

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Thanks, ladies, for all the info and good wishes!!! It is great to have a place where people understand all the emotions that go along with this crazy numbers game we are in. Get to see the doc and the nutritionist both on Monday--will put our heads together. I still want another go at doing better -- going for a little walk right now to clear my head. Whatever happens I am sticking with the weight loss scheme; getting stubborn about it now!

    I read what you wrote about your cholesterol numbers and remembered the day that my doctor said that my numbers were high. I was very upset. Then he said that he looked at my blood work back when I was much younger and much thinner and the numbers were just as bad. I was so depressed. Then my hubby said, "don't be scared, there are good meds for that". I don't like to take meds but I agreed. I have had no side effects from taking a low dose of statin meds for over ten years. Even now at goal weight, healthy eating, and lots of exercise, my cholesterol would be high without the meds. The only solution for me would have been to be born to different parents.

  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    edited June 2015
    Cholesterol issues are much harder to control if 1) you have a genetic predisposition for bad cholesterol/cardiac issues, or 2) you have a genetic predispostion for liver issues. Have you had your liver enzymes checked? If you have, and they are good, it could be that you just need more time to bring it down by lifestyle changes alone. If you have and they are bad, you may need to see a hepatologist to ensure you do not have Fatty Liver Disease (inherited or caused by bad diet), damage from Hepatitis A (which can go undiagnosed as it causes many of the same symptoms as gastroenteritis or other gastric issues), Adult onset diabetes or pre-diabetes, or other liver diseases. Not trying to scare you, just saying that other things beside heart issues or atherosclerosis can cause elevated cholesterol counts, and sometimes docs who are family practitioners forget about the liver.
    Also, I know you wanted to stay away from medicine, but there is some (and I iterate, SOME) research that Annatto Tocotrienol (tocopherol-free) is a natural supplement that can help lower counts. Just a thought.
    Here is an exerpt from Rockwell Nutrition:
    "Cardiovascular health is an area where tocotrienol-rich preparations have been shown to be more effective than tocopherols. Tocotrienols are potent lipophilic antioxidants and have demonstrated hypocholesterolemic effects, believed to result from reduced oxidation of unsaturated lipids in cell membranes and lipoprotein particles. Tocotrienols may reduce foam cell formation by reducing oxidation of LDL particles and reducing the surface expression of cellular adhesion molecules. Tocotrienols may also have a favorable influence on blood lipids by reducing the translation of HMG-CoA reductase mRNA as well as increasing the degradation of the enzyme post-transcriptionally (this enzyme is the rate-limiting step in the cholesterol synthesis pathway).5 Delta-T3 has been shown to be the most effective tocotrienol fraction in regard to reducing the expression of adhesion molecules involved in atherogenesis in the endothelium.5 Tocotrienols may also aid in the management of hypertension. Animal models have demonstrated improved endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity and reduced systolic blood pressure upon supplementation with gamma-T3.5 "
    Maybe you could ask your doctor if you could try this? I am in no way endorsing it: I don't have high cholesterol. But my brother in law has genetically inherited fatty liver disease and has for years tried diet and exercise to no avail. He swears this helps keep his manageable. AGAIN, I am in NO way endorsing this product, just trying to pass along some advice.
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome,Jen,Trying to get some stuff done today.weather getting warmer again.Was nice to have a few days on the 70`s.
    jane (from IL)

    Thanks Jane, glad to be here :) Feeling motivated by all you nice ladies.
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    My heart is very heavy today for the people of my fair state that lost loved ones in the senseless attack last night in Charleston. Really, for all of us. Tensions are high, ulterior motives on all sides abound, and many of us are still reeling from such a seemingly cold and ruthless act.
    Our shooter has been found, it has been labeled a hate crime, and I have faith that justice will prevail. I believe he should be punished for his crime by his life being taken, but I pray he find forgiveness from my Father before he is put to death.
    My prayers now are towards easing the pain of the ones left behind, and towards keeping our beloved state free of the violence that we have seen erupt elsewhere in the midst of the chaos that ensues when such things happen.
    Evil beset our fair city, and I pray that the citizens of my state will unite, not drift apart divided by prejudice, fear or hatred, and work through our grief TOGETHER.

