

    :) After some trial and error, I discovered that the eating plan that works for me is to plan my food for the day including the timing and stick to the plan no matter what. In my early days on MFP, I actually posted the whole day's food in the morning or the night before. Now, I have it planned, but don't always post it in the morning (too busy reading all your posts from the night before). I have also added new foods to what I'll eat (walnuts and flax seed, for example) and eliminated foods either because they have not enough nutritional value (recreational sugar, for example) or because I have difficulty being moderate with them (peanut butter, for example).

    <3 Barbie from slightly rainy NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    So much going on in our lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are struggling right now. We are a group of very strong women and please don't forget that. Give when you can and take when you need. <3

    Well looky there it is going to rain AGAIN! I better see when I can fit in a walk this a.m. My husband said we could walk together later (he gets off early on Fridays) but not to wait for him and go ahead and walk this morning. I think he is afraid I will drop the ball on this journey as I have so many times in the past. I appreciate all of his support but his lack of confidence is unsettling even though it may be warranted.

    Have a good one ladies!

    Cheri in wet NE Ohio :)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Kat did they check for tick illnesses? My brother had Rocky Mountain Fever a few years ago and it it made him very sick. I don't know what prompted them to check for that. If you don't improve or relapse that might be a possibility too. In the area I live in Lymes Disease is a major concern. It is also difficult to make that diagnosis. Again hope you recover quickly.

    Number 5. If God wanted me to touch my toes he would have put them on my knees.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    the sun is shinning so nice.... checking in with everyone.

    Good thing I took my breakfast with me on my trip to La Ronge. Didn't eat well and little to no movement - sit for the drive up , sit for the meeting, sit for the 5 hrs back.....So this weekend will repair the damage. Yard work to do, walk my dog... eat properly so the headache goes away!!!

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! I was and remain far behind in reading and posting but things have been a little hectic around me. I started this post yesterday and didn’t get a chance to get it on the board. Work remains crazy. BeautiControl is starting well. I feel good. The SO gave me money to do whatever I wanted with, but it had to be for me personally, and I am having a hard time making a decision of what to do with it. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Janet: Incredible story. LOLOLOL!

    Mia: I think it is wonderful that you figured out why you bought two candy bars and were able to put them away. Yesterday, I went out to lunch with a coworker. I ordered a fresh gyro with roasted lamb meat. When it was delivered it was absolutely smothered in tazaki sauce to the point of pretty much being inedible. The waitress told me that the owners were Greek and always served it that way. She gave me a huge German chocolate brownie as an apology. OMG! Sheesh! In prior days I would have polished that thing off right then and there. Yesterday, I was able to have her put it in a to go box and take it home. I ate ¼ of it last evening and have the rest for the coming days if the SO doesn’t polish it off. It’s not even a thought other than an acknowledgement that my lifestyle is changing.

    Terri: From all that I’ve read about your son, you have done a great job of raising a man with a working filter! We have a blended family of six kids ages 47 to 13. Each of them has had a struggle with weight except the youngest. The two girls have had to work extra hard to get the weight off and keep the weight off and are both very susceptible to emotional eating and not exercising. The 30 year old boy has suffered major heart problems in the past year as well as high blood pressure and gout. At his last hospital stay he left the hospital weighing 400+ pounds. I spent his first couple of hours in his hospital bed calling friends and family asking them to please bring him something to eat. I finally had to address the family and tell them they were killing him each time they brought him food. I also had to acknowledge a couple of things including the fact that I did not promote healthy eating habits nor exercise for myself. Once they decide “they” want to do something about it they seem to accomplish their goals without too much trouble. I am hoping that my new healthy lifestyle serves as an example for each of them. My daughter seems to be proud of me and has pretty much mirrored what I do. She had a lovely time last week getting rid of clothes that were too big. She has gone from a 24W to a 16W with a goal of a 12W.

    Sylvia: I could just imagine the look on your face when the DH came up with the apple! My brain is pretty screwed up when it comes to self-perception too! The SO sent my daughter to shop with me so that she could ensure I was buying the right size instead of the size I wore before I lost any weight. I still have trouble and have to try everything on before I buy it. Then I have to model them for the SO before I remove the tags. He has made me take a couple of things back because they were too big.

    Mom216: You have a great Mom! My Mom is 82 and I have to come home and rest after visiting her for a weekend. It is wonderful!

    Nancy: One of my conscious decisions is truth in food logging. It is hard and sometimes I feel a little down, but it does provide me with motivation for the next day. A day that you exceed your calorie intake is just one day. Do better the next day.

    Allison: I’m celebrating for you! Please remember that you are worth a whole lot and remind others of the fact when they forget!

    Janet: Absolutely love it! “THE SENILITY PRAYER : Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.”

    Jules: I am proud of your restraint of the doughnuts.

    Heather: Lots of hugs for you.

    Grits: I always wanted pretty silver hair too. My mother and grandmothers had beautiful silver/white hair. Unfortunately, my silver is consistently sprinkled all over and just looks yucky. I’ll probably give it another try in a couple of years.

    Heather: I don’t use salt except when I am cooking and need a pinch or two. I never pick-up the salt shaker on the table except when I have raw tomato slices. I love potato chips but have to get the brand with very little salt or they burn my lips a little. My ex-husband developed high blood pressure when we were in our 20s. I stopped using salt to encourage him but he didn’t. Now he has high blood pressure, gout, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney failure. I’m not saying his use of salt caused all of it but it was a contributor. Salt-less food does taste a little different, but if you are using fresh veggies it allows their natural flavors to shine. I really don't miss the salt and prefer not to have it.

    Tere in Richmond VA
    (This was a long long post)