    I’ve a busy evening and tomorrow planned, and probably will not be able to keep up all y’all, but I hope everyone stays on track, resists temptation, gets a little exercise and stays hydrated. Carry on!
    Jules from the great state of SC
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    This morning I took a picture of today's snack veggies before I cut them up. Just thought I'd share the feast.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Jules - Hugs and Prayers !
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yuck, we are back to hot and humid; yesterday was such a gift, 80's with a breeze. Took Gemmie to the dog park in the evening for over an hour and she ran and ran.......and made besties with a gorgeous fluffy keeshond. She's been on the couch all day; she really needed all that exercise. Long phone calls to friends and elderly family have taken most of my time today, but great to get news and caught up.

    Made a delicious dish off BBC Good Food site for lunch, a super fritata, ate one third of my version and was very full.

    We lived in Charleston, S.C. three years and I loved it and would have stayed forever.........I feel sooooo bad for them. It is truly just the very nicest place.

    ChrisMA........WTG!!!! I'm so proud of you for the Ct5K; please keep us posted on your progress, good luck.

    Heather........I agree with Katla.........write for yourself for now and decide later who, if anyone, sees it. I have boxes from my mom's that I just can't go through yet, I do this stuff so slowly, it just takes me time to process and absorb the memories either good or bad........it's ALL emotionally exhausting.

    poop......The car......how terrifying!!!! I'm so glad you didn't run into it. I'd honestly get to an eye dr. quickly. My L. is my bad eye but my R is almost perfect. They work together pretty well. Thought about surgery on the L. off and on but for now decided I like the world with softer edges.

    CarolNC......Wow, I sure hear you on your feelings regarding the impending surgery. Went through a bit of that with the skin cancer a couple months ago.........don't let this get you off track.

    Katla........I see no problem telling neighbors; you might make someone very happy!

    Jen.......Welcome. I am so sorry for your loss; can't imagine your pain.

    Rori.......Your life makes me tired just reading about it.

    Mia........I had heard of ghrelin; your info was informative and interesting.

    Cynthia........Glad you were feeling well enough to make it to the gym!

    Bkrimpt........Remember; no dr. can MAKE you take any meds........if you want to fiddle with your diet further, do so.

    Terri.........Amazing, just amazing scores!!!!!

    Got to run,

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @lagopus Great snack and after you cut them up even better; makes them seem like they are going a long way. I don't think I could even eat that much. Good for you!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    MNMargaret - First one: Funny I don't remember being absent minded...

    I love this, too cute!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    @lagopus whats the white veg at the back? I can tell the rest. The picture makes me think of soup lol. I cook my veg and make soups for the week as my snack. I drink the veg water so have all minerals and vitamins. I must be doing something right, I started to drool over veg and havent thought sweet thoughts in ages.
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    I found the senility prayer in my mom's stuff.
    :heart: MNMargaret

    I love the serenity prayer, Margaret. I thought you were making a joke when you said "senility".
    No disrespect, but I had to chuckle. prayer-smiley-emoticon.png

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I started logging my bike trips on this other site (in addition to my usual tracking of the actual rides everyday) and was curious as to how many miles I've ridden so far this month. pretty interesting:
    I have saved $92.73
    saved 12.27 gallons
    saved CO2emissions 246.35 pounds
    22 trips
    204.10 miles

    That's amazing to see in black in white, besides all the benefits to your trim little body you're saving lots of money and the environment. Good job.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My heart is very heavy today for the people of my fair state that lost loved ones in the senseless attack last night in Charleston. Really, for all of us. Tensions are high, ulterior motives on all sides abound, and many of us are still reeling from such a seemingly cold and ruthless act.
    Our shooter has been found, it has been labeled a hate crime, and I have faith that justice will prevail. I believe he should be punished for his crime by his life being taken, but I pray he find forgiveness from my Father before he is put to death.
    My prayers now are towards easing the pain of the ones left behind, and towards keeping our beloved state free of the violence that we have seen erupt elsewhere in the midst of the chaos that ensues when such things happen.
    Evil beset our fair city, and I pray that the citizens of my state will unite, not drift apart divided by prejudice, fear or hatred, and work through our grief TOGETHER.

    I’ve a busy evening and tomorrow planned, and probably will not be able to keep up all y’all, but I hope everyone stays on track, resists temptation, gets a little exercise and stays hydrated. Carry on!
    Jules from the great state of SC

    I agree it was a horrendous act of evil. Bad thing is whether they put him to death or not it will cost the taxpayers through the nose to keep him in prison or on 'death row'. I also agree that it is definitely a 'hate' crime. I pray for those people of Charleston (that have been left to grieve the loss of their family members) and pray for those who live in Charleston who were not involved in any way. When something like this happens the entire community is damaged. This should not be; but, we have an entire generation (maybe even 1 before) that don't have any regard for others; and we will be raising another one, and probably another one if we don't pull together somehow and end it. Sorry, but, I don't believe in 'gun control' - only 'criminals' will have them, then. I was troubled by Obama suggesting the 'military' should possibly be called in. He should not really get involved in local or State matters - that is up to the mayor and/or the governor of SC to decide. Not a quote; just the essence of what he said on TV last night. If the shooter is convicted and sentenced to death watch for hungry lawyers to follow; like they could even win something. Was the shooter white or black? It just fuels hatred among races. That is sad, and I even worked for an attorney. There is a huge difference between 'lawyers' and 'attorneys'. I sometimes think that those in our Federal government only make things worse (especially now that we have Presidential politics that has already started and being talked about. This will only be 'fodder' for them to 'twist and spin' things.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    This morning I took a picture of today's snack veggies before I cut them up. Just thought I'd share the feast.

    Looks like a load for my juicer! :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My heart is very heavy today for the people of my fair state that lost loved ones in the senseless attack last night in Charleston. Really, for all of us. Tensions are high, ulterior motives on all sides abound, and many of us are still reeling from such a seemingly cold and ruthless act.
    Our shooter has been found, it has been labeled a hate crime, and I have faith that justice will prevail. I believe he should be punished for his crime by his life being taken, but I pray he find forgiveness from my Father before he is put to death.
    My prayers now are towards easing the pain of the ones left behind, and towards keeping our beloved state free of the violence that we have seen erupt elsewhere in the midst of the chaos that ensues when such things happen.
    Evil beset our fair city, and I pray that the citizens of my state will unite, not drift apart divided by prejudice, fear or hatred, and work through our grief TOGETHER.

    I’ve a busy evening and tomorrow planned, and probably will not be able to keep up all y’all, but I hope everyone stays on track, resists temptation, gets a little exercise and stays hydrated. Carry on!
    Jules from the great state of SC

    My thots and prayers are with all of the families of victims and the citizens of Charleston. So very tragic and senseless.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    I even made a blackberry cobbler last night and only at a limit of 2/3rd cup. And I still stayed under my caloric intake number. Husband picked them, I don't want to run into a snake.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    afternoon kiddo's~
    very tired today.. got up and the contractor came at 8 am, then went strawberry picking and to my friend Carin's and made 25 more jars of jam, my dad called and said his dog is about to go over the rainbow bridge, so i went and spent an hour or 2 there, petted him and spent time with him.. my dad will let him go on his own, he doesn't want to take him to the vet and put him down so he will let him go on his own, he isn't in any pain he is just old, he is a yellow lab/chow mix, and he is almost 15 yrs old..
    the kitchen is just chaos right now.. there is water leaking out of pipes and we have buckets under them...
    so I am pooped. working 8 am until 5...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I know what the "quote" means and does . . . what does the "flag" mean?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    lagopus - yumbo - except for that red thing in the upper right corner

    jules - so sorry

    my eye is starting to hurt AND randomly tear upagain, I look like I've been crying, (well I kinda have) or somebody punched my left eye, it's swollen from tearing up... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA